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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Re: Boy And Slyone

    when he gets older, it's more girls girls girls :P no, back to the topic, I think Tyrone picked the right choice here.
  2. WhiteFang

    Df 10 Neck

    DF is not like DR, DF and DR both are used for defending from attacks. nor DF or DR adds DEX AT ALL ! It's the other way around, your natural DF = DEX * 2 only dex angels add dex. the second one, well, sometimes it's better to take weaker armor (DF wise) with PA or MA on it. for example, I got my DK set, mages hit me 100+, cuz it has no MA at all... but it has alot of DF... but doesn't help me. so in this case MA is better, I got an MA 78% set, so this is better then my DK set. another example, I got my DK set, wars hit me some nice damage when I equip my DK, they don't hit often cuz the DF of DK set is high. On the other had I also have a PA set 72%. If I equip this set, I get hit more often, but the damage is very low as 72% of the damage is absorbed by my armor. so moslty wars hit me -1pts when I got my PA on :D (NOTE: this only applies if PA is stackable !)
  3. WhiteFang

    Vista Problems

    jaapy, remember, i'm here too, my skills might not be as awesome as yours, but I could give you a hand if you like, DX stuffz sound interesting to me.
  4. WhiteFang

    Server Files Changed.

    last night (my time) aresden was/is bugged out. and farm had high count, but didn't check if bugged or not.
  5. WhiteFang

    Vista Problems

    no, DX9 doesn't slow it down. It's vista that has a problem on the angels (due to bad korean coding?) which slows them down, decreasing the hardware acelleration would fix it, but vista disables this ability which makes it un-fixable unless you run virtual machines etc
  6. WhiteFang

    Winter Scavenger Hunt- Win A Gm!

    I gonna participate myself :D this looks nice ! Hopefully we fixed spawn bug by then for addition of apo drops again :D
  7. WhiteFang

    Df 10 Neck

    a DF necklace helps you to defend yourself against an attack. the more DF you have, the more chance you have to avoid/dodge an attack. Though not always the avoiding/dodging of attacks is good. in some cases it's better to take an item with less DF (defence) and more Absorbtion (Physical/Magical). anyway, the necklaces can also be upgraded to DF15, DF20, DF25, DF30. on the other hand a Necklace Of Stone-Golem gives 25 Defense (= DF 25) and a Necklace Of Merien gives 50 Defence (=DF 50)
  8. we didn't jaapy. I asked farjat for it, and he said it wouldn't be a good idea. idk if he changed mind, but I asked for it some time ago. Personally i'd like to see them chugable, well for super pots, not candy's. and mostly in order from low to high healing. but thats my personal opinion and doesn't matter much.
  9. WhiteFang

    Create New Arena

    the "not being able to see others their name or guild" is an internal server setting, it doesn't involve any specific map change or addition, just a piece of code that needs to be added
  10. WhiteFang

    Guild Pvp Event

    the guild PvP itself was won by We Got Crabz. the indevidual PvP for LB/DExe/MS30/MFS was won by Ganksta. For guild PvP rules were applied, for indevidual PvP hunter changed rules, well he said NO rules at all xD Ganksta won and he picked the Lightning Blade as price. Gratz to We Got Crabz and Ganksta :)
  11. WhiteFang

    Dammage Settings

    NO, nemesis never had it, prolly will never have it... Strength does not affect the amount of damage you deal. it only affects the amount of damage dealt when using your hands (str / 12) on the other hand... DEX increases your HP (hitting proability). how does it do it? your HP increases by DEX - 50 if your dex is higher than 50. so 200 dex = 150 HP (200 - 50) I'd like to add a correction onto this ! the dex bonus is correct. but after looking up the source, there DO is a strength bonus ! (according to HB USA sources -> idk sure if it's true for nemesis !) what it goes like is this: you gain 2% damage for every 10 strength. so a 200 str deals 40% more damage (200 / 5 = 40 -> 200 / 10 * 2 = 40) this applies on almost all weapons. Exceptions are BOWS ! instead of a strangth bonus for a bow, you gain a bonus from Charmisma ! the bonus works the same way as it works for strangth. Also bows gain an additional damage bonus between 1 and STR / 20 -> max of 10 damage bonus for a 200 strength bower. (additional damage is randomly added, it's NOT always STR / 20)
  12. WhiteFang

