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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    What's About To Come...

    Who dares to fight against the Earth Dragons in their natural Earth Zone?
  2. WhiteFang

    What's About To Come...

    I was wandering around the Ice Zone in Dragonia and found a Black Portal ! Black Portals are portals that'll teleport you to the central, 7th area where the Black Dragon lives. Black Portals spawn in 1 of the 6 zones that surround the Black Dragon Zone and last only 15 minutes in each zone, after that it randomly moves to a another zone (or if lucky enough, stay in the same zone). Finding that Black Portal will take some time, but in the end after slaying the Black Dragon, it'll be WORTH the effort for sure !
  3. WhiteFang

    What's About To Come...

    Twins will be stronger then GG's, but weaker then Hellclaws... The purpose is to balance them so 3 to 4 players can hunt them together. Where the GG needs only 2~3 and the HC needs 4~6 to be hunted, the Twins will need 3~4. I justed hunted a Wyvern down in the new Dragonia !
  4. WhiteFang

    What's About To Come...

    Yeah, translated directly from korean by google translator it's a "doppelganger", which is a synonym for "twin", and in english "twin" fits them better, as the warrior & mage themselfs are 2 twins (they both wear dk armors), but the "doppelganger" makes it sound more as if it's a "copy" of your own char you're fighting. So to prevent confusion, we named them "Twin Mage" and "Twin Warrior". Here's some more about what's to come...
  5. WhiteFang

    Cant Log On [fixed]

    We just rebooted the server to make an important fix to the code.
  6. WhiteFang


    To give you some more hints, I can tell you that we're working on a new hero set, you've might of seen me running around with colored hero armor pieces... they show off the new set's color. To reduce difference between new and old players we're going to introduce 3 new item types, they'll come and go, but with them we can give the new players a head-start for a while to encounter the enemies and monsters. New monsters are indeed cool, that's why we're also introducting 2 new monsters along with the Dragonia Update, they'll be stronger then gargoyles, but less strong then hellclaws, perfectly to hunt with 3 or 4 players. And their drops ain't that bad also, They'll be dropping RoAm, RoX, Merien Shield & Plate, IE Sword, IP Neck, MS 30 LLF and some nice manuals too ;) Those "highly trained" mobs you speak about, we're considering an equal addition to bring the power of certain lower mobs up a little bit and make them more worthy hunting. Obviously a strong mob means a better drop rate too ! Level cap increase or stat increase is not scheduled and will probably never happen. More level means more stats, which'll make chars become more & more equal. It's stupid to have a char 200 in each stats, then char builds no longer count and are of no longer use as everyone is any build. What you could expect are additional potions that'll temporarly increase your stats, making them usefull in PvP, raids and events... It'll give you that slight advantage over your enemy, question is... is it worth to take a potion less to take such power with you after all?
  7. WhiteFang


    I'm sticking on nemesis and try to encourage people to stay by helping the new ones around if I find them :) @Legion: Yes ofcrouse, a new angle, a new flow, something fresh is what we need, and that's exactly what's comming up, Nemesis has been unique on its own for many years, bringing the base of helbreath on an extreemly stable server with a couple new features that make things more interesting, but keeping them also balanced. Nemesis set itself appart from the others many years ago by adding the Dragons and Dragonia to the game. Unfortunately back then there was no time or creativity or a good map editor to make ourselfs a great dragonia, we've instead chosen to bring you the old-school middleland filled with dragons. But at the current moment, nemesis now posses a great map editor to create their own maps, so I took the initiative to map a complete new Dragonia map featuring better hunting possibilities and new map-effects. On top of that you're probably seen me fooling around with the Fury-of-Thor spell, meaning that it's close to be finished ! Along side of FoT we're also having a couple other additions in mind, I've been hinting towards some of them in the past and spreading rumours around the game of what's about to come... At the moment of writing this, I've been mapping the entire day, over 15h have already gone into mapping the new Dragonia, yet the progress is great. The mapping I consider the heaviest part to complete, as the coding is the easiest and fastest for me. Nemesis Test server will probably re-open within the next week to allow players a sneak-preview of what's about to come ;) So stay tuned in, hang around a little bit and keep those eyes open for any news :)
  8. WhiteFang


    You'd know first thing if we had news, but unfortunatly we don't :( we missing hunter alot !
  9. WhiteFang

    Server Being Attacked Again?!?!?!?

    Yes, the server crashed again, same crash-point as y-day's 4 crashes. We're investigating and watching closely. As I notified before, any losses of items, exp and even EK's will be replaced if they still occur in the logs, meaning that they happend before the crash, got logged but not saved.
  10. WhiteFang

    A Couple Of Questions

    then they can make a new acc if they don't have enough space in their current account...
  11. WhiteFang

    Server Crash?

    It's possible, but we don't take time or effort to do it. We don't care about them, they're just putting our security to the test, that's all... they testing it, and we keep advancing it, so let them come, we'll keep dodging them off all the time till they get tired.
  12. WhiteFang

    Server Crash?

