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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Manufacturing "max Skill..."

    true. after 30% of manu yo uwon't gain any more "experience" in th, so you cannot get to 31% making that certain item.
  2. WhiteFang

    Sleep Looks Fantastic

    good question. i guess it have to work against sleep also yes, it works against sleep, if it doesn't, we'll make it work :) but normally it should as sleep is an extention of the paralize code.
  3. WhiteFang

    Sleep Looks Fantastic

    Not gonna lift it straight from korean server? The koreans have good stuff, but they have also bad bugs... the Xelima item's effect description tells: "Reduces health of the target by 50% on hitting while activated" the way it's written in the code: "The damage you hit while activated is the target's health devided by 2" with sleep implemented and double damage applied it means target's health / 2 -> sleep does * 2, so damage = target's health... this ofc does NOT match the Xelima item's effect description, and we needed to fix this in the code to still keep the description matching. Probably the koreans didn't think of this, so x rapier + sleep is insta kill there I bet :D anyway, sleep is powerfull, but sleep is only for the most intelligent mages at 200 intelligence and consumes alot of mana, this drains down your mana bar quickly, so you must be one of the best mages and aim perfectly to sleep somone in a first shot. also other minor bugs are the ZZZ's of sleep appearing too high above the head etc... graphical adjustments :)
  4. WhiteFang

    Sleep Looks Fantastic

    Sleep still needs minor adjustments and fixes (like xelima fix :P), besides that, sleep can indeed be powerfull if your aim is nice enough. but most likely the first crit or magic spell will free you from the pralysis, meaning you can run and chug :) also, the info on Scan Manual is acurate, it has been added a couple hours ago by me. It's currently only unlocked PvM, the PvP is being discussed, unlocking this might influence the PvP'ing, so we need to consider this properly and look at the concequences by unlocking this.
  5. WhiteFang

    Zem Rarerity

    I think zem rarity shows prety good, too bad almost nobody uses it as a trading measurement. not all players have 200 zems in their wh's lolz :P I got like 3 to 4 zems spread over 3 chars... though those who know me, know well enough that I'm prety good jacked out on items, and zems have always been a problem on me :s
  6. WhiteFang

    I Got Pwned.

    You run fine, not complaining about any lagg for the entire time I was chasing you (aprox 30 to 40 minutes). then all of a sudden you get boxed by a group of monsters, you start "lagging" as you claim yourself, while being owned by 2 wars, one being me, you instantly disapear... normal players would just login again and continue fighting, that's what I would do atleast. You didn't lagg at all, and the behavior of disapearing instantly looks alot like pulling, so therefore I indeed applied a ban of 1 week for pulling. maybe it was lagg and a dc, but according to me it didn't look like that, for 30 minutes you can run fine, and outrun me over and over, even laugh at us for outrunning, and then you "disconnect" as you claim, and don't return... that's a bit too odd. +2 I agree right here. Rules are rules, if you break them we don't care if you're a donater or not, we don't make exceptions on rules.
  7. WhiteFang

    Sleep Looks Fantastic

    there is nothing to see yet, you don't know how cool this spell looks :P "Sounds great !!" would be better :P ;)
  8. WhiteFang

    Sleep Looks Fantastic

    it'll be as hard to land as Paralyze or Hold-Person, you need to be a VERY good mage to land this spell. Also you require alot mana and alot int to learn and use this spell in first place, which makes up for it's power :) demon & uni drop it ;) you can check it at the portal :) -> check rare items -> rare manuals :)
  9. WhiteFang

    Do Some Rares Have A Higher Droprate?!

    each indevidual item has a certain rarity, not based on the rarity which you can see at the nemesis site, but it's fixed drop rates they drop at, which you cannot influence at all. Ofc an IE neck will be more rare then an m.shield wand from frosts... it's logical, IE neck has more value and more power then m.shield wand. which also means a SB is more rare to find then an IE neck from frosts, as a SB is more powerfull then IE neck is. each item has a certain rarity as I mentioned before, even indevidual monsters make a difference on the drop-rarity, as it's easier to kill cycs, ofc cancel will be more rare then getting it from liche, though liche hard hard to find and got alot other drops, still keeping cancel a very rare item or spell to find.
  10. WhiteFang

    Isn't Scan A Gm Only Spell?

    Scan MUST and WILL BE removed from Culiao ! As we got future plans on Scan, we must remove this spell from Culiao right away, it would be an unfair advantage. Can't release more info -> will see @ next update !
  11. WhiteFang

    Gargoyle Thursday In Town

    nice to see the Gargoyles comming ! Thx once more for a nice event hunter, i'll be looking forward to be killing the Gargoyles.
  12. WhiteFang

    Omg White Is Coming

    elguason, I know, I always wondered what she looked like :D I call her "lorraine the laptop-face" right now (haha :P) I'll see her in a couple hours ;), I'm still at home, almost ready to leave :) and thx, I'll enjoy the trip and we'll do nice updates @ nemesis :) :D
  13. WhiteFang

    Omg White Is Coming

    I will not reveal any pictures nor descriptions of Sexy[GM] as she desired :) No need to ask me, I won't give pictures or descriptions without her explecit permission. during the period I'm staying with Sexy in London, we will be doing MANY bug fixes and MANY additional features which have been promised for some time now. Except to see new stuff comming up during next week, or at the end of next week !
  14. WhiteFang

    How Exactly Does Rep / Cad Work?

