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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Top 10 Rep Php

    i'm here for 2 years... my rep is -59... I'm old as players, but i'm not in the top of rep anyway... lolz xD and top rep (highest amount of rep) doesn't make sense, as rep has no effect or show-off (like top EK), it is fairly useless to make it.
  2. WhiteFang

    News On Next Update

    this map and graphics is korean originals.
  3. WhiteFang

    Need Help Asap!

    first download the full from website, then download the patch. install full, then install patch.
  4. WhiteFang

    Removing Players Banned From Guild

    yes, the removal of this person will be applied too, you'll be able to ban offline players, even online players in different maps.
  5. WhiteFang

    2 Guildmaster

    There'll be a short cut (CTRL+G) for the guild dialog. You can see guild info, member list, indevidual member status, change member ranks, leave guild & kick guild members (if having the rank for doing so ofc) from the guild menu (CTRL+G) The other menu is ONLY available in guild hall, it's used to upgrade the guild and it's limits.
  6. WhiteFang

    News On Next Update

    We're getting near a stablized version of both server and client with some spectacular changes comming up ! As I got recently promoted to Coder GM, I will definitly speed up the coding parts ;)
  7. WhiteFang

    How Bout Crit Pots

  8. WhiteFang

    2 Guildmaster

    yes, stop spam please... I didn't make progress yet, because of the spam (just joking xD)
  9. WhiteFang

    2 Guildmaster

    If they use it, we'll know it, nemesis is the first with a guild interface like this. Other coders from other server's arn't nearly as fast in coding as I am. Aside of that, not all other servers own every source code (client, game server, world server, main log server & gate server), nemesis is one of the few in the helrbeath-galaxy :P The major part, or secret on the guild idea hasn't been revealed yet, the guild rankings, so it isn't that much yet what they can steal from us.
  10. WhiteFang

    Max Cic % Total

    lulz you said in an old post that the max was 13%, guess it changed =p True, I guessed CiC would be equal to MC, so I said 13%. Apparently after a lookup, it's 20%. - MR: Unlimited - MP: Unlimited - HP: Unlimited - Resist Ice/Fire/Earth/Lightning: Unlimited - PR: Unlimited - HP (Hitting Prob): Unlimited ... Any other I didn't name here, or the prev topic with limitations are UNLIMITED.
  11. WhiteFang

    2 Guildmaster

    Currently any item will be lost, it will just be gone into nothing, as your guild disapears, so do the items. But, you brought up a good topic, something to think about. We can't just put the items into the guy's wh who last deposited the items as he might not be the owner. Tracing back logs would go back months and months, aside of that, only up to 50 wh logs are kept for player's record. (ALL are kept for gm's record) I think the current system will last, you disband your guild, you lost the items. It's your choice to disband, so you take the responsibility for it. Adding an additional confirm on disband telling there are still items in the WH might be a good choice. Or perhaps forbid disband with items on the WH.
  12. WhiteFang

    Max Cic % Total

    Official Limitations Are: - MA: 80% - MS (Mana Saving): 80% - MC (Mana Converting): 13% - CiC (Crit Increase): 20% All of the ones named above STACK on any piece. The ONLY stat that doesn't stack is the PA stat, ANY other stat stacks.
  13. WhiteFang

    2 Guildmaster

    hey white, are other players, allied, and enemys, going to be able to see our guild rank status? yes, you'll be able to see the guild rank of the player. like: White[GM] GamMaster's Guild Master or: White[GM] GameMaster's Guild Crusade Commander or simeliar to that. The indications of the ranks are REQUIRED to be shown, because the new guild system allows multiple ranks to put the build points during sade, change tp during sade AND even plant flags at heldenian ! So this rank indication is required, as you'd need to know who can, or can't plant or command a sade to focus on killing them. Higher ranks will be targetted more often as they possibly (but not neccesarely) have more abilities during sades or helds. Good suggestion, I will take thisone in account and make it possible to change guild name without requiring to disband and re-create the guild. Ofcrouse logs will be kept on guild name changes (logs for the staff ofc) And once again, if you change guild name, all members would be notified instantly on the guild change, those not online will be notified instantly when they get online again.
  14. WhiteFang

    2 Guildmaster

    As promised, here you see 2 SS which prove the new guild system will allow bannishing a guild member (who is bann-able ofcrouse) while he (or she) is offline: You clearly see Leader is offline. Here you see that Leader is gone from the list, and I receive the message that I've successfully banned the guild member from my guild. Extra notes: - Only Guild Masters and Guild Leaders can ban other guild members - A Guild Master CANNOT be banned (as it would lead to guild dismission !) - You cannot ban yourself from your own guild, you need to use the "withdraw from guild" part for that (as it requires guild succession ticket !) - If the banned member is offline during the ban, he'll receive the message that he no longer belongs to a guild at the next login. A member who's online during the banning will be notified immidiatly that he no longer belongs to a guild, even if he's on a different map (game server) ! -> Identically when changing a guild rank, a member who's offline during a rank change, will be notified at next login. A Member who's online during a change will be notified immidiatly, even if he's on a different map (game server) !
  15. WhiteFang

    2 Guildmaster

    Every SS I post, is a piece I finished and tested completly. So if you look at the time stamps of prev SS and the last one, you'll see only a matter of hours difference ;) Need to know, I still talk to people trough msn, check the forums etc while doing the coding ;)
  16. WhiteFang

    2 Guildmaster

    Guild Rank Changing Interfaces & Messages: You see a couple of the ranks are unavailable, it means you cannot assign them, or the maximum assignments for that rank has been reached. Also you cannot change your own guild rank. You can't change the guild rank of the guild master. You cannot change anyone's guild rank during crusade time !
  17. WhiteFang

    Just An Idea..