    Dammage Settings

    NO, nemesis never had it, prolly will never have it... Strength does not affect the amount of damage you deal. it only affects the amount of damage dealt when using your hands (str / 12) on the other hand... DEX increases your HP (hitting proability). how does it do it? your HP increases by DEX - 50 if your dex is higher than 50. so 200 dex = 150 HP (200 - 50)
  13. WhiteFang

    Dammage Settings

    a DM3 adds 3 damage at any case. if you're zerked or not, it doesn't matter, +3 needs to stay +3. it's not if you're zerked that your nacklace becomes +6 just cuz you're zerked. I think the way it is, it's fine and well working. a DM+3 neck must stay DM+3 and be independant of the fact that you're zerked or not.
  14. WhiteFang

    Server Cleanup

    We are holding a BIG server cleanup with a new tool I developed. We have found strange ek's during July and August 2008, there are 100+ people involved to this. The most obvious laming has been punished with bans. Other cases will be investigated and eventually more punishments will fall. We are here to keep it all CLEAN, if you lame, you'll be caught, maybe not right away, but we'll catch you for SURE ! - play fair is the best way to do it. here is the list of people who are permanently banned for EK laming: JULY 2008 Hybrid preview jaaro magicW mila j-23 Kaluisu feduglam DJ Afk Ravine AUGUST 2008 ~156'Str~ ~Bala~ (already banned form Esportacus laming case) MrMidget Kashmir P4ssive Kashmir C!nD! 103frames ZajebMaga Hellxel Sorcerer! ku3k SoPoH [W]ach0 Tego panchoo omIt esKabioo lindo depooopse war180 floger johan writtttten whitieBoy sheedow HelpFromU Harald secondONE raally lindoman DonNie DarkKing crazygiirl emotions Raal bigbang charl3s SoPoH PiserHot
  15. WhiteFang

    Server Cleanup

    I checked her up to 4 months back, and only 2 su*censored*ious log lines popped in my eye... 1. j3j3 killed her and they had same IP range 2. Endoriana killed shoe 3 times after eachother that kinda proves no laming is involved here, all ek's are legally obtained.
  16. WhiteFang

    Server Cleanup

    I have a lvl 113 in RuneScape, my members ran out but I have bandos chesplate ! rofl anyway, thanks for the compliments :) I just do the job, and I try to do it good, and till now with success. Soon logs will pass trough of September, October and later on also June, May, Avril, March, February, Januari and maybe even before that month. NOBODY will escape my eye
  17. WhiteFang

    Server Cleanup

    could be that those arn't their mains... and yeah, it are alot already... 51 to be exact. and prolly more will follow.
  18. WhiteFang

    Server Cleanup

    we perm ban them, they can claim amnesty. -> most info about amnesty @ amnesty topic (pinned in general talk).
  19. WhiteFang

    Happy Birthday Farjat

    happy b-day !!!!
  20. WhiteFang

    The Mob Bug Back!

    shit +2 I thought we fixed it with the crops fix...
  21. WhiteFang

    Monster Bug Fixed

    Dear Players, We fixed the monster respawning bug. This bug mostly appeared in Aresden town. The bug was caused by a bad removal of crops. We fixed the Crops removal which will also fix the respawning bug in towns and farms. In addition we lowered the maximum amount of monsters in town from 600 to 400. Also the recall pads get 3 guards instead of 2 guards. Have fun playing, White[GM]
  22. WhiteFang

    Auto Updater

    thats kinda bad giggles... I don't use the updater as it doesn't support skins & big items yet.
  23. WhiteFang

    Does Hand Attack Skill Increase Weapons Damage?

    most people belive it, but it doesn't. your hand attack % contrubutes to when you attack with your hands and nothing more.
  24. WhiteFang

    Does Hand Attack Skill Increase Weapons Damage?

    it's no true. hand attack doesn't increase weapon damage. your skill % only increases your hit probability, not the amount of damage you deal.
  25. WhiteFang

    Events For Week Of Nov 17th

    get another GM to make events who lives in a diff timezone for those people there? (just a suggestion)