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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Happy New Year!

    happy new year to everyone :) Let 2010 bring us more and better Nemesis !
  2. WhiteFang

    New Year Is Coming!

    Thaz me playin right there ! :P pr0 planter ;) check ip, is 84.*spam*.*spam*.*spam* << always me, I live in 84 of the world. this year, 2009, idk, went by fast... in june 2009 I made an awesome trip to Sexy and Scat, I loved to stay there, and I enjoyed my time there and it was a great experience meeting sexy in person and coding the nemesis sources. during summer holidays went to France, been in alot cities there, very nice, Orleans was one of the best I've visited. Then we end up in december and the year is finished... I hope 2010 brings more and faster updates to nemesis, finally hell-fire and sleep arrive, aswell as the long suspected quest expansion that is comming up !
  3. WhiteFang


    We are currently reconsidering the quests for lvl's 170-180. We plan to remove the current quests (which are like 6 quests) and add in a wide range of 50 to 60 quests dedicated and properly balanced for lvl 170-180 with proper contributions given towards hardness of the location of killing, the monster to kill and the amount to kill. The reconsidered quests would be both warrior and mage friendly quests. Quests for lower level's will be re-considered after the initilial release of the 170-180 quests, as we hope to receive much feedback on the hardness vs rewarded contri, we can take the feedback in consideration and adjust the quests on the secondary release of the lower-level quests.
  4. WhiteFang

    Mobs Modifiers

    it's not random, the people who initially coded helbreath gave the monsters these special abilities. Certain monsters can have certain abilities, this is hard coded and change-able in the server source. The reason why is unknown it us too, but in most cases sounds logical. A poisonous Ogre doesn't make sense, while for a troll or canibal plant it makes sense, these are "nature" monsters, so they can be poisoned by mother nature... About the AP or AM there is not much of an explenation for it, it's made like that and kept like that. The reason why we almost never see such monsters appears in icebound or apocalypse if due to the fact that often sources are so old, and coded by the original helrbeath inventor, and then build-up by other people. From my past of running hb myself, I know the oldest servers don't have icebound or apocalypse, nor do they contain heldenian. Those stuffs were coded by other people from the outside of the original helbreath company, therfore didn't match the originals for 100%, but they are very close to accurate with what helbreath had back then.
  5. WhiteFang

    Hitting Prob. #2

    The list is incorrect, it's a guess, but it's completly wrong. Here is a proper explenation on how you gain or lose hitting properbably (HP): - Your weapon skill (long sword, hammer, archery, ...) gains you HP. - Any item with HP increase on it (Xelima Necklace) gains you HP. - Any item that has HP on it gains you HP. (Right Short Sword HP+91%) - You gain a standard amount HP. - You gain HP when having a full-hero set equiped. - When critting you gain HP if you use a bow, long sword, hammer or staff. - When critting you gain a standard amount of HP at ANY. - When critting you gain or lose HP (up to 100) if you use a Manufactures item (Higher then 100% will GAIN you HP, lower then 100% will make you LOSE HP). - When dashing (an attemp to crit without crits 1 tile away from your target) you gain a standard amount of HP. - You gain HP if you have more then 50 dex. - You lose HP if it rains (the harder the rain, the more HP you lose) This list is ONLY when using PHYSICAL attacks, we will NOT distribute the exact values you gain or lose.
  6. WhiteFang

    Obscure Question

    About the BBH: 200~195 examplained: 200 = minimum strength to equip the weapon 195 = minimum strength to full swing the weapon You full swing a BBH at str 195, but cannot equip it unless you have 200 strength. It's sorta funny to see stuff like that, but that's the way it is. You cannot "drain" stat points below 10 using majestic points.
  7. WhiteFang

    Manufacturing "max Skill..."

    yeah, manufacturing is one of the slowest and hardest skills. A friend of me reached 100% Manufacturing, took her quite a while, but I enjoyed helping her on her last %'s. yeah, manufacturing is one of the slowest and hardest skills. A friend of me reached 100% Manufacturing, took her quite a while, but I enjoyed helping her on her last %'s.
  8. WhiteFang

    Leveling After Lv180?

    cycs, garden, RH/SW, delf, frost, ig, rudy, ogre, ww... those pits defintily level up decently at lvl 180.
  9. WhiteFang

