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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Maybe One Day...

    nemesis has those already, but they arn't yet available for public, only the White one is distributed to a limited amount of people who won the x-mas event. how come they arnt avaiable to the public? are they going to become available to the pubic? We didn't name the dyes yet as we're not sure yet to keep these colors or not... So far no suggestions entered in the staff room or from player's side for new colors... So currently we keep these colors, but we don't know a good purpose for them yet, they're not that "awesome" colors like Gold, Orange, White or Pink, they're just the casual colors but slightly brighter or slightly softer... There is yet no decision made if we'll release them in public or not, there do are plans to make colors that have rainbow effects (changing color over time !) or even glowing colors (glowing like IE, Xelima, Medusa swords), but those are still future, very low priority and untested (except for rainbow cape, which turned out to be extreemly memory eating and laggy)
  2. WhiteFang

    Anoyone Playin This Server Anymore?

    white, how much time do you think it will take you to launch the update that includes taming/guild system? If all testing goes well this weekend and Farjat manages to get all changes applies to the server, it can be released this weekend... but ofcrouse if more testing is needed, it could take a couple days to weeks for release. According to my personal opinion the update is reasonably stable for release except for a few minor things such as joining guilds & leaving guilds, basically those are untested in the new system as they used to work properly in the old.
  3. WhiteFang

    Maybe One Day...

    nemesis has those already, but they arn't yet available for public, only the White one is distributed to a limited amount of people who won the x-mas event.
  4. WhiteFang

    Anoyone Playin This Server Anymore?

    Playing is far away for me, but you can count on my for making updates :P we're planning extensive testing on the guild system, taming & map virtualisations aswell as its related Guild Houses :D So far Taming and map Virtualisation (+ Guild Houses) are very stable, Guild System should be stable but many parts are untested. Expect to see more awesome stuff comming over a short period of time.
  5. WhiteFang

    Bumps And Massive Lag?

    hm, ye, perhaps... I just got intel i7 2,67 GhZ hyper-threading processor (Octo core in OS - Quad core in hardware) with 3 GB DDR3 tri-channel technology ram (not that much ram, but it's DDR3 and tri-channel technology that makes it better) and running under windows 7 with a 60 mbit internet connection. i have a girlfriend :lol: that's nice for you ^_^ I've heard in many games people got lagg recently after Japan basically "shut down" or lost networking points... So it's possible that lagg comes due to that as internet doesn't always take straight routes to its destination. that makes sence, you should check the rout on your network connection (i remember there was a way of seeing this somewhere) it probably goes through japan. tracert www.helbreathnemesis.com
  6. WhiteFang

    Bumps And Massive Lag?

    hm, ye, perhaps... I just got intel i7 2,67 GhZ hyper-threading processor (Octo core in OS - Quad core in hardware) with 3 GB DDR3 tri-channel technology ram (not that much ram, but it's DDR3 and tri-channel technology that makes it better) and running under windows 7 with a 60 mbit internet connection. i have a girlfriend :lol: that's nice for you ^_^ I've heard in many games people got lagg recently after Japan basically "shut down" or lost networking points... So it's possible that lagg comes due to that as internet doesn't always take straight routes to its destination.
  7. WhiteFang

    Pa Shields

    Agree with the first 2! Stripping shields would be kinda fruity IMO. I think stripping isn't that fuirty... it's rather reality... You got a shield, your enemy smashes into your shield, which absorbs the damage, but due to the power of the mash you lose "control" over the shield and it falls off your arm, you struggle to stay on your feet, quickly pickup your shield from the ground & put it in your bag ! that's no fruity ... rather reality. Most people consider things fruity if other servers already have it or have simeliar effects, but that's a wrong idea on what's fruity. The real idea on fruity is that when a server has extreme higher rates or chances (mostly drops) or things that don't fit into the spirit of helbreath. In games you have to keep renewing and adding things, many people consider the guild system also fruity, but never the less, if the prices are measured properly and arn't too cheap or too expensive, its not really fruity but rather a great addition to the game and its game play aswell as a renewal and refreshment to the game and its spirit. Adding the strip effect where it always strips on slightest hammer hit, that would be fruity. adding the strip effect where is has equal chance to strip an armor piece or shield is more reasonable and real.
  8. WhiteFang

