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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Exceeding 200stats

    You can indeed exceed the 200 stats (using angels or other bonus items). Exceeding the 200 doesn't mean it'll be limited to 200. So if you got an angel +10, and 200 in a stat, you'll have 210 stats and any formula will be based on this 210 stats. More stats ofcrouse mean more damage/Defense/hp/mp/sp/... (depending on the stat)
  2. WhiteFang

    Nemesis Christmas 2010

    there will be chrismas events? :) Ofcrouse ! I will organize an X-mas event ;)
  3. WhiteFang

    Again, Kloness

    Official Kloness Information: http://helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=30541
  4. WhiteFang

    Nemesis Christmas 2010

    X-mas is white... you'll have to wait till Dec 25 :P
  5. WhiteFang

    Preview Of Fury-of-thor

    About sleep, bring me prove that it works that way (-> be slept yourself in hb korea, video tape this, try equip items, shug pots, what ever that korea has and we don't). If the prove is delivered, I will make the change to improve sleep to a more worthy spell. From what I understood from the korean update, I didn't read anything related to that, or the translator didn't translate it correctly so I ignored it.
  6. WhiteFang

    Stats Drop Weapons

    Gold is a currency in nemesis which is worth no shit, but in nemesis argentina, gold is worth ALOT, therefore we CANNOT remove this stat ;) now bring me a new solution ;)
  7. WhiteFang


    they give more exp, it doesn't matter which kind of attack method you use. They give more exp because they have a "special ability". AM just is harder to kill by magic, AP harder by physical attacks.
  8. Kloness Esterk, Kloness Blade, Kloness Axe, Kloness Wand (MS.10), Kloness Wand (MS.20): +(attacker rep / 100) Damage with a maximum of +5 Damage. Note: Negative rep involves negative damage bonus. This bonus applies for both npcs and players. +(abs(target rep) / 10) Damage with a maximum of +10 Damage. Note: "abs" means absolute value -> it does not matter if the value is positive or negative. This bonus only applies if the enemy is a player. Kloness Necklace: +(abs(target rep) / 20) Damage with a maximum of +5 Damage. Note: This bonus only applies if the enemy is a player. Concrete Example 1: Attacker Rep: 1500 Target Rep: -200 Weapon Bonuses: +(1500 / 100) Damage = +15 Damage -> max is +5 Damage +(abs(-200) / 10) = +(200 / 10) Damage = +20 Damage -> max is +10 Damage Necklace Bonus: +(abs(-200) / 20) = +(200 / 20) Damage = +10 Damage -> max is +5 Damage Concrete bonuses: +5 +10 +5 = +20 Concrete Example 2: Attacker Rep: -1000 Target Rep: 2000 Weapon Bonuses: +(-1000 / 100) Damage = -10 Damage -> max is +5 Damage +(abs(2000) / 10) = +(2000 / 10) Damage = +200 Damage -> max is +10 Damage Necklace Bonus: +(abs(2000) / 20) = +(2000 / 20) Damage = +100 Damage -> max is +5 Damage Concrete bonuses: -10 +10 +5 = +5
  9. WhiteFang

    Nemesis Christmas 2010

    X-mas is white... maybe that's a good hint? :D
  10. WhiteFang

    Preview Of Fury-of-thor

    Fury of Thor: Give me a korean account to play with, or make me a CLEAR video (NO SS !!) with ONLY FoT spell (NO OTHERS !!!) from different angles. I prefer different videos, or a pause of 5 seconds between each different angle. Yellow Tail Spell: Again, give me acc so i can see, or give me a video (same requirements apply) White Pot: Sounds interesting, its in global korea, or TEST server only? Ingredients to make this pot would also be very welcome.
  11. WhiteFang

    Server Time Change -1 Hour

    But the server's time didn't change until November 7th! :P True, but the time DID change for european players for 1 week, and after that week the server changed times so that involves another time changing occuring for european players ;)
  12. WhiteFang


    Most of them are common mistakes, some others or gammer/sentence mistakes. You're wirting gigantic long sentences without comma's points or other characters that indicate a pause in your sentence this causes confusion and it's very hard to read for other people because the sentence is way too long and should have had commas points or other characters that indicate a pause in your sentence but yet you forget them and still claim you're perfectly/native english. (P.S. I didn't use comma's, points or other characters to indicate pauses on purpose.) I'm Belgian, my native language is Dutch, my second is French, my third is German and fourth is English. Yet I speak more decent english then more people on the internet lol :P I only pointed out that you claim to be "perfectly english", but yet write or create all this mistakes in your entire explenation. I'm not saying i'm prefectly english, far from that actually lolz, but atleast i'm not claiming to be perfect english after writing an entire text full of errors LOL. What did you learn today? Don't claim to be native or perfectly speaking english after you wrote a text full of errors.
  13. WhiteFang

