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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Talk-> Choose Quest

    Good suggestion indeed it is. And indeed the staff is working on the quest list display, but it won't yet be for the nearest upcomming update, perhaps the one after that with even more different types of quests available.
  2. WhiteFang

    Hf Fixed Dmg

    You're right on thatone. HF got tweaked a bit, and will be tweaked again on next update we're preparing to be launched very soon. I've spent 3 hours calculating and re-calculating damages, mana consumption, hitting amount, hitting proabability, rarity, after effects etc etc between Blizzard, ESW and Hell-Fire. HF's minimum damage is perfectly in line with it's consumption, but it's maximum damage isn't, and that's what we'll change. Also the on-the-spot damage (which requires AIM in full scale combat) will be highered so shooting like a crazy guy will deal some dmg, but not as many as if it was aimed perfectly on the spot (like a para). Expect a re-tweak of the max dmg of the center of the spell, and a minor tweak on the damage around the center. P.S. The one who wondered about the range, HF is a 2x2 range, which means it'll expand 2 "spots" or "tiles" left, right, up and down from the center where it has been casted, making it a 5x5 square large spell.
  3. WhiteFang

    I Cant Change Password...

    do not use it inside client (character select screen) as that feature is disabled in there. you can change your password using the website.
  4. WhiteFang

    Hf Fixed Dmg

    yes, a perfect aim is indeed a 4-hit. A 15 hit would be EXTREEMLY HARD, but i mean like 0,000000000000000000001% chance you get it off. Blizzard (and HF) have the "fly-option". You can deal damage to somone, and he flies (moves) to another spot. Let's assume I blizz you and get the 4 hit off, on the 4th hit, you'll be flown in the direction which hasn't been hitted yet, but is still within the range, you gain the full hits of that, which is 3 hit, on the 3rd hit, you'll be flown again to another spot, which didn't get damage dealt yet, you prolly end up in a 3 or 2 hit spot, let's assume 3, i get again all 3 hits off, last hit you fly again... etc etc At the end, it could end up being 15 hit, but to get this kind of movement off, you need to be extreemly lucky, as flieing (moving) by the magic can be resisted (randomness), aswell as a magic hit can be resisted (due to MR), aswell as the fly direction is random. I'm only saying that in theory it is possible, in reality it'll likely never even be a 5 or 6 hit blizzard, but you can get it pulled off a 5 or 6 hit if you're lucky, skills no more matter to get a 5 or more hit off. Aside of that, in theoretical scheme's and calculations, the enemy's (target's) MR is NEVER taken in account, so you could get a 5 or 6 hit, but only deal 2 or 3 hits of damage, but you DID get a 6-hit actually. Aside of that, the angle between the caster and the target also determines the fly direction, but it isn't neccesarely the fly direction, it can be affected by randomness so you'd fly in another direction, depending on the outline of the spell's damage.
  5. WhiteFang

    ***new Player Hot Tips***

    For the ingredients i'll make you invis pots :) (on a NORMAL character ofcouse !) There is a deal you cannot turn down. Get the ingredients..orc meat, slime, skelly bones and go find WhiteFang. More & other ingredients for other potions can be found at our Nemesis Portal: http://portal.helbreathnemesis.com
  6. WhiteFang

    ***new Player Hot Tips***

    For the ingredients i'll make you invis pots :) (on a NORMAL character ofcouse !)
  7. WhiteFang

