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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    How Exactly Does Rep / Cad Work?

    Fencing rocks even more on a good combo: combo 4 -> 8 bonus damage + CAD (if CAD 7 -> 15 bonus damage)
  2. WhiteFang

    How Exactly Does Rep / Cad Work?

    Old topic, but not an unimportant topic, MagicJoker (MJ[GM]) digged up the topic and told me I was wrong. After long discussusion, he indeed is correct that I am wrong. What explained prevesously in my last post: is correct, yet was I stated in the past, that "for every combo you make you gain your CAD", that's not true for nemesis. Let's take Staff as an example: Knowing from the previous topic: Staff Attack: 2-hit -> +1, 3-hit -> +2, 4-hit +3 Conclusion regarding CAD: 0 combo -> 0 bonus damage 1 combo -> 0 bonus damage 2 combo -> 1 bonus damage + CAD (if CAD 7 -> 8 bonus damage) 3 combo -> 2 bonus damage + CAD (if CAD 7 -> 9 bonus damage) 4 combo -> 3 bonus damage + CAD (if CAD 7 -> 10 bonus damage) 5 combo -> turns into 1 combo again Final Conclusion on this topic: CAD is added ONCE, and only ONCE as a damage bonus to your hit IF the combo is 2, 3 or 4. And on top of the CAD bonus, you gain a minor bonus depending on the combo count and weapon's type (bonuses posted in the prev post)
  3. WhiteFang


    Ettin pit in ML: in 2030 we make such pit for you ^_^ Crayfish jumped out of the waters in the noob dungeon... Trolls & Giant Frogs stepped out of the ML river... you should be happy and go kill them.
  4. WhiteFang

    New Update.

    +0 -> +1: 10= 10 majs +1 -> +2: 10+1= 11 majs +2 -> +3: 10+1+2= 13 majs +3 -> +4: 10+1+2+3= 16 majs +4 -> +5: 10+1+2+3+4= 20 majs +5 -> +6: 10+1+2+3+4+5= 25 majs +6 -> +7: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6= 31 majs +7 -> +8: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6+7= 38 majs +8 -> +9: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8= 46 majs +9 -> +10: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9= 55 majs -------- +0 -> +10: 265 majs +10 -> +11: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10= 65 majs +11 -> +12: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11= 76 majs +12 -> +13: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12= 88 majs +13 -> +14: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13= 101 majs +14 -> +15: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14= 115 majs +15 -> +16: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15= 130 majs +16 -> +17: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16= 146 majs +17 -> +18: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17= 163 majs +18 -> +19: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18= 181 majs +19 -> +20: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19= 200 majs -------- +10 -> +20: 1265 majs TOTAL: 1530 majs
  5. WhiteFang

    4th Slot Char Bugs

    Both servers are rebooted, the bug is resolved, the character is accessable.
  6. WhiteFang


    Troll pit & Giant Frog Pits are located in Middleland map. Giant-Crayfish are located in the noob dungeon (accessed from farms)
  7. WhiteFang

    New Town Look !

  8. WhiteFang


    I plan to have guild system finished by fall holidays which take place around november 1st in my country (at the end of the holidays).
  9. WhiteFang


    Any way to decrease these contribution points? I will wanna make some quests on my war :P . There's a quest in the list of Party Quest that says : 100 Mountain Giants in IB, but its not Mountain Giants, is every mob. I wonder the same than this guy There is no way to decrease the contri except for taking hero & crafting. The 100 mountain giants in IB is only visual bug, in reality killing ANY mob will be enough. It's just a virtual bug (will be fixed next client release). Contri cap will be raised once we have Guild System operational.
  10. WhiteFang

    4th Slot Char Bugs

    We tested, and fixed it. Reboot of servers will follow in the next 1~2h normally.
  11. WhiteFang

    Just To Know: Party Quests

    true, that's why it's a PARTY quest... You hunt together as a group (party), so you all take the same quest ofcrouse... If you got same quest, no matter who kills, if quest matches quest of killer, you also get the count ! (that's the idea of PARTY quests)
  12. WhiteFang


    Troll pit WILL be added next reboot/update (within 1 or 2 days max) noob dungeon (130- is in farm) - dungoen lvl1 is STILL IN TOWN wh2 doesn't exist anymore - the new town maps don't support it - go to farm for a second wh (it's the tower in the dirt) cmdhall & wizard tower also don't exist in new town (wizard is at CH - Gail (cmdhall) is at CHURCH) People who was or would be in non-existing or removed maps are NOT stucked, all chars are teleported to CHURCH when update was made. Contribution limit still is 700, it will be raised once the guild system arrives ! Demon party quest for Druncnian City will be fixed to dglv4.
  13. WhiteFang

    5.20 Lista!

    you're missing structures2.pak Farjat forgot to encrypt it inside the client exe file. Try getting it from a friend or something, if not able to find, pm me, i'll post a link.
  14. WhiteFang


    empty can be: - you reached 700 contri - you don't have min contri - don't meet level - don't meet skill requirement
  15. WhiteFang

    Update Soon !

