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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    What's About To Come...

    Thx for pointing out the errors ! Didn't notice them lol, the delusional I didn't know, i'm not native english. I like the idea of Angelic Pendant of Lucidity << that'll be the final naming :)
  2. WhiteFang

    What's About To Come...

    Thx ! I keep on going, and the update is near the finish already. All major aspects have been created, it's now a matter of balancing and fine-tuning them all to get them stable and ready for release :)
  3. WhiteFang

    What's About To Come...

    It's not a necklace, it's an angel, you need to grow it (by upgrading it) to get more resistance.
  4. WhiteFang

    What's About To Come...

    It's an angel that gives you +4% resistance to confusion and illusion spells per upgrade level. Angel +5 gives you 20%.... Angel +20 gives you up to 80% ! It'll be handy to resist the mim. This angel works on TOP of MR armors, that means, if your MR (skill + armors) didn't resist the confusion/illusion cast, you got the angel's resist chance that'll pop-in right there and attemp to resist (absorb the spell for you). At the current point, there ARE plans to add CLF items to the drops.... wait maybe I pointed out the wrong word, there are PLANS, it's planned to add, but won't come yet this update. There's some things that still need to be discussed before this can be added. The implementation of this is important as we don't like to mess/interfear/change on the original drops & their rates in a negative way. It's most likely that these items will first be handed out trough a number of events, they'll also give us the opportunity to see impact of these specific items in game-play (especially the Sword of Medusa !). But you can expect CLF items to drop by monsters soon, probably in the idea of "how higher the stat %'s on the item, how lower the time it'll last". You can also expect them to come in the rare items also, you'll see more rares come, but most of them will be CLF rather then the casuals (which last FOREVER !). The only thing we worry about most is making the difference, at this point only the same & description differs them from a normal one... we might over-lay them with a color to make them visually differ also to reduce/remove the confusion and not make the server look as if it's fruity with MASS RARES. I like thatone, it's completely true, handing out a dusa or deva in thier normal way is fruity for sure, they unbalance one another town when handed trough events. While a handing out a CLF will just temporarly unbalance the game, some days, hours, minutes or untill its broken... so it's a great addition to hand out rather rare or hard-to-find items and give players an idea of what these items feel like to encourage them to actually go and HUNT those items down and get them FOREVER !
  5. WhiteFang

    Requesting A Mouse Setting Change Option

    You're welcome, we listen to players & accept their suggestions. I brought you a special client asap to make life & playing much easier with us in nemesis :) On top of that, you'll get that mouse option in your client ;)
  6. WhiteFang

    What's About To Come...

    Want a CLF (Corrupted, Limited or Fragile) item ?!
  7. WhiteFang

    What's About To Come...

    Are you guys READY for what's about to come ???!!!
  8. WhiteFang

    Requesting A Mouse Setting Change Option

    The option for it is already built ! scheduled for next update ! (which is very close btw !)
  9. WhiteFang

    Requesting A Mouse Setting Change Option

    Lef Handed client v5.35: http://www.helbreathnemesis.com/downloads/HelGameLeftHanded.exe
  10. WhiteFang

    Requesting A Mouse Setting Change Option

    ok sure, i'll get you that left-handed client first thing tomorrow and i'll add an option for it in the client on next update.
  11. WhiteFang

    What's About To Come...

    Make sure to get them back in time, because after this update, you won't be able to trade, sell, drop or give bound items ! (except passing trough wh to your own chars lol)
  12. WhiteFang

    What's About To Come...

    It won't drop such item, it's just a sample to show you that items that're bound now actually show that they're bound. They also indicate (in the description below) if they're bound to you or someone else. That way you always know which items are yours and which're not. Besides that, there'll be added more bound restrictions, we'll be forbidding bound items to be traded, sold or dropped on the floor to prevent noobs from selling their hero pieces to shops or lending them to other players etc.
  13. WhiteFang

    Requesting A Mouse Setting Change Option

    Fairly easy, you can change it in windows itself: - open "start menu" - open "control panel" - open "mouse settings" - in the primary tab "buttons" mark the box "switch primary and secondary buttons". If you're irritated by the way the mouse points (pointing for a right-handed person), you can download a free cusor set from Microsoft especially designed for left-handed people that makes the entire mouse opposite. Download the .cur files your want to change from this URL: http://archive.msdn....?ReleaseId=2509 Next place the .cur files in "C:\Windows\Cusor" directory. Then go again to your mouse settings, now take the second tab "Pointers" and below select the pointer you like to change, click the "Browse" button on the right-bottom of the dialog and choose that .cur file you'd like to use. This is how it should work using windows. I'm not sure if HB actually ignores or takes these settings with it as HB is very old ! If it doesn't take it like this, please let me know and i'll forge you a special left-handed client to play now and make the ability (in the next client update ofc) to choose in-game if you want to reverse the buttons or not.
  14. WhiteFang

    What's About To Come...