    Stats Drop Weapons

    @Feded: it's no matter of code it, it's matter of graphics to display it. We already have male and female shaped armors as graphics for our bags, we don't want to change this. We do are opean for appropriate ideas related to sex-changing these items. @cilin: As I explained, 15 slots are used, 1 unused as 0 (zero) means nothing, no stat. I indeed wrote kinda mistake there 0 to F is 16, but stats only go from 1 to F, which is 15. There are 16 slots, all 16 are used, but 0 means "no stat" so basically it's "not used" lolz :P
  14. WhiteFang

    Stats Drop Weapons

    @El Rafa; no problem, that's why i'm explaining ;) @Mito24: ah, now I understand. Such a stat is a nice idea, yet again we face that fact that there are no more stat-slots free for use, so we'll require a new or extended value for additional stats. (sorta same way as we did on colors) I like the idea of having it as a stat, but should be extreemly hard to find, and max should be +7% or something, making it grade from 1 to 15 (1 step a time) but limiting to 7 as max. A major overhaul of the item attribute would require more then "just a single stat" to be added, we prefer not to overhaul or change such crucial parts of code unless there is a good reason for it, and 1 single additional stat is not enough, we'd need more. so, bring on the ideas. Also, other questions rise to me: - Will this stat only be available on weapons? or only armors? or at BOTH? - Will it increase primary drop rate (armors), secondary drop rate (rares) or tertiary drop rate (slates)? - If it increases primary, will it give more chance to "get A drop" or for getting "an armor or weapon" or more change for getting "an armor" or "a weapon" ? (note he difference in quotations !) - If it increases secondary, will it give more global, monster or item drop chance? - If there is a stat for primary, should there also be one for secondary & tertiary? - Should these stats be stackable piece by piece? or only have "the highest value" take effect? - Should this stat be combineable with the currecntly already existing stats? or should it extend the primary stats? or extend secondary stats?
  15. WhiteFang


    I quote: correct: (where are the comma's??? - basic sentence writing, use comma's for pauses) I quote: correct: (makeing? wtf is that kinda english?) I quote: correct: (wtf is an nco? never heard of it) I quote: correct: (wquld?) Please don't state you talk correct english if I find grammer, sentence, and spelling errors in it. Anyway, from what I did understand from your idea, it's basic, much details missing.
  16. WhiteFang


    @lugiore: I understand nothing of your basic idea, please use proper english and decent phrases, thx. @kennychl: Personally I also prefer a real player as bounty. As I stated in previous post, I still encounter a couple issues related to this idea, manage to find me a decent solution and we'll consider the implementation. Ideas with gaps or unsolved problems will mostlikely be shot and not make it to the game, due to these unsolved problems. A water-tight idea has more chance to make it to the game if it fits the spirit and line of the game.
  17. WhiteFang

    Stats Drop Weapons

    @Mito24: I understand nothing from your suggestion, please use proper english sentences, thank you. @Nindax: There is an IDEA from myself related to "upgrading armor stats" in a certain way, the idea is basic, alot needs to be thought trough and dicussed. If such an idea of upgrading stats comes, it'll influence market for sure and make even low % armors more valueable then ever before. Yet the upgrading would be EXTREEMLY hard ofcrouse, (like it's EXTREEMLY hard to make BBH+5) @Rosier: Unisex armors can't be done, men and women are shaped differently, so different armors must exist (for graphical purposes !) A good idea/suggestion would be to "transfer" or "mauliplate" the armor, for example by manufacturing it to the other sex. @El Rafa: Stats in helbreath are with levels, there are 15 stat-levels available, some stats jump each 7%, some jump each 3%, and some jump by 1 only. The reason why there is no 1 - 100% stats is due to the issue related to data-size. Helbreath originally invented 15 stats, if you know a bit about computing and maths, you've heard of hexadecimal, this goed from 0 to F where F is the max, it represents 15 stats (0 to F), in the datapacket of your item info, your stat is represented by 1 hexadecimal character, which can hold a value between 0 and F. To make a value go from 0 to 100, you require atleast 2 hexadecimal character (00 to FF). As you know, nemesis has the spirit to keep as much original as possible, or use/re-use or extend the originals in the same line/grade (i.o.w. keep things "normal" and not fruit it up), it's unlikely we'll change this system because it's a major overhaul in coding.
  18. WhiteFang

