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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    New Client Are Bugged

    Should be fixed now.
  2. WhiteFang

    Game Update 23/02/2014

    We've made some minor tweaks and bugfixes as following: - Fixed: Issue with corrupted items - short overflow - Fixed: Global Chat coming from a different game server could still be read by the opposing nation during crusade - Fixed: A bug in Guild Warehouse Deposit and Logs - Fixed: Twins have their angels restored accordingly. - Fixed: Taming a high level monster (100%+ taming requirement) with multiple low-level tamers didn't work correctly. - Fixed: Portal Colors didn't appear correctly and looked very ugly, they've now been corrected to display the correct colors. - Fixed: Alchemy items are now assigned appropriate IDs so they can be sold on the AH and put in the Web WH. - Fixed: Bug in the taming formula for Ranked mobs below 50%. - Fixed: Display bug in Summon Event dialog. [Edit] - Fixed: Client crash upon dragging and releasing items when the bag is in the bottom-right corner - Fixed: Visual "Enemy" display issue (incorrectly implemented feature from pvp tournaments) [edit 03/03/2014] - Fixed: Equip bug with Inventory [edit2 @ 03/03/2014] - Fixed: Additional dialog issues that occurred from the previous fix. [edit3 @ 04/03/2014] - Fixed: Button clicking issue in shops and other dialogs.
  3. WhiteFang

    Game Update 23/02/2014

    Fixed the button issue.
  4. WhiteFang

    Game Update 23/02/2014

    Added another new client, resolving bugs caused by the last one.
  5. WhiteFang

    New Client Are Bugged

    Thanks for reporting the issues. I've looked into them and released a new client. Please report here or in a new topic or ticket if there are any more remaining issues.
  6. WhiteFang

    Players Coming And Going

    Bound gold is not a solution, as technically once you have 1 bound gold, any gold picked up afterwards is also bound. It is only unbound if you have no more gold in your bag, pickup a normal pile of gold, and any gold taken afterwards in unbound. Even with bound gold, you can still deposit in the bank, pickup 1 normal gold, withdraw your bound gold and it'll automatically become unbound. And I agree on the lucky tickets, people will make accounts and chars just to purchase them, given that ANY item can drop from those tickets. Lowering prices for spells and certain shop items has the same effect as increasing gold drops, the rate of gold is low to give gold its value and slow inflation down significantly. A pit of junk... I've seen so many pits with junk and body parts around, those body parts sell for good money. Also fishing is a good money maker, and mining as well.
  7. WhiteFang

    Game Update 23/02/2014

    A new client has been released to resolve the inventory issues.
  8. WhiteFang

    Enable Bug

    The inventory bug should be resolved, a new client was released.
  9. WhiteFang

    Algunos Detalles

    If you take like a cyc quest and complete it, and take all their drops to sell in the shop and get the gold reward from the quest, you should be able to afford repairing DK sets easily. The issue is that people don't pick the drops at all and try to live from quest rewards. It's the equivalent of doing a job but refusing your bonus at the end of the year... xD
  10. WhiteFang

    Players Coming And Going

    Increasing gold drop rate would devaluate gold globally, which is bad for everyone as people will stop selling zems and stones for gold. Secondly if would like to say that gold isn't that hard to obtain if you go to a pit a pick the junk and sell it to the shop.
  11. WhiteFang

    Enable Bug

    We're looking into this issue. Although this solution is untested, moving the bag away from the bottom-right corner is a temporary solution I believe.
  12. WhiteFang


    Teleports are gold sinks. They're there to ensure gold does not inflate at a too high rate. Making tps free will have the effect of increased inflation, which is bad as gold has a decent value right now.
  13. WhiteFang

    Game Update 23/02/2014

    In theory you have that already. If you tame a demon and go kill skeletons, you can kill a skeleton, your demon can kill one, thus you kill 2 skeletons in the same amount of time you'd kill one on your own, thus you have double drop chances ;) Even if the demon would assist killing your skell, you'd kill it twice as fast because the demon deals damage as well, thus in the same time you'd kill one skel on your own, you and your demon could kill two skells, thus yet again double drop chance ;)
  14. WhiteFang

    Instant Level 180 Added.

