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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    New Guild Syetem

  2. WhiteFang

    Disable Windows Key

    agree ... There are .reg files that disable the key for you, but that's globally (disables also outside of nemesis) But I'll see if I can find a way to disable this key for you guys :P
  3. WhiteFang

    Beholder Necklace

    sorry white. didnt get u. do u mean that: ares have beholder neck. elv cast invis. ares press ctrl+a and is able to hit the invised elv? just stating an example. pardon me in warrior case yes, is correct example. in mage case CTRL+A not needed, it's always been that you could hit the enemy using spells even if he is invi. Beholder necklace only bring the feature of SEEING him invisible, regardless if he's friendly or enemy. (Even can see invisible monsters !)
  4. WhiteFang

    Nemesis Temporarly Offline [ONLINE AGAIN]

    The problem has been fully resolved because of full disassembling of the code and testing over and over and over and over without any players assisting out of free will.
  5. Nemesis is temporarly offline because there is a bug that reapeatedly keeps killing servers somehow. When I ask players for info about their last actions in the crashed game server, they don't reply or don't even speak english, or provide info from too long ago (days, weeks,...) I have no idea how long this will or can take, We will only open nemesis again if the bug is resolved, or roll-back to Friday June 17th before the update. Choice is yours, co?perate or rollback...
  6. WhiteFang

    Beholder Necklace

    If you got beholder neck, can attack enemy if CTRL+A first to enable auto attacking.
  7. WhiteFang

    Beholder Necklace

    In the past people cheated using beholder neck. They hex-edited client to replace textual word "Necklace of Beholder" and an item name they equiped. That way the effect of beholder (see invisible) was activated when they equiped that item they changed the text to. But, Nemesis uses an encrypted client, so you cannot hex-edit the text, therefore cannot cheat.
  8. WhiteFang

    Dced Cant Log In [fixed]

    should be fixed.
  9. WhiteFang

    Aresden Town [fixed]

    should be fixed.
  10. WhiteFang

    About Revial Zone ? [fixed]

    should be fixed.
  11. WhiteFang

    Aresden Vs Elvine

    Hwrang guild earned 50k contri because they helped me around with FoT, Doppelganger and other update details. Hachis guild earned 50k contri because they helped me around in the test server. I didn't see any aresdens comes around to help at the test server to do global testing of new features. If you want to earn contri, then atleast do something for nemesis like hwrang or hachis did, I like their co?rperation to make nemesis a better place, should take an example to them !
  12. WhiteFang

    About The New Guild System

    What Farjat is saying...
  13. WhiteFang

    Cant Log In Server [fixed]

    Had another world crash (that's the server which handles your login, but also handles guild system !) There was a bug on guild creation causing an access violation exception which was uncaught. This has been located and FIXED now. Still monitoring the server very closely though !
  14. WhiteFang

    Cant Log In Server [fixed]

    server online again, highly monitored for any issues occuring. Permanent watch is here to take action on any crashes or problems that occur (i'm the watchman xD)
  15. Helbreath Nemesis is currently UPDATING to v5.32 ! This update will take aproximatly 1 hour ! Update INCLUDES: - Nemesis Guild System - New Skill: Taming Skill - New Automated Summon Event System - New Map Restrictions: Additional restrictions can put placed on indevidual maps by GMs, mainly for event purposes - Virtual Maps (event purpose only for now, but WILL be player purpose later one (-> Guild Houses, PvP Tournament System, ...)) - Repair ALL button ! (repairs equiped set) - Named Dyes: The new dyes got named properly - Server Time: type /showservertime to see EXACT server time INGAME ! - Beholder Necklace Added ! - Beholder will drop Beholder Necklace, this necklace allows you to SEE the enemy ! - Sleep Expansion ! - Sleep spell has been made MUCH better, it still paralyzes as before, still deals double damage on first hit, in additiona the person who is sleeping CANNOT chug pots (or use scrolls), CANNOT land a successfull hit, CANNOT cast a successfull magic, CANNOT change items ! - Shortcut Fix: Short cuts are now maintained over moving server - Force-Logout-Count INCREASED to 20 seconds now - Recall Scroll Change: You must now have 10 seconds without being hit + 3 seconds of NO MOVEMENT to use recall scroll. Update does NOT include: - Fury-of-Thor spell -> We are still discussing a warrior compensation which will include increased damage for certain weapons ! MORE detailed info of updates can be found @ http://test.helbreathnemesis.com/ [uPDATE] Helbreath Nemesis is ONLINE AGAIN !! PATCH FILE: http://helbreathnemesis.com/downloads/inter/HelGame.exe ADDITIONAL NOTES: GUILDS ARE FULLY WHIPED ! (People who make guilds that don't belong to them WILL be banned untill 2030 -> If you notice somone use/abuse your guild name, make a ticket in ENGLISH !) COLORS HAVE BEEN RESET FOR FIRST LOGIN TO SUPPORT EVEN MORE COLORS, COLORS WILL AUTO-FIX THEMSELFS ONCE YOU FIRST LOGIN.
  16. WhiteFang

