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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Contri Points

    you're number 5468941357465416 who aks us, and i'll reply you with 1 sentence: Limit WILL be raised @ release of the Guild System CLOSED
  2. WhiteFang

    Medusa Sword

    close, for configs there is 2 choices: (just my brainstorming - never checked if possible in code and if existing effects exist on the activation items and if values are still free to use) 1. Expand existing effect types This requires no new space in item files, existing values are used, only needs code expansion - this is most likely to be used 2. Add a new config value "cooldown" This requires new config space, this would involve larger item files, larger packet size for item content sending but creates the ability to combine existing effects with cooldowns. - this is less likely to be coded, as it takes longer and there is no reason atm to combine effects In the game server we'll require to expand player's item packet with a time value for "last used" time, this must be added to the item class, aswell as to the item packet (sent for banking and player info), would also involve new database field aswell as expansion of database item class in the world server and enlarging of the packet of players and bank items inside the world server to be able to save the "last used" value. tbone, the first part (choice 1 or 2) is easy to code, a regular coder can do it. The second part, packet + DB is more complex and requires more skills, even I make mistakes in it though i know very well how to handle HB packets and the MSSQL DB info.
  3. WhiteFang

    Just Asking

    we're not a development community xD Hey! This comunity is Dyeing, maybe we should open our doors for a Coding Subforum? Nothing to loose, and forum will get more movement!! We live al togheter or we die separately? @Farjat: up to you farjat, feel free open the door for coding forum... @outerheaven: about HBUA i don't know anything, as you said it's all spanish. as tbone said, it depends on what you call best... Nemesis has been here for 7 or 8 years already with very low downtime and verystable sources. What you talk about sticking to the original, yes and no... yes because nemesis is based off original codes, bearly modified... no because nemesis is innovating and growing in the continuation line of "the original", we innovate and create new updates, features, abilities, possibilities etc, but we keep the in the original helbreath mind, nemesis don't wants to be all fruity, giga drops, giga mobs, giga rares, screw all that, original is the way, yeat innovation, improvement and renewal is required. (e.g. Dynamic Portals, Soccer Events, Guild System, Map Virtualization, automated events, etc etc). We add, but keep it reasonable within the helbreath spirit ;) If you want fruit, there's a million others outside, if you want helbreath, there is only ONE, and it's NEMESIS !
  4. WhiteFang

    Just Asking

    we're not a development community xD we're a gaming community for helbreath xD noob coders come in handy to do random easy tasks which are routine or time consuming for the real coders :P
  5. WhiteFang

    Medusa Sword

    Perhaps activations should have an ITEM cooldown instead of a PLAYER cool down ;) This way activation items can only be used once every 20 minutes, no matter if you pass it on or not. The item must cool down from being activated. BEST IDEA EVER! Ye but then you will have people activation IE first, then XR, and then Mplate and then Mshield within 10 mins, to kill and to escape XD that's why this suggestion is here, and that's why it's in staff room. I heard the excellent idea in the staff room to implement the new idea alongside with the existing system of player-cooldown. Such as?? :blink: if you'd read he topic, you'd know... But if you're lazy, here it's explained: A combination of the existing system (fixed cooldown per character) and the new system (a fixed cooldown per item). So when a player activates a weapon, he still needs to wait X minutes before he can activated another. On top of that, the item itself requires a cooldown too, so passing it on for immidiate usage again would become impossible. You'd have to wait the weapon's cooldown to be finished. We'd implement different cooldowns for different activation items with dusa having the highest and res wand haing none at all, while IE gets a lower value then XR or dusa, and XR lower then dusa, merien items (shield & armor) prolly same cooldown, around XR time i guess. The idea is still up for discussion and needs approval, also times are still up for discussion. But gernally spoken i've explained the idea above and you can imagine how it'll affect PvP. Less activations in a row ^_^
  6. WhiteFang


