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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Neck Of Sufferent

    We're just planning to extend the formula for 50-% to the 50+% for the weapon and magic skills. MR and PR skills would be untouched so you'll need more effort to get these skills up.
  2. WhiteFang

    Neck Of Sufferent

    The Dragons in Dragonia will attemp to destroy you. Dragons have powers beyond humans, their wraith will hit you anywhere in their area. Perhaps I should take PR skill & items in account in the poison area. The 2,5 hours you talking about, you're right on thatone, we've scheduled a skill formula change for the weapon skills (long sword, hammer, etc) but keep the original formula for the skilling-skills (alchemy, fishing, manu'ing, etc)
  3. WhiteFang

    Does Winning Held Affect Droprate In Ml?

    As said... for BF map held winner gets +9% bonus.
  4. WhiteFang

    Angel Back To Majs

    Didn't think about slapping angels together to make one bigger... yet like 5 angels +5 don't make angel +25 lol, it maybe makes angel +6 or +7, perhaps +8 tops... Perhaps the ability to slap 2 angels together using Crafting/Alchemy/Manufacturing could be a good idea, if the additional requirements (stones/ores/ingots/materials/...) are sufficiently high enough. And obviously the cost would be losing 1 or the 2 angels aswell as losing the materials, so the final result would be 1 angel with both slapped together (upgrade lvl back to majs for both angels, then upgrade the angel to the maximum possible lvl based on the majestics of both angels, the left over majestics could perhaps be either lost as a cost of slapping together, added to your total majestic count, I would prefer the first)
  5. WhiteFang

    Angel Back To Majs

    I mainly dislike the idea because I don't see any reason to return my angel back to majs. If I took an angel and upgraded it, then change stats and no longer need the angel, i'd simply trade it off for an equal angel I do could use with my new build. In any other case you've purchased the angel to use with your build, every majestic spent on the angel is a well earned and good considered majestic, you don't "upgrade by accident".
  6. WhiteFang


    yes i had that happen to me on another server years ago! and i think i did get cancelled this time aswel! well done MJ bug detected xD To get back on-topic... Yes, I've seen the same thing happen as well. Any idea what could cause that, White? First thing I hear about it, but already know the cause and got the solution. Originally I applied a fix that upon teleporting the mim effect is removed (visually) so when switching maps, the mim would no longer be visible for yourself or other players. Probably on that removal I forgot to delete the delay-event, making it possible to re-use the previous delay event instead of creating a new one with a new timer running. The solution to this is very simple, add a piece of code that deletes the delay-event upon teleporting aswell.
  7. WhiteFang


    i'll use my Shiny Charizard (he's awesomely black !) :P wtf? u got a black charizard? o.o i had a golden magicarp as a bug, but never saw black charizard ... I even got a pink mew... a uniqicum on pokemon black/white lol :P it's a "shiny mew" as they call it xD Also I got a shiny ponyta, it's the horse with flame tail, but shiny form its tail is blue fire instead of red !
  8. WhiteFang

    Fix Pc Bug

    where you say "CHAR A CRITS CHAR B EXACTLY WHEN HE PC" that is when B clicks "pretend corpse" in skill list and waits server to reply "success" or "fail" right? at the "waiting" point char A hits B ?
  9. WhiteFang


    it would be a paralyze-like effect called "stun", you're electrocuted by the lightning, so there is a chance when you're moving (walk or run) that you get stunned for a split second, it would be like a para of 1 second basically lol, it would make players run in a sequence of run - stand - run - stand - run - run - stand. just giving an example, you'd be running and suddenly you're affected by the electrocution which makes your muscles freeze up making you unable to move. Basically it would be indicated in your HP bar where you see "poisoned" now, would be "electrocuted" or something simeliar... we'd also see "Burned" and "Wounded" comming with different visual effects to each one of them.
  10. WhiteFang


    We always test on nemesis test server before releasing major changes.
  11. WhiteFang

    Fix Pc Bug

    Can describe me more detailed exactly how to repeat the situation or cause the bug?
  12. WhiteFang


    i'll use my Shiny Charizard (he's awesomely black !) :P
  13. WhiteFang

    Npcs Announce Events

    <p> </p><p> </p> <p>Quests will get storylines over time, where npcs tell an indevidual and unique story troughout a quest or questline (= a number of quests that must be completed in a specific order, often requiring to talk to different npcs).</p> <p>In our next release, we'll already see one of the new quest type possiblities become available, unique quests, that are quests that can only be completed once for your character, it's unique. The first set of unique quests will be the Dark Knight/Mage Quests, where new players can take these quests to obtain their first Dark Knight/Mage set after completing the quest.</p> <p>If you got some nice ideas for quests yourself, feel free to post them here or PM them directly to me. If it's interesting enough, you can expect to see your quests comming to nemesis ;)</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p><div> </div> <div>I don't really get this one, what would they be announcing then? you mean like chat above their head like when players chatting in white?</div>
  14. WhiteFang

    Fix Pc Bug

    What is the actual issue with pretend corpse? client crash when standing up again or what?
  15. WhiteFang


    You've seen the nemesis future... If you've read my topics in the past very carefully you've probably heard about "additional effects" aside of Poison effect... Burn... Stun...Wound... it's scheduled...
  16. WhiteFang

