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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    The Next Update

    Hell-Fire's Damage WILL be reviewed now there is a manual in the game. We'll monitor how the damage turns out in fights, eventually adjust and reconsider it slightly to ensure it doesn't make overpowered users, a full mana bar used should be able to kill a player, not a single cast.
  2. WhiteFang

    You're Addicted To Helbreath When...

    Use a power green !
  3. WhiteFang

    The Next Update

    Many seem to be very interested in the upcomming updates... Spread over the forum I've release hints and even Development Screenshots on certain replies on topics related to what we're Developing ^_^ Read the forums carefully and you'll learn more. There's some stuff I can say here already, but much more I can't tell, you'll have to read the forums and figure yourself ;) Fury-Of-Thor: The only missing High-Level spell HelBreath. Party-Quests: Always wanted to enjoy Questing in a party? Guild-System-Improvment: Manage and Upgrade your Guild to maintain Order and Share belongings between Guild Members.
  4. WhiteFang

    Warehouse Space

    clan (guild) wh has been suggested in other topics, I thought beyond and suggested myself even more and better, including solutions for all trouble points. It has been approven, and is undercontruction now ;)
  5. WhiteFang

    Abaddon Drops

    it stops the thieves, true, which is posive for the hunters, and negative for the thieves. Removing the "thieving" ability, which make the hunters much more laxer, as there is no need to worry about drops being thieved. An update like this would belong in HelBreath 2, not in Helbreath...
  6. WhiteFang

    More Exchange Slotts

    The suggestion of increasing exchange slots has been reviewed by the staff and considered usefull. The suggestion has been added to the to-do list for next major update.
  7. WhiteFang

    Abaddon Drops

    A simeliar system was suggested by myself shortly after the change of the abaddon drops. We reviewed the suggestion in the staff room and considered it's impact and change of game-play too high to be adding such system. It encourages abaddon hunts, but makes them way too easy, as the system handles the drops. Though many mmo's have features like drops being "bound" to the monster's killr for a certain time, then relasing to be picked by anyone else. This was also suggested by myself, and again ,the game-play would change too much, the impact is too high for helbreath as it currently is.
  8. WhiteFang

    Replace Dmg Into Mana

    identical, limited to 13% Maximum. so having a 5% berk, 5% plate and 5% helm (total 15%), you'd only get a bonus of 13%, as this is the maximum. Same limits are for MA, but there the limit is 80%. If the total amount of MA of all your armor pieces together is more then 80%, you'll always absorb 80% of the magical damage. Though a side note, but i'm very unsure about this !, but armor and magin emmy count appart I think, so reaching 90% would be possible if they are separated.
  9. WhiteFang

    Next Update?

    Economy?? PLZ Tell me u guys arent gonna try one of those delete gold things again Currently a gold reset is not planned, but we might apply, but needs to be discussed first in staff room. It'll have more impact on game play rather then economy though. Hey but good idea actually!! /wipe Gold :PPPP whipe gold, make repairs more expensive, gold less drop rate... will give gold purpose though :o
  10. WhiteFang

    Next Update?

    Economy?? PLZ Tell me u guys arent gonna try one of those delete gold things again Currently a gold reset is not planned, but we might apply, but needs to be discussed first in staff room. It'll have more impact on game play rather then economy though.
  11. WhiteFang

    Next Update?

    I like the idea, never thought of that... It's up in the staff room for opinions and review if it's possible and if we'll do it.
  12. WhiteFang

    What Shield Is Better

    Too bad it only adds endurance on the tower :P 1 defence = 2dr, every shield has base PA added 13 defence diff of tower = 26dr 26dr diff isnt a whole lot, so pa iron all the way, you get hit less with dex mage anyways, and with that iron, you get hit for way less damage :) It works fine for my guild, as i'm more a PvE'er then a PvP'er, I consider the shield very usefull. As a tanker during a hunt, the endurance allows me to last longer on the same shield, so I4d require less shields to tank, means more spots for pots, means longer tanking.
  13. WhiteFang

    Replace Dmg Into Mana

    true, all depends on what you consider usefull yourself. Though the maximum combined % of replacing is 13%. Having more, will not help you anymore.
  14. WhiteFang

    1 More Question

    The weapon a player prefers is personal, if having good items, the damage can go up decently high, no matter which weapon or build. The theoretical best weapon, based on hitting probablity would probably (i'm not 100% sure) be the DK Sword+15, though a HP91% ancient item would ofcrouse also be good, but I cannot talk from experience here because I don't have DK+15, nor HP91% Ancient item. Aside of that, the weapon with most additional HP (not in stats, but in code based on the type (long sword, short sword, hammer, ...)) would probably turn out as the best weapon. Adding additional HP stat to it would make it even better. Equiping hero set would increase the HP. Aswel las magin diamond or dex angel. Aswell as having a high dex stat. The hitting probablty against the enemy does not only base off the weapon, there are many fators which have an impact on the probablty.
  15. WhiteFang