    Bumps And Massive Lag?

    bumping means your client goes too fast according to net-connection speed, a bump means you're set back to a last known valid position. a position is considered valid if it was processed by the server... So basically bumps means lagg... perhaps reboot your computer?
  9. WhiteFang

    Bumps And Massive Lag?

    hm, ye, perhaps... I just got intel i7 2,67 GhZ hyper-threading processor (Octo core in OS - Quad core in hardware) with 3 GB DDR3 tri-channel technology ram (not that much ram, but it's DDR3 and tri-channel technology that makes it better) and running under windows 7 with a 60 mbit internet connection.
  10. WhiteFang

    I Know Nothing...

    - you can't play most common games on ubuntu (or linux) - you can't play hb on ubuntu (linux) - you can't use MS word on ubuntu (linux) You can use an open-source word-processor that's almost equal to MS word, called "open-office" (it contains word) You can install a virtual machine (by using "Virtual Box" - Free Java Virtual Machine program) and put a windows in there to play HB or other common games -> note that there probably WILL be lagg and delays even more as you're running a VIRTUAL machine, and not a native machine. Do note that it IS possible to have dual-boot, this means you can both install Windows and Ubuntu (linux) (or another OS) and when booting you computer you can choose whichone to boot (windows or ubuntu), depending on your needs you can boot what you want to use. switching between them can be done easly by rebooting & choosing the other option.
  11. WhiteFang

    Pa Shields

    now all stop making nonsense replies and go back to topic. replies like "own3d" or "bad, bad idea" don't add to the topic ! I'll put up the suggestion in the staff room. The change that'll be suggested in staff room will be as next: - Add shield endurance reduction & stripping to AB spell - Add shield endurance reduction for every defensed or absorbed damage (when it defended or absorbed it'll reduce endurance - for absorption this'll be always as shield ALWAYS absorb) - Add shield stripping to hammers ability Personally I think all these 3 will even out the fix of PA (which caused slightly over-powering).
  12. WhiteFang

    Bumps And Massive Lag?

    I got 60 mb ... not issues here lol :D just buy a better connection? maybe that help :P
  13. WhiteFang

    Maybe One Day...

    It's to Spank the TW to keep it under my control :P (It's called a "Taming Whip" btw)
  14. WhiteFang

    Repeat Quest

    just 1 or 2 more points.... perhaps a penalty should be given if repeating the same quest over and over and over and over... like 1 contri less for every completion you did in the past 50 quests. This will require people to take new or different quests as their "easy" quests get lowered in reward alot after 3 or 4 repeats. I like this (but less than 50 quests) Considering the wide range of available quests and the planned additional upcomming scavenger-type quests and chain-type quests I would even consider to go up to 75 or even 100 quests. I think the current quest range for level 170+ offers atleast 50 different quests (including party quests ofcrouse), so a history of 50 quests would be reasonable. If you repeat a quest 2 or 3 times within the range of 50, you'll lose 1 or 2 contri for repeating it, which will ofcrouse discourage repeating, but wouldn't make it extreemly bad considering the fact that those quests that are being repeated are probably the fastest-completable-quests (close to town or easy to find quests), and we want to avoid mass-repeating of these to spread the players over different maps to go questing. Personally I think 2 to 5 points deducted for repeating would spread out people of less famous or less populated maps also (deeper into dungeons, further into tower of hell or wetter into druncnian city).
  15. WhiteFang

    Raise Contri Cap To 10k

    that's what we don't want you to do LOL you'll make 10258320184 chars with 10k contri just to donate at the start of guild system instantly going to guild lvl 5 :P and we just don't want anyone doing that, we want ppl to WORK for it, not just get it for free. Wouldn't I have to work to get 10k contri on 12012014 chars? :wacko: , kinda nonsense your point but I'll respect it... Ofcrouse you'd have to work for it to get it done, but considering you knowledgement that the guild system update is close, you could start gathering contri in advance to instantly gain a guild level 5 once the system is release. Which is a thing we want to avoid at all times as we plan to have an Event at the release of the guild system, which'll probably be something like "first guild to get level 5 gets a special reward". Allowing you to make 13020 chars and max their contri to 10k already in advance of the event would ruin the entire event. making chars now with a cap of 700 contri, will require you a shitload more chars and effort than making chars with a 10k cap for contri. Therefore the cap is not risen yet, but it'll rise for sure, just be patient... we're making major progress on other upgrades also, which include Taming Skill and Map Virtualization (Including Guild Houses !)
  16. WhiteFang


