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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Bans Of January 2009

    lightgreen has been banned for 21 lame EK's during January 2009. He EK'ed 21 times the character nextstep using the SAME IP !!! that proves 100% that it IS laming !
  2. WhiteFang


    BBH and DK must of been rare... thats my opinion atleast... anyway, manu is indeed THE hardest skill, currently most appruchiated by PL raiders, too bad nobody wants to pay the price for it cuz I got access to Giggles to help her selling manued items.
  3. WhiteFang

    How Do U Make The Big Word Critical?

    the max normal dmg on a bbh with a 180 char on a ww for example, is 43, not 32 max lvl is 180, not 200 u can also get bonus damage for example when some one is casting The casting bonus... not sure of it, but I don't think so MJ. You indeed get a certain increase of damage with a higher level, also strength depends on it. If a weapon has a damage of 2D10+5 the minimum damage is 7 (2 + 5 = 7) and the maimum is 25 (2 * 10 = 20 + 5 = 25). If your strength is 200, you gain 40% damage bonus. -> 40% of 25 = 10 (25 / 100 = 0,25 * 40 = 10) so max damage already increases to 35 (25 + 10 = 35). (You gain 2% bonus every 10 strength, or rather STR / 5 makes your bonus expressed in % IF YOU USE A CRIT HIT = HOLT ALT DOWN TO HIT You gain a bonus of LVL / 100, let's say you're 180. so max hit becomes 63 (1,8 * 35 = 63). Then let's say this weapo nwould be a hammer, you gain 20% damage bonus, so your max damage would be 76 (63 / 100 = 0,63 * 20 = 12,6 -> rounded makes 13, so 63 + 13 = 76). Then if you have DM5 and ROD (=DM5) you gain +10 damage, so max damage is 86 (76 + 10 = 86) ELSE IF NOT USING CRIT HIT = REGULAR SWING If you're zerked, your gain damage * 2, so your max damage is 70 (35 * 2 = 70) Then if you have DM5 and ROD (=DM5) you gain +10 damage, so max damage is 80 (70 + 10 = 80) END IF The damage of a BBH is different and can be seen in the shop, make your own calculation to figure it out ;)
  4. WhiteFang

    Who's Your Favorite Gm Of 2008

    sorry that I forgot you Jing, you're new and I havn't been hanging around with you much, but from what I know about you as player, I jsut had no works for it in my post... you're way too awesome :P no well, i'l lbe honest, I just forgot you, sorry xD
  5. WhiteFang

    Pa Set?

    PA is set back to what it SHOULD be, NOT stacking. Those with enough knowledge of HB will be able to make a nice build with PA sets which would make them still a hard kill. And all those who think "oh this sucks, pa not stacking, boooo"... well, I have to say, it sucks for you because you don't know how to use PA properly... if you played older or other HB servers (like int or usa) you'd know PA doesn't stack at all. And as smellz tells, mshield wand and (tower) shields do alot, they can make the difference.
  6. WhiteFang

    Best Helbreath Drop You Ever Got

    I never had this GOOD drop, the best that ever dropped to me was an HP 49 chain W from Ice-Golem while I was in aprty with my friend. We slapped some more items together and bought IP neck with it. And we don't even have the IP neck anymore. My dream drop would be an IE neck from HC/Frost, Mer shield from HC/SG/CG, X weapon from TW, SB from frost/nizzie, Med neck from Snake/Zombie.
  7. WhiteFang

    Who's Your Favorite Gm Of 2008

    thx for those who vote for me :D I vote for the entire staff ! farjat - does a great job in managing the server. jaapy - awesome coding skills, my big example :D <<-- Back MANY years ago jaapy learned me how to code ! hunter - awesome guy who takes care of many things like events and the community. sexy & scat - nice job in putting it all together. MJ - a good GM, always having fun with him Squall - a great guy who helps to take care of the communicty and does a good job in log researches prety often Colo - well... he's awesome I bet, but I don't have much contact on him. last but not least, Santa[GM] is the most lovely of all :D Santa[GM] always makes me smile when I see her :) I just love the entire staff :)
  8. WhiteFang

    Santa Suites

    Santa Suite's are here again in nemesis ! They are enabled to buy, but you can't see them in the shop? If you run the auto updater you should be able to see them. If you ran it, and they don't appear... then here is the solution how to do it yourself: Make sure your nemesis client is closed. Go to the folder where you installed Nemesis. In there is a folder named "CONTENTS" Open this folder, within it you will find "content1" or "content1.txt" Open this file, and find at the bottom of the file the santa suites. In front of them is a ; (dot-comma), remove it, save the file, close the file. Now start your nemesis client. Have fun with the suites !
  9. WhiteFang

    Big Item Pac

    the auto updater should have big item checkbox included. if not, delete "item-ground.pak" make a copy of "item-pack.pak" and rename it to "item-ground.pak"
  10. WhiteFang

    Santa[gm] Christmas Wish List

    dear santa[GM], My brother wishes you and everyone else a merry x-mas. he hs no forum account but wants to make a wish too and I said i'd add the wish for him. My brother wishes for a Berserk Wand (MS 20). His character name is BladeKing. If santa doesn't want brothers and sisters to make a wish or if santa wants the mto post the wish themselfs, I can agree, if not, my brother will be so happy if he would be added to the list :)
  11. WhiteFang

