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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Max Skill %

    no, balance was not fine, axes were never used, that's unbalanced. a useless item in a game defines unbalance, so we gave it a nice functionality. The original idea was making players choose their weapon type, so we made axes better so they'd be part of the choosing too now.
  2. WhiteFang

    Max Skill %

    I totally agree. The arguments of needed 800% max skill cuz there's axes breaking shields and taming added, here's my counter for you: - Axes breaking shield: true, it's an addition, but you always had to choose to go for a long sword, axe attack or hammer attack, maybe short sword of fencing skill, with 700% you'll HAVE to make the choice, that's why it's limited, forcing you to choose, just as you're forced to choose and balance your stats out for a perfect warrior, ya ain't getting 200 in each stat, you HAVE to make the choice. -> argument invalid ! - Taming skill added: indeed, a new skill emerged, a usefull skill if you know how to use it right, but those who use it need charisma, they already start off with a different stat build from the beginning, a new balance is created with charisma taken in account, therefore a new balance with the 700% skill limit is needed. the base of tamers is different, they seek to fight in the wild where mobs live, it's a different strategy, they'll be less likely to fight using heavy weapons as they can't use their whip while wearing them, so they'll probably balance out towards mage side, or a DK warrior, and such classes don't need a hammer skill, therefore free'ing up a 100% skill to put into taming, making the 700% skill limit sufficient. -> argument invalid ! Conclusion: a skill cap increase has no need, you only need to LEARN to play with the new features, that's all. You're unskilled with them, start learning them instead of asking for "the easy way".
  3. WhiteFang


    Reducing the stat below 20 is not possible when being the Guild Master of a guild. Therefore, as this is impossible, breaking the guild by reducing is not possible either, as you can't reduce it, therefore not break it trough reduction. During crusade the guild master can now also be a soldier or builder, that's true. On a low guild level, that be a stupid decision of the guild master to make. At a high guild level, he probably assigned the crusade commanding, teleporting & building ranks within his guild, so one of these guild ranks can take over the commanding part of the crusade. The better solution is to have multiple commanders atonce, so the entire guild does not depend on a single player to play or not play the crusade. With multiple commanders in a single crusade, the build point & teleport point can be moved around faster and more accuratly to the stutation of war. Each guild level grants you a maximum limit of members, you must manage your guild properly to keep the most active members in it. At level 5 you get a maximum capacity, but you can increase this maximum capacity by purchasing guild member slots (up to 1000 slots max !), this grants you to allow more players in your guild. Only a guild master needs 20 charisma to hold the guild together. Any other character or rank within the guild does NOT need any charisma.
  4. WhiteFang

    Best Start Files

    In my personal opnion, from your above list, I would go for the TXT Files 3.51 and transform them to MSSQL. Why? the TXT Files you got full sources, if you fully understand the system and are a decent coder, you can transform or implement the MSSQL in there giving it a higher performance yet keeping the original code which works on its own without much messing from other people who mostly created bugs in new or other sources (ref: aryes -> no pt, OpenHB -> unfinished, MSSQL -> no source, 2nd txt 3.51 -> have a lot of bugs) In case of nemesis, we got MSSQL sources, so obviously much better to use. I would definatly discourage the python code of OpenHelbreath aswell as a MySQL DB. Why no MySQL? Simple, MySQL doesn't allow you to really manage the DB to create high performance. The MySQL engine's will slow down or even fail at the point of millions of records, where the MSSQL DB doesn't fail over billions of records, therefore I think MSSQL makes a better option.
  5. WhiteFang

    Hitting Prob.

    the equivalent would be an MD purity 75% Soon angels +20 will arrive, equalizing angels +20 and MD, making the MD the easier way, probably takes less time to make, and the angel the HARDest way (shitload of majs) to get, but then the angel comes with the additional DF, which the MD doesn't have.
  6. WhiteFang

    Donation Idea

    True, I indeed invented Corrupted Items.
  7. WhiteFang

    Reducing Mim Duration

    Exactly as you're saying... the answer is no and once again, an item anti-mim will be released, so just hold on.
  8. WhiteFang

    Magic Casting Time

    Officially Confirmed.
  9. WhiteFang

    Gcp Event - Creperum

    The event lasted well over 4 to 5 hours, I kept asking questions like entire afternoon (EU time) and evening related to HB history aswell as combining hide 'n seek, giving out over 100k GCP in different grades of scrolls to many people.
  10. WhiteFang

