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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang


    why you try to hide the date lol, i know the SS comes from http://mundohelbreath.com/ so what's your point anyway? The SS's you show prove nothing at all, cuz can't see the date. And calu is right, increasing force time will reduce force-"pulling" already. We'll add to test server for testing, then its there and scheduled for next release :P
  2. WhiteFang


    sure, how you suggest "detect" if somone pull or if somone lose power/internet? and if detected, what should happen? player stand there the rest of his life or untill he die? come up with a fair and good plan, we could consider. According to me, there is no way to see if somone pulls or loses power/internet. So how have GMs been able to determine that people in the past have pulled, and been banned for such offense if there is no way to determine a pull or a legit dc? Answer is common sense, it is very very easy to tell when someone pulls or dcs. In a big fight, if someone is standing still and then becomes the target of everyone else, its obviously a dc. But when someone is being targeted and runs for a while and gets parad and magically dcs the moment that will save his life, its obviously a pull.Also with such a small community it is pretty easy to identify people/guilds that are "known pullers" And i believe as this topic suggests that it is the same basic groups of people that are continuously pulling. Pulling the plug is essentially abusing a flaw in the server unfairly, aka bug abusing/hacking. I know that people in this server have been perm banned for far less infractions. So my suggestion is to make the penalty far greater than the benefit of saving 1 zem and giving 1 ek. I know in the past the penalty for pulling varies from player to player and which GM sees the pull. But i think there should be something more solid to detour these people from pulling. Say 1st offense is a 1 month ban, and the 2nd should be a perm ban. Ek laming in this server is an absolute nono and is punished by a perm ban everytime. Well imo pulling gives just as much of a disadvantage as someone laming eks, as it prohibits the legit earning of an ek that someone worked hard for. I think with a little stern monitoring/punishing of these offenses will stop the actions all together. People that work for long periods of time and spend lots of money, i believe, they would rather die than get there chars banned forever. Longest post in my history without profanity, hope it makes some sense :D I've read only first few lines, and summary i get from your explenation: common sense & intelligence is needed. a GM has common sense and intelligence from nature, as he or she is a natural person. GM's determined indeed in the past if something was pulling or not by judging with their own eyes and using their common sense. A system (game server) cannot detect this because it has no intelligence and no common sense built in for detecting such things. So, invent me an Artificial Intelligence Algorithm for this, and we'll test it and see if its good enough or not. (I don't expect you to rlly do this, AI's are the hardest things in programming to create, but if you insist, take a look at a simple AI such as an AI for Chess or Tetris, which arn't event full-ai's as they don't really learn from their previous mistakes, especially in chess.)
  3. WhiteFang


    sure, how you suggest "detect" if somone pull or if somone lose power/internet? and if detected, what should happen? player stand there the rest of his life or untill he die? come up with a fair and good plan, we could consider. According to me, there is no way to see if somone pulls or loses power/internet.
  4. WhiteFang


    recall-on-connect is a system that measures time since DC and the time of reconnecting, if the difference is within a certain range, it allows you to rejoin that map, if its out of the range, it will recall you, so that's basically a recall on connecting then. The old system of HB automatically recalled you when you disconnected in map like abaddon, so it made recall-on-disconnect/logout, and we modified that system to recall-on-connect. About these powercuts, those things are unpredictable, and such things can happen in any game, and there is no way this sort of things can be detected. And a system monitoring a fight is more powerfull then a GM, a GM can make incorrect judgements or can't see all what happens (equip items, activate items etc, use spells, etc), while a system can monitor these clearly to even prohibit them before it actually happens. Where a GM will call the fight invalid if you activate your weapon, it's already too late as you activated it, and argues like "it was an accident" and "i clicked wrong" will come up to argue the GM and the judgement. While a system won't even allow the activation to start, so arguments like "it was an accident" or "i clicked wrong" no longer exist, as the system prevents it from taking place, clicking wrongly just makes you lose time (when casting spells for example, or activating an item, or double clicking an item to equip it, etc) which could make you lose/die faster. I wouldn't know how a fight monitored by a system, who's judgement is un-argueable and always correct, can turn out in an "unfair outcome", I'd rather judge that a GM's hand/monitoring could possibly result in an "unfair outcome".
  5. WhiteFang