    Hf Fixed Dmg

    As Creator and Tweaker of The Hell-Fire and Sleep spells in Helbreath Nemesis, I am responsible to answer this clearly. HF got lowered in damage bacause it was measured in game-play. The previous setting of the spell's damage was measured in a test environement using custom build test characters. The new setting of the spell's damage was tweaked towards player recommandations and staff opinions. Hell-Fire is a high level Fire spell, dealing a big amount of damage more then a casual Blizzard. The ratio between blizzard and hf was tweaked more to be more realistic for game-play. A HF casted by a DK+15, rom, fh user still deals a good amount of damage. While a blizzard needs a perfect aim to hit somone with a fair amount of damage, hf can be shot almost blindfolded and still deal very good damage. According to it's Mana Consumption and damage, the ratio of blizzard is tweaked towards a game-play environement rather than a testing environement. Testing is good, and we always test things we make, but the real effects & tweaks are measured in game-play, you can't measure them perfectly during testing in first place. Besides, those who felt HF wern't moving or in full scale combat, in full-scale combat you can, in theory, deal 10~30 hits if you cast HF with knowledge of the game mechanics. a 30-hit could result into damage over 1200, ofcrouse it is VERY unlikely to reach that. To prove this, blizzard can make a 4~15 hit actually, but it'll almost never go higher then a 5-hit because you need to aim perfectly and be very very very lucky to get the shot off correctly. A lost word, if the HF turns out tweaked too low, we'll tweak it again untill it's perfect. According to my measurements, HF's expandable damage is perfect, what might be improved is the spot-damage, which will make HF reasonable on casual use, and good to even very good or deadly on perfect aims, just as blizzard can be.
  8. WhiteFang

    Server Manteinance + Client Update V5.11

    HF THEORETICAL Damage before fix: 200 ~ 660 (10-hit) HF THEORETICAL Damage AFTER Fix: 160~364 (10-hit) Blizzard THEORETICAL Damage: 96~292 (4-hit) About the "hit": a 4-hit, if resist 1 of the 4 (25%), damage is already reduced ALOT. on the 10-hit, if resist 2,5 of the 10 (25%), damage is reduced only in a minority, damage is still high (132~324), while the 4-hit's damage is already really low (67~170).
  9. WhiteFang

    Question About Shields

    Lagi shield ONLY if having 100% Shield Skill. Unless you have entire DR set, use the tower DR, it'll turn out better then the Lagi, your DR set should be around 300% already to make the big difference.
  10. WhiteFang

    Gambling Is Never Good !

    Dissident OWNED +1 xD Never Bet Against Farjat !! "You can win, but you'll always lose more"
  11. WhiteFang

    Technical Problems

    Can't be lack of memory with Nvidia GeforeGT240M 1GB + 4GB system ram with 64bit OS :( Also this laptop is only 8 months old so I don't believe it has anything with my memory being broken yet. Also this problem is ONLY WITH HB and under the circumstances I explained. I think it has nothing to do with memory but some background process instead. I wish I knew what that process is... ok, your RAM and Video Memoery is good. try to adjust your swapping memory, mine is set to 10 GB as a max. Here is a SS on how to do it: 1. Go the the properties of "my computer" 2. Go to the tab "Advanced" 3. Click at the "Prestation" section on the button "Setup" or something simeliar. 4. Go to the tab "Advanced" 5. Click the button "Change" or "Adjust" or something simeliar. 6. Adjust the values as desired, multiples of 1024 work best, mine is set min 2 GB, max 10 GB. (Upper field = min, lower field = max) 7. Don't forget to click "apply" or "adjust" or something simeliar, just presson "ok" will NOT change the values to be used !! 8. Click ok on all the buttons of the 3 opened up screens. 9. Possibly need to reboot your computer to apply the adjusted values, best is to reboot anyway to ensure it's applied. After the reboot check again if the values still are there (if not, you forgot step 7). 10. Enjoy happy helbreath with increased swapping memory ^_^ Some notes: I got 4 hard drives as you can see, first one is windows OS, second is a protected section extreemly watched by my anti-virus as my downloads go in there, third is my data drive where I put my games and other important files, and fourth is my back-up external HDD. Best is to apply the increase ONLY to the disk of your OS !
  12. WhiteFang

    Nemesis: Design An Accessory Contest

    Another accessory I came up with: Artemis' Necklace 2% Drop Rate increase (2nd and rare drops) Artemis' Ring 2% Drop Rate increase (2nd and rare drops) Equip them together (as a set) and again 1% bonus Drop Rate Increase. (2nd and rare drops)
  13. WhiteFang

    Technical Problems

    It's a lack of swapping memory, RAM or Video Memory.
  14. WhiteFang

    Item Event Week May 30-june 6

    Dutch Translation: --------------------- Het Item-Event van deze week zal plaats vinden op Donderdag 3 juni om 8 uur ('s morgens) Server Tijd. Instricties van WAAR je moet zijn zullen in-game gegeven worden. (Ik wil niet teveel informatie opvoorhand vrijgeven.) Dus, let op de GM chat, donderdag om 8u Server Tijd. Waar spelen we voor? Sharp, Exp 20% GiS (Giant Sword) Volgende week zal het een Mage Item Event zijn gehouden in de avond. Hopelijk zie ik jullie allemaal daar ! HunterGM
  15. WhiteFang

