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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Problem With A Lag For Server?

    2 options: 1. your net connection is too slow to keep up with the speed of the server (99,99% of the cases) 2. your computer is too slow to process all the info the server sends (0,01% of the cases) Computer issue occurs only if you use windows 98 of windows 95, HB in ancient and processing power is very low (system requirements), so mostly its net speed that's the issue. the server has an extreemly good net speed and can handle everything properly, it's just your own net that sucks *censored*. if you got a 1 mbps net, the server will talk to you at 1mbps even though the server can talk faster (up to 100). everage people got between 1~6 mbps these days (with some exceptions ofcrouse !) We've already increased server speed before, it's running at max speed now, at this point the "delay" is just your ping (the time it takes to make a round trip to the server)
  2. WhiteFang

    Recall In Safe

    the "recall in safe zone" update was never applied, many complains occured. the sex pot change, yeah, at this point you have to pay 200 CP to retake DK set. (trough ticket system) However we do seek to change this system & make it more automated so you can just do it yourself in the CH without the need of a GM to do it. On top of that we could eventually add the ability to take a new DK set for free when changing sex, or automatically change the set's sex also.
  3. WhiteFang

    New Players The Server.

    anything is possible jing, just need to find balance for everything.
  4. WhiteFang

    Nemesis Anti-lagg Patch

    Recently nemesis has been patched with next features: * Measures taken against Lagg, Delay and Bumping. * Resolved bug in Bow Map Restriction. * Resolved bug in Heldenian Schedule. I'd love to get some replied here, some feedback on how Lagg, Delay & Bumping now feels in nemesis.
  5. WhiteFang

    Potion Paks

    Design me some, if they're cool looking enough, we'll add them for you.
  6. WhiteFang

    New Players The Server.

    Side effect would be: people creating new chars to go hunt in barracks for good items... which would be equal to making a non-pvp hunting zone xD -> the old ppl will xfer items to noob char, equip it & go level in barracks. Also I think, even if can prevent such things (make items bound?) then ppl still would level TOO FAST in barracks to enjoy the drop rate or skill training there. And if item bounded ... player wouldnt have chance to trade ... so market would be over... true... another idea could be to make mobs in barracks drop the bound item, and mobs outside drop unbound items, that way people hunt barracks, get a nice set for themselfs, then need to go in the wild (pvp active) areas, at the point they got nice gear to hunt & pvp with, their own sets. Besides being bound, could make the set last for example like 2 weeks, that way they got 2 weeks to find a new/better (unbound) set, cuz by the time, after 2 weeks, they'll be 180 and can't go hunt for a new set. that way market also stays alive as they're require to make trades or hunt for their own stuffs.
  7. WhiteFang

    New Players The Server.

    Side effect would be: people creating new chars to go hunt in barracks for good items... which would be equal to making a non-pvp hunting zone xD -> the old ppl will xfer items to noob char, equip it & go level in barracks. Also I think, even if can prevent such things (make items bound?) then ppl still would level TOO FAST in barracks to enjoy the drop rate or skill training there.
  8. WhiteFang

    Potion Paks

    item-pack.pak is what you see in your bag. using korean pak won't work, their encryption is different then nemesis' encryption.
  9. WhiteFang

    Welcome Back

    ohnoes, now i need to clean spam of noobs again -.-" but on the other hand, with forum back I can atleast inform the staff on cool features I finished or will be working on :D
  10. WhiteFang

    New Players The Server.

    I think the matter of a guild, or grouping along is an important aspect for new players. Perhaps I should start-up a Neutral guild where all newly created characters are joined in automatically, this guild would be maximized in level, size and capacity to at one side allow sufficient space for new members, the other side to teach them about all features of the nemesis guild system aswell as provide them with a large warehouse space for the old players to donate items (by giving them to the guild leader - me) for the new players, who can take them out from the guild warehouse and keep them. Within this guild I could organize some hunts and teaching lessons and classes for players to come to and attend to learn about the game and all the available features etc.
  11. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Held Bug

    Heldenain was started, bug was located & resolved.
  12. WhiteFang

    Party Bug

    If a bug occurs in the main server, post it here or in a ticket. I'll take a look into this bug soon.
  13. WhiteFang

    Server Delay

    As said before, we cannot fix ping. ping is your own issue where if you live in asia or australia, you probably are affected by Japans earthquackes which cause even worse connections to USA or EU. BUT besides of that, we've developed a faster game server with less lagg, faster response time, less bumps (mainly vs mobs). This faster game server is test running on arena maps, and we did a couple player-tests and most people only talk positive about it. Though we are still investigating side effects of a faster game server, we do think they're near ready to be used globally. We'll probably have a reboot on sunday.
  14. WhiteFang

    Contribution Points

    it doesn't affect any success or drop rate nor does it affect any other rates. These CP are solidley used for crafting, taking hero items and the new guild system.
  15. WhiteFang

    Manu Bbh

    normal plate has 37 DR, 42% pa. 37 DR + 42 DR stat = 79 DR, where manu'ed plate 200% has 60 DR.
  16. WhiteFang