    Password Recovery Does Not Work!

    check your spam box, eventually wait up to 24h for the mail to arrive. If not arrived within 24 hours, please notify your account name by PM on the forum to me aswell as your e-mail and i'll manually get the information sent. The password recovery works properly, you just need more patience for the mail to arrive.
  16. WhiteFang

    Another Question About The Hp On Weapons

    The endruance does not affect the weapons hitting probability. The reason that a hammer strips faster is due to the different strip-rates assigned to each hammer. strip rate works like this: (if you're hitting the enemy using a hammer, bh, gbh or bbh) if (the enemy's armor endurance is less then 2000) { stripRate = (max end - current end) D 6 + 0 } if (the enemy's armor endurance is more then 2000) { stripRate = (max end - current end) D 4 + 0 } Additionally you receive a bonus depending on your hammer (these values are NOT to be given to the public !) stripRate += bonus depending on hammer type (hammer, bh, gbh or bbh) if (the enemy's armor endruance is less then the strip rate) { the armor strips off }
  17. WhiteFang

    Next Update?

    maybe... maybe not... search around random forum topics if you're interested ;) The next one will have some medium-sized changes and impact on the economy and game play
  18. WhiteFang

    Extra Bag Slots

    Maybe... Maybe not... See yourself: I'll not be answering questions, a clear explenation will come in a later stage of at the beta release.
  19. WhiteFang

    Extra Bag Slots

    The guildwarehouse idea is a good idea. It was suggested multiple times in the past already, therefore the staff considered it a valueable and good addition. Aside of a guildwarehouse, the guild-system could use a fresh up too, something to look forward to in the near future.
  20. WhiteFang

    Extra Bag Slots

    they have, for buying flags. Yes I know, currently flags are only for using during heldenian. But we have an upcomming update which will give more purpose to the flags.
  21. WhiteFang


    hhmm, that seems to be some explenation that needs to be investiagted. When will you be around for investigation?
  22. WhiteFang

    What Shield Is Better

    PA Wise the iron owns tower. DR Wise the tower owns iron. Depending on your wish, you pick your shield. I personally use an MR77 Iron and HP77 Iron and a tower+3 shield. Depending on the situation I equip a diff shield. Though having such a high iron PA shield, I'd advice to go for the PA, as your DK set gives yo unice DR, and your DR neck makes up for the loss of the DR between tower and iron.
  23. WhiteFang


    We are talking about the pits, there not respawning like they used 2 yes, me too... I talk about mobs in global. Which include pits too... Pit are no different from random mobs, it's still a monster and respawns if the max objects is not reached... as a map has random spawns, it'll spawn pit in priority ofc, then fill up empty space with random. So once filled, you kill, and then there is chance a random appear, means no slot free for re-spawn mob from pit, so it spawns later when somone else in the map kill a mob, or you kill one yourself... it spawns as soon as a slot is free though. simple example: max mobs = 100 slime pit = 40 slime -> leave 60 random mobs. I am only player on map. I kill slime -> slime dead. 1 space free -> random mob spawn (cuz pit no need respawn) slime body disapear -> request respawn -> rejected -> map full. you kill another slime (or random mob) -> mob dead. 1 space free -> slime respawns (pit has priorty over random) ... ... ... a pit's spawn rate is determined by the amount of players in the map, 1 guy on the map in 1 pit, will indeed cause slow rate, as he needs to kill a mob after his cyc's body disapeared to make his cyc respawn.
  24. WhiteFang


    Depending on the activity of the map the spawn rate increases itself. The more monsters being killed, the faster they respawn. As you kill 1 monster, another monster will immidiatly spawn to fill up the empty spot created by the death of the monster yo ukilled. IT's not alway endured that the new monster will be near your or of the same type, but it's always somewhere in the map. In other words, if more people are activly killing monsters, your own monsters will respawn faster as you're not the only 1 killing on the map. Aside of that, the more people on a map, the more chance and the bigger spawns you get. Grouping together in hunts WILL cause spawns to get to your party, the closer you're together, the mroe activity you create in a certain amp region, the higher this activity becomes, the faster a random spawn will pop up near you. So globaly seen, the spawn rate reduction is due to the loss of player population. (which is sad, because I wish more players)
  25. WhiteFang


    after PA: - Sleep doubled damage that's all lol :P