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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Double Event ! - Day Of The Flemish Community

    read the event details a little closer, they've changed shortly after posting, now the max you can get is ma18% or HP42%. to know server time, check http://www.helbreathnemesis.com/ on the right side you see server info, including server time. to know server time from inside the game, type /showservertime
  2. WhiteFang

    Sleep Spell

    +1 ... para > sleep , if the changes are to be like what white mentioned. how can a rare spell be as 'powerful' as ctrl+3 holdperson? :/ official changes to the game are ALWAYS announced on the nemesis front page or news section and not troughout a "random topic in forum". all changes that are made to the game will always be made clear to ALL players in the front page or news section of the nemesis website. What ever I state of changes that might, would, shall, will, or have to be comming are only assumptions and guidelines to create discussions or gather opinions, a statement made on the forum related to game changes has no value unless it was announced in the nemesis front page or news section. As you can read in the nemesis news section, the v5.35 patch brought a reduction to sleep (20 to 15 sec) and enabled chugging, those were the recommandations of BOTH the nemesis community (YOU !) and the active nemesis staff. This change was officially announced and officially applied at the point of announcement. The other stement I made on making it like a hold person, reducing solidly to 10 seconds and others were, as I mentioned before, created or statement to open dicussions and gather opinions of the community, and this worked out well as opinions & re-statements came up fast in a short period of time. The officialy change that was made came quickly as a higher valued voice, the one of the Head Game Master of nemesis, has spoken his opinion, and along that other staff members have spoken related to the topic and all the staff opinions were taken in account aswell as how the community reacted on statements & guidelines posted related to the topic. I got killed by sleep a couple times now, because I don't know how to play against it yet, but I just smile on my death that the brought me down fairly fast with sleep. At this point I'm closing the topic to make it rest, we'll play with the changed sleep for a while to see how it turns out, people need to LEARN to play and dodge the new spell.
  3. WhiteFang

    Double Event ! - Day Of The Flemish Community

    it's hard to compare an upgrade level vs ancient. ancient adds in the dice, where upgrade level adds in the end.
  4. WhiteFang

    New Held Tps

    It's scheduled for next update/reboot. (which'll be in 1 to 2 weeks or maybe longer depending on how new features progress) it's already added in v5.35 patch of July 9th 2011.
  5. WhiteFang

    Monsters With Magic Physical Attacks

    use light pro against cycs, hellhounds, cannibal plants, unicorns or tigerworms... use fire pro against demons, barlog, gargoyle or twins... use poison pro, sufferent or dusa against snakes, zombies, trolls or other poisonous monsters. it's already here, you just don't notice or see it.
  6. WhiteFang

    Double Event ! - Day Of The Flemish Community

    some have indeed more limit value then others, but most got up to stat level 13. yes, bbh is an option, but with LIMITED stats and restrictions, it'll be unique and won't be given for just "any" event. I only give it in this one because thisone is an event I make for a special day, day of the flemish community.
  7. WhiteFang

    Double Event ! - Day Of The Flemish Community

    each is worth 1 stat level, hp increases by 7 each level, rep by 1 each level, ma/pa by 3 each level. In total each has 15 stat levels (max), and it drops up and untill level 13.
  8. WhiteFang

    Double Event ! - Day Of The Flemish Community

    yes, you must atleast choose a minimum of level 1 stat in the primary categories (light, cic,, end, ...), same for secondary category, you must pick atleast a level 1 stat in there.
  9. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis V5.35 Patch

    Next patches have been applied to Helbreath Nemesis v5.35, no new client is required yet for these patches to take affect, they're solidly server-side. * Add: Mercenary random spawning added again * Change: 10 seconds Damage & 3 seconds Movement also applied to Bleeding Island Scroll. * Change: Sleep time reduced to 15 seconds, Potions eating enabled while sleeping. * Change: Hellclaw Taming: From 1.50 Tamers to 1.75 Tamers. * Change: Demon, Unicorn and Gargoyle Corpse Time from 60 seconds to 30 seconds. * Change: Black Dragon Corpse Time from 180 seconds to 90 seconds. * Change: Wednesday Heldenian From 10:30 PM to 8:30. * Change: Gold Weights now 5 times less. * Fix: Sleep Chug & Equipment Bug. * Fix: Crusade Buildings Auto-Destruct. * Fix: Party Quests: Player without party still gained kill count. * Fix: Confusion & Sleep Flag removal on Teleport. * Fix: Effect removal on death.
  10. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis V5.35 Patch

    The issue has been located and should be resolved.
  11. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis V5.35 Patch

    There's currently an issue related to this patch, we're trying to resolve it ASAP.
  12. WhiteFang

    Double Event ! - Day Of The Flemish Community

    Thanks for translations ! NEW ADDITION: During the summon event, ALL monsters will have a CHANCE to drop EXPERIENCE potions up to level 10 (1kk exp) aswell as GCP scrolls up to level 3 (500 GCP !).
  13. WhiteFang

    New Held Tps

    Sometimes you can think!!! gold must have weight, but it'll decrease.
  14. WhiteFang

    Sleep Spell

    This is what'll get at this point of the discussion, I hear from both player, gm and head gm sides to enable chugging of items during sleep time and reduction to 15 seconds.
  15. WhiteFang

    Sleep Spell

    Another possibility is change as next: - Chance to break by physical damage (10% chance) instead of the hold-person way (which is 100% chance) - Reduce sleep to 10 seconds instead of 20.
  16. WhiteFang