    Nemesis: Design An Accessory Contest

    Contued Concept Arts: Continued concept arts: Actual Game-Looks: ----------------------- Necklaces/Rings: Continued game-content arts: The gem (Earth) as described above could look like this: * Note: only some actual game arts are done to give a basic idea how they'd look in the game.
  16. WhiteFang

    Nemesis: Design An Accessory Contest

    Critical Necklace Critical Damage Increased by 5% Ciritical Ring Critical Damage Increased by 5% Wear both together (as a set) and get a 2% bonus. A rare drop from monsters. ---- Lucky Necklace 10% Chance to be recalled to town if Health drops below 10% of your maximum health. A rare drop from monsters. ---- Earth Protection Necklace 25% Earth Magic Absorbtion (Tremor, EWS, AB, ESW, ...) Earth Elemental Necklace 50% Earth Magic Absorbtion (Tremo, EWS, AB, ESW, ...) A rare drop from monsters. ---- Reflection Ring 5% Chance to Refelect damage back to the enemy (Physical and Magical) Reflection Necklace 5% Change to Reflect damage back to the enemy (Physical and Magical) Wear both (as a set) and receive a 2% Bonus. A rare drop from monsters. ---- Damage Relection Item Stat Works in grades like MA/PA and stacks like MA, but has extreemly rare to be found. Would be dropped by mobs (rarity of ma/pa stats) ---- Item Sockets Each item would have an amount of sockets available. You can put special gems in it which give additional Fire, Earth, Water (Ice), Lightning damage (+1% for low-grade gems, +2% for high-grade gems) Gems put in armors stack in percent. Gems can be removed using a gem-removing item. Items with sockets would be hard to find (dropped by mobs), gems can be made using mining, crafting, alchemy, farming AND manufactoring (Mine an unenchanted gem, manu the gem in shape, farm ingredients and craft ingredients to enchant the gem using alchemy) ---- Item Stat Health/Mana This stat would increase the maximum amount of health or mana Works in double grades of HP/MP recovery (14, 28, 42, 56, 70, 84, 98, 112, 126, 140, 154, 168, 182, 196, 210) (196 and 210 aren't dropped by mobs, just as 98 and 105 isn't dropped either) This stat would be very hard to find (drop rate of ma/pa) ---- Probability Ring Increases hitting probability by 5% Probability Necklace Increases hitting probability by 5% Wearing both together (as a set) gives an additional bonus of 2% hitting probability. These items would be rare drops ---- Speed Ring Increases attack speed by 5% (Swing speed for physical, cast speed for magical) Speed Necklace Increases attack speed by 5% (Swing speed for physical, cast speed for magical) Wearing both together (as a set) gives an additional 2% attack speed increase. A rare drop from monsters. ---- Absorbtion Ring Absorbs 5% of the damage taken (Physical and Magical) Absorbtion Necklace Absorbs 5% of the damage taken (Physical and Magical) Wearing both together (as a set) gives you an additional bonus of 2% Absorbtion A rare drop from monsters. -------------- Designs: (Adding more as i'm making them !) Conceptual looks: --------------------
  17. WhiteFang

    Questions About Some Screenshots.....

    These pak files still exist within Nemesis, but currently arn't used anywhere the this current moment. There do are plans for them to be used, but those are currently long-term plans.
  18. WhiteFang


    i'll release a demon army on you... let's see how much alchemy sux :P (Demon pot = 100% alchemy)
  19. WhiteFang

    Can't Make Hair Style Potion

    It has been corrected now. (See, takes only minutes to fix bugs with sources in my hands) Feel free to post or report any more bugs or missing parts concerning the nemesis portal.
  20. WhiteFang


    A list of items you can created and ingredients required can be found at : http://portal.helbreathnemesis.com
  21. WhiteFang

