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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    New Spells.

    I have 100 hp, my enemy got 600 hp left. If I hit the enemy with the spell, i get 600 hp, and my enemy gets my 100 hp. After that I can kill him or something cuz he low hp. Could also work defensive mode, if i got 600 hp, my team m8 is getting raped in a para, sleep or is running away with like 50 hp. I cast spell, i get 50 hp, he gets my 600 hp. It gives him a chance to escape, but probably i'll be aimed, yet if i manage to get it off from the corner of the screen i could quickly run away to get myself safe, saving the both of us.
  2. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Connection Lost!

    Make sure to have downloaded the latest client.
  3. WhiteFang

    New Spells.

    Anything is possible.
  4. WhiteFang

    New Spells.

    It's what we call Fury of Thor. It's what we call Hell Fire. Nah, Fury of Thor is a lightning spell, and Hell Fire is a fire spell. Energy Strike is also lightning spell... meteor strike is a fire spell... I don't get your point there lol
  5. Find one and figure it out ;)
  6. WhiteFang

    New Spells.

    It's what we call Fury of Thor. It's what we call Hell Fire.
  7. WhiteFang

    Training Shield.

    ... we ( old players ) waste many days to get shield skills, yes, i agrree with macon, we spent a long time doing our skills, and our reward for doing it. is getting 100%. next people will start complain that it is hard to get 100% manu or alk. and that should be reduced too. P.s. iam not an old player, iam just old... i only been playing for around 2.5 years skills such as manu, alchemy etc are complained about because the effort vs the reward is too low, 100% to manu knight armor is just not worth it to some people... Farming a ginseng but can't do shit with it sux... fishing that gold carp without being able to use it is pointless... making a demon potion that can be used once upon a time for a demon which spawns for a short period takes too long to obtain the ingredients... people underestimate the value or don't consider effort vs value to be equal. In some cases I completely agree, but increasing the training speed/decreasing the "hardness" of the skill isn't a good solution to the problem. The real problem is effort vs value, so we must increase the value to make it worth the effort, such as adding manu'able DK sets or stronger & better alchemy pots that use fish and farming materials to be made.
  8. WhiteFang

    Tired Of Those Spies ...

    You can use the WEB WAREHOUSE between the same account anyway, so xfer items between your own chars using that feature. Perhaps we could possibly expand it to allow linking of multiple web warehouses together as 1 big, or allow sending items from one web wh to another...
  9. WhiteFang

    Training Shield.

    I don't need to suggest, I only need to make it lol. Wait, I already made it... Next version shield training speed will be faster !
  10. WhiteFang


    The current anti-puller system requires a GM to confirm the pulling in a live-battle or an extremely well taped video. The new anti-puller system (next version) will give the GMs the ability to verify a pull without seeing it with their own eyes. Yet development is on-hold due to my personal life being very busy right now. It should calm down next week though.
  11. WhiteFang

    Aresden Map Down 11/03/2012 [Fixed]

    Nemesis doesn't own money, nemesis spends it all on server costs and protection to keep the game free-to-play and online which an up time as high as possible. If players would donate enough to pay for what I develop on monthly basis, i'd work for nemesis 24/7, unfortunately nothing i earned and all I do is in my spare time and for free. Therefore you shouldn't complain, the donations can only cover server expenses, not server full-time-development and permanent monitoring. P.S. I think the map should be online again now?
  12. WhiteFang

    Brainstorming-Item Cooldown

    Yup, cuz pointers create memory leaks... pointers create access violations... pointers create buffer overflow... pointers create memory override... pointers just cause massive headaches if you don't know how to use them.
  13. WhiteFang

    Fix Map

    lotto tickets will return, the dusa sword will be removed from the ticket list. Hello is there any usefull u can get from loto tickets here ?? i mean not ruby ring or sex pot... Lesser rare manual like MFS, BSW, ... xelima necklace (one of this was already obtained earlier by a player from tickets !), resu/zerk/kloness wand MS10 only (not MS20), ... there are more rares you can obtain, it's sure worth it playing lotto.
  14. WhiteFang

    Need Some Help

    Try using another monitor or try replacing your graphics card, either one looks like it's broken.
  15. WhiteFang

    Fix Map

    lotto tickets will return, the dusa sword will be removed from the ticket list.
  16. WhiteFang

    Fix Map

    The fix of this map is scheduled in next version already.
  17. WhiteFang

    Need Some Help

    can you listen carefully to the beeps and tell me how many SHORT and how many LONG beeps you hear. Based on that you can probably find the error on the internet... Link to site which helps you determine the error based on beeps: http://www.computerhope.com/beep.htm
  18. WhiteFang

    Wipe Server?