    @javote: the thing that "get more people" IS fruit stuff... which we (the admins) don't care for in nemesis, we don't like helbreath banana, there are 100ths of hb bananas out there. easy things = fruit server. Nemesis innovates and added many new things in the past and will continue doing so, that is our way of changing, by adding new stuff. Not by adding bananas, apples and oranges to the game. If you spend 5 minutes on 1 majestic, then everyone has DK15 in 1 hour of playing, then what is the point of having DK15? there wouldn't be a point to having it as everyone has it, so it becomes obsolete. As everyone has it, we could perhaps at that point delete the ability to upgrade DK weapons and automatically make them have the stats of DK15 items. Right now with effort required to obtain a majestic, the DK15 is special and sets you apart from others who don't have it. It gives you that little bit of advantage you could use in a fight, which feels great as you've put so much effort into it to have it. If everyone has it, then there is no advantage, no incentive, doesn't set you apart and doesn't feel great, it would make you feel empty and you'll be bored because it came instantly available to you, so you have no goal to play for, no incentive to play at all simply because you have nothing to play for.
  15. WhiteFang

    Instant Level 180 Added.

    Exp rate in neme 3 is EXACTLY same as neme 2... no complains in neme 2... why complain now? cuz suddenly you need to work to get something? I rather get the feeling that people are very lazy and don't want to put any effort into anything, but expect to have everything handed to them. To then complain that there is no reason to hunt because everyone has every item handed to them.
  16. WhiteFang

    Crusade Daily And Mlm Tp Available Always

    Regarding safe/private hunting, as I said in the earlier post, it would not just be a map permanently available to go and hide away from raiders. The base idea is that every 4 hours you get a 10 minute window to enter this "hunt map". But to enter it, you need a special key, each of your party members who wish to join the same map needs such key. Yet to obtain a key you must go out in the normal maps where you can possibly be killed by raiders and kill monsters to find such keys as drops. Thus to play safe, you first need to risk your life.
  17. WhiteFang

    Crusade Daily And Mlm Tp Available Always

    At this point gms don't even have time to host intensive events once a month. Jings scav is being delayed due to his busy personal life. Pvp events aren't made because gms are very busy with personal stuff. If you really want pvp events daily, then atleast show up during the beta tests I do. The system that holds fully automated tournaments is like 95% done but due to the lack of people to test it, the last 5% takes ages to complete.
  18. WhiteFang