    Mage Tips

    1. Pretend corpse is fun to play with, but in my opinion lame to use in a PvP. 2. I'd say create food, gh, gds, pfm, pfa, invi, dt, amp, ews, es, ms, blizz, cancel, inhi, esw, bsw, hf, sleep, ice storm, ab, zerk, mass chill wind, mim if having 200 int (though mim is lame too in my eyes xD) 3. Yes, a tower makes sense if you have 100% shield, even without, people will stop fighting you if you pull out a tower, as warriors hate towers lolz, again in my eyes makes the fight lame to tower up in a 1v1 fight, in a mass pvp towering or shielding is fine to defend yourself. 4. Mass chill wind and blizz can freeze you, also ice strike, but that spell is less common. 5. Simple, yeah, collect parts... Fast, get a team of ppl helping you. 6. Necklace have increased in price over time, mostly the upgraded ones as a bug has been fixed which makes it much harder to get/create a higher necklace. I think MS10 itself hasn't changed that much in price, but the higher ones definitly did.
  10. WhiteFang

    Files Modification

    1. You cannot change it, even if you want to, it's impossible as pgp, invi pot, sp pot, ogre pot or any "small green" looking item uses the SAME graphics. 2. No, it's sound editing and not allowed. 3. The rule is up to date, undecided, so don't do it, if I catch you doing (pak check !) it can result in a ban.
  11. WhiteFang

    Sharp Bh Question

    Battle Hammer Normal Damage: 3D8+1 (4~25) Barbarian Battle Hammer Normal Damage: 3D9+2 (5~29) Sharp BH Damage: 3D9+1 (4~28) BBH+3 Damage: 3D9+5 (8~32) To match a sharp BH towards BBH+3, you'll need a sharp BH +4 atleast to match it. Sharp BH+4 Damage: 3D9+5 (8~32) So it matches BBH+3 Damage ;)
  12. WhiteFang

    Mana Convert

    If you have mana converting items they will so as they say, convert damage into mana. Example: You have a set of 10% Mana Converting. A monster (or player) hits you got 100 Damage. 10% of this damage is converted into Mana. So you'll receive 10 Mana, as 10% of 100 is equal to 10. You'll not be notified about the increase of the mana due to a BUG in the gameserver which I discovered by looking up the exact effect. I took note of it and we'll fix it for the future. Side Note: the maximum Mana Converting you can have is 13%, getting a set with high percents will still give you the maximum of 13%.
  13. WhiteFang

    Anc Vs. Sharp

    hhmm, i'll need to look that up definitly vampyr ! [edit] I've looked up the sources and I've edited my previous topic to make it accurate to the new information I discovered. Thx for noting me on this Vampyr !
  14. WhiteFang

    Killing Gargoyle

    Gargoyle would work out if you just have 1 single GG in the pit and the both of you are playing concentrated and heal on a regular basis. Having an HP set would be a good advantage. Also having a DK+6 or higher would be a huge advantage for this. If you solidly own the GG on your own and your friend just healing and not fighting, make sure your friends blocks your back so you don't fly.
  15. WhiteFang

    Anc Vs. Sharp

    yes sharp and ancient work perfectly. sharp adds +1 on the dice roll ancient adds +2 on the dice roll Sharp+1 is not equally to ancient, not even close. Example: Standard dice damage: 2D6+0 -> which is same as 2D6+0 -> 2 ~ 12 Damage Sharp: 2D7+0+0 -> which is same as 2D7+0 -> 2 ~ 14 Damage Sharp+1: 2D7+0+1 -> which is same as 2D7+1 -> 3 ~ 15 Damage Ancient: 2D8+0+0 -> which is same as 2D8+0 -> 2 ~ 16 Damage As a final conclusion we can see that sharp+1 is not equal to ancient, the minimum damage of the sharp item is increase by 1 due to it's upgrade, but it's maximum damage does not exceed the Ancient's maximum damage and therefore it is considered less powerfull as most people only look at the maximum damage. Side Note: Ancient items have INCREASE endurance, you don't see it as a stat, but it do has increased undurance, therefore you ancient weapon will last longer then your sharp+1 would, as the sharp+1 doesn't have the increased endurance.
  16. WhiteFang

    Raid Time 1 Min. ?

    Servers got rebooted in yesterday, raid time got messed up I think. P.S. Apocalypse was restored as the reboot was not planned.
  17. WhiteFang

    About Hunter[gm]

    I contacted giggles, as hunter & giggles knew eachother well, and giggles is a woman, perhaps hunter would of given "more" details to her... but the result is also nothing, giggles does not know anything more then we do, nor does she have hunter's personal information (address or phone number)... Maybe we can lookup hunter's residence using his full name (if we got this?) to retreive his phonenumber that way... ?
  18. WhiteFang

    Appologize To White Gm

    ruru, I even got your zem from Sinchi-, it's located on my GM, so pm me or one of my normal chars adnd i'll return it.
  19. WhiteFang

