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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    The Guild System Update

    prices are high because we don't want to have people have guilds lvl 5 the 2 hours after we release the system. Guild lvl 1 and current guilds are equal and still free. Yet guild lvl 2 and up offer benefits which cost a high price, because they're benefits ! The impact of these benefits is magnificent on the game play such as Heldenian and Crusade, at this point there's in each Heldenian maybe 2 to 3 people you gotta watch not to pass, the Masters of the guilds... with the Guild System, you'll have to watch alot more people not to cross, this changes gameplay and the impact on the game and the way Heldenians are played. Equally go for Crusades, different guilds ranks can change teleport & build point aswell as summon war units. This needs you to be more carefull as more people with war units can show up, while in the past only 1 with alot war units would show up, there'll probably now show up alot with few war units which can make you box, while with the sinlge summoner, boxing was harder, so again this changes gameplay, the impact is huge and therefore the prices must be high, it's an additional feature, but it's not going to be free. Appart from this, some quests will be reviewed and quests will be added, which will make gaining contribution points much faster, therefore makes gaining additional features much faster.
  2. WhiteFang

    Remove Dk Set

    There are ideas to reduce DR & PA of DK set aswell as endurance. Then unlocking the upgrade ability (mstone needed ofc) and lowering Knight manu'ing to around 70~80% and introducing DK as manu'able at 90~100% where manu'ed DK 200% completion +1 would be slightly more powerfull then the current DK sets. Along with that would come safe upgrading to +3 for weapons, statted BBH's, a new Axe, DK Hammer, DK Axe, new hero pieces (Dark & Godly) which would be better then the DK set, yet manu'ed DK would be better then this new hero but have no addtional bonuses, so where you lose DR/PA for the hero, you gain unique bonuses. Along with new status effects, Guild Houses, Automated PvP Tournaments, a new skill (yet to be revealed - no it's not taming), new alchemy potions, new stats and upgrading to +20 or even higher for angels and much other updates. For alot sounds "fruity", yet this are only ideas, a very good balance between all must be found to ensure balance is restored and remained between each armor piece and each fighting class.
  3. WhiteFang

    Remove Dk Set

    You could suggest it appropriately, but never the less there are ideas for a change, but they're not fully designed or discussed, but the idea is in my mind ^_^
  4. WhiteFang

    Old Map Request

    both old & new towns were designed by original korean helbreath, we're not interfearing on their creations as we like to stick as much to original as possible with some additional features extending the storyline in a proper way so it doesn't become overpowered. Bu for now, we keep maps as they are.
  5. WhiteFang

    Server Shut Down ?

    Servers are online again ! Crash has been localized, a full backup was made, no duped items were found and servers were rebooted. Please note that this was a crash and not a natural shut-down, therefore a minor rollback could of occured. It is adviced that if you find some important or good item, to logout to ensure it's saved. Nemesis have a very good repuration regarding stability, but crashes like there cannot be foreseen and are very unexpected. We do try to recover from them ASAP, that's why we have Administrators from different continents to ensure a crash can be recovered within a reasonable amount of time.
  6. WhiteFang

    Necklace Of Liche

    Liche necklace was upgraded to MS20 to ensure its value over MS18 necks, which can be crafted.
  7. WhiteFang

    Server Shut Down ?

    There's no scheduled maintenance atm. I guess it was the hosting company who made a reboot or a windows updata enforced rebooting. Servers will be comming back online within ~15 minutes
  8. WhiteFang

    Something Has To Be Done.

    let's remove all magic, all weapons, all, armors, change hp formula to max HP = 1 ! Another *please make my ek'ing easy* topic. No, I don't like to make EK easy, some things are annoying, but removing or changing them is no option, the only option is introduce new cool things to make them less annoying for some players who got lucky. *CLOSED*
  9. WhiteFang

    Questions About New Version Server

    yes, this, we just upgrade the current server keeping all data, items etc. Exception: Guild Members will be WHIPED ! (masters & guild names are NOT WHIPED !) so don't worry lose any progress you make in nemesis now :) you'll keep it ^_^ Any progress made in the TEST server can be lost, undone or no longer be available, but obviously those who helped testing alot can't stay unrewarded.
  10. WhiteFang

    What Happened With..

    pvp tournament ;) (still need to continue building the system though, cuz it'll be fully automated)
  11. WhiteFang

    What Happened With..

