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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis Version 4.66

    those who still don't get it how to install the patch, go here: http://helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=21871
  2. WhiteFang

    A Very Meaty Event

    Hunter, please check your PM, i've sent you a PM with my acc info and char name to become the winner of this event. Thanks to check, White :)
  3. WhiteFang

    St Patrick's Day Events (en Espa?ol Tambi?n)

    Normally special ability's don't work PvE/PvM but only PvP.
  4. I also prefer the 200 dex, the 191 dex thingy, it's all bullshit to me. some people belive it's the same, some don't... I think, well I know it's not the same and makes a difference.
  5. a 191 is obviously not equals to a 200 dex, never is or was such thing. the reason they do it is becuase I guess, removing 9 stats (= 3 lvls = 3 maj) from the 200 dex makes it easier... only 3 maj or lvls... for the 190 you'd need 4 lvl or majs to change. about 181 dex I've never heard lolz... 191 is common, but still stupid I think.
  6. The 50 dex they talk about is the DR (Defense Ratio) of your character. HP (Hitting Probability) works like this: Magical AND Physical: You gain 1 HP for every skill % of your current equiped item's skill. You gain the Eye of the Dice Damage as HP (a 2D10+2 item would give 10 HP, as 10 is the "eye of the dice") Physical Attacks: You gain X HP when attacking. You gain 100 HP if you have a Full Hero set equiped. When CRITTING you gain HP from your weapon skill class Archery: X HP Long Sword: X HP Hammer: X HP Staff-Attack: X HP When CRITTING you gain X HP + an additioanl hidden HP value (formula of this is not to be revealed - this value can be NEGATIVE = decrease HP !) When DASHING you gain X HP You gain the HP of your weapon. If you have more then 50 dex, your HP is increase by your dex - 50 Your HP is Decreased by X % because of weather effects (light rain, medium rain or hard rain), sunsine = no decrease If your HP goes below 0, it's always 0 the final ratio to determine if you succeed or fail (=miss) your attack is as in the formula revealed above: Ratio = (attack HP / defender DR) * 50 Ratio has a minimum of 10% and a maximum of 90% A dice is rolled once with 100 eyes, if the dice roll is smaller of the same then the Ratio your attack succeeds. NOTE: At some places I added an X instead of the real value ! those values are NOT TO BE REVEALED. Helbreath is not math game !
  7. WhiteFang

    Pa Shields

    you're welcome. about this hitting probably (HP), yes it's true what they say. you get various ways of HP increase from your basic stats (dex only) and additionally from armors (100 HP for hero armor) also you gain more HP from a certain weapon class, you gain HP from skill %, you gain HP from critting... the max and minimum are correctly here. about the formula they give you here i'm not 100% sure, I'd need to look that up in a source to know. Though I shouldn't tell too much about it... we don't want helbreath to become a math game ;)
  8. WhiteFang

