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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    New Monsters?

    How about an in-game preview... :o
  2. WhiteFang

    Lucky Prize Ticket

    It's been always here... lucky tickets are just expensive, and you need to be LUCKY, as the item name tells you... I grabbed tickets myself too, but never was lucky before though... but there is a chance you get a rare item, probably as rare as finding one xD
  3. WhiteFang

    New Monsters?

    ah yes, I got ideas already... Nemesis is working on some huge updates which will make Nemesis be even more unique and better then any other helbreath. Due to the early stage and concepts, we cannot reveal or release much information on the upcomming updates. Here's a sneak-preview of a possible new map build:
  4. WhiteFang

    New Monsters?

    Spiders are ok, but I think the gfx-style of this spider does not properly fit the helbreath-gfx-style...
  5. WhiteFang

    Lucky Prize Ticket

    We talking about some possible rares like these: Xelima items IE Sword Merien Items (plate + shield) Rare Wands (MS10, but not MS20) rare necklaces (liche, sg, ie, ip, etc)
  6. WhiteFang

    New Monsters?

    I know a 3D Graphics Designer/Drawer who is willing to draw monsters and items for nemesis for FREE. Though he's very very very busy atm (he's on college and has to reach deadline's), but he'll be available soon for us. Though any other drawing hands are welcome ! I know some basics on how to draw moddels and make textures etc and add them to paks and load the code-wise, but the drawing itself I suck *censored* :P
  7. The Dark Executor and Magic Wand (MS30-LLF) are fooded trough the official Nemesis Food-Game Simulator. URL to view the results of this food-game: http://hbnemesis.no-ip.org/index.php?actio...ddon_18_01_2010 @Therapist: Please notify me if any of the items are calimed so I can mark them as claimed in the web-page so no future discussions can exist.
  8. WhiteFang

    Full List Of Names At Abaddon

    The Dark Executor and Magic Wand (MS30-LLF) are fooded trough the official Nemesis Food-Game Simulator. URL to view the results of this food-game: http://hbnemesis.no-ip.org/index.php?actio...ddon_18_01_2010
  9. WhiteFang

    Vista/win7 Angel/fps Fix

    good, we can fix too cuz I know how, i'm a coder, we'll fix. Capping the FPS in first place makes a solution for all high-fps and low fps people, regardless of angels.
  10. WhiteFang

    Vista/win7 Angel/fps Fix

    The better/best solution will come soon... FPS CAP. It'll fix ALL problems for everyone.
  11. WhiteFang

    Windows 7

    yes, in vista Microsoft offers a solution, but not a solution that is easy to understand/apply if you're noob in computers xD But here is solution: Microsoft offers a Virtual Machine program at their website, aside of this program you also require to download their xp-mode for it (which is FREE for windows 7, but cannot be used on vista). You install this VM (virtual machine) program, then install the XP mode to it. then you can boot from this VM while being in windows 7, you download nemesis in there and then you can put a shortcut in windows 7 which will boot nemesis client (HelGame.exe) in the virtual machine and you won't even be able to see or notice it is running in this virtual machine, it does it in the background for you. Tutorials on how to make the shortcut etc are available on the website too. Link to Microsoft virtual machine: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/virtual-pc/
  12. WhiteFang

    Full List Of Names At Abaddon

    Food game will be made based on Eldon's list. Tomorrow i'll make and post the Food-Game link for public. --Closed untill further notice--
  13. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis 5.05 Update

    I think it's based on old maps of HB the blocking system lolz... thats maybe why xD
  14. WhiteFang

    Abaddon Drops Review.

    The announcement appears if you are in the same map. e.g.: I kill a mob in InferniaA, all people who are at inferniaA will see that I killed it and know how much rest monsters. People in other maps will not receive this message. so, no more GM needed for apo, so I also withdraw my help on apo, no more counting, no more scanning.
  15. WhiteFang

    Rep, Righteous And Kloness Weapons

    yes, DM5 would in this case be better then K neck due to K-necks limit of maximum 5, this makes DM5 better as it ALWAYS adds +5 dmg, while k-neck is conditional on enemy rep.
  16. WhiteFang

