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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang


    From coding research: CRIT damage on a weapon is added BEFORE PA absorbtion calculations.
  2. WhiteFang


    tell me which ones are "wrong" ? (Nizzie has missing, I know)
  3. WhiteFang


    Reputation does NOT affect GBH hitting prob or damage or strip rate at all. Reputation ONLY affects RIGHTEOUS and KLONESS items. Anything else is NOT affected by reputation AT ALL. If you read nemesis portal clearly, you'd know. What the portal states, is what applies for nemesis. http://portal.helbreathnemesis.com
  4. WhiteFang


    The official Nemesis Portal states and indicated that the only forbidden items are: - Sword of Medusa - Necklace of Beholder The Sword of Medusa is used by GM's for fun and joy, the beholder neck is completly disabled, no single GM has them as they do not work. Nemesis Portal Website: http://portal.helbreathnemesis.com
  5. WhiteFang

    Anc Vs. Sharp

    Str lvl bonus: adds before crit calculation, it adds HP and damage. crit bonus: add before actual dice roll, it adds hp depending on item class and adds damage. zerk bonus: added at the end after the dice roll, it's just damage * 2. Some side notes: the zerk is added after the dice has been rolled, so the actual damage is doubled, and not the throw, eyes or bonus of the dice. If an item deals 2D8+0, it will first throw a dice 2 times with 8 eyes and have a damage value of 2~16, then adds zerk to this value. zerk will NOT make 4 dice throws with 16 eyes ! Also, zerk bonus * 2 is IGNORED when using crit or dash ! Also, necklaces damage (DM5) and rings (rod) their damage bonus is added AFTER the drice roll and AFTER the zerk bonus !
  6. WhiteFang

    New Quests?

    we made fixed to the quest's themselfs already (a couple were bugged out with wrong or impossible map names) We also fixed the gold bug/issue appearing that you lose gold, it was a programaticly issue where gold could not be more then 32767, as we highered gold and exp, it caused gold to be taken instead of given. We will release this fix at a next reboot or together with the next major update.
  7. WhiteFang


    yes true, there are bonuses or calculations such as this vampyr, but there is no "additional" bonsu for reaching 200 in a stat.
  8. WhiteFang


    you don't receive an additional bonus reaching the maximum stats. Having 200 str ot 199 str, the only difference is 1 strength point more which makes you 1 str better then somone else.
  9. WhiteFang

    Increase The # Of Players

    Argentina players don't like high ping, cuz they can't play with high ping and they die alot... (who wouldn't hate to die lolz)... So we made nemesis arg, and got ALOT argentina players playing, but If we shut argentina, I bet almost none of them will come to int because of the high ping (delay). That's also the reason why alot people still in int, cuz arg server has alot of delay for them (like for me -> 135 on int, 250 on arg) like a sausage event?
  10. WhiteFang

    Increase The # Of Players

    Feel free to do so... Down them, make people join us and you gain more ek's (lolz :P) Just down or hack at your own risk any other priv you desire, but we don't support or help you with it, it's your choice, your responsibility.
  11. WhiteFang

    Increase The # Of Players

    We didn't see a "spectacular" increase in players when it was 24/7 raid time and barracks to 180. That's why we removed those features again, it was a temporarly event to attract new people, but we didn't gain as much as suspected. More raid does not work basicly. Downing other privs would work, but is not what we tend to do... Other privs will die anyway, none of them are as good as Nemesis. Personally, as a NON-GM opinion, I just think the 40/50 people who made the 120-150 be in nemesis are those left in nemesis argentina atm xD but my opinion does not matter anyway as a player. If you got other nice suggestions to increase player cap again, feel free to post, we wight use your idea in the future ;)
  12. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis Portal

    After the release of the long expected Hell-Fire and Sleep spell, the Nemesis Portal couldn't stay behind on the information regarding this update. The Nemesis Portal has been Updated with the new Abaddon Drops, aswell as the Statted Black Shadow Sword Drops and the Additional Sleep, Hell-Fire and other rare drop information. Nemesis Portal: http://portal.helbreathnemesis.com/index.php Enjoy Helbreath Nemesis, White[GM]
  13. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis Portal

    Updated the hero item information.
  14. WhiteFang

    Happy Birthday Elguason!

    happy P-Day :P (Pussy-Day)
  15. WhiteFang

    Low Fps

  16. WhiteFang

    Account Got Hack!

    Dear CarboY, I personally understand your situation and how bad you feel about it. Nemesis rules clearly state that you are responsible for what you do with your account, which includes using the same account name and password at another server. Therfore we consider the case closed, as you lost your items due to your own irresponsibility of your own account. We, the Nemesis Staff, have chosen to make this rule be that we don't return lost items at all, this rule applies to everyone. Aside of not returning the items, we do apply a punishment (permanent ban) to the account(s) who hacked you, so those players will not take advantage of the stolen items, nor trade, nor sell, nor use them bythemselfs or others. I hope this sort of clarifies the actions of the Nemesis Staff. Greetings, White[GM] - Nemesis Staff
  17. WhiteFang

    Happy B-day Jing[gm] !

    Yes, it's Jan 27 already my time (GMT+1), so HAPPY B-DAY TO JING !!!!!
  18. WhiteFang

    M Sheilds Way Overpowered

    Sorry, no support for this idea.
  19. WhiteFang


    barlogs are made for apocalypse. If you wish to hunt em, every week they spawn in Infernia A and B, alot of them to clear.
  20. WhiteFang

    New Monsters?

    Servers that use models not made by themselfs ARE amateurish, they dun only look like, but they ARE. I dislike such servers and often the mobs don't even fit the helbreath graphics style at all LOLZ
  21. WhiteFang

    New Monsters?

    my friend's Drawing: My friend's 3D Skills: He's interested to help us design new monsters, items or maps or anything we desire, but he currently has no time due to college deadlines he has to reach. So once he's free, he'll contact me again, and i'll remind him of this in the near future so he doesn't forget about helping us :P His skills are really really good, he's pr0 in gfx, i'm pr0 in coding, together we are the perfect team :P
  22. WhiteFang

    Dk Armor Has Way To Much Endu

    Indeed, we already decreased the endurance of the DK armors from 30k to 10k, which is fair enough. --Closed
  23. WhiteFang

    Forum Idea

    If a GM talks and closes a topic, he or she had a reason to do so. A GM Speaks for the entire staff at all times, there is no need for a player to defend his topic, nemesis is a dictatorship, not a democracy, we make nemesis as we desire it to be. And if you do feel the need of telling your mind because that GM offended you, make an abuse ticket against this GM where you kindly explain why this GM is incorrect or breaking rules. --Closed
  24. WhiteFang

    Happy B-day Jing[gm] !

    The legal age to drink is 21, I'm only 20 today. :P wooooot, since when u follow the law Jing? :lol: :lol: Only since I became a GM, shhh! As a GM u MUST get Drunk on your Bdays. Its a Duty. don't forget the pussy calu !! GM's MUST have pussy on b-day :P
  25. WhiteFang

    Goddam Elv Abbadons

    All please read: http://helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=26456 Only 12 out of 20 drops were decently, or reasonable. which makes just over 50%. Basicly Abaddon drop is good, just 2 lucky weeks... And besides, 30/40 people hunting Abaddon, 1 rare for the entire group, finally 1 will just have/keep the rare, so 1 rare every week is decent. Though not every week will be a good drop, neither will there be every week abaddon hunts (which i'm sure off, it just hypes in the beginning due to increased rates). Let's make this discussion about "too high drop rate" again in 20 weeks, then we got a reasonable overview of what actually dropped.