    Monster Kill Statistics

    For fun I made a monster statistics based on the statted and rare drops of the monsters at 14 February 2008 (Note the spectacular demon drops !) Log Lines of 14/02/2009 NPC(Scorpion) 1252 29.77% 2.98/10 NPC(Cyclops) 423 10.06% 1.01/10 NPC(Stone-Golem) 251 5.97% 0.6/10 NPC(Skeleton) 235 5.59% 0.56/10 NPC(Ice-Golem) 235 5.59% 0.56/10 NPC(Orge) 230 5.47% 0.55/10 NPC(Slime) 212 5.04% 0.5/10 NPC(Zombie) 207 4.92% 0.49/10 NPC(Clay-Golem) 149 3.54% 0.35/10 NPC(Dark-Elf) 138 3.28% 0.33/10 NPC(WereWolf) 115 2.73% 0.27/10 NPC(Orc) 101 2.4% 0.24/10 NPC(Amphis) 93 2.21% 0.22/10 NPC(Giant-Plant) 65 1.55% 0.15/10 NPC(Troll) 62 1.47% 0.15/10 NPC(Orc-Mage) 60 1.43% 0.14/10 NPC(Frost) 51 1.21% 0.12/10 NPC(Hellclaw) 43 1.02% 0.1/10 NPC(Cannibal-Plant) 42 1% 0.1/10 NPC(Wyvern) 40 0.95% 0.1/10 NPC(Tigerworm) 40 0.95% 0.1/10 NPC(Rudolph) 38 0.9% 0.09/10 NPC(Demon) 24 0.57% 0.06/10 <<<<< NPC(Giant-Ant) 24 0.57% 0.06/10 NPC(Hellbound) 16 0.38% 0.04/10 NPC(Tentocle) 13 0.31% 0.03/10 NPC(Stalker) 12 0.29% 0.03/10 NPC(DireBoar) 7 0.17% 0.02/10 NPC(Rabbit) 7 0.17% 0.02/10 NPC(Beholder) 5 0.12% 0.01/10 NPC(Giant-Crayfish) 3 0.07% 0.01/10 NPC(Nizie) 3 0.07% 0.01/10 NPC(Ettin) 3 0.07% 0.01/10 NPC(Mountain-Giant) 3 0.07% 0.01/10 NPC(Fire-Wyvern) 2 0.05% 0/10 NPC(Liche) 1 0.02% 0/10 Based on 16th of February: Log Lines of 16/02/2009 NPC(Scorpion) 1710 26.15% 2.62/10 NPC(Cyclops) 521 7.97% 0.8/10 NPC(Stone-Golem) 352 5.38% 0.54/10 NPC(Orge) 350 5.35% 0.54/10 NPC(Giant-Plant) 324 4.95% 0.5/10 NPC(Orc-Mage) 312 4.77% 0.48/10 NPC(Orc) 279 4.27% 0.43/10 NPC(Troll) 274 4.19% 0.42/10 NPC(Ice-Golem) 270 4.13% 0.41/10 NPC(Clay-Golem) 266 4.07% 0.41/10 NPC(Skeleton) 197 3.01% 0.3/10 NPC(Zombie) 193 2.95% 0.3/10 NPC(Amphis) 160 2.45% 0.24/10 NPC(Wyvern) 154 2.36% 0.24/10 NPC(Slime) 147 2.25% 0.22/10 NPC(Rudolph) 145 2.22% 0.22/10 NPC(GreenWyv) 144 2.2% 0.22/10 NPC(WereWolf) 127 1.94% 0.19/10 NPC(Dark-Elf) 112 1.71% 0.17/10 NPC(Cannibal-Plant) 110 1.68% 0.17/10 NPC(Frost) 72 1.1% 0.11/10 NPC(Fire-Wyvern) 70 1.07% 0.11/10 NPC(Tentocle) 56 0.86% 0.09/10 NPC(Giant-Ant) 45 0.69% 0.07/10 NPC(Hellclaw) 36 0.55% 0.06/10 NPC(Tigerworm) 19 0.29% 0.03/10 NPC(Hellbound) 19 0.29% 0.03/10 NPC(Stalker) 17 0.26% 0.03/10 NPC(Rabbit) 11 0.17% 0.02/10 NPC(DireBoar) 10 0.15% 0.02/10 NPC(Ettin) 9 0.14% 0.01/10 NPC(Demon) 8 0.12% 0.01/10 <<<<< NPC(Gagoyle) 5 0.08% 0.01/10 NPC(Barlog) 3 0.05% 0/10 NPC(Liche) 3 0.05% 0/10 NPC(Beholder) 2 0.03% 0/10 NPC(BlueWyv) 2 0.03% 0/10 NPC(Mountain-Giant) 2 0.03% 0/10 NPC(MasterMage-Orc) 2 0.03% 0/10 NPC(Unicorn) 1 0.02% 0/10 look at the demons :P from 24 to 8... :D I thought it was fun to give ya guys some fun statistics :D Scorpions are really being hunted ALOT !
  9. WhiteFang

    Pa Shields

    ah yes, I did a couple tests and source lookups and I figured out the m.shield wand gives 30% PA to you plate PA, which makes it that you still can fail to absorb as there is X% chance that your plate's PA is taken in account (which is not 100% xD).
  10. WhiteFang