    Manu Bbh

    Manufactured knight plate mail 200% completion would have 60 DF and 42% PA, DK plate has 53 DF and 55% PA. On top of that, the manu'ed knight plate would have 7000 endurane vs dk plate with its 10k. Upgrade this plate to +1 and you get 8400 endurance, make it be +2 and it would have 10080 endurance that TOPS OVER dk plate already ! (max upgrade level is +10 !)
  17. WhiteFang

    Manu Bbh

    So WAIT, ur saying that a manu 200% completition chain can be better than a dk chain? how upgraded does it have to be? a manufactured chain mail completion 120% has EQUAL defense ratio to DK chain. a 200% completion chain mail would have 45 defense ratio, while dk chain has 36 defense ratio only. in defense manu'ed items can even own DK sets or even DR sets, but in PA (physical absorbtion) this is not true, DK chain has 38 PA, while normal chain has 32 PA, neither of them can be affected, nor by manufacturing, nor by upgrading.
  18. WhiteFang

    Manu Bbh

    The manufactured weapons bonuses explained: Hitting probability: (ONLY when critting !) If your manu'ed weapon has a completion over 100%, it'll increase the hitting probability (chance to land a successfull hit) If it's below 100% completion, it'll DECREASE the hitting probability. Damage Increase: (Explained using BBH Example, Completion 200% !) Normal Dices: 3D9+1 -> 4~28 damage When this same BBH would be 200% completion, the dices stay the same, but a minimum damage is defined. With the normal BBH, your minimum damge would be 4 (as calculated above), when using a manu'ed bbh 200%, your minimum damage would be 15. (I will NOT reveal how this value 15 was calculated ! It is the true value calculated as a gameserver would calculate it, I didn't invent the value) Therefore, if the damage dice roll, rolls a value below 15, your damage would be 15 instead of what was rolled by the damage dice roll. That finally results into that 200% BBH having a damage of 15~28. When the BBH would have a completion below 100%, it would have a decreased maximum damage (same was as the minimum damage works), but mainly you should aim for completions above 100%, as below 100% become worse then shop items.
  19. WhiteFang

    Manu Bbh

    Manufacturing brings next bonuses: - Increased endurance based on completion % - WEAPONS ONLY: Increased Minimum or Maximum Damage based on completion % (Dices do not change, they're still being rolled, but if the rolled dice is below or above the min or max damage, then you'll hit the min or max damage.) (--> Completion below 100% decreases max damage, completion above 100% increases minimum damage) - WEAPONS ONLY: Increased Hitting Probability when CRITTING. - ARMORS ONLY: Increased Defense Ratio based on completion % (--> Completion below 100% decreases the defense ratio, completion above 100% increases the defense ratio) - Increased Update Level: up to +10 (normal items only to +7) - Increased endurance increment when upgraded: When upgrading a manu'ed item, it gains MORE then durance then when you'd upgrade the same item from shop. (Shop items gain 15% endurance, manufactured items 20%) - Increased chance to successfully upgrade based on completion % As you notice, manufactured items have alot of benefits, it's only that it takes AGES to get the actual benefit, when losing your BBH 200% when upgrading it, it sucks harder then losing a shop's bbh during upgrade. It is, in theory, possible to upgrade your items (Knight 200% completion, BBH 200% completion, etc...) so high that their defense and power blows away the DK or hero set's defense or power... it only takes ALOOOOOOOOOOOOT of time and EFFORT.
  20. WhiteFang

    Problemas Para Jugar.

    re-download the full version, take out the cximage.dll, replace it in the folder. re-download the new client, replace it in the folder. open HelGame.exe
  21. WhiteFang