    If the majs was logged and you submit a ticket or pm me in game when i'm free (on my GM char !), I'll replace them majs by an equal amount of experience.
  13. WhiteFang

    Bring Back Static!

    An idiot that got banned for EK laming while having FULL HERO already. Oh, he has ESW spell on his character too... P.S. If he claim amnesty he can play again :) ... ofc losing ESW & all items on the account
  14. WhiteFang

    Server Crash?

    I'm monitoring server LIVE on console (might cause some lagg for now) to see all server screens and all server actions LIVE when they happen. There's a piece of security code in-place now, it seems to be taking care properly of the attacks, but still causes a high memory load. A better solution is being worked at and that'll be introduced later on. But for now you can play, if you lose items or exp due to crashes, I replace them later on.
  15. WhiteFang

    Server Crash?

    Someone's attacking the nemesis server, we're working ASAP to get this blocked/resolved. Expected down time: 1 hour.
  16. WhiteFang

    Server Crash?

    Servers online again ! Patch applied: * Fix: Potentional World Server Memory Leaks. * Fix: Logging in on top of a mining rock causes disconnection and inability to login. * Fix: /globalmessage and /localmessage commands always showing empty messages. * Add: Demon Slayer adds 3D2+0 (3~6) Additional Damage to Demons.
  17. WhiteFang

    Guild Upgrade Requirement Change

    The original guild system topic states the original intention of "non-lazy-players" (ACTIVE PLAYERS), but within one week after the release, the GCP upgrade requirements were lowered, this was stated in another topic on the forum. There wasn't any Life[GM] as far as I know (I'm in nemesis for 3 years+ now), but I do know a guy named Anthony who runs another helbreath and calls himself Life[GM]... but well, that hb not that old & good as nemesis. Highest BBH upgrade that's around in nemesis 2 is a BBH+5, it's the unique BBH+5 in the game owned by an Elvine character who made it by himself (not bought it).
  18. WhiteFang

    A Couple Of Questions

    Reason 1: Accounts are free and unlimited, so there's no "need" to delete chars, just make a new account. Reason 2: Staff is tired of all "brothers", "sisters", "friends", "uncles", "aunts" and what so over who delete characters or sell items, drop items, give away items, etc etc etc. For that reason we don't delete them. (if we would, then within the next week the guy makes a new ticket saying sorry gm was my brother asking for delete character, please undo delete character ... and bla bla bla)
  19. WhiteFang

    A Couple Of Questions

    nope, not possible. If you wanne be a different char, you can change stats around using majestic points. wanne look different? use sex change potion, hair color potions etc to change your looks. There's no need to delete chars.
  20. WhiteFang

    A Couple Of Questions

    1. You cannot delete characters over level 100. The nemesis staff does not delete them either. 2. You can contact the nemesis staff trough the support ticket system found at the left-bottom menu of the nemesis main website. (in order to submit a ticket, you must login using your game information at the nemesis main website) 3. To get an overview press - (minus) on your keyboard (right-top of the number 9 (nine) on your num-pad, or when using a laptop you'll probably need to press FN (the blue/purple button) and find the corresponding - (minus) sign in blue on your keyboard.). To toggle map on/off, you can use the short-cut CTRL+M
  21. WhiteFang


  22. WhiteFang

    Alchemy Ingredents

    In the next few days i'll be integrating the nemesis portal to the main nemesis website. It takes a little bit of time to make the actual integration.
  23. WhiteFang


    The answer is no, you CANNOT re-assign the guild master rank to someone else. It's not even possible to assign the guild master rank to someone else (exception: read bottom note). The guild master rank, is like any other rank (except Member and Veteran) a limited rank, only 1 (one) single player from the guild can hold such a rank. Let's take guild leader as a sample: If there's no guild leader, you can assign one. If you want to change guild leader, you need to de-assign the current leader and assign to to someone else. BUT to assign or revoke the guild leader rank, you MUST be his superior. In the order of ranks, only the guild master is superior to the guild leader with more powers and options, therefore only the master can make this change. Ok, let's go back to our master rank, there is 1 guild master, it's unique as guild leader, BUT there is NO superior for guild masters within the game, therefore making it impossible to de-assign, let be re-assign the master rank to someone else. That's where it already ends, because there's no superior, it cannot be changed by the default system. NOTE: the ONLY "suprior" to a guild master is the Administrators of nemesis, they got the power to change anything, even a guild master rank. so it is possible, but only when an administrator performs the change when the servers are offline (during a reboot, patch or update). And in 99,99% of the cases, an administrator will NOT perform such a change AT ALL as such option originally does not exist in-game, therefore if he's do it for one, many others will ask the same favour, and admins have something better to do then change guild master ranks around. so probably the only way to get it changed is trough a donation.
  24. WhiteFang

    Alchemy Ingredents

    Could possibly make such a list for it too, i'll try to keep it in mind for later. About the alchemy ingredients, which pots you like to make? I could look it up for you.