    Update comes soon ! I calculated for your guys how many majs you need for the angels +0 to +20 !! +0 -> +1: 10= 10 majs +1 -> +2: 10+1= 11 majs +2 -> +3: 10+1+2= 13 majs +3 -> +4: 10+1+2+3= 16 majs +4 -> +5: 10+1+2+3+4= 20 majs +5 -> +6: 10+1+2+3+4+5= 25 majs +6 -> +7: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6= 31 majs +7 -> +8: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6+7= 38 majs +8 -> +9: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8= 46 majs +9 -> +10: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9= 55 majs -------- +0 -> +10: 265 majs +10 -> +11: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10= 65 majs +11 -> +12: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11= 76 majs +12 -> +13: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12= 88 majs +13 -> +14: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13= 101 majs +14 -> +15: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14= 115 majs +15 -> +16: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15= 130 majs +16 -> +17: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16= 146 majs +17 -> +18: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17= 163 majs +18 -> +19: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18= 181 majs +19 -> +20: 10+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19= 200 majs -------- +10 -> +20: 1265 majs TOTAL: 1530 majs
  16. WhiteFang

    Update Soon !

    I've been pushing the limits of my coding skills vs update time and I managed to finish QUEST LISTS for this update also !! Expect QUEST LISTS available with the update (which comes in 0~3 hours max !) You can now also take DK set in CITYHALL (by offering to the cityhall guy !) instead of using /dkset (command still works, but it's also available from the npc !)
  17. WhiteFang

    Update Soon !

    Read this topic: http://helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=27999 There are also other topics where I mention the Guild System or show detailed Screen Shots on the system. It's nearly finished and ready for implementation. The only part missing is the actual buying of upgrades !
  18. WhiteFang

    Update Soon !

    I really like to see long-terms plans. They all promisse great innovations :). I just wonder what a Virtualized Map means :mellow: basicly to be used for pvp events. a feature that can make a private map where u can pvp and the pvp event itself will take u to this virtual maps. Or to make guildhalls for higher level guilds. This is for future. idea still in develop Yes, long term plans are here, We all make ideas and suggestions in staff, or ! even pick from suggestion forum ! and make long term plans. We prefer to do all good and rather long term, then buggy, fast & rush on it. The town changeover has been in discussion & development since june 2010, now it's september, we aprox worked 3 months at developing and testing these maps, including the addition of other updates/features we mentioned. Guild System is one of the long term projects Nemesis is working on, it's close to release. (Guild System has been in development & testing since January 2010 !) Other future updates we mention can't be disclosed yet in very much details, we got drafts and basic ideas on how it should work, now it only needs to get coded :D About the map Virtualization, Farjat is right, i'll reveal a couple more details on the technical espect of this "virtualization". The idea is basically as Farjat tells, we virtualize maps such as guildhall/guildhouse and pvp event maps. Let's take the example of a guildhouse, every guild wanne have/buy it's own guildhouse to chillout etc. Think about what if we got e.g. 100 guilds, and all want a guildhouse, we'd require to add 100 times the guildhouse map to the server to be hosted so every guild could have it's own unique guildhouse. The idea of virtualization is to just have 1 guildhouse added, and virtualize this. Thisway there would only be 1 mapdata file to be distributed to the players (embedded inside client exe ofcrouse !) and yet we'd be able to have (in theory) unlimited "virtual" guildhouses. Physically there'd be only 1 mapfile, in the server's memory, there is unlimited, but they open & close whenever accessed or left (to reduce memory usage ofcrouse - if a map is empty or not used, why keep it loaded anyway) The ideas on virtual maps currently are for the Automated PvP events and GuildHouses (Guild Lvl 4 is required). Once virtualized maps are available, we'll think of new ideas (I already got a couple, but needs more thinking & requires virtualized maps to be here already before i can try it on and suggest it to the staff ^_^). Expect more PvE related features for virtual maps too, such as challanging dungeons or survival of the fittest maps in parties, short apo-like events, kill a bunch mobs to progress to next map (using a single party) and kill a "boss" mob at the end) But yet, it's only Future, let's focus on current update first, and next Guild System !
  19. WhiteFang

    Update Soon !