    Nemesis can have up to 255 colors, yet only around 25 colors are actually in use, the original 16 + an additional 10 were added. The added colors are rare, such as Dye(White), this color was released back in December when the update was made. Due to the delay of the Guild System, the other colors didn't receive names back then and some White dyes were given on X-mas 2010 event. Once the Guild System arrives, these additional dyes will be named properly, and therefore can be distributed (trough events only !) to the players, we'll probably see more scavenger events and dye-hiding events comming up as not only Orange, Pink, Gold and Crimson-Red are rare ;) We might even add some dyes are quest rewards in the new questing types we're making, but that's unsure yet.
  12. Helbreath Nemesis Test Server is officialy OPEN ! Player NOW, test the GUILD SYSTEM, TAMING SKILL and MUCH MORE ! http://test.helbreathnemesis.com
  13. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis Test Server Is Officialy Open !

    We've done much testing already, we still need some aspects tested to ensure all functionalities work appropriatly. If all aspects work correct, we'll bring the update to nemesis int ! Please test next aspects (eventually find a GM to help you test them if needed): - New Guild System during Crusade, needs full aspect testing going from setting tele/build points to summoning war units on 2 or more crusade commanders, aswell as killing objects with a non-commander and the commanderS (yes multiple !) receiving the construction points, also need to test aspect if one commander buy unit, that the points are also deducted for other commanders ! - New Guild System during Heldenian, basically multiple plants are possible, test if a planter-rank WITHOUT plant ability CANNOT plant, also test if you purchase that ability, that you CAN plant after purcasing. - Taming on high level mobs (GG, TW, HC, Dragons, ...) (needs 100% taming, put ticket if char needs 100% taming) - FoT Damage - Shield End Decrement + axes stripping them ! - also test if original stripping with BBH still works and if hitting armors with BBH still decrease end alot. - Sleep Expansion, test if NO chug, NO physical att, NO magic att, NO move, NO change armor, NO Pretend Corpse, NO taming
  14. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis Test Server Is Officialy Open !

    there are new hero pieces? wtf? no there isn't, there's only an IDEA of POSSIBLY adding or making new hero, but needs ALOT more thinking and discussing to make it real.
  15. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis Test Server Is Officialy Open !

    the world server (which handles your chars and the guilds) crashed during the night. I rebooted the servers and changed from monitoring elvine server to monitoring worldserver to find the exact bug. Feel free to join in again. Find a bug? make a ticket @ test server web page !
  16. WhiteFang

    Kill Pk Ppl

    no cuz you'll be rep-laming them by crimming your own char which has no items to lose on death just to gain the rep. Also, criminals can drop items (or burn zem) if you kill one, so that's already an advantage for killing your town's criminals.
  17. WhiteFang

    Recall Scroll

    In the test server we currently have: - 20 seconds force disconnect - 10 seconds recall spell and recall scroll - 3 seconds no movements recall scroll Feel free join in and actually TEST THIS. If these things work out properly, it'll come to nemesis itself.
  18. WhiteFang

    Quest Upgrade :)

