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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis V5.35

    exactly, you can take a quest to kill barlogs in dungeon lvl 4, either a solo one, or a party quest ;)
  2. WhiteFang

    Hitting A Moving Target = 1/2 Damage?

    Moving targets take full damage, you're just having a shit connection often causing you to hit something that's not longer there according to the server. But there indeed is a mechanics that reduces damage by 50% when you're "near the attack", which is in a range of 1 tile from the enemy player.
  3. If you're an official winnar, I grant you the change of choice within the range of given possible reward.
  4. I'm waiting for Jing to update me on reward status to finally reward the long awaited event rewads to the players.
  5. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis V5.34

    we'll resolve it on the next update.
  6. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis V5.34

    server is online again. download new client.
  7. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis V5.34

    Data Concurrency issue found & solved. Encrypting client for upload...
  8. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis V5.34

    I don't have an exact estimate atm, an unexpected issue showed up, some data concurrency issue appeared, I'm working as fast as possible to resolve it. About recall in safe zone: Mainly recalling in safe zone stops retarded ideas of mass summoning mobs to make the person die... you gain nothing out of that.
  9. WhiteFang

    Server Maximum User Limit ?!

  10. WhiteFang

    Server Maximum User Limit ?!

    I'm looking into this... strange it starts occuring now while this piece of code, the user limit, has been in for 1,5 week+ now lol and now I notice I forgot to take it out on release
  11. WhiteFang

    Guys Its Happen With Urs Too?

    It's a known issue, it'll be resolved within the next few days. Just retry, it should let you in afterwards.
  12. WhiteFang

    Server Maximum User Limit ?!

    It's a known issue, it'll be resolved within the next few days. Just retry, it should let you in afterwards.
  13. WhiteFang

    Alchemy Improvement

    yes, true, for mobs there is no tgt ability, a TW is always named TW no matter what, it wouldn't know which TW to attack if you'd type /tgt Tigerworm cuz there can be many... with player names only 1 can exist. We'll look into some way, maybe add ability to /tgt the mob or player you're pointing at with your cursor. We do are working on another command "/follow" to make the mob follow you and not attack anything or anyone (so mobs can be lured much easier)
  14. WhiteFang

    Alchemy Improvement

    there already is.... for many many many many years... /tgt to target and /hold to hold them and /free to release their hold.
  15. WhiteFang

    D/c After Recall Everytime

    we're aware of this problem and searching for the bug to apply a fix. At this point it doesn't harm the char, it only bothers the person IRL alot.
  16. WhiteFang

    Happy Birthday Zorak[gm]!

    happy b-day ! get some drunk pussy and wet her pants :P
  17. WhiteFang


    FoT will be released alongside with a weapon improvement. This weapon improvement is still being discussed atm, once discussions finish off and an agreement in the staff is made, we will release FoT + weapon improvement atonce.
  18. WhiteFang


    Charisma decrease won't be allowed, or shouldn't be atleast. master can now, with the new guild system, also choose to be a Soldier instead of Commander, BUT remember, Commander in sade must be chosen to be able to set TP, build point or summon crusade mobs.
  19. WhiteFang

    Better Prize For Sades

    totally agree but im sure the GMs are gonna make it un-exploitative before releasing it.Also make adjustments as we find bugs etc. We should have test server events to test out things . That way everyone will play the test server to help find bugs and it would also solve alot of problems for the GMs test server is not for fun, test server is for testing, and testing is serious business, no room for fun there. the fun comes AFTERwards, and some players can really agree the fun & joy comes afterwards, ask Hachis... ;)
  20. WhiteFang

    Better Prize For Sades

    We're discussing for a bonus reward for crusade and heldenian aswell as additional teleport locations (but not for free ofcrouse !)
  21. WhiteFang

    Can Make By Crafting

    maybe nemesis developers should concentrate on finding the solution to delay and lag since we know it exist (as we have seen on other servers) it would be awesome yes we do work at it, and no it does not exist. delay ALWAYS exist, you can't deny the delay, a real solution for delay doesn't exist, other server claiming to have a solution have either different ping for you or have edited helbreath speed settings to hide delay by making things faster or slower as they really are. i think was hb legion the one i was thinking.. i don't have any lag and my ping is the same than in neme. idk what they did but it seems to work just fine yes, legion it is, we know what they did, they did as I explained, they've speeded up animation, so when you'd run in any direction faster then the client can send or receive the data, causing to create a no-lagg situation of people who ping around 170~200 somewhere. IT do causes more lagg for pingers of 300+ and pingers of 150- (less then 150), and I think they're also having a frame limit, but that i'm not sure about. 99% of the hb's their angels work differently then nemesis ones, I've discovered room for improvement in the angels of nemesis, so i'll be making it and releasing it soon (within 1~2 weeks)
  22. WhiteFang

    Problem With W 7 Ultimate 64 Bits

    Memory intensive graphical games (such as helbreath, world of warcraft and others) are not suposed to be played on laptops in first place. But vsync could actually help, althought nemesis forces this off by default, but the OS still has final decision on using it or not. You should purchase a desktop with more graphical and calcultion power where components are less compact and heat can be released much easier.
  23. WhiteFang

    Can Make By Crafting

    maybe nemesis developers should concentrate on finding the solution to delay and lag since we know it exist (as we have seen on other servers) it would be awesome yes we do work at it, and no it does not exist. delay ALWAYS exist, you can't deny the delay, a real solution for delay doesn't exist, other server claiming to have a solution have either different ping for you or have edited helbreath speed settings to hide delay by making things faster or slower as they really are.
  24. PvP Event will take place @ June 21st 2011 - 11:00 AM Server Time ! Prizes: - Winnar: 1 dye of his/her choice (Including the more then 10 new colors !) + GCP Scroll Lv 5 ! - 2nd Place: GCP Scroll Lv 4 ! - 3rd Place: GCP Scroll Lv3 ! Portal to Arena @ City Hall !
  25. WhiteFang

    Guild System Reviewed

    The Nemesis Guild System pricing has been reviewed ! After 2 days of test running, I got a great view on the speed of GCP gathering from all different guilds. Taking that in account, I 've assembled new guild prices ! Upgrades cost now 1k per member per guild level lvl 1 -> 2 = 1k * 10 member = 10k lvl 2 -> 3 = 2k * 25 members = 50k etc... High-valued guild upgrades now cost 2k per guild member regardless of guild level (includes flag planting, crusade commanding, crusade constructing, crusade building and chat color choosing (this lastone is of no use atm)) Low-valued upgrades now cost 1k per guild member regardless of guild level (bank pages, includes chat color, heldenian commanding (NOT planting !) and member accept ability) Warehouse slots cost 100 contri per guild member regardless of guild level Member expansion slot cost (only guild lvl 5 !) costs now 10 contri per guild member Member limits have been reviewed also: guild lvl 1: 10 members guild lvl 2: 25 members guild lvl 3: 50 members guild lvl 4: 75 members guild lvl 5: 100 members (can be expanded up to 1000) NOTE: where i states "per guild member", that is based when the guild has its maximum available slots occuptied, except for guild level 5 where it is the starting max limit that is taken in account (which is set to 100).