    Bi Cannot Go In :( [fixed]

    this has been fixed.
  17. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis Update V5.32 [Finished !]

    1. Yes, current % = rate of success. And no, it starts at 1% because there's ALOT of monsters in helbreath. Each monster has a minimum % and maximum %, where you require the minimum % to have chance to tame it (with a minimum successrate of 5%) and where the maximum % is 100% success rate, e.G. slime max is 20%, so if you got 10%, you got 50% success rate, if you got 20% (or higher) you got 100% success rate. Note that if you tame monsters of which you reached max %, you no longer gain any skill-points and no longer raise your skill up. 2. No, only repairing equiped items. Repair-All brings something nice to the game, but making it repair all items in bag makes it for the lazy people, this repair-all nemesis has now, is between being lazy and having to do the long hard boring work of repairing, yet repair-all doesn't have chance to SELL items on accident, which is already great addition to some dumb people xD 3. Deduction of shield % is taken from hammers and just applied for axes to do it to shields.
  18. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis Update V5.32 [Finished !]

    Helbreath Nemesis is ONLINE AGAIN !! PATCH FILE: http://helbreathnemesis.com/downloads/inter/HelGame.exe ADDITIONAL NOTES: GUILDS ARE FULLY WHIPED ! (People who make guilds that don't belong to them WILL be banned untill 2030 -> If you notice somone use/abuse your guild name, make a ticket in ENGLISH !) COLORS HAVE BEEN RESET FOR FIRST LOGIN TO SUPPORT EVEN MORE COLORS, COLORS WILL AUTO-FIX THEMSELFS ONCE YOU FIRST LOGIN.
  19. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis Update V5.32 [Finished !]

    yes, you will need a new client for this. We'll post here & on nemesis front page when it's available.
  20. WhiteFang

    Statted Armor Droprate

    true ! The type of armor drops depend on the mob type you kill (slimes don't drop plate mails). The chance for getting an armor (plate mail?) drop is equal to each mob of the same generic-pool (all mobs that drop plates have equal rate in dropping a plate). The stat on the dropped item is random, but the low %'s got higher chance to drop then the high %'s.
  21. WhiteFang

    Happy Birthday Magicjoker

    happy b-day MJ !!
  22. WhiteFang


    please don't. We will NOT adjust existing game mechanics for this, we keep all ORIGINAL game mechanics and only ADD to them.
  23. WhiteFang


    Para a mage with weapon = Sword of Medusa ;) Para mage using bow = Bow of Medusa (lol? this sound fruit) Freeze mage using bow = Bow of Ice Elemental (lol? this sound fruit) Poison enemy using bow = Poison Arrows or Bow with PD stat. And also, a "hunter class" it not a full class, the suggestion here just puts a semi-class to the game (like BMage, the're warrior + mage combined into new class called BMage)... "hunter" would be a warrior (or mage) combined with new items making a "hunter".
  24. WhiteFang

    Traveler Zone

    It is online. There is just a bug in char creation, that's why you get connection lost. Bug will be fixed on new client release (which comes with the major update)
  25. WhiteFang

    Come In Test Server