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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Map Suggestion And Balance For Dammage

    In nemesis we are trying to keep everything as close to the original as possible or in the same line of game-play as possible. Therefore, we host all maps available in helbreath to offer a large different asortiment of maps to play and hunt at.
  2. WhiteFang

    Hbtop50 Haxxed?

    still first in "server" category... some noob site haxed hbtop50 putting themselfs in "other" category topping over nemesis, but it isn't a hb at all, it's 5 times a random website that wanne be cool. nemesis still rules ;)
  3. WhiteFang

    Ventrilo / Windows 7 / Hb

    I think due to the ancient-ness of HB, mouse button 4 doesn't properly work, nor would mouse button 5 or higher do... How I do it: I use mouse button 3... that's clicking (and holding down) the scroll-wheel to talk. It works out well for HB, just a bit practicing to keep your left (or right) button down to fight and the scroll-wheel to talk :D After a while you're used it anyway ;) your fingers bend in any direction :P
  4. WhiteFang

    Contribution Points Limit

    once more: Contribution cap WILL be raised to 10 000 contribution points the same time when we release the new Guild System.
  5. WhiteFang

    I Wonder What The Difference Is....?

    no, the rarity indicator on the websites do NOT include GMs items. I own 3 kaxes myself as a GM... and there's 2 listed.... that proves it already ;)
  6. WhiteFang

    I Want To Suggest Something

    I indeed suggest the office is boring... it would be more fun if you stood up from your desk, and started random dancing in the middle of the building...
  7. WhiteFang

    Where I See Latency?

    my ping is 135~140 mostly
  8. WhiteFang


    We're currently discussing a topic related to this in the staff room. We (the staff) are fully aware of this major issue and plan to make either 2 helds a week or keep 1 held and make it have a rotation system in time.
  9. WhiteFang

    What Do U Know About Taming?

    I've already managed to locate and fix the bug related to summons.
  10. WhiteFang

    General Chat

    I like the idea on chat-options. Adding the ability for "Global", "Ally", "Guild" and "No" chat options would be a good idea I think. Then choice is still at the player, so we (the staff) don't need to make the choice to either remove or disable red chats. Also the idea on SP increment I like, but not like half a bar for a sentence. Rather a slightly larger amount than 3 to stop the endless talking. An amount of 25 SP per sentence sounds reasonable I think.
  11. WhiteFang

    What Do U Know About Taming?

    I think a better setup would be that if it's attacked by a "friendly" that it should go back to aggressive, so you don't have to wait. Also make it so that you can only tame monsters that have full hp, otherwise you'll have people running around and taming monsters that other people are fighting, even your own town if you decided to be real kool. you can only tame enemy monsters, not friendly. Keeping the ability to tame any enemy monster with any health will bring new perspectives and new abilities to PvP. We'll see mass fights where one town tames the other towns hc or tw ;) But we can't bring the monster that we tamed to another map, right? Eg. we tamed HC at Middleland/DC, can we bring them back to our Elv/Ares town for raid? or another map? No, it's not possible to take summons from one map to another. Taking a hc to town from ml will be impossible to do.
  12. WhiteFang

    What Do U Know About Taming?

    I think a better setup would be that if it's attacked by a "friendly" that it should go back to aggressive, so you don't have to wait. Also make it so that you can only tame monsters that have full hp, otherwise you'll have people running around and taming monsters that other people are fighting, even your own town if you decided to be real kool. you can only tame enemy monsters, not friendly. Keeping the ability to tame any enemy monster with any health will bring new perspectives and new abilities to PvP. We'll see mass fights where one town tames the other towns hc or tw ;)
  13. WhiteFang

    What Do U Know About Taming?

    yes, you tame the mob untill it turns against you. Depending on which mob you tame, they'll last longer (or less long)... If you go over the max skill % (which'll happen for most mobs), you gain bonus time for each % you're over the max (a formula calculates your bonus time).
  14. WhiteFang

    What Do U Know About Taming?

    yes you can hold it by command... but it's a friendly mob... if your casual summon dies, it dies and doesn't drop... same would be for tamed monsters. If it dies (cuz it's being attacked and hp gets zero) it'll die and drop nothing... You could use taming to tame a hc/tw, lure it to a safer spot and let it's timer runs out while you set-up to kill it ;) Or you could lure tws to a far away place to stuck them faster & easier then the way you do it now... You'd no longer mess on tw's that are runners, or if you stucked the mob in a bad place and it attemps to escape... luring those dark elfs, beholders and hc's out of your GG pit in toh3... lure that nasty frost miles and miles away from your IG pit...
  15. WhiteFang

    What Do U Know About Taming?

    I understand what you're asking. Zerking them is possible, as they function the same way as summoned monsters (by following you and obaying commands) they can also be zerked :)
  16. WhiteFang

    Question Regarding On Town Rule

    making hunts together with both towns is ALLOWED, we even support the corperation of PvE (Players v Environement). Note: Drop division is completly up to the hunt organisers, if you can keep both towns satisfied in the hunt, no argues will come. But from experience i KNOW making hunts with both towns, at one moment one town will turn against the other due to accusing of corruption. Only a NEUTRAL person (Game Master mostly) can organize properly with bot towns) In PvP, working with the opposite town to kill one of your own citizens WILL be punished. We disallow and discourage PvP (Players v Players) action with the opposite town.
  17. WhiteFang

    Question About % Of Items.....