    B Axe And War Axe

    all axes strip, even a tomahoc or light axe can strip. Yet those lower axes have less probability to strip.
  22. July 11th is the Day of the Flemish Community, and as some of you may know, I (White[GM]), am Flemish ! Day of the Flemish Community: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day_of_the_Flemish_Community At this say, July 11th, I will hold a DOUBLE EVENT ! We'll have BOTH a SUMMON and PvP Event ! Summon Event Details: Time: 6:00 AM Server Time. In Front of City Hall (BOTH towns SIMULTANIOUSLY !). FULL Waves up an untill Poison Dragon ! PvP Forbidden. NEW ADDITION: During the summon event, ALL monsters will have a CHANCE to drop EXPERIENCE potions up to level 10 (1kk exp) aswell as GCP scrolls up to level 3 (500 GCP !). PvP Event Details: Time: 8:00 AM Server Time. Map Restrictions: * No Shields * No Activations * No Invisibility * No Protection From Magic * No Absolute Magic Protection * No Defense Shield * No Great Defense Shield * No Protection From Arrow * No Illusion * No Mass Illusion * No Illusion Movement * No Mass Illusion Movement * No Resurrection * No HP Slates * No MP Slates * No Pretend Corpse * Summons & Summon Potions Allowed * Taming Allowed PvP Event Rewards: 1st Place: * 1 GCP Scroll Lvl 10 (100k GCP) * 1 Dye (Any color ! - Including new ones) * 6 Experience Lvl 10 Potions (6kk exp ~ 2 majs) * 1 Statted Item with 10 stat-levels to be chosen (Primary Stat Limit: 8, Secondary Stat Limit: 6, Tertiary Stat Limit: 4) ** Statted Item Choices: - Esterk - Rapier - Great Sword - Flameberge - Giant Sword - Black Shadow Sword - Hammer - War Axe - Battle Axe - Helm - Full Helm - Wings Helm - Horned Helm - Leather Armor - Scale Mail - Chain Mail - Plate Mail - Chain Hose - Blonde Shield - Iron Shield - Lagi Shield - Knight Shield - Battle Hammer (Restriction: only 6 stat-levels, Primary Stat Limit: 5, Secondary Stat Limit: 4, Tertiary Stat Limit: 2) - Cape (Restriction: only 6 stat-levels, Primary Stat Limit: 5, Secondary Stat Limit: 4, Tertiary Stat Limit: 2) - Combatant Cape (Restriction: only 6 stat-levels, Primary Stat Limit: 5, Secondary Stat Limit: 4, Tertiary Stat Limit: 2) - Tower Shield (Restriction: only 6 stat-levels, Primary Stat Limit: 5, Secondary Stat Limit: 4, Tertiary Stat Limit: 2) - Fire Bow (Restriction: only 6 stat-levels, Primary Stat Limit: 5, Secondary Stat Limit: 4, Tertiary Stat Limit: 2) - Direction Bow (Restriction: only 6 stat-levels, Primary Stat Limit: 5, Secondary Stat Limit: 4, Tertiary Stat Limit: 2) - Plate Legs (Restriction: only 6 stat-levels, Primary Stat Limit: 5, Secondary Stat Limit: 4, Tertiary Stat Limit: 2) - Robe (Restriction: only 6 stat-levels, Primary Stat Limit: 5, Secondary Stat Limit: 4, Tertiary Stat Limit: 2) - Cap (Restriction: only 6 stat-levels, Primary Stat Limit: 5, Secondary Stat Limit: 4, Tertiary Stat Limit: 2) - Hat (Restriction: only 6 stat-levels, Primary Stat Limit: 5, Secondary Stat Limit: 4, Tertiary Stat Limit: 2) - Shoes (Restriction: only 6 stat-levels, Primary Stat Limit: 5, Secondary Stat Limit: 4, Tertiary Stat Limit: 2) - Boots (Restriction: only 6 stat-levels, Primary Stat Limit: 5, Secondary Stat Limit: 4, Tertiary Stat Limit: 2) - Barbarian Hammer (Restriction: only 6 stat-levels, Primary Stat Limit: 5, Secondary Stat Limit: 4, Tertiary Stat Limit: 2) ** Stat Level Information: A stat level is a single increment of a stat on an armor. There are 3 stats to be increased: - Primary Stat: Strong, Light, Ancient, ... - Secondary Stat: HP rec, MP rec, Hitting Prob, ... - Tertiery Stat: Weapon/Armor upgrade level (+1, +2, +3, ...) The amount of stat-levels must be devided over these 3 stats, where it is REQUIRED to choose 1 primary and 1 secondary. e.g. 10 stats devided: - Item: Chain Mail (W) - Light: 3 levels - MP Rec: 5 levels - Upgrade: 2 levels -> Sum: 3 + 5 + 2 = 10 --> this results in a Light+12% Chain Mail (W)+2 MP Recovery+35% 2nd place: * 1 GCP Scroll Lvl 9 (50k GCP) * 4 Experience Lvl 10 Potions (4kk exp ~ 1,25 majs) 3rd Place: * 1 GCP Scroll Lvl 8 (25k GCP) * 2 Experience Lvl 10 Potions (2kk exp ~ 0,75 Majs) ----- [EDIT] ----- 1st place: Du4L, chosen White Dye & Ancient Endurance 7% Barbarian Hammer+1 Hitting Probability 28% 2nd place: [sGDenis] 3rd place: MageMurder
  23. WhiteFang

    Double Event ! - Day Of The Flemish Community

    You need the 2 towns to trust eachother, and a Resurrection wand to speed it up properly. I understand the full mechanics and always hop into an abaddon, no matter which town starts or ends it, i'm always there to participate.
  24. WhiteFang

    Double Event ! - Day Of The Flemish Community

    hahaha. u need to see the damage of that ABBH... normal hit = CRITICAL, ofc in mob !ah oihioaeie insane :lol: :lol: :lol: Yea, I figured that it must be a sick weapon. :wacko: it is a nice weapon, but the Devastator owns more... If people would actually participate in the apocalypse, there could be a couple deva's around now, but nobody even WILLING to participate...
  25. WhiteFang

    Double Event ! - Day Of The Flemish Community

    in-game clock tends to get behind on time after a while, as if it's missing seconds to even minutes or hours. the time shown right after the command is called, is the exact time, from that point the clock counting server time tends to run behind, but we'll try to resolve this on a next update. The event winnars & chosen rewards are posted in the first topic. Thank you all to participate in the summon event & pvp event !