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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang


    1. We do have unstuck script 2. Make a ticket if you're stuck 3. When making forum posts about it and expect quick help, make a ticket, or atleast mention char names that are stuck. Sentenses like "help my char is stuck" don't help GM's who're friendly enough to help trough forums. 4. Make a ticket 5. Make a ticket I guess I said all now... oh, maybe one more thing: 6. MAKE A TICKET. We'll get the maps online asap !
  2. WhiteFang

    No Wiki?!

    stop making off-topic replies. equal for elguason, but i'm not gonna delete it any more, i just lock the topic -.-" Make your greetings in private or in a separate topic in the off-topic section, ty. CLOSED
  3. WhiteFang

    Pls Close Sade!

    already closed
  4. WhiteFang

    No Wiki?!

    http://portal.helbreathnemesis.com that's the nemesis wiki ;)
  5. WhiteFang


    There is a new Guild System that will replace, or rather extend the current one. This new System has certain limitations and gives a slightly different approach to guilds then they currently are. We WILL maintain and watch EXTREEMLY carefully that the guild leaders of the currently existing guilds have priority to getting their guild name again. We're even considering only whiping guild member list, and not the entire guild record of the database. This way all guilds will keep existing, be expanded with the additional guild data to be saved and set on their initial values, with their leaders (guild master) still being the owner of the guild. But if whiping or replacing the database tables is the only options, we ensure that anyone taking a guild name that didn't belong to him before WILL be punished with holidays untill 2030. Guild System Release Notes: http://helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=30810
  6. WhiteFang


    It's longer then 1 minute, our website just isn't up to date with the display.
  7. WhiteFang

    Suggestion For Event

    We can't do thatone without Hunter[GM], and currently our famous and much loved Hunter[GM] is very very very sick :( my thoughts are with him and we all hope to see him again soon ! i think it would be great a 3 vs 3 players team fight. BUT without you choosing your team.. i mean, random teams! so you can get to fight with someone you don't know.. someone of the other city, agains't your guildies, with somebody you don't like... who knows :P! the Tournament system will even allow such things as this random team selection ;) But the Tournament system is not even half way done and needs some more testing and considering about all different options.
  8. WhiteFang

    Please Close The Sade

  9. WhiteFang


    I'd do the same for anyone else if the case would be equally lol, even for you. Atleast you got back the original items, if i wanted to be bad i could of taken it away and locked all till 2030 on the hacker account, which happens to be in same guild (Args guild), A trade with a guild member who trades away a rather guild/group item (xel rap) for just 2 items, one hard to find and one rare drop... that makes it suspicious in first place. Anyway, if you have issues with it, feel free make a ticket about it for farjat or elg to handle it, if you feel I handled wrongly here, feel free to make a ticket to accuse me of GM abuse... Just make sure you make correct statements and don't tell lies, thank you :)
  10. WhiteFang


    I quote from MJ: I decided to give back items as I have time to investigate the case as it was shortly brought to the surface and I the case showed 100% clear hacking. The rollback of this single trade was made because the item was involved in a hacking case and therefore I have the right as a GM and game developer to undo any of such trades within a short period of time after the trade was made. It's sad you or your friends ended up in this trade, and i'm sorry for you and your friends, but a GBH and mr91% targe for a xel rap is slightly unbalanced trade according to the difference of power these items have.
  11. WhiteFang

    Suggestion For Event

    We can't do thatone without Hunter[GM], and currently our famous and much loved Hunter[GM] is very very very sick :( my thoughts are with him and we all hope to see him again soon !
  12. WhiteFang

    Suggestion For Event

    The tournament system would be a fully automated event system making full usage of Virtual Maps. As this is a fully automated event, a GM can adjust likely ANY settings. At the point we have over 150 indevidual different settings that can be applied, going from forbidding every single spell up to magical/physical attacks, up to shugging pots/slates and using shields or activations.
  13. WhiteFang

    Suggestion For Event

    Zoul, i like your idea. Currently we have a couple projects running to expand nemesis, whih includes a "tournament" event that would allow uw to set up such events. Though your reward is a nice idea, I should look into implementing a guild-exp-boost as currently there is no such thing possible, but I like the idea of a single guild gaining exp as a reward !
  14. WhiteFang