    there is no time factor on this. time will not reduce the combo amount. as long as you're connected and online, even if it's AFK, the combo will stay untill you fail hitting, then i'll be 0 again :)
  15. WhiteFang

    Helbreath In A Window

    there is no way to properly window hb. except for using a virtual machine, which causes lagg and is not worth the windowed mode over the lagg at all I think. I'll try to work on a proper HB client that gets a window around it for easier play, but I can't promise anything yet, it needs to be reasearched as there are side effects on windowed modes such as bugging graphics etc.
  16. WhiteFang

    How Exactly Does Rep / Cad Work?

    timma, you're a noodle :P no, you're actually close to this. let me explain it exactly: you weapon damage dices do NOT change or increase or decrease at all. What happens is, if you hit me the first time, you'll hit your casual damage. If you hit me again, and succeed, you'll hit me for your casual damage + your rep damage (-> rep 7 adds 7 damage) If you hit me once again, and succeed, you'll hit me for your casual damage + your rep damage * 2 ! (-> rep 7 adds 14 damage !) If you hit me then again, and succeed, you'll hit me for your casual damage + your rep damage * 3 ! (-> rep 7 adds 21 damage) If you hit me then again, and succeed, you'll hit me for your casual damage + your rep damage * 4 ! (-> rep 7 adds 28 damage) If you fail to hit me, the chain is broken and you'll start again at 1 times your rep damage. Hitting a chain of 4 v players is EXTREEMLY hard to succeed at, v mobs it's little more easy to do, but still hard on high lvl mobs. the additional damage you gain from your hitting chain is NOT doubled when being zerked a.k.a. it's added after the zerk-calculations. I hope this clearify's the REP damage of weapons. P.S., timma, you were close, what you mention is basicly right in the view of damage addition, but you actually gotta write it as 2D12+0+7 the 2D12+0 is used as basic values for the calculations, on these values the str bonus, HP bonus, crit bonus, zerk bonus etc is calculated, and rep damage is not affected by any of these, it's just the rep damage, nothing less, nothing more.
  17. WhiteFang

    Need Help To Run Game

    you cannot run hb under a linux system. it's impossible as HB uses DirectX, which is a product of the Microsoft Studio's, and not from the Linux developers. Therefore you cannot play hb on a linux machine. BUT there are other solutions to this... You can install VirtualBox or Wine to emulate a windows system (win98, 2k or XP, suggesting xp ofc), and then you can play, but the conditions and speed of those virtual emulations of windows ofcrouse are lower then a real one, so you might experience more lagg while playing trough one of these emulators. More info and tutorials of these emulators can be found at the beginenrs forum, I've explained serveral times in the past how to run VirtualBox.
  18. WhiteFang

    Cancellation Droprate

    The droprate of cancellation is low, that's well known by everyone. I've never saw an RM10 or DF10 drop from cycs, maybe other people got it, but I didn't, knwoing those are already extreemly hard to get from cyc, don't put hopes into cancellation from cycs. I think, and suggest you to hunt Liche or Beholders for Cancellation, as both drop em at a higher rate, though Liche is most prefered as it also drops other rare spells and items. All official nemesis drops with eventual rates can be found at our Nemesis Portal: http://portal.helbreathnemesis.com
  19. WhiteFang

    How Do You Think New Server Is Doing

    my ping got increased from 120/125 to 135... BUT I never had problems with my ping or delays anyway, I didn't bother, I accepted it and learned to play with it. The new server is very good !
  20. WhiteFang

    Random Ranting

    Calu, add this to scat's update topic, I'll fix it.
  21. WhiteFang

    How Good Is The Anti-laming System?

    out EK-laming system never fails. We, the staff, have one of the most advanced ek-laming detection tools of all helbreath servers. If you lame, you'll be caught soon or late, we're sure of it, the tool is one of the most powerfull and most easy tools there exist, specially made for Helbreath Nemesis by myself :) and Aki, we checked, and double checked many players on laming, it DO is necessary to check everyone. Also, I check laming mostly on a monthly base, and every month I catch people laming ek's, not a single month has passed by that I didn't ban people for breaking rules.
  22. I've made a Video Tutorial on how to boost your FPS when using angels. Video Tutorial: This ONLY works for Windows XP. For Windows Vista: It is IMPOSSIBLE to downgrade your Hardware Acelleration (which boosts your FPS). Why not? simple: Downgrading the HA (Hardware Acelleration) disabled Direct3D. Windows Vista requires Direct3D to draw/display the desktop, so you cannot downgrade it at all.
  23. WhiteFang

    Solution To Loggers

    this suggestion has no need to be honest. logging out atleast takes 10 seconds to complete. if you're good enough, you'll crit him in the back or hit him by some magic to prevent/cancel his logout. logging out is completly legal and I see no reason to make change to the logout precedure. I qualify this topic as "please make ek'ing more easy"
  24. WhiteFang

    Magic Saph?

    no, this formula IS 100% correct. with all wares at 100%, you'll always have atleast a gem 80% any % above 80 is randomly generated. well, basicly it's like this: (ware% + ware % + ware % + 100%) / 4 * 0.8 + random(0, 20) = gem %
  25. WhiteFang

    Vista Low Fps Fix

    I'd like to make a note here: this method works for alot people, but not for everyone ! this method might cause hardware problems, screen blinking or other issues. We, the staff, DO NOT support this method of FPS-increasing for Vista as it is unproven that there won't be issues on longterm-usage