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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Happy Birthday Colo !

    happy b-day colo !!
  2. WhiteFang

    Kloness Wand

    A slightly increase on the weapons for player's own rep would be good, increase to +15 max would be a nice addition. A major increase on the k-neck for enemy's negative rep to +10 would be nice, eventually add a bonus for player's own rep as k-items have, but with a lower limit then k-weapons. About the rep subject: They're being afk, rep takes 1h, unless they time it (which takes effort) to gain their rep exactly every hour, making sure the one you rep is in the same map server, it takes effort, so I think diserved to be repped. The other parts or issues regarding to rep, such as rep-abuse and making tons of new chars to rep, will all be solved on next update.
  3. WhiteFang

    2 Guildmaster

    This is already an older SS though, you probably missed it in other topics like this where I reply using images only ;)
  4. WhiteFang

    Kloness Wand

    to clear this all up: - DM5 > K Neck for warriors - K Neck > DM5 for mages - K neck MAX possible damage: +5 - K weapons MAX possible damage: +15 - K bonus is applied to the final damage, not to the dices - K items only become "good" if your enemy has NEGATIVE reputation. Kloness if the god of goodness and rewards you for your goodness (rep+) with a bonus of max +5 and punishes the enemy if he's evil (rep-) by giving you a bonus of max +10
  5. WhiteFang

    2 Guildmaster

    yes, things like that will be made available as the guild system will actually be a system, and not some fashioned cool name below your char (as it is now) with some rank and guild ID assigned where it's saved just with a minority of info and low functionality available. There will be a system managing the guilds, saving their data such as level and other info into the database (like chars are saved).
  6. WhiteFang

    2 Guildmaster

    Nemesis is current Developing a Guild System Improvement. You should use the search button to find more, search for "Guild System Improvement" ;) W.I.P. Guild System Improvement - Guild Member Details:
  7. WhiteFang

    Kloness Wand

    Confirmed by code check: K wand/Blade/Axe/Esterk: - +1 Damage for every 100 Your POSITIVE REP, limited to +5 Damage - +1 Damage for every 10 Enemy's NEGATIVE REP, limited to +10 Damage K Neck: - +1 Damage for every 20 Enemt's NEGATIVE REP, limited to +5 Damage --> I'll update Portal asap.
  8. WhiteFang

    Kloness Wand

    Yes that's what I thougt to, and that's why I got my hands on it. But if you would have ead the whole posg you would knoww it does in fact not work as written on Portal. You can see what WhitFang GM wrote about it. What I wrote is same as what's on the portal, but in different words. The basic +5 you get from rep < 500 I just defined as "deals +5 damage", even if your rep is negative, it deals the +5. The second one, you wrote wrongly in your topic, 500 rep = +0 dmg -> 600 rep = +1 -> 700 = +2 ... 1k = +5, add up the +5 from the firstone and you get: 500 rep = +5 -> 600 rep = +6 ... 1k = +10 Portal just doesn't talk about a limit, I explained in a prev post why it doesn't, because i'm not sure what's nemesis setting. I've tested using my GM with 10k rep, I don't deal +100 damage, which I actually expected to do so. P.S. What the portal writes, is what I say, I maintain the portal, my knowledge is the portal's knowledge ;)
  9. WhiteFang

    Kloness Wand

    -> Combining it with k neck is only good for mages, if the enemy has NEGATIVE REP (2nd effect of k-items applied) - for wars DM5 > K Neck at ANY time, DM5 is not conditional, k neck is. -> If your rep is good, you gain the +10 always, the last +5 damage bonus isn't that easy to obtain as many people have positive rep because they know the k-effect. I personally think a minor increase of k item's max rep (1st effect of k-items) +10 to +15 or +20 maybe, it's small, but i'll be effective enough and worthy to obtain a k-item.
  10. WhiteFang

    Kloness Wand

    @Solini: Your defenition of how kloness works is slighty wrong. Here is how it goes (in INT/USA Server - idk 100% sure for nemesis yet !): - you gain +1 dmg every 100 rep (max +10), but when your gained damage is less then 5, it'll be 5 anyway. -> 200 = +2 dmg, but 2 < 5 so +5 dmg - you gain +1 dmg every 20 negative rep of your enemy (+5 max) The first defenition of the 2 above only applies to weapons, not to the k neck. I'm not 100% sure about the limit of +10 on your own rep, some sources have unlimited (being max rep as limit -> 10k rep -> + 100 dmg), others have limit to +10. For nemesis i'm not sure, i'd need to see sources to confirm the limit of it.
  11. WhiteFang

    Allow Upgrading Angelic Pandents To +20 ?

