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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Trade Exchange

    for trades of more then 4 items you can always call a GM in order to get it traded.
  2. WhiteFang

    Certainly Stats Dk Dk Flam And Gis

    thanks to notify this. the page has been edited with the correct image and name of the item.
  3. WhiteFang

    Inhibition Scroll?

    gl finding inhibition there... http://portal.helbreathnemesis.com/index.p...nster&id=10 ... ... they don't drop it :D ... ... ... beholder = cancel ;)
  4. WhiteFang

    Inhibition Scroll?

    I just saw, forgot to add the duration in the details of the spell. :D
  5. WhiteFang

    Inhibition Scroll?

    Inhibition Magic Casting Manual learns you the Inhibition Magic Casting spell which forbids the target you cast it at to fail every magical spell for the next 40 seconds if i'm correct. more info here for the item: http://portal.helbreathnemesis.com/index.p...item&id=446 and here for the spell: http://portal.helbreathnemesis.com/index.p...spell&id=59
  6. WhiteFang

    Can I Play Helbreath With Proxy Connection?

    no, currently this ability is not available. and probably won't be made available. you should always play with a direct connection and be honest and identify yourself to us while playing.
  7. none of the duping was saved as that is the entire problem. all what happend the past hours hasn't been saved and probably will not be replaced either. only at the initial point of the hdd being full and the first no-save of chars a few dupes appeared, it's not the player's fault that it happend, so we'll resolve these dupes by contacting those players personally and overlook the situation. any other dupes of SB or IE sword or other items wern't ever saved, so it actually never happend... some hours have been played into "the nothing", everything that happend you did for nothing, as it wasn't saved and probably will not be re-applied (like items given back which you gained during the no-saving period).
  8. the problem is well known, due to the very long uptimes of nemesis and the many enthousiastic players and very active community alot of actions happen, and each time the database is being updated or changed, logs are kept to keep everything secure and safe, to make sure nobody cheats or hacks :D and today the server's main HDD got full, so logs couldn't be saved and transactions (= changes) wern't saved, like char data etc, new chars etc... currently Sexy[GM] is transfering the current logs to the secondary hard drive to make room on the main hard drive. this progress takes a couple hours due to the fact that there is no more room on the main HDD, so it runs very very slow. once the logs are moved over, server will be back, up and running as it was before.
  9. the server has been shut down to prevent further losses and secure the server from any damage possible. Depending on the situation and the problems we'll have to decide if we do a roll-back or not, there is a chance we'll need to roll-back due to the people who couldn't resist the power of duping. We're also invesitgating why and how this problem is being caused, please be patient till further notice.
  10. WhiteFang


    the name is too short, make it longer :)
  11. WhiteFang

    +3 Weapons And Armors Safely?

    the purpose of upgrading the other kind of armors is to make them stronger anyway. so enabling the ability to upgrade strong armors is no option here.
  12. WhiteFang

    Item Value Compare Tool

    I think demand and question of these items should be taken in account to get an accurate market price.
  13. WhiteFang

    +3 Weapons And Armors Safely?

    hb korea has it, our spirit here it to keep as close to original as possible. They've probably added it with certain purposes for balancing Helbreath. If we keep the spirit, i'd say add it, just for the spirit. Personally I don't really like that, as it makes the difference between strong and less strong players much bigger. It'll become harder to EK with a new character that has not items, though if the player plays alot, he'll reach the same anyway.
  14. WhiteFang


    agree, we're discussion the addition, if we do it and when we do it. thx to let uw know Ganksta, we'll take this suggestion in consideration. -Closed-
  15. WhiteFang


    translated to decent english: Resurrection bug has been fixed. Alchemy adjustments: Ogre summon potion degraded from 100% Alchemy to 80% 3 new summon potions added: Werewolf Summon Potion: requires 95% Alchemy Ingredients: Werewolf Heart, Werewolf Skin, Werewolf Teeth, Werewolf Meat, Werewolf trail, ??? Toraji ??? (idk wtf this is) Demon Summon Potion: requires 100% Alchemy Ingredients: Demon Heart, Demon Meat, Demon Leather, Demon Eye, Werewolf Nails, Mushroom Unicorn Summon Potion: requires 100% Alchemy Ingredients: Unicorn Antenna, Unicorn Meat, Unicorn Leather, Unicorn ??? Fish ??? (wtf is this?), Mushroom, Werewolf Claws
  16. WhiteFang

    +3 Weapons And Armors Safely?

    well, it sounds nice... but... "xelima rapier +3" ... "GBH +3" ... "Light plate mail +3" ... they'll become common, which would be bad I think. the idea is nice if it's about blacksmith items (bbh, tower shield, ...) but I think for rare items it would make it bad.
  17. WhiteFang

