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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Unbalance In Aresden

    @gorefest: We've indeed receives such request from a newly playing polish guild who want to get their entire guild transfered from Elvine to Aresden. We've replied their ticket with an open answer and are still discussing their transfer in the staff room. Yet they seem to take the answer as "negative" or assume the long waiting is "negative". Things take time to discuss in a staff with people who have jobs or go to college, we're not here 24/7. As we've always mentioned in the past, We usually dont like to move people from towns. actually we charge for it because we dont like it. Yet I've seen that the towns are outnumbered, as always, but understand this server already has like 5 years uptime already and balance have switched from one side to another A LOT of times already without us (the staff) messing with it. Besides, transfering a guild free of charge will obviously cause dissatisfaction at those players who did donate for their transfer.
  2. WhiteFang

    Brainstorming-Item Cooldown

    As long as you don't run a server with it, i don't really mind, as nemesis was first anyway and nemesis has it up-and-running already for a long time. It's good to hear people like nemesis ;)
  3. WhiteFang

    Problem With Resolution

    You have to apply the same thing client-side. Client side it also has the same 10 & 7 limits to width & height of drawing. The things you've changed are just the server side so the server would send the info of a larger range to the client. Now you must edit your client too to accept the larger range and also draw this larger range. Also keep the next thing in mind: When enlarging the screen aswell as the view-range of players, you're massively increasing the packet sizes of these data, which are packets sent VERY VERY often to the client. Rapidly growing packets like these should be taken special care of, calculations must be fast, sending must be smooth or people will just lagg from the larger view-area they got, especially if a lot of NPC/Player activity is going on there. If you really want to have a significant larger view-area (1024*768 or even larger) I recommand re-thinking the packet code related to this, restructure it, optimize calculations and performance of your ENTIRE game server. Aswell as upgrading your client to use DirectX 9c instead of the current DirectX 7 would make it a great advantage. There are some remarkable changes since DX 7 to 9c, especially the shade drawing has been much improved aswell as the DI and the merge of D3D and DS into a same equal layer (done in DX 8) will give a huge performance boost to the client. Also changing the entire drawing system around to use advantages of DX 9c and use 32-bit color drawing instead of 5-6-5 drawing as it does now will make it easier to color things around and it'll for sure increase performance A LOT. Besides the programatic things to keep in mind, you should also keep in mind that making a larger view-area for players, means they get to know easier as faster in a larger area if and where PvP is ongoing, it'll become harder to run off-screen when PvP'ing as everyone is having a larger view-area and someone wants to escape the current PvP action because of being overwhealmed (e.g. 1v10). It also gives the opportunity to people if they go to shop, wh, ch just to check if someone is raiding or a potentional EK is there, they can see their target location from a larger distance, if he/she encounters an enemy over there who's much stronger, running away is much easier, as the distance between the player and the enemy is already (in your example code) 12 tiles instead of 10 tiles, it gives a 2 tile-advantage. Also the ability for mages to cast from a further distance (2 tiles in your example) gives them the advantage over warrior. They can shoot a spell from a further distance, it'll also change the calculations of spells, especially linear spells who now get a much larger damage area in width. Also the range of certain high-level npcs (HC+) is set to the screen-range (or close to) to ensure when a player gets the npc in his screen, he'll be automatically targetted and gets hit, might get stunned, might be killed (by the npc or a chasing raid...), with a larger view-area, he has an advantage of 2 tiles (in your example) to already see the dangerous npc upcomming, quickly change direction to avoid it and he'll not even be seen/hit by the dangerous npc, therefore has more survival chances. You should be thinking about changing such things, it has a great effect on the game and its game play !
  4. WhiteFang

    Brainstorming-Item Cooldown

    @HBPLD: Yup, rooftops easy to make them not-drawn, in one SS you're ON TOP of the roof, so your rooftop doesn't draw OVER the character as it is suposed to be like that. Adding limited, corrupted, fragile and bound items is fairly easy too if you know how to code. Adding the non-duplicate items, cityhall menu's and item descriptions is also easy. It's just a matter of what you want, which course you're going with your server, yet nemesis was first with these, therefore you're just making a copy of nemesis but will never get it fully completed or done because by the time you're half way your copy of nemesis, we'll have new stuff released. ;)
  5. WhiteFang