    Crusade Daily And Mlm Tp Available Always

    I would vote yes for heldenian, but no for crusade. Yes for heldenian simply because we used to have 2 (2nd one on wednesday) to allow asians/malaysians/etc... to join in the heldenian at a more suitable time for them. Bringing this back shouldn't be a big issue. No for crusade simply because of my personal no easy-ek policy where everything that leans towards making eks free and without concequences. Having a daily sade only benefits the ekers and makes eks too easy to obtain for the side that has the most people on during the sade time. It would also devaluate the benefits gained from a crusade (additional teleports, huge xp and contri reward). It would also devaluate crusades themself over time where people would stop playing the sade and just go for EK'ing. From the point of view you're suggesting this, it solidly looks like "give us more free eks" as you rather like the sade for ek'ing than actually playing the event itself. I also like to mentioned that zems arn't hard to obtain, given that there are 10.5k zems in the game, and their drop rate is at a decent level from normal mobs. Also zems can be easily purchased from people who have loads of them, I've seen prices of around 400k for m and x stones, so zems could easily be sold around the same price or lower/higher as the players desire. Getting gold isn't that hard either, clean a pit, pick some junk and sell it to the shop will get you going. I mainly see the reason you want sade for no zem drops is because people are too lazy to hunt for a zem or too lazy to get gold and buy a zem. @alka: There are 3 sades during the week, each at different times, aimed so you can atleast attend one crusade a week, and usually with some flexibility you can attend 2, where 3 is unlikely as the third sade usually doesn't fit your timezone. I also like to reflect a bit on raid times as they were mentioned in other topics as well. At this point you get instant 180, but you're still without items (even if the corrupted sets get added, after X days you're still without items). So you need to go out and hunt for them at some point. Changing raid times to perma raid all week long will make hunting very hard as there wouldn't be a place you can safely hunt during the week, thus making it very hard to obtain items, and in certain extent that'll "scare away" the new guys (as they hit 180, but have no place to hunt for good items, they just leave cuz they can't keep up against the raiders - even with a X days corrupted set, they only hold up for the X days, spending the majority of time fending off the raiders rather than hunting for items so after the X days they'd still not have anything of their own to play with) So I believe keeping raid times as-is for now is a good path to follow as it gives opporunities to the fresh players to gear up (hunt for items) during the week while raiding is off in the hunt zones. We eventually might introduce perma raid time if a later feature that is scheduled comes into effect. This feature brings sort of "private/safe hunting" in an enjoyable and fun way (NOT just a map that's permanently accessable but can't be raided). More details regarding this feature will come soon, depending on the requests of the community we'll bump up certain features to the front of the pipeline, yet I'd like to see tournaments finished off before diving into this new thing (which brings PvE content)
  19. WhiteFang

    Fishing Coloured Bubbles

    There is a small difference between them already... there are actual fish swimming when it's a fish, and there are just bubbles when it's an item.
  20. I've been talking in the GM chat for the past month about the PvP tournament Beta... Some of you may think it'll never come, but I'd like to give you a heads up, it's about to arrive! In this second heads up I like to talk specifically about the Beta and why we're doing this and what to expect from it. The beta will be used to test the tournament system in numerous ways. We will attempt to host as many different type of pvp tournaments as possible. With a the tournament system having so many unique options on its own there will be a lot of areas to test. The purpose of the beta players is to detect and find bugs in this tournament system (and report them !). It'll also serve as a quality assurance test to make sure that the correct choices were made during development and to ensure the quality of the content is as expected. Players who participate are also encouraged to give constructive criticism on the feature, if something is disliked I'd like to hear it but also like to hear a counter proposal to resolve the issue or to improve it. As with the first heads up I will try to answer most commonly asked questions below: Q: Who can participate in this beta? A: Everyone! Q: What do I need to participate? A: You require the Beta Client, from the auto updater go to "Options" and choose "BETA: PvP Tournaments" option from the server list. (Everything is identical in files except the client) Q: How do I get to the beta? A: Go to bleeding island coordinated 100, 100 (must be EXACT !!) and use the "/betatp" command to be teleported to the battle realm (beta map) Q: Why should I participate? A: Good point! why? Simple, you get the privilege to be the first to test and play the latest content! (As with the Nemesis 3 Beta there will be special items handed out for all active participants - Likely there will also be a tournament made for beta players only with some nice items as rewards to win) Q: I can't log to my character when using the beta client, please help! A: The beta client only allows access to a limited number of maps: Bleeding Island, Battle Realm and Arena. - When an attempt is made to login in any other map using the beta client, it'll not allow you to do so and cause an automated disconnect. Q: I am in bleeding island using the beta client, how do I get to the Battle Realm? A: You can't get there on your own, the developer (White[GM]) will teleport you there when a beta test is made. When there are no beta tests ongoing, you can't really do anything with the beta client in bleeding island.
  21. WhiteFang

