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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Josh Is Banned.

    That's his way of thinking then, but thats not how the staff here thinks. A GM is here to serve the community and must be respected at all times, throwing shit to a GM is a thing you don't do, and here GM's arn't equals to players, GM's are, have and can do more then players here, the GM's manage this server so they diserve to be respected.
  2. WhiteFang

    Go Go Power Rangers!

    nice one hunter ! GO GO POWER RANGERS ! Some guys in nemesis attemped power ranger style too, but their blue ranger got banned because of breaking rules lolz xD
  3. WhiteFang

    Need Help With Some Commands

    hunter, there is no command (yet) to summon a guilding completly build. Also startign sade would be server-wide if i'm correct.
  4. WhiteFang

    Lucky Prize Ticket

    In theory if it's USA lucky prize ticks, it gives ALL items except these: - Crafting result items (DM2, DM3 etc) - Cancel manual - inhibition manual - ESW manual - MS20 resu, zerk or kloness (DO gives MS10 !) - Excalibur - Storm bringer - Devastator - DK items - Hero items - GM-Shield - Power Ring All items from tickets appear WITHOUT stats at all times.
  5. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis - The Portal

    I know, PvP isn't my thing, I just try to get as much good items as possible, PvE is my sports man, PvE is totally my thing :)
  6. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis - The Portal

    Hello there players of Helbreath Nemesis ! As I got many people passing me this suggestion, I've decided to reveal what I've been working on the past weeks... It's a Portal for Helbreath Nemesis ! The portal will contain all details on every single item, every single skill and even more ! Details on each monster, what they drop, where they live, how hard they are, etc... Details on each item, who drops it, where to get it, which skills the item is related in, etc... Skill Details, User Guides ! and even much more. here's a sneak-peak on the Portal that will be released within a couple weeks. You'll here (and see) more of it later guys ! Greetings, White[GM] - Helbreath Nemesis Developer
  7. WhiteFang


    hunter, that might be a nice thing, having scan available for players but only working on npcs, that's a nice idea, I could live on that. Try to put it up to the admins :)
  8. WhiteFang

    About Recall

    many of this kinda "make my ek'ing more easy please" topic have come up, and as always same response: NO, we do not do this, recalls stays the way it is right now.
  9. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis - The Portal

    The Nemesis Portal is here ! It's up and running ! It's right there, on the Nemesis Website, and we're PROUD of our portal ! That's why it's already expanding on data ! Here is a sneak-peak for one of the up-comming features: Yes it's true ! Pit indications will be added to each map !
  10. WhiteFang

    Is This A Bug Bug From Website?

    Your reply wasn't 100% correctly, you state the nemesis inventory system shows this, it only shows on the WEB page, NOT in the game, be correctly on information, I correct you and jing both together ;)
  11. WhiteFang

    Is This A Bug Bug From Website?

    no, it's not a bug. Your inventory doesn't show the endurance on Ancient items, though they have it, thats what makes them ancient, additional endurance AND additional Damage :)
  12. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis - The Portal

    It'll come, the day hasn't passed by yet... did it?
  13. WhiteFang

    A Lot Of New Players.

    Farm gives you good experience on scorpions, though the pit isn't as large as the one in town. We are not planning on changing town pits or moving them around, still thx for the suggestion.
  14. WhiteFang


    this still is a suggestion locobans, it's not added yet. We do have Scan available, but it only works if you're a GameMaster, otherwise scna will fail, even if you learn it from the manual (which already exists !).
  15. WhiteFang

    What To Do After Getting Hero Set?

    There are GM's and Admins here with graphical skills and backgrounds, player's can't do everything ;) i'm pr0 boots and pr0 shoes. Also pr0 chain and pr0 hat pr0 horns... maybe, as compensation to hat, I rather like wings, they look nice already :)
  16. WhiteFang

    Gm Staff- Please Post Your Favorite Summons

    If GMs are GameMaster and gms are Guild Masters... then as a GM i'd pick Claw-Turtle, they are funny and I love them :D and a gm of BiB, i'd have to talk to my m8 soulless to discuss our favorite mob :D (ir prolly be Abaddon LOL)
  17. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis - The Portal

    The portal is getting close to the final release state ! A couple maps and functionality's and texts are missing out, once those are done it's ready to be launched ! Sneak Peak #6:
  18. WhiteFang

    Magic Gems And Percentage Rounding

    hehe, np ;) The is a rounding ofcourse, but it's applied AFTER the calculation of the PA/MA/HitProb/HP percents. The percent doesn't round, the final value rounds, which makes your magin item make a diff on 75% or 79% ;)
  19. WhiteFang

    Magic Gems And Percentage Rounding

    They do not get rounded at all (as far as I know). Their %'s are applied separatly and a 69% sapphire reduces the damage by 6,9%, if the final result damage (after the decrease) ends with numbers after the , (comma) it will be rounded. (0,5 goes UP all the rest rounds DOWN). 100 dmg -> 6,9% = 6,9 dmg reduced -> 100 - 6,9 = 93,1 -> it rounds down, so the dmg becomes 93.
  20. WhiteFang

    Thank You Gm Thread

    Thanks alot for the thanks, and a thanks back from GM's to the players too :) I spent long days making the server better (-> Stackable body parts, Resurrection fix, Recall On Connect, DT bug fix on civilians, ...) :P
  21. WhiteFang

    A Welcome To Our Chinese Friends Players

    Welcome to our chinese players. I gave them a warm welcome in a nice mail conversation I had with their "leader". Their server's don't run that good and they all wanne join Nemesis to play :) All are welcome to be here, hopefully they have a nice stay. Also, those wondering elvine or aresden... it's elvine they join probably, their "leader" is an Elvine character too, so I guess the rest will become elvine too.
  22. WhiteFang

    Mailing/message System

    I have the order to code this, though coding this "outside" the HG (= not touching hgserver source) makes it extremly hard to likely impossible. an "inside" coding would be nice to apply, makes it easy and would make the system awesome.
  23. WhiteFang

    Nemesis Teamspeak Server

    As I already run a Ventrilo server on my server computer, perhaps I could run the TS instead, or if we can get a lisence for Ventrilo, I'd rather choose ventrilo, it doesn't lagg helbreath at all.
  24. WhiteFang

    Change Shield Pa Calculation?!?

    PA has been changed a couple months ago on an update, and PA shields DO work correctly, I can confirm that as I coded it with my own hands :D PA Always has been like that, the DK is something new ever since majestics and angels came etc which made it prety much harder to kill the enemy. Though I think no further changes to PA should be applied besides perhaps the addition of PA rings (saph and plat) again.
  25. WhiteFang

    Ban Oldies What They Still Doing In Server

    If i'm correct (what I heard from my guild mates) it was an efreet, BSW manual and some stones.