    My Gm Is Stuck- Event May Be Delayed

    The Mage event started now !
  11. WhiteFang

    Pa Shields

    first of all, items DO NOT have "hidden" pa, there is no such thing as "hidden PA". next, your dex counts partly as DF. every dex point ABOVE 50 is 1 DF point, so 200 dex = 150 DF. so, 75 DEX + 40 DF and 100% DR = 25 DF + 40 DF and 100% DR = 65 DF and 100% DR makes 65 DF + 65 DF (the 100% DR) makes 130 DF totally. ok here is why people think "hidden pa" exists, or how to explain "hidden pa": if I hit you 100 times, you have 0 DF, I will have 100 hits done on you, let's say I hit you for 10 each hit, so 100 hits make 100 * 10 = 1000 DMG. if I hit you 100 times, you have let's say a high DF which makes 50% of my hits miss (due to high armors like DF, or m shield wand), and i'd hit for 10 each hit, it's hit 50 * 10 = 500 DMG only. I hit you LESS, I MISSED alot which makes you think you "absorbed (PA)" damage, which isn't as I just missed on you. with an m shield wand, the CHANCE TO GET HIT is LESS, so I het you LESS TIMES but still hit HIGH DMG on success of my hit.
  12. WhiteFang

    Bring Back Town Eks.

    We removed EK'ing from town because likely EVERYONE was campign the enemy shops JUST TO EK ! We removed it so the fight would move to Middleland to the stones, so people would really PLAY the crusade like it is suposed to be played.
  13. WhiteFang

    Pa Shields

    it's all DR way, DR and DF are kinda like the same... DF (defence) is a direct value, while DR is an additional value... like 50 DF and 100% DR makes 100 DF... 30 DF and 100% DR makes 60 DF ... (100% of your DF is counted...) so 50 DF and 200% DR makes 150 DF ... and DF is direct chance to get hit or not.
  14. WhiteFang

    Pa Shields

    Magin Sapphire always worked (I've seen the code for it myself, so it must be working...) No, in the past when we had stack-able PA shield were counted TWICE as PA ! Once from the original non-stacking code and Once from the edited stacking code. a PA 9% shield was a PA 18% shield code-wise... The stacking was coded a long time ago in a bad way which made mistakes/bugs... nobody knew or knows about it except me and those who just read this xD
  15. WhiteFang

    Pa Shields

    The PA armors are removed from stacking up. it's like this: you have a certain % of chance 1 of these 4 pieces are counted to absorb damage: X% for Plate X% for Legs + Pants X% for Berk X% for Helm each of these 4 have an indevidual rate to be picked, the exact rates are NOT to be given out, nor are the exact percentages to be given out UNLESS and admin allows me to reveal this. (or does it himself.) So as I explained, 1 fo the 4 WILL be picked, and then the PA of your shield and magin sapphire will be added. your PA of your shield will ONLY be added if you SUCCEED defending yourself from the attack (your shield % determines this, at 100% you never fail the ability of PA being added !). your PA saph is ALWAYS applied. An actual example: I have these items: PA 100% sapphire PA 21% shield (100% shield attack) PA 9% plate PA 9% hoses I have aprox X% chance that EITHER my plate OR hoses will be applied, and have X% chance that my helm OR berk would be applied (which would be 0% PA !) So this means I have ALWAYS ATLEAST 21 + 100 / 10 % PA, makes 31% PA will ALWAYS happen (due to the 100% shield !) Ifyou have 50% shield, you have 50% chance you'd have the 21% PA taken in account for the discount. The sapphire will ALWAYS be applied, making you have 10% PA at ALL times. another example: 100% PA saph 9% PA shield (100% shield attack) 9% PA hoses 9% PA plate 9% PA legs 9% PA berk I will have 100% sure 9% PA from my armor (cuz I have all pieces the same % !) + an additional 9% from my shield (due to the 100% shield) + 10% from my saph that makes 10 + 9 + 9 = 28% PA i'd have. where did u learn to play a mage to say something like that? and pa isnt supposed to stack and if u really wanted it to stack u should ask them to make it stack then take saph rings and mshield out considering that would be like 50 to 60 pa right there with those 2 items saph and plat rings don't have PA an M.Shield has NO PA at all, it rather has VERY HIGH DR. and DR and PA are something DIFFERENT and it a totally DIFFERENT story. shortly explained: DR is the CHANCE to defend yan attack, and PA is the ABSORBTION applied when you FAILED to defend. If you have ALOT DR the chance to be hit is SMALL, but IF you get hit, the damage will be HIGH (cuz ya got no PA) IF you have ALOT PA the chance to be hit is LARGE, but IF you get this, the damage will be LOW (cuz ya got alot PA)
  16. WhiteFang