    Gcp Event - Creperum

    I posted this because I was holding an event for GCP, and there was a question in which I asked the opposite map of Procella (which is Creperum) and I posted prove of existance of such plans in the forum. Reward was a GCP Scroll lvl 8 or 9 I belive and onairam won it.
  11. WhiteFang

    Tickets (read)

    I ignore all non-english tickets, I never resolve them, I even am temped to write: "remake in english, then we'll answer you" and close it off xD
  12. WhiteFang

    Bf Heldenia Down

    this has already been resolved.
  13. WhiteFang

    V5.35 - Patch 3 Details

    * Fix: Server Crash during Summon Event announcing. * Fix: Items with stat requirements that are fulfilled by angels make client crash. * Change: Reduced Barlog, Demon and Tentocle spawns in Dungeon Lv4. * Change: Reduced Tentocle spawns in Dungeon Lv3. * Change: Increased Giant Cray-Fish spanws in Dungeon Lv2. * Add: Additional drops to Giant Frog (Equal to Hellhound & Rudolph). * Add: /globalmessage and /localmessage commands for GMs to put messages at the top of the screen. NO new client is needed. Server already online again !
  14. WhiteFang

    V5.35 - Patch 3 Details

    yes, servers are permanently set to fast speed.
  15. WhiteFang

    Anc. Flame Vs Dk

    Most things said here are sorta true... a DK flame +0 would indeed have a theoretically higher damage (4~28) then an ancient (2D13+0 = 2~26) or a DK gis +4 (2D10+2) BUT there are some things people forget to take in account, indirect factors that makes one thing become better then another. For example, one of the factors is hitting probability, the higher the "Throw" of a dice, the higher its hitting probability, 4D7 had only a throw of 7, while 2D10 has a throw of 10, resulting in a HIGHER hitting probability, therefore there's more chance to actually hit and the overall damage will be higher. On top of that, comparing DK swords on their own, the flame vs the GiS comparison I reffer again back to what I just explained, the hitting probability changes as it upgraded. Yet a third factor of the DK sword is forgotten to be taken in account, it's upgrade level (+0, +2, +4, +6, +8, +10, +12, +14, +15), each upgrade level adds 2 more physical damage to the item, that's why a DK sword +15 is so much better then a DK sword +8 for example. Yet again, there where the DK flame +2 would look superior to the dk GiS +4 and equalize the DK GiS +6, the hitting probability makes the difference right there. Not everything is theoretical numbers, you have to take in account factors as such, which are often forgotten or not even considered in theoretical and mathematical calculations like these. P.S.: the damage indicated on the portal site, which you posted a SS of, is 100% correct and accurate for that item, yet what's displayed is it's base damage, WITHOUT the additional physical damage of its upgrade level taken in account.
  16. WhiteFang

    V5.35 - Patch 3 Details

    roy, that's not yet possible. Angels to +20 is exected near october/november along with FoT. (just an estimate of time i'll need to finish this off, can take even longer)
  17. WhiteFang

    Racism, A Continue Problem

    Date of SS can be determined from right top. Since nemesis v5.32+ we see "NEMESIS SERVER" at the right top and the version in the right bottom to know even faster how "old" screenshots are. Date in SS shows: MM:DD:HH:MM:SS (month, day, hour, minute, second)
  18. WhiteFang

    Warn Level

    you can click the "10%" to see what you got warned for. You're warned by elguason for this topic: http://helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=23948
  19. WhiteFang

    Drop List

    The portal is the most up-to-date drop list, the one in the nemesis main page is out-of-date. We're working on integrating the portal system into the nemesis main page for a better and faster search in these things.
  20. WhiteFang

    Question About Buying Selling

    Nemesis Rule #1: "Helbreath Nemesis DOES NOT support any type of trade with anything outside of the game itself, including cash or objects from other games and/or other servers of Helbreath". We do not forbid, but we do NOT support it either. Any losses of any parties in any transaction of any items or non-helbreath objects are responsibility of the player's themself, we, the staff, DO NOT interfear, nor return or compensate losses. The only traded nemesis staff involves into on REQUEST, are big item trades within the game for items found or obtained within the game which are traded for one another item(s) within the game where the trade size of 4 slots does not satisfy in the satisfaction or security of a big trade.
  21. WhiteFang

    Potion Paks

    we already got wine bottle designs ;p we just don't give them to you cuz you're irrisponsible with them !
  22. WhiteFang

    Recall In Safe

    you pay for the GMs effort now so ppl don't abuse it and ask new dk set every 2 minutes.