    Santa[gm] Christmas Wish List

    Last added to White's statistics list: Ghostly Currently on the list are: http://users.pandora.be/HBDarkness/nemesis..._2008_16_32.pdf [EDIT] maybe some statistics would be interesting... here is the top 15 wished items: 1 Ice Elemental Necklace 24 (51.06%) 2 Storm Bringer 20 (42.55%) 3 Berserk Wand (MS 20) 11 (23.4%) 4 Cancel Manual 10 (21.28%) 5 Abaddon Ring 7 (14.89%) 6 Giant Battle Hammer 6 (12.77%) 7 Excalibur 6 (12.77%) 8 Inhibition Casting Manual 5 (10.64%) 9 Kloness Wand (MS 20) 5 (10.64%) 10 Earth Shock Wave Manual 5 (10.64%) 11 The Devastator 4 (8.51%) 12 Demon Slayer 3 (6.38%) 13 Ancient Battle Hammer HP 91 3 (6.38%) 14 Kloness Axe 2 (4.26%) 15 HP 84% Cic 5% Cape 2 (4.26%) This is funny, 51% of the people wish IE neck... so there is 51% chance someone ends up with an IE neck they wished for :P
  12. WhiteFang

    Millie Lammer Ek? Lol

    this has been verified, no lame ek's found. it's a bug in jaapy's top-ek-list-page. -CLOSED-
  13. WhiteFang

    Aresden Map Down

    Indeed, currently it appears to be the Aresden map is Offline. The reason it yet unknown to me, i'm trying to get a hold of one of the admins to verify this.
  14. WhiteFang

    Santa[gm] Christmas Wish List

    Last one added: Suicide Those not on the list asked either insane items or unreasonable things. Those who asked multiple items I only added their first one, only 1 item can be wished for. Those who are on the list and made a "wrong" wish or wanne change wish, that's impossible, you can only wish ONCE. Also some posts are edited and commented by me, take a look at your post if you're not on the list and you'll know why. The list: http://users.pandora.be/HBDarkness/nemesis..._2008_00_09.pdf
  15. WhiteFang


    Yes I camp pits, yes I kill plays in SG pit... But I also have the balls to fight 180's, I've beaten more 180's than 140- I think it's ok the way it is, those who lame ek's WILL be caught.
  16. WhiteFang

    Translate Pls

    I edited the post and added the Dutch translation.
  17. WhiteFang

    Santa[gm] Christmas Wish List

    Last added in my wish list database: TheDude (Achaean) @Santa[GM]: I made a database with all wishes. Also i'll verify IP's and char names, accounts etc to help you out :) [EDIT] White's Current Wish list in PDF format: http://users.pandora.be/HBDarkness/nemesis..._2008_10_05.pdf
  18. WhiteFang

    Santa[gm] Christmas Wish List

    Dear Santa[GM], I wish, I wish Santa would bring me an String Ice Elemental Necklace MA 45% (stat 8625920) :P I'd also be happy with a normal Necklace Of Ice Elemental :) The best wishes for Santa[GM], WhiteFang
  19. WhiteFang

    Brother's In Blood For The Win

    If I was allowed to choose, I would pick Infernia B maps. There you can kill us 3 fire wyv... and the rest we can clear out demons and barlogs... but ONLY IF BARLOGS DROP THEIR APO DROPS !!!! NOTE: This is my personal idea, this is NOT 100% sure we'll pick this, we're going to discuss it within the guild and the participants.
  20. WhiteFang

    Brother's In Blood For The Win

    that's nice, tad you fell asleep...
  21. WhiteFang

    Brother's In Blood For The Win

    I'm a master in collecting all stackable and unique body parts. Giggles can do the Manu'ing (100% manufacturing !!!) She also has alot fish, alch items and farming items. Also ShaGGnuT got a 100% fisher so that helped too. We got Nerch in the guild who has 90%+ Alchemy !! (Soon Sex potz !) Also got plenty of other people who have rare body parts and others items from the list. They did an awesome job, I just did the finishing touch of dilivering the final 4 Salmon and the Ultra Coal + the SS posted here. It was really great teamwork of them, I didn't do much in it, but they did AWESOMELY GOOD !
  22. WhiteFang

    Brother's In Blood For The Win

    does this prove it? rainbow colors are: Red Orange Green Blue Indigo Violet there are 2 violets and a bright yellow one I know, those don't belong to the rainbow, but make it look better... if needed we can add pink and crimson too... :P Brother's in blood did a great job here.
  23. WhiteFang

    Question about angels

    Angels are used to increase your stats. There are 4 types, Strength, Dexerity, Magic and Intelligence angels. The maximum level of an angel is +10, which increases your stats by 10, depending on the type of angel. e.g. a str +10 angel increases your strength with 10 stats. Angels can be obtained at the Command Hall Officer. They require 10 majetic points to obtain. Angels can be dropped if you die, they are unbound and therefore drop and also be traded. Upgrading (leveling) your angel also requires majestic points. Angels can be equiped at any level by any player. Majestic points are obtained once you reach level 180, if you earn more experience after lvl 180, you'll gain a majestic instead of a level. The drop down of FTP has to do wih the Hardware Accelleration of Windows. In windows XP you can fix this by reducing the accelleration level. In windows Vista you can't fix this currently.
  24. WhiteFang

    Winter Scavenger Hunt- Win A Gm!

    Posted in name of the Brother's In Blood Guild, Collected items located on Lucky1, char can be accessed by HellBeast/SoulLeSS. here is the SS of all the items:
  25. WhiteFang

    Whichs Better Dk Or Plate Dr?

    the DK plate is better in endurance and will strip less. DR plate is better in defence, but has less endurance and will strip quicker. I'd say, use the DR plate if you got an entire DR set which over-rules DK ALOT. it still has less endruance, but the strip chance will be slim to none as you can dodge it often. DR would be good PvM in this case I think... PvP i'd say DK is slightly better (less strip).