    IcyMage, your idea is AWESOME, but unfortunatly for you, it was already thought of, by me ^_^ long ago when nemesis released party quests we scheduled additional quest systems/types such as chaining quests (one quest must be done before you can take the next) and scavenger-like quests (gather items instead of killing mobs). The idea to put stories behind them is terrific, I really like to get stories behind certain things rather then boringly pick a quest from a list, complete it, go again, and again, and again, and again, again, again, again, ... its boring, no story, no fun. And as you mention, PvE'ers will be attracted by this kind of updates, that's why we attemp to mix things and bring different aspects to helbreath that require more PvE grinding then just PvP grinding. The other idea of a contribution shop is something attractive too, I already see a nice possibility or functionality for this store system (based on ideas that are currently scheduled but not in public yet). Feel free to invent me some unique items and a nice shop list for this store, it must be attractive to purchase, but it musn't put other skills (such as alchemy) to the background. You seem to be decently in creating stories for quests, I'd like you to invent me some stories or story-ideas to put into nemesis, i'm very sure i'll already use some of this story-ideas you posted in this new quest system.
  19. WhiteFang

    Server Delay

    since whites posts are gone can we get an update weather neme is working on this as i belive this is a good idea and should be looked into There has been looked into it, and first test results indicate more lagg for some unknown reason. Due to unstable gameservers in our test server, we've shelved this idea for now untill the gameservers are stable. We want to stablize our gameservers so they're ready to release aproximatly 5 big new features ranging from a guild system, to new skill and new spell and new beckground techniques in map-processing that opens up a wide possibility for future updates.
  20. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis Test Server Is Officialy Open !

    Nemesis' defenition of fruit server: - Things go easier then normally in HB - Drops are extreemly much higher - EK/kill often are extreemly higher New hero sets, or additional items are not considered fruit for nemesis' vision of helbreath. We all know HB died long ago and only a select hard core of die-hard fans are left (you and me), and to keep things fresh, things should be added. Nemesis has the power to ADD, therefore we use it to keep the game fresh and fun :) the hero wouldn't be "easy" to get, it'll rather be hard, expensive and a work or long breath. But yeah, many people consider anything outside korea or original helbreath "fruit", some people even consider apocalypse and heldenian as fruit. Each got their own opinion, and if you consider new hero fruit, then please write "I consider fruit server is comming up" rather then stating "fruit server is comming up" which in this case fruit reflects to the global (this case nemesis') vision of fruit, which it different from your personal vision, and hero is not considered fruit for nemesis. now go test again :P
  21. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis Test Server Is Officialy Open !

    if you'd read test server's home page, you'd know it's scheduled to be added.
  22. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis Test Server Is Officialy Open !

    yeah i'm white[GM] lol... didn't know? haha :D now go train Charisma and go tame again :P
  23. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis Test Server Is Officialy Open !

    assigning guild ranks should be fixed. Taming to 21% is not possible using slimes, you need to move on to the next mob. You don't gain any taming "skill" when taming a mob you've maxed out for.
  24. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis Test Server Is Officialy Open !

    ill say just split in 2 the exchange window and allow multitrade of 8 sounds nice...but anyways there should be a way to make it even bigger...ofc i know it must be freakin hard to code, but in some trades there are like 15 items included (when we trade rares/sets) so we need lots of slots while trading items...anyways 8 slots is still nice :D no actually is the same. But more than 8 is already too much only 1/100 trades will be more than 8... White can code anything. U just need to pull his Ego up! GET NEW CLIENT 5.32.002 for testserver please./ lol farjat, pull me ego up haha, funny one :P Anyyway, i'll schedule more trading space, probably we'll go for "unlimited" (limit will be like 20 items or something), we'll change trade dialog to wh dialog, Double dialogue will appear with items listed like in WH, when hover item you view details at the top like in WH... Need some thinking about this.
  25. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis Test Server Is Officialy Open !

    suggestion taken in account and applied at version 5.32.002 :) Take a look at http://test.helbreathnemesis.com what we've been updating and fixing, feel free test anything around ! Main items we DO give are Beholder neck and Sleep manuals (for testing these things ofcrouse !!) - don't ask for any other items ! this server is ONLY for TESTING, not for joy & fun !! TEST & make me tickets in ENGLISH plz !