    Heads Up #2: Pvp Tournament Beta

    I could spend 3h organizing a pvp tournament old-style... or 3h coding this system... Personally I prefer the coding as that's what I'm here for in the first place. which is why the server should be granted a GM who does these kinds of stuff. The server had 27 people on today maybe more.. thats a lot.. lol and now its decreasing as there is no GM online to do anything fun. everythng is boring.. no one hunts anymore/ no point in because who u gonna use itens on.. If there's a candidate to fill such position we could discuss this with the staff, but right now there is no candidate who made a ticket with his/her application.
  22. WhiteFang

    Heads Up #2: Pvp Tournament Beta

    I could spend 3h organizing a pvp tournament old-style... or 3h coding this system... Personally I prefer the coding as that's what I'm here for in the first place.
  23. WhiteFang

    Server Maintenance 28/01

    Due to the usage of tournaments a bug in virtual maps was discovered. In order to continue the beta testing it was required to update the world and login server. As this was a necessary maintenance I've also taken the opportunity to apply some minor changes as following: - Fixed world & login server packets regarding virtual maps. - /monstercount command has been restricted to abaddon, inferniaA, inferniaB and procella maps - Global and Town chats have been unified across all game servers on probation (it is possible that this change gets revoked if it doesn't benefit the game). - Disabled warehouse logs as it suffers from a bug caused by refactoring a part of code and has not yet been resolved in current development as it involves a database change.
  24. WhiteFang


    this one is for the direct links I want to paste the image! copy the direct link and *censored* the IMG tag before & after the link: [img=URL HERE]
  25. WhiteFang

    Server Maintenance 28/01

    @alka: There was nothing wrong with the mute at all, correct action as expected from a GM. Handled accordingly. It's the chat that comes during game and in the forums afterwards that makes it unacceptable, and that is attitude. The wrong attitude for a GM. That's indeed the difference, if a GM makes a mistake he's punished and eventually gets his GM revoked, that's what happened. I'm an admin, I don't have superiors, I only have equals. That's why I am always right, regardless if I'm wrong. If a GM is wrong or does something wrong, he's punished as I said before. An admin that does "wrong" isn't wrong, yeah I shit on people if they shit on me, my attitude is a dickhead attitude, and in that attitude I am always right, because I am admin, that is why. The consequences however are different, as a GM you get punished while as an admin consequences are far beyond, it affects the entire server. And I am aware of that, it's part of my attitude that I will be nice to anyone until you step on my foot, then I rage at you to eternity and back. Unfortunately there are a huge number of people who stepped on my foot. To give you an example, yucky stepped on it by accusing me of banning him for no reason and without prove of anything. So yeah, the guy gets some rage from my side, cuz he stepped on my foot and I'm not putting up a fake smile and act as if nothing happened. It's not me who made a mistake, it's in this case the player who raged on my *censored*, so I just rage back. My attitude is like a mirror, if you act in a normal way, I will do exactly the same. If you rage on me, I will do just that back to you. If you fool around with me in-game, I will join in and have some fun with players toying around with 1 minute items just for lolz. Yet I feel that the majority of people who think I'm butthurt, just act butthurt to me... what comes around, goes around. I know that some of them used to act in a normal and fun way playing around etc, but then at one point decided to turn around. I believe that is because I think some people just read a reply of my in forums towards someone who stepped on my foot, and yeah, that gives the idea that I'm butthurt or rage on peoples *censored*, yet they don't see the full story behind it and only decide to see the "white is a butthurt" story. Take the yucky story, I rage on him in some public topic here, yet nobody knew he raged on me in FB and accuses me of banning him without reason or evidence... And from the forum part, yeah I am the butthurt one right there, cuz it's me raging his *censored* off... it's only when you look at the full story that you realize that he came up to me first raging at me for no reason, while I stayed calm, pulled up logs, prove and everything to show that I do have reason and do have prove of it happening. If you look at an opposite story, take MageMomma, she never stepped on my foot, she's a nice lady and I joke around with her in-game and we have normal and sometimes funny conversations, even made in global chats for amusement and lolz... *massive amounts of sarcasm* So yeah, I am the butthurt guy here. */end massive amounts of sarcasm*