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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    New Updates

    i'm all rdy... I wait farjat's bug description for 3 day lolz xD But forgive the man, he making party these days like everyone else haha :D
  2. WhiteFang

    Merry Christmas 2010!

    Merry x-mas to all in advance :D
  3. WhiteFang

    The Guild System Update

    For those who are very curious how things actually look like... There is a topic in the Suggestion section named "2 Guildmaster" and i've been posting SS's in the past there. To make it easy, i'll be pasting them here again: Please note that these Screenshots are DEVELOPMENT screenshots, reality or partictical implementation of the real guild system might differ (probably improved) from the screenshots ! Those who feel like reading the original suggestion topic: http://helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=27999
  4. WhiteFang

    The Guild System Update

    Lazy Traduction: there gonna be ppl who let some noob join the guild to gain free contri points to ban him later.. Is it possible? possibly... but the player still CHOOSES if he donate or not, nobody can force him to donate ! If ppl don't donate, they just don't... lolz... IF you don't wanne make a trade, you don't make it right... same for GCP... if you don't wanne donate, you don't donate... (most likely you'll be kicked for not donating as you're not helping guild, but well...)
  5. WhiteFang

    The Guild System Update

  6. WhiteFang

    The Guild System Update

    Guild creation Creating a guild is as it used to be, level 140 with 20 charisma. We might add a starters fee of around 1k contri to ensure no mass-guilds are made for useless purposes. (this is currently not yet active, we are still considering) As explained in the first post, guild level 1 is equal to what guilds currently are/used to be in helbreath. The mentioned upgrade costs are to upgrade to the NEXT level. For guilds level 1, the upgrade cost to become a guild level 2 is 50 000 GCP. Guild WH @ level 1 The post mentions guild warehouse is unavailable, which means a guild level CANNOT purchase the warehouse. The initial limits are already defined, perhaps there will be a lucky guild that gets a guild warehouse granted for free at level 1 ! (who knows ;)) What I didn't actually mention is that guild levels inherit from their previous one unless differently described. A function that was buy-able at level 2, can still be purchased for equal price at level 3 (unless it was explecitly changed and mentioned in the post - e.g. Guild member slots, WH pages, WH Slots). Guilds level 1 are equal to the current guild system. I've mentioned it before, and this also means that currently there is NO guild warehouse AT ALL, so you won't get one at level 1 either (unless it was granted by a GM/admin as reward for some event) and cannot purchase a guild warehouse at level 1. You must be atleast guild level 2 to purchase the warehouse.
  7. WhiteFang

    The Guild System Update

    guild name changing The feature of this will probably added for a HIGH cost of GCP, but probably the delays or changing restrictions of hours/days will be added together with this feature. Swap ranks? Possible yes, well, sort of swapping is possible. The guild master or leader can grant or revoke guild ranks, so if he wishes to "swap" one for another, he has to de-rank (change rank actually) of the current guild player that has the rank, then assign the rank to anyone else within the guild he likes it to have ;) Game speed Basically you're right, the short answer is ineed "nope, no decrease, a slight increase actually." BEFORE X-MAS Yup,you heard me correctly... the guild system will come BEFORE x-mas as together with this update there is also another part of the game the will be updated/changed, it's rather small considering the guild system. But as I promised in a previous topic, Nemesis WILL make an update for x-mas ;) and we WILL have x-mas event ;)
  8. WhiteFang

    The Guild System Update

    To reply at kennychl's concerns: Motivation to upgrade guild Well, this update was intended to be released BEFORE x-mas takes place. There WILL be an x-mas event, which this year will be organized by myself. For this event we have a couple prices, not to reveal much info on this event or it's prices yet, I can say that you don't need to worry on the motivation... Perhaps one of the x-mas event prices would be GCP or free guild upgrade(s) ;) - Stay tuned around x-mas for the event notice ! ;) 24 hour rule This is just an idea, it's not implemented yet ;) Guild lvl 5 reward? Perhaps, I have been thinking about making an un-timed event where the first guild that reaches lvl 5 gains a bonus or reward. - we'll have to discuss this idea in staff room to decide IF and WHAT reward will be given, but I support your idea, a resu sounds nice. Change Guild Name? Currently this is not implemented/activated as there is no approval of this ability to be enabled. Perhaps a 14-day no-changing should be implemented. This brings me to another idea where it would take 3 days to disband a guild, the master can request the disband, after 3 days the disband will be applied, meanwhile it can be cancelled though. This brings yet another idea to make rank-changing limit, if somone's rank was recently changed, it should not be changed again within 14 days. major concern about game speed The guild system is completly unrelated to the game's speed. The system do uses a 3-way communication to get everything handled/checked (permission related etc), which might slow down the services related to the guild system, but you don't need any guild services that use or require this 3-way communication during PvP or PvM ;) - Making changes within your guild happen inside guild hall, as you need to be there to buy features, access guild WH etc. You take your time to do this, so the speed of them doesn't matter as you're not in danger. I do can note that the services are reasonably fast, only a minor delay occurs when using them. If you're concerned about lagg due to extra guild ranks requiring to be displayed. I can tell you, you don't have to be, let me explain why: In the past we had guild master and guild member, 0 (zero) represented master, 12 represented member. With the new system we use ranks 0 (zero) to 9. Basically in the guild-rank-packet in the past there was a short being set, and in the future also a short will be sent. As you notice, both are short, which means an equal amount of bits & bytes being sent, no matter which guild rank you are. Infact, game speed should slightly increase as certain packets are delayed-packets which used to be embedded within other packets. Delayed packets are sent later then the casual other packets and are handled at a later time stamp and in the background. You probably won't notice this at all as the increase in speed is only very very small and occurs in only 1 or 2 packets. If you got more questions about game speed in specific cases which you think that might be slowed down, feel free to explain your case, then i'll confirm or deny if there is any game delay, and if I deny it, i'll also explain why there is actually no delay or slowdown of game speed.
  9. WhiteFang