    Brainstorming-Item Cooldown

    @HBPLD: nice what you got there, we already have this in nemesis for a couple months now, they're called "Limited Items" in nemesis ;) Also a very nice attemp to make the "old" aresden/elv maps work, although i see the Icebound Bridges in the right-top corner of your screen. Nemesis has overcome this obstacle about a year ago.
  6. WhiteFang

    Light 16% Wings

    Wings helmet has a 130 str requirement. It had a weight of 130000 stones, the str requirement = weight / 100 -> 130000 / 100 = 130. Applying the 16% light to the weight, this results in: 130000 * ((100 - 16) / 100) = 130000 * (84 / 100) = 130000 * 0,84 = 109200. Calculting again the str from the weight decreased light item: 109200 / 100 = 109,2 str required. Visually rounded down this results in a requirement of 109 str. Server calculates it based on weight, checks weight >= str * 100 instead of the expected weight / 100 >= str. Therefore in v5.39, you require 110 str as that is the next closest to 109,2 str. In v5.40 this weight formula will be changed to use (int)(weight / 100) >= str, so the actual 109 would be correct to use.
  7. WhiteFang

    Highest Angel In Game

    yup, it'll give more hitting probability and defense.
  8. Success rate is about 20% for magin items.
  9. WhiteFang

    Dexterity And Hitting Probability

    Yup, exactly as that, yet you have to keep in mind your opponent can also be 200 dex, having the mer neck on top of your 200 dex gives you the advantage of defending more of the incomming hits than your opponent ;)
  10. WhiteFang

    Heldenian Suggestions

    It's now already "hard" for some people to remember when sades or helds occur. The idea I also got is to add a global announcer in the same way as I did with summon events, it starts announcing 5h prior to the sade/held occuring and repeats the announcement untill it starts. If that announcer is combined with the 6h time-moving held, it'll be fairly clear when it'll start.
  11. WhiteFang

    What Does Angelic Pendant Of Lucidity Do?

    As stated, +20 is max (like with any other angel), the angel adds Illusion Resistance, 4% resistance is gained for each upgrade level (making 80% the max possible amount). Dropped by Illusion Dragons and Black Dragons.
  12. WhiteFang

    Dexterity And Hitting Probability

    DR & Dex relation is also fairly simple: DR = Dex * 2 Mag relation to HP for magic: It behaves the same way as Dex would behave for HP in physical damage (HP = Mag - 50) Side note: DR = Mag - 50 is also an applied formula for the defending player, magic can be defended (resisted) and mag helps in it.
  13. WhiteFang

    Dexterity And Hitting Probability

    That's exactly true, except that hitting probability is not expressed in %, it's just a "pure" value, a 200 dex player would have 150 hitting probability from his dex stat. Player's HP and DR is used to calculate the chance of hitting, a formula is applied using the attackers HP and target's DR as values to then calculate the chance of success to hit the enemy, a dice is thrown, if the dice rolls equal or higher then the chance of success to hit the enemy, the attack succeeds and damage is dealt. Anything that adds to your HP will increase your chance to hit your enemy successfully. Your enemy can counter your HP using DR items, which'll decrease your chance of hitting again.
  14. WhiteFang

    Dexterity And Hitting Probability

    Every DEX stat above 50 increases hitting probability by 1. Formula: HP = Dex - 50
  15. WhiteFang

    Heldenian Suggestions

    I agree on that one, I'm thinking of changing held so it runs a sequence of scheduled helds over and over. Every sunday a held is made, the next held will be 1 week later + 6 hours, so after 4 weeks the held would be the same time as it was the first week, this should give every player the chance to attend atleast 1 heldenian, the lucky ones can get 2 or 3 helds attended.
  16. WhiteFang

    Angels Upgeade

    Angel Upgrade Levels: http://www.helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=32879
  17. WhiteFang