    Safe Sell Items

    Nemesis discourages trading for cash due to the risks and the idea of a cash-game. We STRONGLY discourage it. But if you want to make a cash deal that extreemly badly, I could assist personally, not as a GM, but as a normal player/person who's like a middleman for the other. I've done it before and it worked out very well. This is the way I work: Seller passes item to my char, I put it safe in WH. Once buyer confirms payment, I wait for seller to confirm receival. Once both parties confirmed, I passed on the item I got from the seller initially pre-transaction to the buyer. I think as a player I cannot efford to scam or cheat right there as it'll ALWAYS affect my GM status and personality, so I think I can be a good middle-man right there.
  17. WhiteFang

    Sleep Spell

    Sleep will be CHANGED & FIXED as next: - Chug & Equipment bug after being slept will be FIXED - Sleep can be broken by physical damage, same was as you break hold person spell. The intention of nemesis is to keep as original as possible, and originally sleep breaks the same way hold-person breaks from physical damage, therefore we're adding this. Sleep time will currently be kept at its original, 20 seconds, but might be reduced to 10 seconds IF it turns out to be having too much power even after this change & fix.
  18. WhiteFang

    Crusade - Bugged

    yes, there's a known bug that buildings destruct themselfs. We havn't found yet the cause of this bug, but are working around the clock to figure it out. you can't get 50k contri from winning crusade. When buildings, destroying buildings, killing enmies and killing enemy crusade summons you gain WAR contribution points for participating in the crusade total WAR. These WAR contribution points are devided by 200 and added to your (normal) contribution points of your character. During crusade total WAR, you can only gain 50k WAR contribution points as a maximum limit, this limit was always there, we didn't invent that.
  19. WhiteFang

    Sleep Spell

    no more words needed for that. There are some issues regarding sleep, which we're resolving ASAP. On top of that, para & hold person times were originally already reduced in nemesis, sleep was kept original but will probably face a slight reduction of time to compensate with hold person and paralyze spells.
  20. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis V5.34

    Nemesis is updated to v5.34 Features of v5.34: - NEW: Performance Upgrade in Object (Player & Npc) Drawing. (IMPORTANT NOTE: Angels will NO LONGER increase FPS as they used to do before !) - NEW: Angel's showing full frames. - NEW: Additional Heldenian: Wednesday 06:30 PM Server Time. (8:30 GMT+8 - Asia Time) - NEW: Dragonia Teleport for Heldenian Winners: lvl 180, cost: 200k gold - NEW: Tower of Hell 3 Teleport for Heldenian Winners: lvl 160+, cost: 150k gold - NEW: Icebound Teleport for Crusade Winners: lvl 20+, cost: 100k gold - NEW: Dungeon Lvl 4 Teleport for Crusade Winners: lvl 60+, cost: 150k gold - NEW: Contribution Point reward for Crusade Winner (War Contribution / 200 -> max war contribution points = 50k), you earn war contribution points when building, destroying and ek'ing during crusade. - NEW: Bag Item Count. - NEW: Warehouse Item Count. - NEW: Guild Member List Online Count. - NEW: Additional Summon Command: "/follow", it makes the monster follow you but not attack anything or anyone. - CHANGE: Recall can now be used in safe zone, even when being hit in the past 10 seconds. - CHANGE: GMs can now posses items even if players stand on top of them. - CHANGE: GMs lvl 2 can now set Map Restrictions in fightzones and arenas. - FIX: Server limit issue resolved. - FIX: Character teleport "char in use" + connection lost issue resolved. - FIX: Tamed mobs no longer give exp or drops. - FIX: Unlimited Criticals Map Restriction Revoking announcement was incorrect. - FIX: Recall Scroll didn't work for people with less then 20 int. - FIX: Name hiding during Crusade. - FIX: Promiseland dungeon entrance to noob dungeon, it contained incorrect graphics and an incorrect teleport point, all has been corrected now. - FIX: Other minor issues that have been report and which I explained that'll be fixed on "next reboot/update".
  21. Helbreath Nemesis Test Server is officialy OPEN ! Player NOW, test the GUILD SYSTEM, TAMING SKILL and MUCH MORE ! http://test.helbreathnemesis.com
  22. WhiteFang

    New Held Tps

    It's scheduled for next update/reboot. (which'll be in 1 to 2 weeks or maybe longer depending on how new features progress)
  23. WhiteFang

    Item Rarity Page

    that's true. the statistics are real-time, so whenever you burn a zem and logout (to save the burn) or switch server (ml to town for example) it'll automatically update the rarity page. What MJ tells there is true, 2 or 3 meriens don't change the ratio as there's maybe 100k+ zems in game, to make merien rate change you need to use ALOT of them. Even burning a zem it's not sure it'll change ratio of the rarest items, but you can give it a try ;)
  24. WhiteFang

    New Held Tps

    gold weight will be devided by 5, this'll result into the ability to carry up to 5 times more gold then you can now.
  25. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis V5.35

    NEW: Barlog Added to Dungeon Level 4 NEW: Tentocle Added to Dungeon Level 3 & 4 random spawns NEW: Barlog Solo & Party Quest REMOVED: Recall can now be used in safe zone, even when being hit in the past 10 seconds. FIX: Sword of Medusa activation (Sword NOT YET in game available !). FIX: Recall Bug. FIX: Damage & Chat of invisible enemies appearing above the head. FIX: Crop Growing shine. FIX: Crop Disapearing on damage. FIX: Shadow drawing in low details. FIX: GMs lvl 2 can now set Map Restrictions in fightzones and arenas. Estimated down time: 15 minutes [EDIT] Update has been done, client is available to download !