    The Guild System Update

    Some more replies/creations: 50k GCP for upgrading lvl 1 guild to lvl 2 guild is alot ! discount? The upgrade cost is slightly high, but together with guild system, the contri cap will be upgraded to 10k ! (as promised in last update). Considering a 10 members guild, each member has to donate 5000 contri points, which take a little while, that's true, but it's not an insane amount per player. It's not suposed to be that if we release the guild system that the day after every guild is level 5... you're suposed to work for the features and pay slightly high prices, this keeps the game balanced and resolved the "useless-ness" of contribution points. At the final end, a fully upgraded guild with the MAX member limit (1k) and max WH slots (1k) costs 25 810 000 GCP. It'll take a while to get this amount and get the upgrades done, probably will take a couple weeks to months before the first guilds reach level 5. Considering that in the old system only 1 person could plant a flag or control the build/tp/summons during helds & crusades, this new system (explained in this thread) basically allows MORE people to plant flags, MORE people to control build/tp/summons, these features shouldn't be free at all. In the past when the guild master wasn't able to be online, the guild could bearlt participate in helds or sades, the guild system will all change this. Members outside guild can donate? Nope, this is impossible to be done from outside the guild. The only way to get it done is as Jing explained, though I already have contra adjustments for this - when leaving a guild, you'll have to wait 24 hours before you can join a new guild ;) The guild removal will affect held/sade? Propbably in the first (two?) weeks perhaps slightly, as guilds are forming and gathering contribution points rather then fighting for their nation. With, or without guilds, the number of participants to helds and sades will be equally (perhaps even higher as some old players return for the guild system !)
  10. WhiteFang

    The Guild System Update

    Replies to many questions: Everyone will go guildless? Yes, there is no choice, as the guild system has member limits depending on guild level, we cannot keep the current guilds and therefore they will be DELETED. You'll have to re-create your guild. Name temples/guild ranks showing up when moving mouse over player? OFCROUSE !! There is nothing I can't make, and this has been thought of ! It's a requirements as certain guild ranks have the ability to plant flags during heldenian, therefore even the enemy has to know which player has which rank within a guild to know if they form a possible threat to their heldenian siege castle ! guild level 1 only 10 members? Yes, the info is correct. Only 10 members can join guild. Basically this is to ensure guilds GROW in level and don't stagnate in lower level. Small guilds will always be small and take long time to upgrade. Guilds MUST unite and bound their powers to grow BIG, that's what guilds are for ;) Guilds who currently have alot members, probably best make their most active ones join first, make them donate contribution points to enlarge guild capacity and grow faster ;) Feel free to ask more questions ;) i'll be available to answer them :D
  11. WhiteFang

    Question? About Stats

    More strength indeed increases your damage. It's not going to be a major amount each hit, but it'll show off in the total amount of damage dealt over a longer period of time.
  12. WhiteFang

    Click! Click!

    The color extraction potion would be usefull to extract the RARE colors back into a dye ! This way the dye can be sold or used on another item ;) yes... that is the mean of it... perfect understanding... but white .. wouldnt be to hard to code all the stuff? ... i mean, we are not getting to much complicate? I like the idea to be hard to extract the colors... I wish we aready has those potions :wub: otherwise .. i like very much the idea of spirit potions.. what more we can use tham...?? Only some basic coding is neeed where we define a new item type (color extraction) where the armor gets decolored and a potion of the item's color is given... fairly easy actually lolz :D Anyway, the "spirit" potions could be used for other purposes perhaps too... *Armor Sex Change Potion* *Primary Stat Extraction Potion* *Secondary Stat Extraction Potion* *Skin Extraction Potion* *Drop Increase Potion* Just bringing ideas :P
  13. WhiteFang

    Click! Click!

    The color extraction potion would be usefull to extract the RARE colors back into a dye ! This way the dye can be sold or used on another item ;)
  14. WhiteFang

    Click! Click!