    I <3 this ! for those who are LAZY, here's a quick review: Major Update Includes: Town Related Updates: - Aresden & Elvine town CHANGE OVER ! - New Pits in Towns ! - New Cathedral interior ! - Command Hall Guy now located in the New Cathedrals. - Wizard Tower Guy now located in the City Hall. Item Related Updates: - M.Shield Wand's PA REDUCED from PA30% to PA15% - Sapphire Ring's PA Enabled at PA10% - Platinum Ring's PA Enabled at PA5% - Angels can be upgraded to +20 ! - Merien & Xelima stone drops from casual monster slightly increased. Graphical/Sound Related Updates: - An ADDITIONAL 16 Colors available in-game (Available for public and events later this year) - Added Level-Up sound when gaining a Majestic Point. Skill Related Updates: - Armor Break now works on friendly targets in Bleeding Island and Arena's Monster Related Updates: - Party Hunting Quests will be available. - 1 Troll PIT Added to Middleland - 2 Giant-Frog PITS Added to Middleland In Other News: - Civilian Level RAISED to 120. - Recall to Farm RAISED up to level 120. - New Characters require to wait 1 hour before they can rep. Applied Fixes: - Bleeding Island Rep-Laming Fixed - Black Shadow Sword drops FIXED (Dropped by: Demon, Unicorn, Hellclaw, Tigerworm, Gargoyle, MasterMage-Orc, Earth Dragon, Poison Dragon, Lightning Dragon and Illusion Dragon) - Shield's PA FIXED - Previsouly only Natural PA worked, now PA STAT on shield also works. - Automated FPS Fix Planned Future Updates: - Quest List-View (Estimate Release: 10 September 2010) - Item Quests (Estimate Release: Fall 2010) - Additional Quests (Estimate Release: Fall 2010) - Monster Inventory (Estimate Release: Fall 2010) - Guild System (Estimate Release: Fall 2010) - New Status-Effects (Estimate Release: Christmas 2010) - Fury of Thor spell (Estimate Release: Spring 2011) - Virtualized Maps (Estimate Release: Spring 2011) - Automated PvP-Events (Estimate Release: Summer 2011) - Automated CTF-Events (Estimate Release: Summer 2011) - Taming Skill (Estimate Release: Fall 2011)
  20. WhiteFang

    Update Soon !

    maybe :rolleyes:
  21. WhiteFang

    Happy Bday Juli Gm!

    happy b-day
  22. WhiteFang

    Expand Players Vs Players

    It's not that hard to code, keeping a record of something is what we're good at :P The idea is nice, but sorta incomplete... Let's argue/break the idea: dmg is one point.... no matter if physical or magical? if I'd hit a -1 physical, or my friend hits a -100 on blizzard... both earn 1 point according to your system, which is unfair because i dealt less damage, meaning i helped less to the death of the guy. pfa 2 points... if the guy didn't get pfa, but he could pfm himself, playerX (who's let's say a mage), wouldn't be able to kill him with his blizzard, so the pfa so was important in the fight... if playerX would be a war on the other hand, the pfa wouldn't matter, so why would the dude score 2 points to pfa if it didn't matter in the fight? what about cancellation? pfa 5 points, cancel 10? if i cancel a dude, i earn 10 points, prolly i earned more points then anyone, the dude dies cuz a war critted him very hard in the back... in other words, my cancel was useless in the battle, yet i'd earn 10 points, and my friend who critted earns only 1 point, kinda unfair right, i didn't take a real part in the battle... and inhibition casting? cancel 10? inhi 20? if i can inhi the dude, he's screwed, i take away his recall, impossible to recall, impossible to invi... inhibition must get high points as it's mostly important in the battle, no matter if he dies to a war or mage. how about detect invi? detect could be important if the dude was invisible... yet again, if the dude wouldn't be invisible, and i spam detect near him, my detect could be record 2, 3, 4 and 5 so i'd earn 4 times the points assigned to detect !? I could probably go on and figure out more issues, or incomplete parts, or very discussable parts. I'm just trying to make clear here, that each battle is different, and you cannot standardize some sort of point system to it, because depending on the situation (location (near pits, near dangerous mobs, ...), 10v1/1v1/1v2, ...) of the battle, certain actions lead to death, but other actions didn't at all.
  23. WhiteFang

    Berserk Wand Dmg

    Official Records: Berserk Wand Magical Damage Bonus of 30% (damage floored) is added BEFORE ring or neck calculations.
  24. WhiteFang

    About Drop Rate.

    as far as i know, 2 or more in party and it works (/createparty and being alone in party doesn't work) true, a party of 2+ people is needed. more people in party will NOT affect drop rate on it's own, it'll affect killing rate/speed, which ofc causes more mobs to die, and for each you kill, you get a chance for a drop ofcrouse ;) killing 100 mobs/hour with 2 ppl (50 per player) or killing 1000 mobs/hour with 4 ppl (250 per player)... you'll know the difference ;) so, you could say, larger party makes more chance, but not higher rate ;)
  25. WhiteFang

    An Equation For Working Out Ping?

    ping = delay delay = physical distance to the server by CABLES ! if you drive from new york to las vegas, you don't drive in a straight line !! you need to follow the roads. Same way goes for internet traffic, you need to follow "roads" to get to your destination. The more trafic points (= routers) you need to pass, the longer it takes to get there (= more delay)