    Skills Should Be Transferable

    ppl with a crazy mind would donate to obtain one or more items from nemesis lol. With current received donations so far, nemesis is ensured to be another 2 to 3 years free-to-play while only 3 items were donated for actually... Compare that to other server where 99% of the players donated to get rare items... in nemesis it's no even 1% of the players. But yeah, I can agree on a skill move/transfer for a donation price of 25~50$ or something (for full skill tree swap between 2 chars) Note: What I just said right here, is only an IDEA, it doesn't mean it'll happen !
  17. WhiteFang

    Fix Pc Bug

    It's the maconhado-trap I made for you over there... no, it's actually a mapdata bug, v5.40 will have it fixed ;)
  18. WhiteFang

    Npcs Announce Events

    :ph34r: Ninja events not cool, nobody would know, doesn't make em good. Npcs will give you quests when talking to them (in v5.40+ atleast), they might have some unique quests, perhaps some seasonal (easter, x-mas, summer holiday, ...) quests or even time-limited quests to daily, weekly, monthly quests... in the next version of nemesis (v5.40) anything like that is perfectly possible, over time quest numbers will be gradually expanded to many different npcs, even hidden npcs in corners of maps or roaming npcs will occur in the future who might have that one special quest for you available...
  19. I'd like to have an open discussion related to mage vs war pvping. Especially I like feedback, comments and suggestions towards improvements of the current DK set, aswell as the shield & hammer strip rates. Current Facts: - DK Chain: 6k end - DK Hat: 2,5k end - DK Robe: 5,5k end - DK legs: 5k end - DK berk: 3k end - DK Plate: 7,5k end - DK Helm: 4k end Strip Rates: - Hammer: 25% - BH: 33% - BBH: 50% - GBH: 62% - Axe: 16% - War Axe: 20% - Baxe: 25% - K-axe: 33% ----------------------------------------------------------- To make a better balance in mage vs war, I prefer changing the endurances of mage DK items rather then changing the strip rates. If it comes to axe strip rate vs shield, perhaps a decrement of strip rate should be applied. My suggestion towards DK for mages: - DK Chain: 8k end (+2k end) - DK Hat: 2,5k end (+0 end) - DK Robe: 7k end (+2,5k end) - DK legs: 6k end (+1k end) - DK berk: 4k end (+1k end) - DK Plate: 7,5k end (+0 end) - DK Helm: 4k end (+0 end) Strip Rates: - Axe: 12% - War Axe: 16% - Baxe: 20% - K-axe: 25% Feel free to comment on my suggestion, if you comment, make a positive suggestion of how it would be better. don't go like "it sux" or "it's bad", that doesn't help us balancing it properly to even out the pvp. Also keep this golden rule in mind: We want to keep pvp matches, war vs war or mage vs war or mage vs mage around the time limit of 45~60 minutes. a 2 hour pvp match is too long, especially for war vs war. Side Note: Endu for mage or war legs is equal, if a diff end must be applied, then mage legs should have a mage requirement.
  20. WhiteFang

    Review Of Mana Convert % Cap

    Fixed that... with the IPB upgrade of a couple months ago we had to re-design the entire layout, some parts were forgotten, such as poll views lol... Now I've quickly edited the layout so it looks nicer again now ;)
  21. WhiteFang

    Hp Steal Itens?

    //#define DEF_MORE_ATTRIBUTES // Enables more Attributes Waiting to be implemented... Perhaps we'll see new attributes comming to Nemesis along with Godly and Dark Hero sets later on ;)
  22. WhiteFang

    Discussion: Mage Vs War Pvp - Dk Set & Strip

    I was thinking equally on that in the original design of the endurances. I calculated them based on the Hero Set, Knight Set and normal armor pieces. In all of those, the mage's armor has less endurance than war armors. Perhaps a decrement in strip rates and stun rates should be done, since the FPS fix, there is nothing that boosts your speed in the game, causing stun to be more violent and deadly than ever before... Perhaps the original HB has the same FPS boost issue (unsure though !) and therefore increased the stun rates, as people escape too easy due to the speed boost... --- I'd like to hear more real rates and numbers as a suggestion rather than agree or disagree one or more values should be changed.
  23. WhiteFang

    A Way To Obtain A Used Special Magic Scroll

    OnTopic: Having the ability to turn spells back into manuals would more equalize the rarity vs weapons, weapons can be switched/traded/given/lended for free, spells cannot AT ALL, which is like complete opposite. Yet I think a fee should apply, you've learned the spell, it doesn't take up any slot in your inventory (advantage vs weapons !) so a fee to transform it back to its manual form would be applicable though, something in the range of contribution points would work, as you contribute do quests and contribute towards helping citizens of your town, you gain contribution points which can be spent on services offered from the town citizens (spell -> manual, take hero, take DK, maintain guild, hire a hunting area, ...) OffTopic: I'll open a new topic for mage vs war discussion in the current situation as-is related to DK-set endurances, shield strip rates and hammer strip rates.
  24. WhiteFang

    Brainstorming-Item Cooldown

    syntax is 99% equal if it comes to base types, in java you just have the java-base classes to use (java.*) which offers alot possibilities. In C++ this doesn't exist, you have to include Windows libraries or use the .NET framework if you want aprox equal or more abilities as in java. And most important, C++ has pointers, java doesn't.
  25. WhiteFang

    A Way To Obtain A Used Special Magic Scroll

    what's the unbalance here, and what do you suggest to improve/restore balance?