    Nemesis Int Server Location

    Server is located in the USA use: ping www.helbreathnemesis.com
  15. WhiteFang

    No End Sade

    sade was ended.
  16. WhiteFang

    Plz Plz Plz

    then your and my definition of "original" are just different. I consider all what is in hb korea original, as they developed it or chose to add it. Anthing that's not made by them and exceeds the limits or doesn't continue the (story)line of helbreath is fruity. If you like to call apo & held expansions stupid and fruity, that's up to you, its your personal opinion. On top of that, you're free to play or not play helbreath nemesis, choice is completly yours. But if you choose to play with us, then play by our rules and our ideas, you choose for it and you're free to go at any time.
  17. WhiteFang

    Plz Plz Plz

    Original helbreath? I don't think so. Maybe in fruitopia land. Anything these "developers" added to the game has been utter crap. From the battle hammer to the new weapons to the new spells. It's like a never-ending joke. Unbalanced, untested, and utter trash. 180 level? ENOUGH STATS TO DO ANYTHING WITH ALMOST NO CONSEQUENCE WOOHOO. Blizzard? HIGHEST DAMAGE NORMAL SPELL IN THE GAME THAT ALSO FREEZES...BRILLIANT. Battle Hammers / BBH? HIGHEST NORMAL ITEM DAMAGE AND ARE THE ONES THAT STRIP, HUR DA DUR DUR DUR. DK Armor / Weapons? COMPLETE JOKE, THIS IS STRAIGHT OUT OF THE FIRST FEW PRIVATE SERVERS. MIM? lol. Logical additions like a party management screen, repair all, party members on mini-map...oh no...we can't do that! Our game being shitty is a feature! Deal with it guyzzzz! Hell Fire original addition in hb korea: http://helbreath.com/service/board/bview.p...=16&id=1510 Fury of Thor original addition in hb korea: http://helbreath.com/service/board/bview.p...=14&id=1541 I think these links prove well enough that hell-fire, sleep and fury of thor are originally invented & added in HB Korea. Use google translator to translate korean to english (or spanish) and read by yourself their additions. @Synz: so YES, HF, Sleep & FoT ARE ORIGINAL spells added in hb korea, don't make statements without arguments, I'll always prove people wrong, I know what I talk about if I say it's original helbreath.
  18. WhiteFang

    Plz Plz Plz

    @kennychl: there's a difference between making things easier (more eks for a kill) and making things easier (a list of quests)... I think repair all button belongs to this second category rather then the first. It makes things easier, but doesn't make it that easy to be considered fruity. @Magazo: Hellfire exists in the original helbreath, I don't see why it's fruity at all... I've spent ALOT of time to completely simulate hellfire and sleep spell, they're brand new and different visual effects never seen or used before. Hell-fire is strong, but those who have it, payed the high price of obtaining it. (high price = spending ages in pits to get it or had luck at the abaddon)
  19. WhiteFang

    Bug Sade!

    that's an alternative we could build in, but we want to find the root cause and solve it. Making this is temporarly just make sades last 2h, if we don't find & fix the root cause, sades will be bugged for ever lol xD
  20. WhiteFang

    Bug Sade!

    I've ended the crusade. All should be back to normal. We're investigating the cause and will get it solved asap.
  21. WhiteFang

    Pa Shields

    When using weapons they already decrease in endurance, that's already in. You use armors to defend, and they "break" to enemys weapon impact. You use weapons to attack, and they "break" to enemys defense impact. in your suggestions, you use weapons to attack and they "break" to enemys weapon impact. i.o.w. you use weapons to defend.
  22. WhiteFang

    Pa Shields

    All weapons: 1 endurance decrement All axes: 3 endurance decrement Hammer: 2X endurance decrement BBH & BH: 3X endurance decrement GBH: 3X endurance decrement AB spell: 1X endurance decrement ESW spell: 2x endurance decrement Note: I've placed an X to represent a digit between 0 and 9. I will NOT reveal the EXACT digit. I've confirmed by sources, first digit is correct, second digit is unrevealed if an X is places. AB decreased half endurance then a BBH/BH would decrease. AB decreases body, legs, helm & berk equipment all atonce with equal value. Hammers or other weapons decrease endurance on their hit point (either body, legs, helm or berk)
  23. WhiteFang

    Pa Shields

    An armor piece does not strip if its endurance is above a certain % of its maximum endurance. Therefore is the piece can be decreased in endurance, it will strip.
  24. WhiteFang

    Maybe One Day...

    Maybe one day... You'll be actually able to do this too... Please Note: This game content was exploited by using Game Master abilities, an instant Tame or solo-tame of a Tigerworm would not be possible unless Game Master abilities are used. Sneak-preview of an upcomming additional game content to compensate the long-term waiting for the Guild System !
  25. WhiteFang

    Maybe One Day...

    coloring armors won't come to nemesis.