    Mage Help - Angel And Level

    Angel Upgrade Levels: http://www.helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=32879
  18. WhiteFang

    Highest Angel In Game

    Angel Upgrade Levels: http://www.helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=32879
  19. WhiteFang

    Highest Angel In Game

    Highest Angels owned by players: Dex -> +19 Int -> +10 Mag -> +15 Str -> +15
  20. WhiteFang

    Brainstorming-Medu Bug

    no, the medusa paralyze is different, it's an ability-paralyze, not like a normal one. The bug in the dusa sword is that when you are held by the dusa-effect, and get crit by the dusa sword, you still FLY visually, but immidiately bump back to your original spot as if the FLY never happend. This causes the client to "bug" most of the time and make it likely impossible to escape the dusa sword once para'ed by it, as your client bugs, even if the dusa runs out or you manage to potentionally escape between 2 para hits of the sword, you can't because your coords are bugged kinda, therefore making death 100% sure by the usage of the sword. 2nd, but this is not a bug, the dusa sword is deadly as it can be passed on and on, and on, and on, and on... there's no item-cooldown on it. Therefore, fixing both of these issues makes the sword less over-powered, yet still EXTREEMLY powerfull obviously but more balanced into the game. Also the combo of dusa + xelima with 2 people, dusa fixed and item-cooldown still remains deadly, yet it can only happen once every 20 minutes instead of once every 10 seconds (when passing the items on)
  21. WhiteFang

    Brainstorming-Item Cooldown

    1. I don't know, most people use helbreath X sources, mostly are stable, but have some minor bugs or incompletions towards angels and majestic point system. 2. can't use free compilers, the sources contain microsoft-specific code, so you must use a visual studio. You can probably find a VS6 somewhere around the web to use for free.
  22. WhiteFang

    Is Hb Neme Portal Updated?

    Lightning Dragon and Black Dragon are the only 2 who drop FoT. Their drop rate is aprox equal to the rate to get a Rodr off these mobs.
  23. WhiteFang

    Is Hb Neme Portal Updated?

    You're watching in the right place. I think portal is just up-to-date prior to Twins and FoT update.
  24. WhiteFang

    Brainstorming-Item Cooldown

    You should not use the sp (short-pointer) for it. If you lookup the declaration of the sp, it'll look like this: short * sp; As HP is an integer (int), you'll need an int-pointer (ip). If it's not declared, declare it at the same place (top of the method) where the sp is declared: int * ip; Then in your piece of code, replace the sp with ip and it'll look like this: ip = (int *)cp; *ip = m_pClientList[wObjectID])>m_iHP; cp += 4; This concludes just the sending part from the game server to the client. The only thing you'd still have to do is increase the number of bytes sent when this packet is finally send to the client. Mostly the sending part in old code looks kinda like this: iRet = m_pClientList[iClientH]->m_pXSock->SendMsg(cData, 100); // the 100 here is the amount of bytes sent, if you add an integer (4 bytes) you must increase this value by 4. Now you also need to do the other way around, and lookup where that specific packet is being read/received in the client (in the LogEventHandler method). you'll probably need to make a new variable to store the HP of your "objects" (player/npc): int iHP; then just perform the opposite of the writing to read it: ip = (int *)cp; // This part is identical ! iHP = *ip; cp += 4; // This part is also identical ! Then somewhat below it, you'll need to edit the m_pMapData->bSetOwner method so you can also store the iHP value. This will probably also invlove you'd have to change other packets that make use of the bSetOwner method aswell as all other methods/pieces of code that use the bGetOwner method so you can also read the HP value. I'd like to note that even though the packets seem so simple if I explain you as you can mostly copy-paste my exact pieces of code, the code adjustments that need to be made to store just 1 more value shouldn't be underestimated, it can take a couple days to get everything covered and working again, yet you'd still have to TEST everything again to ensure it works properly as expected.
  25. WhiteFang

    Time To Pay Up, Blindside!

    Happy B-day jing ;) P.S. You got owner BlindSide :P