    Sounds great, only thing i see being a problem is DCs/plug pull(people can pull and claim dc). Also people passing items in the middle of pvp, as was the problem with my stake pvp. If the "stake window" could be open and still allow changing sets/chug pots but not allow outside items to enter ur bag i think would be good. Great idea tho DC would be solved by recall-on-connect as we got now in abby maps, fightzones and heldenian maps. pulling will prolly result into not comming back, or taking longer then recall-on-connect delay to return, and if the player can't return in time, then he automatically loses the fight, and therefore also the staked item(s). The staking would be hosted in a virtual map, you can't enter a virtual map unless one of these events occur: - GM teleports you there - GM opens portal to that specific map - A dialogue click allowed you to teleport there (this is mostly guild houses or possibly other features - The Server makes and automated teleport (which would be the case in staking, once both players agree, server will automatically teleport both players to a new map instance) The reason to use virtual maps is because you don't see you're in a "virtual map", it feels and completely acts like a real map. There can be an unlimited number of instances of virtual maps, and only those who know the EXACT name of your "staking virtual map" will be able to enter it, but as those maps are enclosed maps (without any entrance or exit !) nobody except for a GM can enter your map. (GMs have powers to go everywhere and anywhere). So there won't be issue of ppl shuffeling things in anyone's bad, nor could anyone shuffle something in another players bag for repairs or other "unfair" things that were agreed not to allow, but some ppl yet break that agreement. With a system like staking, the server keeps an eye on ALL agreements made, and enforces them. Even naked, no activations, no weapons, no armors, forbidding of indevidual spells to disallowing skills is possible, there are numerous possible options/restrictions that can be chosen to be applied on maps.
  6. WhiteFang


    make a staking system, much like trading system, you put items to stake in the dialogue + maybe allow setting of map restrictions, we maybe add a special virtual map for this, so only staking in that map is allowed, cuz you change settings of what is allowed & what is forbidden... And when one lose, or leave, winner takes item automatically :D then no more cheating of nabs not giving their items they stake :) I like this idea :D staking system :)
  7. WhiteFang

    Recall Scroll

    how about a system like this: Recall spell: 10 seconds delay (as-is) Recall Scroll: 10 seconds delay (as-is) + 3~5 seconds no-movement to cast it? -> atleast you don't need the INT to cast the spell, the least you could do is stand still & cast it by reading the scroll.
  8. WhiteFang

    Editing Sound Packs Ruins The Game!

    yeah we can, we'll embed sounds into nemesis client as we did with other pak files. We'll add running & walking sound to the client.
  9. WhiteFang

    Recall Scroll

    damage delay also applies to recall scroll :) and remember, recall scroll take up a space in bag...
  10. WhiteFang

    Raise The Cost Of Fh Repairs(penalty To Fh)

    ppl beg for gold cuz they too lazy to pick & sell... ppl don't give the beggers gold cuz then they need to go 'n pick items themselfs to get gold again, and they're lazy so they rather be selfish... So I think higher prices are a good idea ! :D
  11. WhiteFang

    Helping New People More.

    I think we should indeed help them a bit. I'll talk to the staff and see opinions if and what. Suggestion I'll put: - Add PGP. - Add 500k in 50k chucks to bank. - Add UNTRADEABLE Zemstone of Sacrafice 1/3 to bag. - Add 3 UNTRADEABLE Zemstone of Sacrafice to bank. - Add them automatically to the "Newbies" guild. - Add auto-messages with basic information for players, messages cycle and show every X seconds (messages like: best leveling place untill 180 is Barracks, A zemstone of sacrafice protects your items from dropping, etc...)
  12. WhiteFang

    Server Down? [fixed]

    hosting company is handling it ^_^
  13. WhiteFang

    Server Down? [fixed]

    nah, i can login, no problem for me.
  14. WhiteFang


    choice is completely yours. Probably the set with most % are the best. To compare PA vs DR or MA vs MR, for PA/MA discount 6 and device by 3, for DR devide by 7.
  15. WhiteFang

    When Is Recall Gonna Be Fixed?

    no problem, that's why i reply & explain ;) IF all works fine, we'll probably add a second held at different time stamp !
  16. WhiteFang

    When Is Recall Gonna Be Fixed?