    I agree on allow angelic pendant higher. BUT Farjat, MAXIMUM + on angels is +15 ONLY !! This limit is due to the fact that only 1 hex represents the upgrade, a hex has value 0 to F, which is equal to 0 to 15 only. To allow +20, we need 2 hex, which will allow 00 to FF, which is equal to 0 to 255. And to make this happen, we need this major client change i've been talking about for months, increasing 1 hex to 2 hex would be done for item stats aswell as for colors and status-effects to allow AFK-Status and add more colors to the game. ->> Farjat, we need to make a date, you and me, one entire evening/night/day we spent together doing this all. [EDIT] I got mistaken, angels + level is in it's spec value, which is up to 2 billion, thought it was in the stat value, which is as I explained above. Never the less, I think we should get the additional colors trough.
  12. WhiteFang


    Impossible does not exist in my grammer related to nemesis coding :P We just need TIME to make new things ;)
  13. WhiteFang


    calu, the master coder is sitting right here, ready to double, tripple or quadrupple the amount of colors !!! Just MAKE time to code for me plz :D
  14. WhiteFang

    Design A Flag Contest

    My entry as WhiteFang: As i'm from Belgium, my country's flag didn't look much of a challange to make, black, yellow, red... kinda boring. Therefore I chose to make the Flemish flag, it's the part of Belgium I live in. After a 2 hour job of hauling capes and dyes, here is my entry: Flemish Flag in HB Nemesis: (2 ss merges for good look) Real Flemish Flag:
  15. WhiteFang

    Introducing Nemesis Soccer Match Ares V Elvine

    awesome hunter ! Soccer in nemesis is the BEST and most UNIQUE in entire helbreath !
  16. WhiteFang

    This Same Ip = Ban

    Helbreath Nemesis Rule #4 States CLEARLY: The Helbreath Nemesis Highly Advanced EK Laming Detection System does not lie or make mistakes. This rule is clear, this rule was applied. The System tells it's lame, so the System demands a ban, because the System considers people in the same household, cybercafe or public internet location a dangerous threat, we remove them from the game by the judgement of a GM if a lame ek occurs. If one lame ek occurs, many will follow. EK Laming is an addiction, it can be treated, we call this treatment Amnesty, it teached you if you lame, you'll lose everything but can start over if you think you're ready for it. Unless a higher ranked GM or Administrator overrides my the systems indications and my judgement, I will NOT undo the ban. In NO case will a Screenshot taken valid as the only proof for any explenation or justification of actions which break or could break the rules. CLOSED
  17. WhiteFang

    Rep, Righteous And Kloness Weapons

    K Weapons (= wand, sword, esterk and axe): - +1 Damage for every 100 rep - if your rep is 599 or less, you always make +5 damage - Maximum +10 Damage (you'd reach +10 dmg at rep 1000 or more) - +1 Damage for every 20 rep your enemy has below 0 (zero) - Maximum +5 Damage (you'd reach +5 dmg if your enemy's rep is -100 or less) --> So your max bonus is +15 Damage, the first +10 you can affect by yourself (your own rep), the last +5 you can't know, unless you know your enemy's rep. K Necklace: - +1 Damage for every 20 rep your enemy has below 0 (zero) - Maximum +5 Damage (you'd reach +5 dmg if your enemy's rep is -100 or less)
  18. WhiteFang

    Monstr Spawn Indicator On Minimap

    I like this idea, I've suggested this same idea to farjat more then 1,5 years ago. I was told there was a bug in it, so it was disabled... But I can fix it ^_^ Suggestion will be taken in for consideration.
  19. WhiteFang

    Question About Shields

    sorry White.. can i get a reply on this pls To top DK set's DR, and ONLY it's DR (NOT THE PA !!) you'd require a DR 43% only. note that topping the DR, doesn't make up for the strip, endurance or pa you're missing out from the DK set in first place. You'll get hit less times, but the damage you get WILL be high. You'll strip faster due to less endruance, AB breaks your set easly.
  20. WhiteFang

    Question About Shields

    PA doesn't stack like MA does. So, if you get a FULL PA 15% set (helm, berk, plate AND hose) you cover 100% of your body. Which means, you have 100% of absorbing 15% of the damage. Add a shield such as a lagi pa 36 to it, and you absorb 51% of the damage you take (if having 100% shield skill !!) That's why PA on a single piece is bad, but in a set, with all peaces equally, or aprox equally, you'll always absorb. Finding all 4 set pieces at PA15% is already VERY VERY VERY hard to do, so a PA set is very hard to build, and therefor people rather not use it. Though, if I'd get my hands on like a PA 36% set, i'd use it rather then my DK set xD
  21. WhiteFang

    Something About Exp

    Helbreath is based so the one who deals damage, already earns exp from dealing this damage. Part of this exp will go to the party members. Then when the monster dies, the "rest" exp is given to the killer (=the one who last hit it) Again a part of this exp will go to the party members. That's how the exp deviding system works in helbreath, it has been like this since the beginning of the original helbreaths, it's NOT something intvented in nemesis.
  22. WhiteFang

    Question About Shields

    A Casual tower will offer you more DR then your targe shield will. Basicly DR shields only worth if Iron, Lagi or Tower. (<< my personal opinion)
  23. WhiteFang

    Iten Evento

    Lovely, i'll be there :) HP 98 Leather, HERE I COME !! :P
  24. WhiteFang

    Question About Shields

    Indeed, you're correct on thisone right here. a High DR is good for pvp & lower level mobs (rh/sw/graden training), but for higher mobs, such as demons or GG's, PA is WAY better then DR. Though PA is one of the HARDEST sets to build, as EVERY piece needs to be high enough for your set to be effective. Excalibur + shield would be THE BOMB for demon hunting :D Good & fast damage while having high defense from the shield is awesome to play with. That's why I <3 excalibur soooooooo much :D
  25. WhiteFang

    Question About Shields

    Interested in a DR hose & berk? I got both, DR 21.