    We also want them back... But bringing them back somehow makes the server suffer from spawning issues for some unknown funny reason we couldn't figure out yet xD Once we figured why server makes this problem, we can solve it and add them back to sades :P
  17. WhiteFang

    Raise Contri Cap To 10k

    that's what we don't want you to do LOL you'll make 10258320184 chars with 10k contri just to donate at the start of guild system instantly going to guild lvl 5 :P and we just don't want anyone doing that, we want ppl to WORK for it, not just get it for free.
  18. WhiteFang

    Repeat Quest

    just 1 or 2 more points.... perhaps a penalty should be given if repeating the same quest over and over and over and over... like 1 contri less for every completion you did in the past 50 quests. This will require people to take new or different quests as their "easy" quests get lowered in reward alot after 3 or 4 repeats.
  19. WhiteFang

    Little Update (no Need Client Update)

    Can you tell me exact scenario when they turn enemy and how you got them to turn your against you? (your story starts with "I casted summon-creature" and ends with "they've turned against me") - Summon a creature - Type /hold - Go inside a building, and back outside - The summon now appears as an enemy, instead of friendly I also don't think it will free from hold, I tried it last night and it didn't seem to work for me. I was also told that your summons "change" to an enemy if your summon is /tgting someone and they logoff/dc/change maps. This makes sense. Let me explain why or how: In the idea of Taming skill we are able to Tame random monsters, the basic idea is that you tame a mob for a certain time, then it turn back to it's original side. Therefore there's a piece of code that releases following mode, but this piece also turns it back to it's original side. To fix the summoning count bug (where you thought to have no summons anymore but couldn't summon new mobs) I've implemented this "release following mode" when a player teleports. In the case you explain, you notice you summon a mob (follows you) then move into a building (teleport occurs) this action of teleporting results into the release of following mode, which invokes the piece of code where it turns the mob back to it's original side, which happens to be the configuration's side, which is enemy for most mobs you can summon (except unicorn, cat & bunny). This bug is fixed in the code, if Farjat updates code, recompiles new game server & reboots, this issue should be resolved. ---- By this previous explenation, you probably noticed me mentioning Taming skill... Yes, it's true, Taming skill is being worked on and is entering the testing phase, once testing is done it will be release in public. You've also noticed I started to be more active in forums again, this also means I started to do more coding again. I'll be seeking to fix up a couple Guild System bugs so we can press it trough testing phase and release it. There's a black-screen error currently occuring when joining a new guild, so i'll be looking into fixing that. On top of that, I plan to continue working on Map Virtualization of indevidual guild halls for each guild and the ability for more event arena's (unlimited amount of be honest) to hold events, and later on event AUTOMATED events where only a GM is needed to configure the settings ! (Ofcrouse our beloved Hunter[GM] will be in charge of all events and handle all settings) A Possible release of all 3 updates together can be done, or one after another in a relatively short period of time. (the 3 updates would include guild system, map virtualisation with unlimited arena's (and possible guild houses), Taming Skill)
  20. WhiteFang

    Little Update (no Need Client Update)

    Can you tell me exact scenario when they turn enemy and how you got them to turn your against you? (your story starts with "I casted summon-creature" and ends with "they've turned against me")
  21. WhiteFang

    What Happening

    We're fixing a bug related to npcs randomly walking outside their pits and /tgt not working.
  22. WhiteFang


    3 squares left, right, up and down from the flag. which means it's 49 square meters large :P (3 left + flag spot + 3 right = 3 + 1 + 3 = 7 -> 7 * 7 = 49 !)
  23. WhiteFang

    Repeat Quest

    distant/far away quests are already having increased contributions to encourage people to take them.
  24. WhiteFang

    New Updates

    true! happy new year, now get sober and let's work ! :P
  25. WhiteFang

    Happy New Year! And Good Bye!

    happy new year to all :)