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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Old Maps 1.4 Helbreath

    this is a top secret of HB Nemesis which is no to be revealed ^_^ No, rlly, at the same place where you load structures1.pak lolz But you'll encounter other troubles and will be missing more paks then "just" structures2.pak. I will NOT reveal how nemesis solved this, but nemesis managed to solve it properly and kept ALL maps in function.
  2. WhiteFang


    So manu plate mail 200% has 100% more defence? and 100% more PA? thats not possible the real ability for manu skill 100% is the hability to have better succes rate in upgrade armors and weaponds with xilema and merien, and high succes to upgrade manu items, i didnt invent this, it was from the original HB, (manu skill is the best skill i game, thats why is a pain get 100%) No everything above 100% is better, but 101% and 200% has same def. Just more % menas more endurance not it doesn't, 101% has less def then 200%. I have stated, and proven, in the past that manufactured items above 100% give a positive bonus, depending on it's a weapon or armor it'll be physical damage bonus or defense bonus. The bonus is not visibile, but it's there.
  3. WhiteFang


    I like the idea of repairing on the field. Over-Repair is sorta here already but in perm-form, manu'ed items over 100% gain endurance bonus (perm) Though over-repair would be nice too, only endurance is over-repaired, not the max. Also a close to DK manu-able set would be nice, so if the set was 200% it tops DK set.
  4. WhiteFang


    THERE u go .. thats a start!! thank you white... btw could u plz try answer my question at beginner & question section plz? =D Adding stats trough manu'ing isn't a good idea. IF there would be a start-adding "skill" or ability, it would be completly appart from manu'ing. There are theoretical plans for this, but they need more brainstorming and consideration, as manipulating the stats of items is sorta "fruity", so it must be made extreemly hard, extremly expensive to keep the balance as it is now.
  5. WhiteFang


    Manufactured items are very good on their own already. They give a good advantage if their completion is above 100%. Manu'ing is just extreemly hard, but at the end, a manued BBH 200% is worth the effort, knowing the BBH is more then TWICE as strong as a blacksmith's BBH ! Also other manued items are stronger then others (talking about the armors now), their additional defense and additional durability is also a bonus. Armor related manu'ing could use an upgrade because we have the DK armors, manu'ing was sorta left behind since DK armors came. Perhaps we should introduce up to 300 or 400% manufacturing completions to compensate the difference.
  6. WhiteFang

    Lucky Price Ticket

    Our forum has a search function... if you'd use it, you'd know the answer. if you're lazy, the answer is yes. what items? we've seen Xelima Neck as a reward from a lucky prize ticket.
  7. WhiteFang

    Game Trivia

    yup :P
  8. WhiteFang

    Game Trivia

    we should get it back, and make/have a trivia bot for HB questions :P
  9. WhiteFang

    [help]item Cooldown, Hp Bar

    yeah true, the code is very messy and old. there is class separation, but none of the variables are private, so there's no encapsulation...
  10. WhiteFang

    [help]item Cooldown, Hp Bar

    it's easy to screw up... even harder to fix... Now you see, adding new features ain't that easy ;) Packets and Pointers are the 2 hardest parts in coding helbreath, you need to know and understand completly how the system works to get something done.
  11. WhiteFang

    Query On Exp Items

    How does experience gaining exactly work in nemesis: - You gain item-stat exp bonus (combined all exp stats or each item you equip) - You gain bonus/penalty for level & map related kill (bonus for level 100- and/or leveling in farm - Penalty of 10% in farm for lvl 140- and 20% in farm for lvl 140+ - Party exp is calculated and distributed to the party members to their exp stock value (which includes yourself !) - You gain a bonus for map related kill (exp bonus for barracks) - You gain a bonus for level related kill (120- gains 300% exp, 121 to 160 gains 200% exp, 160 to 180 gains 150% exp, 180 gains 100% exp - You gain an effect related bonus (exp slate: 300% exp) Conclusion: Party members do NOT gain the barracks exp bonus, level bonus or effect related bonus. Party members DO gain your item-stat exp bonus but also suffer your penalty level/map related. (Helping a noob train in farm will give him less exp then helping him train on the same mobs in another map). Additional notes: If you're in a party, and you're the killer, your exp is distributed using the exp-distribution table notified in a past update release, but on top of that you gain a 10% bonus for being the killer of the mob. e.g. Exp gained: 100 Party Size: 8 Killer?: yes Exp/member: (100 + (100 * 1.4)) / 8 = (100 + 140) / 8 = 240 / 8 = 30 Exp for killer: (30 + (30 / 10)) = 33 The "other" members (not the killer) will gain the 30 exp, but the killer have a base of 33 exp, on top of this 33 exp the barracks bonus, level bonus and expslate bonus must be added. Let's say you're lvl 180 with expslate ON at garden: 33 * 100% exp = 33 exp (level bonus) 33 * 300% exp = 99 exp (slate bonus) So the exp for the killer would turn out to be 99, while the exp for the other members turns out to be 30.
  12. WhiteFang