    Hunter creates very complex and massive events. He's the BEST in doing so, I love his events, the complexity and size. As you all know, Hunter's personal health isn't the best so he isn't always available to play or make events. As we don't have another full time Event GM available alongside of Hunter, Nemesis made plans to make automated events. This way hunter can setup/plan events in the future in just a couple minutes of time. Requiring less time of Hunter to get events running will benefit his health, yet we keep the spirit in the events, it's still hunter creating them. Fully automated PvP events alongside mapvirtualization are expected around Spring 2011. Fully automated innovating events based on hunter's ideas alongside with player ideas and nemesis staff member ideas are expected near Fall 2011. *Note: All dates mentioned are subject to change with or without announcing, They do not bind me or the nemesis staff to any obligations of releasing and using these projects. Projects are subject to change content, release date or even be removed with or without announcing.
  7. WhiteFang


    i've had servers in the past, indeed using that e-mail address as contact address. I'm talking about "HB LOTR" and "HB Tiger" I owned, I made them aprox 7 years ago but those servers no longer exist because I was out of HB for 1/1,5 years and i've returned and have fallen straight into nemesis' hands :P
  8. WhiteFang


    @niputaidea!: (using google translator): s?, los del enemigo int / arg p?gina web en s? puede estar equivocado, aquellos en el PORTAL son correctos, s?lo un par falta pens? lolz .. @Pepon: yes, you right... funny I missed a simple ogre :D @letrita: hhhmmm, gotta add it to the drop list then :D ---- Feel free submit me more bugs (by pm or mail/msn: jorisschroeven@hotmail.com) !
  9. WhiteFang

    Medusa Sword

    Perhaps activations should have an ITEM cooldown instead of a PLAYER cool down ;) This way activation items can only be used once every 20 minutes, no matter if you pass it on or not. The item must cool down from being activated. BEST IDEA EVER! Ye but then you will have people activation IE first, then XR, and then Mplate and then Mshield within 10 mins, to kill and to escape XD that's why this suggestion is here, and that's why it's in staff room. I heard the excellent idea in the staff room to implement the new idea alongside with the existing system of player-cooldown.
  10. WhiteFang

    Just Asking

    there is bearly any english forums left, as far as i know none rofl... maybe Ragezone, but it has many mmo's though. mostly now days are english or polish websites that publish/release sources. Yet NO SINGLE source can match the nemesis source. TXT based is what HB was made originally... Coders implemented the open source MySQL into it, but in performance it doesn't match the real MSSQL. Only nemesis has MSSQL as far as i know... Yet nemesis sources are closed source, only available for Sexy, Scat, Farjat, Jaapy and myself. Becoming a coder in nemesis is very hard and requires alot skills. If you got em, awesome, show me, impress me with something I can't code yet ^_^
  11. WhiteFang

    Whos Packing The Best Angel?

    i got a +10 angels so far...
  12. WhiteFang

    Medusa Sword

    Perhaps activations should have an ITEM cooldown instead of a PLAYER cool down ;) This way activation items can only be used once every 20 minutes, no matter if you pass it on or not. The item must cool down from being activated.
  13. WhiteFang


    i don't believe in half of the info in neme portal... sory. why wouldn't you belive it? Or which parts don't you belive? creatures & drops The creatures listed all exist in hb nemesis (both int & arg). The drops enlisted are 100% correct according to the current drop list (apply for both int & arg). No item is missing, all item drops are up to date ^_^
  14. WhiteFang

    Medusa Sword

    I can, and I WILL fix it... but that doesn't automaticaly result into the sword being enabled again as a drop !
  15. WhiteFang

    Medusa Sword

    Just curious, what's the reason nemesis suspend medusa sword? And bug you are saying? The sword got suspended due to overpowering and decision of the staff. The overpowering is a result of the bug. The bug that occurs is a bumping bug. If I activate my dusa, dusa you, so you're paralyzed, I crit you in the back, which would normally make you FLY a couple spots, but due to the para effect of dusa, you can't fly ! So basically you attemp to fly, but fail to fly causing you to bump into the next spot. Overpowering? It's just a paralyze effect. :X Para or int's own isn't overpowered, you require SKILL and success to land a para. Dusa sword requires NO skill at all to paralyze somone, a successfull hit is enough to paralyze. That's what makes it overpowered, or atleast extreemly powerfull. On top of that, this bug is still here, which makes it suck if it's being used on you as you often bug after para of the sword runs out.
  16. WhiteFang