    The servers never went offline, they only suffer possible disconnects. Those 40 ppl that got "lost" are probably the AFK'ers. On top of that, we took care of this issue and resolved it with holidays untill 2030 :)
  17. WhiteFang

    When Is Recall Gonna Be Fixed?

    server didn't crash, maybe ppl just disconnect, but it never went offline. and no, we can't reboot it now, we're experimenting with schedules. A fix to apo schedule was applied, and saturday sade already started properly ! Now we want see sunday heldenian start and monday apocalypse open ! If those test run fine, we reboot.
  18. WhiteFang

    When Is Recall Gonna Be Fixed?

    It'll be fixed on next reboot, which i'll be next week, probably monday. (not sure though !)
  19. WhiteFang

    Server Under Atack

    alot of bla bla bla... Nemesis doesn't have problems with attacks, the hosting company deals with hem, we pay them gradually for doing so.
  20. WhiteFang

    Heldinian - Start Time

    There are 3 plans for helds: 1. Switching times -> every week held is moved with 6h, this way every time some will play atleast 1 held every month. 2. Second Heldenian -> a second held would be added (probably in the middle of the week. 3. a combination of 1 and 2 ! But, before any of these can be done, we must fix the schedule issue that has been occuring. Once this is fixed, we can extend schedules and add new systems for them.
  21. WhiteFang

    Crusade Bug Fixed !

    Crusade bug has been completely FIXED !
  22. WhiteFang

    Crusade Bug Fixed !

    I checked, i made bug LOL I put 10 MILLIseconds instead of 10 SECONDS LOL !
  23. WhiteFang

    Sades, Events,etc

    this is fixed now.
  24. WhiteFang

    A Few Questions

    1. In nemesis you can't change your skin, it's embedded inside our client to prevent noobs from pak editing, IF we ever decide to continue development of a proper updater, we COULD include new skins to choose from, so a select amount of skins would be available which we consider legal. 2. a ping basically is just a packet that's sent the a destination and is returned back to you (on success ofcrouse) with some information. A ping basically measures the distance between you and your destination expressed in milliseconds (ms). to ping a destination you open a new command prompt (Start -> Run -> cmd.exe) and then type "ping *spam*" where *spam* should be replaced with what you like to ping, for example google: "ping www.google.com", if you want to ping nemesis, use "ping www.helbreathnemesis.com". The number of milliseconds it takes basically indicates how much "lagg" you'd have, depending on your averages to other destinations (such as Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Adobe or other major companies) you can determine if nemesis is fast or slow (laggy or not). I think the average ping of people in nemesis is around 200~250 aproximatly. Ofcrouse there are some exceptions who make less or even more ping. 3. bumps and laggs is caused by your client being too fast or rather your internet connection too slow. a bump basically is a client-side correction of your position in the game, you can keep running on and on, in the background for every step you take, the client notifies the server you moved, then the server returns a response that it got your movement. When your client moves too fast, or the server responds too slow or your internet is just slow (high ping), your client can correct your position in the map (a bump) depending on the result that the server sent back after your last movement info was sent. A way to prevent or reduce bumping is to lower frames or buy faster internet connection. In most cases, lowering your frames slightly fixes most bumping. High frames are caused by angels or possible other environemental objects. Lowering frames is easy said, but not so easy done. As far as I know, only cheating tools can reduce it, and you're not allowed to use them in first place, our hack detection system will see it, even if you use to to reduce frames to be less bumpy. A more legal way is to enable v-sync or hardware acceleration or other graphical settings that could possible cause more lagg and less frames. The Lagg message in game is caused by a slow internet connection, if thatone occurs to you often, you should consider upgrading your net.
  25. WhiteFang


    Maps are already online again. You should be able to login by now.