    [help]item Cooldown, Hp Bar

    yes, because your client reads too much or too less data, it puts wrong values in wrong variables causing unwanted behavior such as the hp display and the monsters disapear. Long-term usage of invalid or mismatching data can cause serveral client crashes. If the data is being written to the memory and there's a msmatch, it can even cause serious issues on your computer !
  13. WhiteFang

    [help]item Cooldown, Hp Bar

    The amount of data can be figured from the increment made to the cp variable in this case. ++ means 1 byte, += X means X bytes. Char/Byte value: ++ short value: += 2 integer value: += 4 long value: += 8 (<< mostly not used in helbreath as long (aka QWord) does not exist) mostly map names, char names are 10 bytes, guild names 20 bytes, profile 100 bytes.
  14. WhiteFang

    [help]item Cooldown, Hp Bar

    your packets are mismatching ^_^ You're sending and/or receiving too much, or too less data.
  15. WhiteFang

    More Admins

    pretty useless comment, because i do play a lot :P i just think events are naisss and attrack ppl. @ Mj: guess the different time zone make me miss it :( Time zone issues will be fixed ;) With the automated event system, hunter will be able to set/create events in his time zone, but let them start a couple hours later (sort of schedule system !) ;)
  16. WhiteFang

    Arena (maps)

    yes, so we could, if we'd like to, hold multiple pvp events atonce, or if it's 5v5 or 2v2 fights or something, we could hold them in different arena's monitored by different GM's while keeping the surroundings equal.
  17. WhiteFang

    [help]item Cooldown, Hp Bar

    I'll give you a couple hints for client side part: There is a packed called: MSGID_EVENT_MOTION It handles all events with motion in them which happen around yourself. Depending on which type of motion, different data is received. All you have to do is add the HP percentage to the global part of this packet. The first actual data is the Object ID. Depending on this ID, player data or npc data is being read. The last received value for both player & npc is: iLoc Below thatone, you add the HP Status for both player and npc. Extra Note: You'll have to add the sending of the status at the server side too ! in the identical packet ! Now you are able to receive the status, only thing left is to draw it. If you scroll a bit down, you'll figure OBJECT_MAGIC to draw the spell name and OBJECT_DAMAGE and OBJECT_DAMAGEMOVE to draw the damage you're being hit. Figure the main part of the drawing where the player/npc is being drawn, and add the HP bar drawing to it.
  18. WhiteFang

    Arena (maps)

    true, arena 7 became a soccer map i think. And indeed the last map is for heldenian. In the Ramparts you kill the 2 (or 3) gates to enter the Heldenian Castle where you have to plan the flag to win.
  19. WhiteFang

    More Admins

    Malkay, First of all, other GM's might not be in game, but do are Active in the forums or other sections of helbreath nemesis. e.g. JingGM maintains the forum while he's in university. I, myself, White[GM], also stick around forums while in college and develop new nemesis features and upcomming promised updates. You should not judge from what you see in game, you should look beyond and know what each GM does, you'll find that we are an active staff, but perhaps slightly less in game. I agree, due to hunter's health, we have a lack of Events, but even this is being resolved while you're not having knowledge of it. Finally I'd like to end this reply by telling you that Administrators (admins) are chosen by the current administrators along the GM Staff members who have experience, earned their admin status and are READY to do this job. A "new" admin will not come from the outside, it'll probably be an insider of the staff room, IF another admin will come, even that is something that's only known by the admins themselfs. If a GM is promoted to be admin, mostly we try to expand the staff with a new GM to keep our GM positions populated, as GM's mainly maintain the game aswell as forums and handle tickets, while admins rather decide over new features, updates and manage the entire community.
  20. WhiteFang

    [help]item Cooldown, Hp Bar

    actually in this case is mostly client side, the HG only sends the %, the client resolves it by drawing the graphics of the hp bar. true. For the drawing of the health bar a new graphic could be created that looks simeliar to the green SP bar in the bottom interface, slightly smaller bar colored red could be used as a HP bar, both player & npc related.
  21. WhiteFang

    Arena (maps)

    there are indeed 9 arena's, first 3 and last are equal, only their name differs. The others arena's are there, but not always serve purpose of what we make events for ;)
  22. WhiteFang

    [help]item Cooldown, Hp Bar

    And exact number of HP should never be displayed. A percentage of the HP left would be better to display. A player, or monster's hp is not suposed to be disclosed or known by the enemy. How to get it done code-wise, well, there is a packet in the gameserver which it sent to your client, in this packet you add one more value (a byte value) which indicated the percentage. *cp = (int)((m_pClientList[i]->m_iHP / iGetMaxHP(i)) * 100); cp++;
  23. WhiteFang

    Just Asking

    sure, i'll lead a board. Free/open discussions, i'll reply with answers but won't disclose nemesis source ^_^
  24. WhiteFang

    Skill Hack

    hahahahah - HAX HAX HAX !!! BAN +1 :P just joking :P
  25. WhiteFang


    haha ;) I lost Tiger's and LOTR's hosting files, but it was indeed awesome :D LOTR was before tiger, LOTR lasted 2 weeks, then my net was sucked empty (no more bandwidth). LOTR made 400 players at the day of opening. Tiger lasted longer, but had many changes in hosts, never has a dedi server and was often down due to no host.