    Contribution Pts

    The recent updates, or comming updates related to quests arn't made for nothing... The addition of over 50 quests, the addition of Party-Quests, the addition of Collecting-Quests... All of it has it's own purpose... It's all related to the major upcomming Improvement of the Guild System.
  22. You're addicted to Helbreath... ...when you wake up with "Loading game data. Please wait a moment." ...when you go looking in the fields for snakes to kill and wonder why Sword of Medusa didn't drop yet ...when it's christmas and go outside looking for Rudlophs ...when you go to play football and ask "Where is the Energy Sphere?" ...when you're righting somone and yell "Critical!" ...when your friend shows his now jacked and you ask "stats?" ...when you go to the super market to buy Health/Mana Potions ...when you go to your city hall and ask for a new Quest. ...when you go to your city hall to receive your identity card and say "You are a combatant now". ...when you go to another town and say "You have x minutes to get forced recall. Recall is not available in the opposite town." ...when your wake up and try to Convert to Attack Mode. ...when you got a compliment and say "Another player gave you a good evaluation." ...when you got to your friend's birthday and yell "Level up!!! Level *age*!" ...when you put your mom's necklaces into a vessel and start shaking it and hope to upgrade it successfully. ...when You wonder why there is no fire when hunting a deer using the bow you've set on fire. ...when you go to your garden looking for ant legs, slime jelly's and other ingredients. ...when you begin every text message sent on your cellphone with "/whisper *name*". ...when you walk into a church and start asking people their charisma stats. ...when your brother walks into the kitchen and you throw ice cubes at him yelling "Blizzard!" ...When you are pretending to shoot people with your plastic hanger for Archery Skill. ...when you kill someone and say why didn't I get an EK-count? ...when you go to a snowy area looking for the Wyvern. ...When it starts to rain really bad and you yell out, "Omg, -3% Casting Probiability!" ...when you try to get your mom to sew you a Hero Cape to wear at your birthday party. ...when you to the bank and stand there trying to be AFK. ...when you get a bowl and start mixing ingredients and wonder why no Demon Summong Potion comes out. ...when your top 25 eks are in your digital photo album. ...when you hold a plastic sword and think its the devastator ...When at someone's birthday you sing a "GameServer will be shut down soon!", instead of the Happy birthday song ...When you go to bed and start to say "Logging out...10", "Logging out...9", etc ...when your excuse for being late in class was "Network Traffic/Lag. Please wait a moment!" ...when you're driving a friend home and suddenly you stop and he asks you what happened and you say "Connecting to server. Please wait..." ...when your friend just passed out near you and everyone?s asking you what happened and you say "Connection Lost!" ...When you travel to some deep cliff at start seeking for the Abaddon. ...when you're going to a bank and asking them if you can have a Zem. ...when your mom tells you that your grandpa just died and you ask "any good drop?" I hope you've enjoyed reading and laughed a bit :D feel free to add any funny sentences yourself :P
  23. WhiteFang

    You're Addicted To Helbreath When...

    my brother and I often talk in gaming-language... like last night he said like "wait I go grab some pants and gonna shower"... I was like "what kind of pants? pants+7 ?"... he said "nah it's pants +9"... "oh, awesome, they shine, prolly require alot of AGI to equip them?" ... "yeah like 634 AGI"... LOL It's not rlly hb specific, but it's related to gaming haha :P I definitly wanne have his pants +9...
  24. The master in code replies yo uwith a simple answer: Hitting your enemy with damage doesn't necessarly require the enemy's cast to be cancelled. So, in other words, what happend is completly possible, but the explenation of DK+15 wand is 100% bs. The other explenation calu and juno talk about, with lagg it can be indeed that the cast was not broken, yet all depends on BOTH sides lagg, the server determines (calculates) if the cast is, or should be cancelled or not, and distributeds it to all players in the area near the cast-failing player. so basicly if avril presses his/her button to cast, the command to cast the spell is sent to the server, the server casts it. at the same moment, or slightly before or after, the SB user's command to attack avril is also sent to the server. Depending on the delay between avril -> Server and the SB user -> Server it's determined if the cast is broken or not.
  25. WhiteFang

    Contacting Boogyman

    shaggnut lives on my ventrilo if it's working... Recent firewall and anti-virus upgrades caused major blocking of my vent, so i think he's cursing me now cuz it's offline lolz :P