    I suggest as next: Color Extraction Potion (100% Alchemy): - 1 Unicorn Spirit Potion - 1 Demon Spirit Potion - 1 Werewolf Spirit Potion - 1 Ogre Spirit Potion - 1 Troll Spirit Potion - 1 Gold Carp Unicorn Spirit Potion (100% Alchemy): - 1 Unicorn Heart - 1 Unicorn Horn - 1 Unicorn Meat - 1 Unicorn Leather - 1 Ginseng - 1 Green Carp Demon Spirit Potion (100% Alchemy): - 1 Demon Eye - 1 Demon Heart - 1 Demon Meat - 1 Demon Leather - 1 Ginseng - 1 Green Carp Werewolf Spirit Potion (90% Alchemy): - 1 Werewolf Heart - 1 Werewolf Meat - 1 Werewolf Tail - 1 Werewolf Leather - 1 Mushroom - 1 Red Carp Ogre Spirit Potion (80% Alchemy): - 1 Ogre Heart - 1 Ogre Meat - 1 Ogre Hair - 1 Ogre Leather - 1 Blue Grapes - 1 Red Sea Bream Troll Spirit Potion (70% Alchemy): - 1 Troll Heart - 1 Troll Meat - 1 Troll Leather - 1 Troll Claw - 1 Grapes - 1 Blue Sea Bream
  15. WhiteFang

    Nemesis Christmas 2010

    I'm no lazy, i'll make an UPDATE for x-mas ! Yes, it'll be allowed for every time zone. Though the time to get it done is short, but it allows all time zones to participate as there will be more than 24 hours of time to complete/participate in the event.
  16. WhiteFang

    Click! Click!

    I like the idea of a color transfer or color extraction potion.
  17. WhiteFang

    Happy Bday Nemesis Dad!

    happy b-day calu !!! get drunk and waste some pussy :P
  18. WhiteFang

    Ie Neck

    I noticed a couple mistakes indeed. Nemesis portal is based off USA config files, as nemesis runs slightly adjust config files, not all information is 100% correct or accurate. @Jing: List up all mistakes/issues related to nemesis portal and put them in the staff room post made in the past related to nemesis portal.
  19. WhiteFang

    Anyone Out There

    Well, i'm also in college, only reading forums mostly... Basically I also live at home when not in college, but when i'm home I got many other stuff to finish for college, so no time to play my player, not even play my GM or code new stuff. I do promise by X-Mas i'll have an awesome event ready "x-mas is white" - you'll love it ;)
  20. WhiteFang

    Warn Level

    Warn level in forums s here to indicate that you've comitted bad things. We dun care how long ago or how small your bad thing was, we just remember you being bad ! Warn level decreasing is only done if you're already 100% and we want to apply another punishment, most likely you'll be banned from the forums for a longer period and perhaps also from the game, hopefully you'll learn from mistakes then.
  21. WhiteFang

    Rep Abuse?

    Some basics things to know about rep: - it does NOT affect drop rate - it affects kloness & righteous. - New chars must wait *spam* Time before they can use rep for the first time - Repping yourself using multi client on same IP is not allowed (this is also blocked by the server, so you just can't rep lol) - Using another computer with a different IP to rep yourself is allowed, so you still have to wait the *spam* Time to rep again this is not really considered to be laming - Rep above 9999 resets to 0 - Rep below -9999 resets to 0 - Using the old BI rep bug is no longer possible - this bug has been FIXED.
  22. WhiteFang

    New Computer Parts For My Pc

    A 550W atleast, to be sure and future proof, buy a 650W (or higher) one ;) Some extra tips: - Buy your disk of equal size if you gonna put them in RAID, this optimises the RAID. - Your gfx card could do better related to your RAM - should go for an Nvidia Geforce 450GTS ;) - You should go for DDR3 ram - also ensure your mainboard supports DDR3 ! - If you go for DDR3 tri-channel technology, go for 6 GB RAM, 3x2GB. - If you go for DDR3 dual-channel technology, go for 8 GB RAM, 2x4GB. (this 4GB's are kinda expensive, I'd say go for tri-channel technology as it's the future !) - Match your RAM speed vs your mainboard supported ram speeds, ensure it's compatible - if not, performance might be decreased alot. - If you go for 64-bit OS, ensure both your CPU and mainboard support 64-bit technology ;)
  23. WhiteFang

    Anyone Out There

    If I had more time, I could play my char, but as the situation is now, i can't even play my GM char ! rofl xD
  24. WhiteFang

    Exceeding 200stats

    every single stat adds a bonus, even if it's 1 stat. Though some calculations & formula's are based on certain %'s of stats (which are not to be given free), some of these calculations could for example result into damage increasing every 2 stats instead of every 1 stat. But in most cases it's stat by stat that makes the difference.
  25. WhiteFang

    Anyone Out There

    dragnon, i'm still here haha :P you remember me right??? also wuta still here also, he's JingGM now ;)