    Small mobs (slime, giant ant, scorpion, ...) have a limit of dropping in %, which is 49% (a grade 7 stat). The higher mobs have a maximum of grade 13. The drop % is not increased nor decreased by the type of monster your kill. Killing an ettin or a Tigerworm have equal chance for any grade it could possibly drop.
  18. WhiteFang

    What Do U Know About Taming?

    Perhaps Jing & MJ are right on this. I consider removing GG, HC and TW from the list. Many people will say "there is no use for taming" if we remove it... but that's not true. - With Taming you can tame MORE different monsters then you actually can Summon. - Taming can be used to lure monsters to a different location easier and faster then ever ! (Tame the mob, move yourself to some place (the mob follows you) and wait for the taming delay to finish off and the mob will stuck somewhere (hopefully)) - Taming doesn't require ANY bag space, while summoning potions take up to 5 or more bag slots (if you want an army of 5 and some backup pots if your army dies).
  19. WhiteFang

    Rare Colours

    rare colors are only given as event rewards. Recently the ability to add completly NEW colors (not replace old, but actually ADD) has been released, expect to see more rare colors comming... Perhaps some would drop by mobs, but that's not confirmed if this will happen in the future or not. For now the newest colors we got are on trial, so they won't be given to public yet.
  20. WhiteFang

    What Do U Know About Taming?

    My idea on taming: You'll be able to tame any monsters, but not take them with you to another map. You cannot tame monsters in Apocalypse maps (Exceptions: Druncnian City and Maze) Higher taming % would give more success rate to tame, once max is reached, you gain time bonus rather then success rate. Monsters turn back to enemy state after their time is elapsed rather then die. Summons made by a GM cannot be tamed. Summons made by the enemy players can be tamed. Tamed monsters tamed by the enemy can be re-tamed to your own side. You cannot tame an abaddon, Wyvern, Fire-wyvern or any type of Dragon. Taming Demon & Uni is reasonable success rate at 100% (as we got them in summoning potions !) while GG and higher monsters (hc & tw) success rate is very low. Summons/Tamed monsters stay on your side for 5 minutes Success Rate Table: - Slime: min 1% max 21% - Rabbit: min 2% max 22% - Giant-Ant: min 3% max 23% - Cat: min 4% max 24% - Snake: min 5% max 25% - Orc: min 6% max 26% - Mage Orc: min 7% max 27% - Zombie: min 8% max 28% - Skeleton: min 9% max 29% - Scorpion: min 10% max 30% - Clay Golem: min 15% max 35% - Stone Golem: min 20% max 40% - Hellhound: min 25% max 45% - Giant Frog: min 25% max 45% - Rudolph: min 30% max 50% - Cyclops: min 30% max 50% - Troll: min 35% max 55% - Ice Golem: min 35% max 55% - Cannibal Plant: min 40% max 60% - Direboar: min 40% max 60% - Ogre: min 45% max 65% - Tentocole: min 45% max 65% - Claw Turtle: min 50% max 70% - Giant Crayfish: min 50% max 70% - Beholder: min 55% max 75% - Giant Plant: min 55% max 75% - Mountain Giant: min 60% max 80% - Nizie: min 60% max 80% - Liche: min 65% max 85% - Frost: min 65% max 85% - Stalker: min 70% max 90% - Giant Lizard: min 70% max 90% - Werewolf: min 70% max 90% - Dark Elf: min 75% max 95% - Master Mage Orc: min 80% max 100% - Ettin: min 80% max 100% - Centaurus: min 85% max 105% (= never) - Barlog: min 85% max 105% (= never) - Demon: min 90% max 110% (= never) - Unicorn: min 90% max 110% (= never) - Gargoyle: min 95% max 115% (= never) - Hellclaw: min 99% max 119% (= never) - Tigerworm: min 100% max 120% (= never)
  21. WhiteFang

    Mass Illution

    they do, but if in the search-area an AMP is encountered, it STOPS searching ! (which isn't suposed to be like that !) - It should skip that target and continue searching rather then quit searching. It's an AREA spell, but if the target doesn't exist, the target is on same side, target is amp/pfm (depending on which spell is used) or target is already in confuse status, it just QUIT searching rather then skip that target and continue searching ! This issue will be fixed on next update, it'll continue searching for more possible targets to hit.
  22. WhiteFang

    Mass Illution

    There are currently a couple issues on the spells such as: Confuse Language, Confusion, Mass Confusion, Illusion, Mass Illusion, Illusion Movement and Mass Illusion Movement. These issues are bad coding (done by original coders of HB), I fixed this code to work properly now. If Farjat updates and uses the new Game Server, all these spells mentioned above will work properly, regardless if there's an invalid target, friendly target, pfmed/amped target or already confused target.
  23. WhiteFang


    Previous update we overhauled quest list and added around 30 normal quests for level 170+ Last update we expanded the quests with a new type of quests called Party Quests, real hard quests you mostly can't solo or require a group to be worth the reward. On top of that we pushed the update time with a few hours to include the Quest List system in the game. Next update will contain Guild System which automatically REQUIRES contribution cap increased to a higher amount. We WILL raise the cape, but not right now, there is no use to raise it right now. Contribution points will be required to upgrade your guild using the new Guild System (which will be released fall 2010)
  24. WhiteFang

    Change "noob Dungeon"

    ND is in farm and also accessable from PL. Therefore suggestion no longer applies. Closed.
  25. WhiteFang

    Please Bring Back The Ettin Pit!

    There is an ettin pit actually. But is VERY big and with only 3 monsters. Around mlm. But the monsters amount was increased to 6 on last update. We will NOT do a hardcore pit for them. Closed