    Item Value Compare Tool

    it looks like a very nice tool jaapy ! P.S. not all my GM's items are bound yet, please bound those that arn't random junk from shop or players :D I think I got a good explenation on the numbers... Compare x rapier with zems for example, when I did I got this: XelimaRapier 1 : 3453.5 ZemstoneofSacrifice I think it means that for every xelima rapier there is in game, there are also 3453,5 zems in the game... so if there would exist 100 xelima rapiers in the game, there also would be 345450 zems in the game, it compares it's frequency it appears in the game. thats why for example a GBH v grapes is bad comparing system, as there are few GBH's, and only few grapes too as they arn't so much used in the game. Though grapes are way easier to botain then GBH's are, so that makes it a prety bad way to compare them, the usage/need of this item (grapes) is very very very low, and so is the demand of grapes, on the other side the demand of GBH's is high and so is the need of GBH's. and xelima rapier v zems is a nice compare, the usage, need and demand of those are both very high. xelima rapier is nor frequent in the game, zems are, both are used ALOT, so trading 3453,5 zems for a rapier would a good trade, zems are used alot and you can buy other items for it, zem becomes my trading item in this case then. But due to the economics of HB, nobody will trade his xr for 3453,5 zems because they think it's useless :D though, I like the tool, but do gives a wrong impression comparing certain items against eachother.
  18. WhiteFang


    Theres a lot of theorys about this bug but noone really can show me how is caused. If we can make this bug happens on purpose im sure the coders can deal with it. Help! true, if somone knows how to re-create this in a very easy way, let us know. The "dragging around" which slyone talks about I can reproduce if the apo map is open and I go to a certain spot in the abby map. On-topic again: the voting was even, my final vote in GM-guild-chat was taken in account by Scat himself, which was continue the event 4v4. "elvine side picker" << totally not, i'll clearify why I picked 4v4 instead of re-match 5v5 or cancel: I judged as a GM here, neutral, not picking sides and basing off on experience and what I saw happening myself, which was SLYONE going down due to heavy lagg on my screen, and the SS confirms it all. This SS clearly shows lagg, either caused by a local problem with SLYONE's computer, internet connection failure or something like that. It shows and it IS lagg, though SLYONE didn't Disconnect in first place, lagged, but no DC and that costed him his life. And there I basicly followed Event Rules, which are applied for ALL events held on this server, Disconnect or die = OUT of the event. We (Actually me lol :P) already introduced Recall On Connect which allows you to return to arena's within 20 seconds of the DC, so we already convering Disconnections due to massive lagg or massive numbers of actions on the screen. In first place the guild pvp was meant for guilds to match their powers against eachother. Personally I think getting member(s) in last minute for the event doesn't show how good your guild is at all, it shows partly how weak you are and how much in need you are of better players to play FOR YOU to win FOR YOU, which right here has failed to happen (which i'm partly glad for). Personally I also think SLYONE is already powerfull enough and actually has no need to be in any events and shouldn't even be allowed in events in first place because of the many advantages he has which other player's don't have access to. now the flaming of eachother here will end right at this post. -Closed-
  19. WhiteFang


    from my own experience of the game and my knowledge in computers and coding etc... I can tell right here, right now that this SS and the last SS of the additional topic show that there is a massivly heavy lagg going on on the client-computer, it's not lagg in internet-connection or data-transfering between client & server, but it is graphical lagg which is created due to a full memory or a memorry bug that appeard. My best guess on this is that the computer is processing some sort of data and bugs on this and is trying to restore it, perhaps performing a "memory dump" and laggs the entire computer, a memory dump appears when the physical RAM is full of data, or when the graphical memory is full.
  20. WhiteFang

    Manufactured Items

    Manufactured items are always better then blacksmith items unless the completion % is below 100%. Manufactured items gives more endurance, defense (for armors) and damage (for weapons). a 200% knight set might be better in defense (not proven yet) but still has less endurance, so strips easier, which makes it less good then compared to the DK which likely never strips except on low endurance.
  21. WhiteFang

    Whos The Best :d?

    I've read the last 3 posts and all 3 are bullshit here. It's not solidly proven that it was Solrav taking the items from Eldon as it shows from the SS Eldon posted. It proves Solrav who played atmos back then had the items, the IP's never even matched the Solrav's IP back then. It was a very weird item-movement, which is still unclear to me and is now likely impossible to re-condier. I indeed told Solrav he could freely keepy them, or freely give them back, and he has chosen to give them back ! So Eldon, stop whining about it, you got your items back from Solrav, the incident passed so no need to get it here. The LB belongs to Ganksta which was proven and confirmed my most of the staff members because there is only 1 side prove, which are LOG FILES, and they NEVER lie ! No more words have to be said here, topic CLOSED.
  22. WhiteFang

    Magic Gems And Percentage Rounding

    the 99% diamond still is better then the 90% diamond... lolz thats the entire point of the rounding system. It adds hp, calculates HP on success or failing hit, it sounds only at the very final moment of usage.
  23. WhiteFang

    Ports To Open In My Firewall For Hb

    allow helgame.exe to access the web when needed (=add ap rogram to be allowed trough firewall) or just allow "helbreathnemesis.com" on it's own, you don't have to add ports then to allow, you just allow an IP here and any port, that way you're sure you can connect.
  24. WhiteFang

    Joint Warehouse Or Guild Warehouse

    the guild warehouse thing isn't here yet, might (and prolly will I hope) come soon. you can deposit, the 1/2/3/4 buttons are to withdraw the items to a certain char... WhiteFang is in first slot, so when I put items from one of my chars on web-wh, I click button "1" it'll put them i nthe WH of WhiteFang. Thats what it does ;)
  25. WhiteFang

    Magic Gems And Percentage Rounding

    I didn't see the codes of those, but I think it's the same way. The moment the HP is added, it rounds I think, it adds all possible HP there exists, and then rounds it after adding. same for ruby on regens, when regen it adds the % I think and then rounds the values after adding all %'s together.