    Crusade For Tuesday

    daylight saving hour again? :D Yes, the server time is now 1 hour EARLIER than before. Sorry for not posting a topic about it, I'll do that now. Daylight Saving Time (DST) is a common thing and should be known all over the world as long as it exists... I wish they'd remove it, makes life easier. yes. And the server takes it automatically always... We cant make it fixed. peoples countrys also have daylight savings. We need to keep the "official" clocks... With removing I actually ment the countries that use DST remove it so there is no more DST (and no more confusion !) :D At nemesis we should just stick to official clocks from server, not try to edit/fix this. Though a good suggestion/idea for future is to make a visual clock (sorta like /showtime) for server-time IN GAME. Maybe clock in F12 could be server time... :D
  19. WhiteFang


    We already did simeliar events on the forum in the past, not specifically with a bounty on a single player, but just the first to post a SS of an EK after date *spam* & time *spam*. btw, i'm not mad at all, i'm only pointing out issues/problems regarding your idea which you didn't think about... Solve the problems that I state, once solved i'll pull out new problems from the solutions untill no problems are left. Once there are NO problems related to a suggestion, it'll go up into staff room for multiple opinions and voting on the idea. If voted to implement, we'll add the idea and it can be expected in game then ^_^
  20. WhiteFang


    Players giving bounties for killing others can already be done... but find a stronger player, tell him to kill for you and you'll pay him for doing so LOL xD Bounty-system from server (rewardings as contri & gold/exp/items) where you take it as if it's a quest make things complicated. Complicated? HOW?! it's easy no? no it's not easy, complicated things that could happen: - You take a bounty quest, now you must kill player X in map X... so you must be lucky to find player X in map X AND kill him there... not an easy job - You take a bounty quest, now you must kill player X in ANY map... slightly easier, but how will you track your target? it's kinda hard searching around 15 gigantic maps for your enemy xD - You take a bounty quest, you target logs out... you'll never figure that, you'll keep tracking for nothing lolz - The possibility of "bounty-quest-laming" will exist, people figuring and keep grabbing quest to kill a specific player just to earn the rewards... quest-laming basically. The other idea on "statistics" (higher dmg in sade/held, most dmg dealt, etc etc) is a nice idea, it could even include some sort of reward. Yet again, laming here exists where you kill your friends or own char (using mutli client) who's naked, you'll reach top damage for sure. @kennychl: I read every idea, and I'm the one who executes/programs the ideas into nemesis, not all ideas make it to nemesis cuz some are too fruity, or are just an idea without any further detailed info (I do reply the topic then asking more details or suggesting for info i'd need... but never the creator reply me with info or more details)
  21. WhiteFang


    There is NO SINGLE NECK that gives immunity or even partial absorption of "Armor Breaking". There DO are ideas/plans/discussions to introduct and EARTH absorption necklace, yet this is UNSURE if i'll be added, and IF it's added, it'll absorb DAMAGE, and NOT the AB effect.
  22. WhiteFang

    Crusade For Tuesday

    daylight saving hour again? :D Yes, the server time is now 1 hour EARLIER than before. Sorry for not posting a topic about it, I'll do that now. Daylight Saving Time (DST) is a common thing and should be known all over the world as long as it exists... I wish they'd remove it, makes life easier.
  23. WhiteFang

    Server Time Change -1 Hour

    Jing, I dun wanne be cool or all knowing but DST changed at october 31st for Europe...
  24. WhiteFang

    Xelima Weapon On Monsters

    The Xelima God decided to make 3 rare weapons for the battle between Eldeniel's and Aresien's followers, not to murder the Creator of all monster The Abaddon. To murder higher level monster there are Ancient Slates that will help you bring them down.
  25. WhiteFang

    Why Complicate Things?

    1. Towns are made for original play, we won't customize towns and make them easy for you, spend some damn running :P 2. Safe zones in towns are already reduced since the previous towns. Yet we won't remove safe zones, safe zones are made originally in HB, and we keep the originals as much as possible. Therefore, removing save zones probably won't be done. If you can't manage to kill your oponent after 10 minutes and he runs safe, well it's your fault, you had 10 minutes to figure a way to get his/her face in the dirt, but you just failed cuz you arn't good enough yet. Keep training, one day you'll smack his/her face in the dirt.