    Medusa Sword

    Just curious, what's the reason nemesis suspend medusa sword? And bug you are saying? The sword got suspended due to overpowering and decision of the staff. The overpowering is a result of the bug. The bug that occurs is a bumping bug. If I activate my dusa, dusa you, so you're paralyzed, I crit you in the back, which would normally make you FLY a couple spots, but due to the para effect of dusa, you can't fly ! So basically you attemp to fly, but fail to fly causing you to bump into the next spot.
  17. WhiteFang


    i don't believe in half of the info in neme portal... sory. why wouldn't you belive it? Or which parts don't you belive?
  18. WhiteFang

    Medusa Sword

    Medusa Sword Related: Yes, i'd love to see it back in the game, but a bug-fix must be applied, and even then Farjat still decides about it's faith. Cancellation Sword Related: HELL NO ! There is NO SINGLE reason for a warrior to be able to cancel a mage or another warrior. Warrior's deal physical damage, as there is no way to completly protect from physical damage (like there is AMP for magical), there is no reason to be able to cancel an effect on the enemy. Cancellation is a spell that belongs to a mage to cancel the enemy's buff to be able to deal higher damage. Mages need to be able to cancel AMP to deal damage, without cancel a mage v mage is useless if the enemy mage is amped.
  19. WhiteFang

    Minimap Suggestions

    This one is the hard to make one. The others, like party on minimap and ctrl+P for party can be done. :D ALL is possible Farjat ;) though, CTRL+CLICK is bad, there would be 0 seconds spell-loading delay, it'll be instant click->recall. What would be more reasonable: CTRL+CLICK to set/pick/choose a recall point cast recall will always make you recall to the recall point you've clicked.
  20. WhiteFang

    Make Recall Have Delay After Taking Dmg

    the fixing aspect is easy, only takes 1 line if code to actually "fix" this. if ((dwTime - m_pClientList[iClientH]->m_dwLastDamageTime) < 10*1000) break; Yet it's not my choice to actually implement this piece of code or not. Farjat owns and runs Nemesis, he decides what comes in and what goes out. And when he say no, i'll prolly stay no forever... Farjat is unlikely to change his mind on any matter.
  21. WhiteFang

    Forum Contest 2 Poll!

    I like a Hero Sword together with a Hero Wand... This could be a nice suggestion, a hero sword & wand for each nation, shining in their nation's color :P price: 500 EK
  22. WhiteFang

    Last Airbender- Event Idea

    Interesting event idea you got there ! I love Avater The Last Airbender, i've seen all cartoons and the movie :D not to spoil any fun, but Armor Break is an EARTH spell to be honest... In the configs it's an earth spell and deals earth damage... :D
  23. WhiteFang

    Beginner Zone

    Are there any more issues related to character creation? tbone, what you explain is true, but unrelated to this problem. The problem occurs because we have unlocked 32 colors instead of 16 colors, this change/addition had some concequences on the database aswell as character info, packet sizes and other color related functions in the game. I have resolved a character creation bug a couple weeks ago, if Farjat used the new World Server everything should be fine and characters can be created as before without any issues or troubles for players.
  24. WhiteFang


    http://portal.helbreathnemesis.com I couldn't understand a thing of the spanish, and I can't reply in spanish, but I guess this is about hbportal or something simeliar to this for nemesis. We have it for international, as argentina is same drops etc, the info of nemesis portal also apples for nemesis argentina.
  25. WhiteFang

    Happy Birthday White[GM]!

    White is 15???!! Happy Birthday :D the legal age for alcohol is 18 in my country... but I actually turned 21 :D ty all for the wishes ^_^