    Abanddon Event In Elvine

    True, I indeed offered the elvine town my support for taking care of drops at an organized abaddon hunt. I had to leave to get my brand new desktop, so I've put chengtony in charge of the hunt and drops. He took drops and dropped them in my GM's bag. What ruru tells here is true, he died from a monster in abaddon, Senchi- took his zem and didn't return. Yet I hadn't had the chance to investigate the case and talk to each involved party. The koreans refused to join the event as they had been clearing during night time while I was sleeping, though I announced in elvine that I would pull off an abaddon hunt. I was announcing this since Friday, and I kept my promise, I pulled the hunt on monday, but the koreans cleared indeed infernia B already. So I pulled them together and supported them in the drops, I FG'ed the drops between the players who were there at the point of clearing infernia B. The next couple hours Procella was being cleared, I told them I don't take care of those drops, as it's very rare you get one there. I offered them again my drop help for Abaddon map itself. Today I continued pulling the people together to hunt, it encourages them and it's alot fun. Finaly a hunt got off, and we all went abaddon map to do some mage hunting, Fire Wyvern ofcrouse. Again I offered my help in drops and taking care of an honest food-game. As everyone knows, such an imense FG cannot be held in the game itself, therfore I designed months ago a webpage which does that for me. I input player names, drops and it makes an honest and real food game the same way it would be in the game. I hadn't found time to put all info in, as I think i'm still MISSING PLAYER NAMES as people joined after I had to leave to get my desktop. I guessed by using logs and seeing names I hand't noted down yet. Here is the Food-Game Page: http://bibguild.no-ip.org:3014/index.php?a...vern_22_12_2009 Back on the ruru case, I checked the logs etc and it's indeed true. Senchi- took ruru's zem and didn't return, as a GM I cannot interfear on this matter as I was not there when it happend, I can only try to negotiate to make a compomised deal on this and attemp to resolve this issue peacefully. Sench- also took items, that's true too, but he dropped right after, chengtony (in charge of drops while I was gone) took it and dropped it in my bag. Log files: 2009:12:22:09:57:42 PC(Senchi-) Get StoneOfMerien(1 390 25014 28241 0) abaddon(46 166) IP(***.***.***.***) 2009:12:22:09:57:51 PC(Senchi-) Drop StoneOfMerien(1 390 25014 28241 0) abaddon(48 166) IP(***.***.***.***) 2009:12:22:09:57:55 PC(chengtony) Get StoneOfMerien(1 390 25014 28241 0) abaddon(48 166) IP(***.***.***.***) 2009:12:22:09:58:10 PC(chengtony) Give StoneOfMerien(1 390 25014 28241 0) abaddon(32 172) PC(White[GM]) IP(***.***.***.***-> So Senchi- didn't keep it, I got the drop afterall. And making such a topic like this, I make up my conclusion, patience seems to be far away, as a GM I have other tasks besides making food-games. I don't even HAVE to do this, but if I don't offer the drop help and distribution, nobody would hunt abaddon EVER as people are so concerned about their drops. The food game is distributed, You have 1 hour of time to report any issues or mistakes on the generated food game, I will NOT distribute the drops before the hour has passed, changing 1 thing will change the entire food game. @ Alright/Juggs: I don't go easy on them, and I definitly don't keep drops for myself or within my guild, check the food game pages, many of them are still there of the past hunt made. Your lack of sight and bad experience with me as a player in the past made your view on me and my skills as a GM poisonous and definitly incorrect. Yours faithfully, White[GM]
  20. WhiteFang

    Int Or Magic Requirement On Msheild

    I disagree, a warrior, or rather a tanker, who has no mag or int at all, requires most of the time an mshield to tank a big monter for team hunts. There, it's a good argument for not changing it, therfore we do not require the changes, so your request has been denied.
  21. WhiteFang

    Crafting Bugged?

    viewed from player point it is "bugged" as you can lose any of your items you craft, even the one at the last position in the vessel.
  22. WhiteFang

    About Hunter[gm]

    I wish the best to Jeff, he's so unlucky seems to be, but he'll make it for sure as he made it trough all his other bad luck parts too ;)
  23. WhiteFang

    More Players

    arn't the new updates and features encouraging enough to return?
  24. WhiteFang

    Happy Birthday Joris/white[gm]

    thx alot guys :)
  25. WhiteFang

    Crafting Bug!

    OHNOES ! this is a serious bug ! we should REALLY fix it back so last item won't disapear !! oh, wait... that's the original bug, the item didn't disapear while it was suposed to disapear if you are unlucky... well, hereby I announce the crafting bug officialy fixed, so stop wasting time on putting your DM4 or MS16 last in the vessel, it won't work, only LUCK will help you :) Enjoy the game, play fair, not by abusing bugs !