    Some more sneak-previews ;) ...
  15. WhiteFang


    apparently a "fix" broken the hotkey thing, i'll look into it and fix it on next client.
  16. WhiteFang

    Server Running On New Host.

    We've moved nemesis server to a bigger & better data center to allow better protection, bigger bandwidth and higher speeds. Due to this moving, a new client is required ! Next updates were applied to this client: * Fix: Client-side Sleep restrictions. * Fix: Apocalypse and Dynamic Portal's speed. * Fix: Enemy player dying & death drawing. * Change: Sleep restrictions also added client side. * New: Mini Map can be moved anywhere on the screen.
  17. WhiteFang

    I'm Lazy -_-

    If you get 180 majs, you can always change to any build, so go for the 180 to ensure you can make the change over haha :D
  18. WhiteFang

    I'm Lazy -_-

    like this? http://www.helbreathnemesis.com/helbreath-character-simulator.php We got thatone for looooooooong time already now lol :D
  19. WhiteFang

    Is Really Difficult To Play Like This....

    Control sucks like this, can't handle tickets, can't fix dupes, can't test code, can't lookup info, can't read forums and most important CANNOT DEVELOP ! But as you say, working on it, hopefully the changes will fix things & make it better.
  20. WhiteFang

    Pings Pls.

    C:\Users\WhiteFang>ping Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=134ms TTL=119 Reply from bytes=32 time=125ms TTL=119 Reply from bytes=32 time=125ms TTL=119 Reply from bytes=32 time=124ms TTL=119 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 124ms, Maximum = 134ms, Average = 127ms C:\Users\WhiteFang>ping Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=124ms TTL=118 Reply from bytes=32 time=123ms TTL=118 Reply from bytes=32 time=122ms TTL=118 Reply from bytes=32 time=123ms TTL=118 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 122ms, Maximum = 124ms, Average = 123ms New one is aprox same, so no difference for me :D
  21. WhiteFang

    I'm Lazy -_-

    Explain what you mean by that?
  22. WhiteFang

    Maybe A Attack

    you live in argentina? go burn his house please !
  23. WhiteFang

    What's About To Come...

    You don't, only I do :P Skin is embedded inside the client, I run a non-encrypted client so I can change skins around. We do have plans to add an auto-updater with the ability to choose your skin, so sooner or later you can expect this to come and allow you to choose this skin too :)
  24. WhiteFang

    What's About To Come...

    True, if you define "fruity" as "something that's not in hb korea" then it is fruity, very fruity... but it's well thaught about and will be balanced making and improvement to game-play but not making things OP.
  25. WhiteFang

    What's About To Come...

    @Exec: Indeed, you end up from D4 to Dragonia, or taking the CH tp ends you up at the portal pad inside Dragonia map where you'd enter from D4. You'll be in a "safe" area (no monsters there besides possibility for twins spawning). In that area there's 7 teleport pads, 1 where you spawned with a possibility to return to D4 (which wasn't there in the past !) and 6 pads with colored portals (shown in the above screenshots) which lead to each of the colored dragons or wyvern. So you got the choice in the beginning, so you can go to the exact zone where you want to hunt ;) A teleportation back to the entrance zone or to D4 does not directly exist. Once you enter one of the 6 portals, you'll be in a specific "zone", these zones are linked to eachother by teleport pads, there's 2 pads in each zone. One to go forth, one to go back. On these pads are again the colored portals of the next or previous area you'll be entering. You can run an unlimited circle going from area to area, this can be completed infinite times but you'll never end up in the entrance zone again. How ever, if you manage to find the Black Portal (which leads to the 7th, central zone of the Black Dragon), which spawns in only 1 of the 6 zones and disapears after 15 minutes to respawn immidiatly in another zone, and take that portal to the Black Dragon Zone, you'll endup at yet another final teleport pad. There's only 1 teleport pad in that area, taking that portal (a black one as shown in the first screenshots I posted), you'll return to the entrance zone, having the ability to choose once again to return to D4 or take one of the 6 portals to another zone. @Lugiore: Knowing it's stronger then GG's, but weaker then HC's, you can expect some rares from them. Mainly you can figure them easly if looking up the hb korea's doppelganger npc drops in their update notices. But i'll make it easy for you and just tell you a couple of them: Merien Plate & Shield, IE Sword, IP Neck, RoAm, RoX, MS30LLF and more ;) Please note that what I said here as drops are the COMBINED drops, meaning that I just notifiy you what those 2 mobs drop. the warrior will have its own drops and the mage also will have its own drops. Where the warrior will drop RoX and the mage RoAm, so either of them has the item in its drop list. Which one has which drop will be notified at release of this update.