    Anything Goes Pvp Event Sat 21st At 7pm

    where is the pinned topic? [edit] the event is at 2 AM my time, I wish to assist you hunter, but this dude over here needs his sleep... or wait, it's a week holidays, maybe I can be there... but i'm not sure... (be there as GM ofc)...
  17. WhiteFang

    A Very Meaty Event

    Hunter, can we pick a BBH+3 and lich neck together ??? or wouldn't that be allowed?
  18. WhiteFang

    Monster Kill Statistics

    It sounded awesome, too bad someone in my vent chat informed me on the wrong time... the moment I heard ya say it was nice and over I was like huh? wasn't it about to start??? lolz XD btw, a liche one would be nice ! and hunter, the demon event went good, these statistics are based on STATTED item drops and rare drops combined... there are ALOT more mobs killed but they didn't drop, especially demons, they have a low dorp chance, but if they drop, they'll drop something nice for ya :) and those that dropped "nothing" arn't and can't be counted.
  19. WhiteFang

    Monster Kill Statistics

    yeah i'm kinda bored these days :P and yes I like checking things, makign advanced tools for nemesis to make life easy :D It just checks the log files for every rare drop made by a monster, counts em and then makes percentages of them and a score on 10 points :D
  20. WhiteFang

    Ancient Flameberge Vs. Flamberge +3

    indeed, ancients wins ancient = +2 dmg ancient +2 = +4 dmg flame +3 = +3 dmg ancient wins with 1 point more, not much, but can make the difference in a fight.
  21. Losing my GF was the most unlucky thing that ever happend to me.
  22. WhiteFang


    account permenently banned + suspended on forums you do NOT directly insult a GM, there are more appropriate ways of accusing a GM of abusing. -CLOSED-
  23. WhiteFang

    Request For Ss

    here is a nice SS of a HC hunt performed by Rawr Guild some time ago. eventually if you need it hunter, I have one from TW too: maybe you'll like also one from a dragon hunt???: perhaps also a dragonia hunt with mages???: also a SS of a GG hunt: a Black Dragon hunt in DRAGONIA performed with mages + me as the only warrior: an Abaddon hunt perofmred by Aresden mages: a Fire Wyvern hunt perofmed by elvine's Rawr guild + some aresdens:
  24. WhiteFang

    Bans Of January 2009

    Some people never learn the rules, and aonce again rules were broken. The following list of characters are banned permanently for EK laming during January 2009: littlefox littlefox1 rememberr 1000 Petpet [Girl] boyboy TV^ Pang Beng Hoong Kular shutup windows^ jun smile^ ace1 ~Jessica~ 393898818 aeonn Kaki ha astro fable writedown Timed datuk pencil Mall nenek 473198343 Jennifer^ mamama wolfwolf iwiwiwiwiw armorarmor skeletonsk alchemyalc farmfarmfa Jeremy slimeslime coalcoal coalcoalco lightgreen nextstep poxas Xero Kingy b00ga Payne austin
  25. WhiteFang

    Bans Of January 2009

    I monthly check on EK lamers and every month I ban over 20 characters/accounts from EK lamers. It's kinda routine to me, and I'm 100% SURE these guys ALL lamed. If the case is a doubting case, it'll appear for the entire staff to be discussed. I don't NEED to prove any of the lames at all, if the player in person doubts his lame, he can ask me in a PM for a recheck or the prove (= log files) if he doesn't belive me.