    Next major update is upcomming within 1 or 2 weeks already. It'll include some hb-styled overhaul, can't tell much more about it, it's a surprise ;) together with that update, a mass mailing will me done to make everyone warm for the changes we just made, and the upcomming guild system ! :)
  18. WhiteFang

    2 Guildmaster

    Updated/tweaks guild main interface: Member rank changing inferface:
  19. WhiteFang

    Kloness Wand

    well ur logic is wrong zwand adds 30% dmg if fireball does 20 dmg its 20+ .3(20) 26.. on dk 15, it would be 35.. Now with bliz , if dmg is 90 dk 15 wuold do 105 zwand would do 90 + (.3)90 117.. the bigger the dmg, the more difference zwand does in low lvl spells dk 15 is better than zwand ( just so u know) Much to learn you still ahve my young padawan Point proven, moha is correct here. Greater damage makes greater bonus for z-wand.
  20. WhiteFang

    2 Guildmaster

    Directly answered: no, the item will not be returned. Explenation: The Guild Warehouse is a deposit and retrieve instance, it's not a lending instance. Item Lending, including from the guild warehouse, it a possible other feature comming to helbreath nemesis. If this lending feature comes, you'd be able to lend your items (max 1) to somone else, the one you lend it to, wouldn't be able to drop, trade or lose the lended item in ANY way, not even on death or attemp to drop it on the ground. Aproximatly same would be applied to the guild wh, you can deposit an item and determine the duration of the lending on deposit. The one who takes it out (not the owner) would be able to use this guild item for the set period by the depositer. The lender can't drop, trade or lose the lended item in ANY way, not even on death or attemp to drop it on the ground. The lend feature for guild wh would come aside of the current deposit & retrieve as not all items you put in the wh are for lending, some are for the guild, first comes, first serve. Lending makes a great risk and needs alot brainstorming on how it should be done. There must always be a limit of items to lend to another, or have lended from another players. Making it unlimited, you lend eachother your sets, and you'll never drop the items anyway. Or even put em on your own char, which is in farm wh, lend it to your main char to use them, and you won't even need any zems anymore to carry any rare items, never worry about death. That's the kind of behavior or gameplay we want to prevent if we make the lending system come to nemesis. But for now, lending is not scheduled for a future update.
  21. WhiteFang

    2 Guildmaster

    TUby: IT'd be good to protect the guild WH with a password 'cause there might be a non-reliable guildsman and valuable rares such as xelima or ice weps could be protected. ah, you get to a point of protection of the guild wh. I'll give a little bit more info on this matter of the guild wh security. As we have the Bank Pages in nemesis, we'll re-use this same bank page system for the guild warehouse. Every page will be for a different guild rank. (Only 1 page is used by 2 ranks which are equal in trust to be given). Anyone can deposit in ANY page, but you need the specific rank to withdraw from that page. small example: guild wh bank page I (1) is used for the Guild Master only, which means ANY guild member can deposit an item in that page, but ONLY the guild master can take items out of the page ! If we come to guild members, nobody trusts a new commer, therefore we call him a member. He's part, but not entrusted yet. A guild member only has access to the 10th page (page X). A more entrusted guild member, we call Veterans. Their abilities within the guild are equal to guild members, except for the guild wh access. Guild Veterans can access page X (10) and IX (9). So, if I'd be a guild master, and have an x-rap or other rare items to share in my guild, i'd put them in page IX (9). That way I know for sure only my most trusted members (Veterans) and my higher ranked guild members (leader, commanders and captains) can access my x-rap. This way of warehouse behavior and rank availability is sufficient enough to prevent, or massivly reduce item theft. Appart of this different paging/rank system within the guild warehouse, there are also logs kept. This allows the guild members to view the activity in the guild warehouse. And, the guild wh behavior (deposit/retrieve) is ALSO logged in GM log files (as are any items you drop, what you say, what monsters drop, who you kill, etc etc etc...) I had have been brainstorming on this security issue, and that different guild ranks brought me to the idea. A Guild is supposed to be based on trust and friendship. Those entrusted and worthy enough, will earn a higher rank. (Ofcrouse the Guild Master and Guild Leader are the ONLY ones who can change guild ranks of other members)
  22. WhiteFang

    2 Guildmaster

  23. WhiteFang

    2 Guildmaster

    I see many people reading this topic... You guys all waiting for me to post more SS? Camping the topic isn't allowed :P
  24. WhiteFang

    2 Guildmaster

    Guild Warehouse Log Overview is finished, now working on the details page with info of the item, who, what and when !
  25. WhiteFang

    2 Guildmaster

    Guild Warehouse has been completly coded (Deposit & Retrieve items) ! NOTE: you don't see any bank pages here, as my test server doesn't have bank pages in it, but I already coded the additions for nemesis so it'll work with 10 different bank pages for different ranks (-> More info on this will come with the release)