    Rep, Righteous And Kloness Weapons

    The jaapy's explenation is wrong about rep/right/kloness. Here is the correct one: --Kloness Wand on dealing Magical Damage-- If the Attacker's Rep (= Wearer of kloness !) is POSITIVE (= above 0 (zero)), the damage will be increased by the amount of rep this attacker has devided by 100 with a minimum of 5 damage Simplified: If (AttackerRep > 0) Then RepDamage = AttackerRep / 100 If (RepDamage < 5) Then RepDamage = 5 Damage += RepDamage (Applied for both players and monsters) If the Defender's Rep (= the guy who is being attacked by a kloness item) is NEGATIVE (= below 0 (zero)), then the damage will be increased by the absulate amount of the defenders rep / 10 with a maximum of 10 damage Simplified: If (DefenderRep < 0) Then RepDamage = abs(DefenderRep) / 10 If (RepDamage > 10) Then RepDamage = 10 Damage += RepDamage (Only applied to Players, not to monsters) --Kloness Necklace on dealing Magical Damage-- The damage is increased by the defenders absolute rep / 20 with a maximum of 5 damage. Simplified: RepDamage = abs(DefenderRep) / 20 If (RepDamage > 5) Then RepDamage = 5 Damage += RepDamage (Only applied to Players, not to monsters) Kloness weapons are strong if your own rep is POSITIVE, the higher your own rep, the higher the damage of the kloness item, there is a minimum of 5 rep, so no difference between having 0 rep, or 500 rep as you'll always get the +5 damage, above 500 rep kloness grows in power every 100 rep, so at 10k rep you'll be dealing +100 damage using your kloness weapon. Kloness weapons are additionaly stronger if your enemy's rep is good (either positive or negative), but has a limit damage addition of +10 Kloness necklace is strong if your enemy's rep is alot (either alot positive, or alot negative) Righteous description is correct. my conclusion: klones is good if you own a weapon, get rep+, don't get yourself rep- at any time as it'll increase damage dealt against you from a kloness item :P
  17. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis Version 5.04 Release.

    Nemesis Portal is already updates. The last additions of the Farjat-Drop-Changing will be added soon, but the basics are there. Aswell as the Hell-Fire Damage update needs to be done as it's currently incorrect.
  18. WhiteFang

    Abby Event For Ares!

    ok white thats sounds fair.... I will try to make up something there .. we call u! =D mister no rare itens =D haha joking thou! I got 1 "rare", from an event I won xD, I got 0 rare drops, yet I am all stuffed up :P
  19. WhiteFang

    Abby Event For Ares!

    not at all, if there is an event it's always for BOTH towns. If you talk about support on an abaddon hunt (as I gave to elvine by granting my help on the distirbution of the drops found in Abaddon map itself) I am willing to help on that at any time aresden feels ready for it and has the need to a supporting GM there.
  20. WhiteFang

    Good Drops

    Hunting and getting drops is all about luck. There is no way to affect this luck, char name, rep, or anything else, it does not affect the rate of drops. I've been playing nemesis for 1,5 year, I've been unable to play the bast half year, and I have good sets, but no rares found in drops... But as Eldon tells, it's possible, just need to hunt the right monster at the right time and you'll get the right drop for you ;)
  21. WhiteFang

    New Year Pvp Event

    Make event at held time, alot people always show up in held... OR make 2 identical events spread 12 hours appart lead by 2 different GM's from 2 different time zones. Players should only be able to enter either one of the events, not both.
  22. WhiteFang

    Icebound Crashed-- FIXED

    Icebound is currently offline, I accedently used Hell-Fire there, clicked wrong and wanted to use ESW but mistaken spell haha xD So server is offline, hopefully farjat will be able to boot it asap xD
  23. WhiteFang

    Icebound Crashed-- FIXED

    thx calu haha :D enjoy the new year :D let's make icebound crash some more ! :P
  24. WhiteFang


    New research has lead us to the ability to enable more open quests to make even more mage-friendly quests. Aswell as the ability to attract players to certain maps by increasing the contribution points earned. The encouragment of party will be available too, as we are adding a special type of quest which no other server has seen before, the PARTY quests, those can ONLY be completed in a PARTY, this encourages party-hunts aswell as big monster hunts. Yet we are finishing off Hell-Fire and Sleep, hopefully a spare time will be found to add these small pieces of code to the server to unlock those. If not, we'll still get the 50/60 planned quests, otherwise we get an additional 20 to 30 quests on top of the ones planned !
  25. WhiteFang

    Icebound Crashed-- FIXED

    yeah, start on crash haha xD happens when drunk hahahaha :D I think it's funny