    Whiping is bad... You unstatisfy the current community as they lose their items and effort. There is no guarantee these people will stay in your community and start over again after a whipe. It's also uncertain if old players would come back and start over again, you're only 1 saying you would, yet there are 51k other accounts who might not come back. Often people who quit nemesis for the fact that a small group of players has massive items are playing another server or even another game. They won't even notice if nemesis would whipe. By the time they do, the server is already half-geared again and they don't take the effort anymore to return. Personally I would possibly only consider (doesn't mean I would) a whipe if the population is dying due to item-overflow, if the population downgraded too much for a long period of time or if the game code changes in such a way a whipe becomes a requirement. In any other case I wouldn't even consider it, especially not people "threatning" to "whipe and i'll come back", 1 voice vs 51k accounts is 0,002% of the community, I see that as insufficient to make a voice.
  19. WhiteFang

    Suggest Your Quest Ideas !

    I'd love to hear your idea of quests to be added over time after the release of v5.40. What's possible? ANYTHING ! To be more specific: - Quest Types: Normal (= solo), Party (= needs party), Guild (= needs guild) - Quest Conditions: - Old: Minimum Level - Specific quests are available/unavailable for specific level range - Old: Maximum Level - Specific quests are available/unavailable for specific level range - New: Quest Completed - A specific quest must be completed before this quest can be started (mainly used for chain and conditional quests) - New: Quest Not Completed - A specific quest shouldn't be completed before this quest can be started (mainly used for conditional quests) - New: Gender - Your character must have a specific gender (mainly used when the reward is gender-specific) - Old: Side - You must be of a specific side (neutral, elvine, aresden, civilian, combatant), all currently known quests are both-sided (elv + ares) so this was basically never used, this condition is now optional, without it, the quest is available to any side - Old: Skill - You must have a specific % in a specific skill to start this quest (There were never such quests) - New: Completed Count - The completion count of this current quest must be less or equal then the set condition (used to make Unique quests or repeatable quests with a max number of times to repeat) - New: Current Time Before - The current timestamp must be earlier than the time set in the condition (used to make quests limited in date, Anual quests, Quest of the month, ...) - New: Current Time After - The current timestamp must be after the set time in the condition (used to make quests available after a specific date, usefull for adding a quest earlier and giving it a specific release date) - New: Current Year - The current year must match the set condition (used to make a quest for a specific year, mostly used in combination with current month and/or current day) - New: Current Month - The current day must match the set condition (used to make quests for a specific month, mostly used in seasonal or monthly quests, e.g. x-mas quest) - New: Current Day - The current day must match the set condition (used to make quests for a specific day, mostly used for special occasion days such as x-mas, new year, ...) - New: Last Completed Year - The difference between current time and the last completed time (in years) must be equal or larger than the set condition (used to make yearly quests) - New: Last Completed Month - The difference between current time and the last completed time (in months) must be equal or larger than the set condition (used to make monthly quests) - New: Last Completed Day - The difference between current time and the last completed time (in days) must be equal or larger than the set condition (used to make dayly quests) - New: Last Completed Hour - The difference between current time and the last completed time (in hours) must be equal or larger than the set condition (used to make hourly quests) - Quest Objectives: - Old: Monsters - Kill a specific amount of monsters. (ObjectID defines npc Type, -1 defines any) - Old: Observe - Observe a specific location (walk within the range on the set map). Used in the past for stupid observe quests in enemy town, future use will be to make quests like "go to the barracks entrance in farm" - New: Items - Gather a specific amount of items in your bag. Dropping & taking the same item(s) over and over won't work towards the completion, you must have a specific amount (stacked) in your bag. (items will be deleted upon completion of the quest !) (ObjectID defines Item ID) - New: Contribution Points - Have an equal or higher amount of contribution points then the set amount. (points will be kept upon completion of the quest) - New: Level - Have an equal or higher level then the set level. - New: Skill - Have an equal or higher skill % then the set skill. (ObjectID defines skill ID, -1 defines any) - New: Majestic - Have an equal or higher amount of majestic points then the set amount. (points will be kept upon completion of the quest) - New: EK - Have an equal or higher amount of Enemey Kills then the set amount. (kills will be kept upon completion of the quest) - New: PK - Have an equal or higher amount of Player Kills then the set amount. (kills will be kept upon completion of the quest) - New: Gain Item - Gain a set amount of a specific item from a MONSTER DROP. Dropping your own & taking the same item(s) over and over won't work towards the completion, a monster MUST have dropped the item and you must pick it up (there's no requirement that you must be the killed of the mob, this could be a semi-requirement when Gain Item and Monsters are combined as 2 objectives for 1 quest) - New: Gain Contribution Points - Gain a set amount of contribution points since the quest was started. - New: Gain Level - Gain a set amount of levels since the quest was started. - New: Gain Skill - Gain a set amount of skill % since the quest was started. - New: Gain Majestic - Gain a set amount of majestic points since the quest was started. - New: Gain EK - Gain a set amount of Enemy Kills since the quest was started. - New: Gain PK - Gain a set amount of Player Kills since the quest was started. Quest Rewards types: - New: Permanent - This reward is ALWAYS given upon completion, no exceptions possible - Old: Random - 1 reward is chosen out of ALL random reward types and is given to the player upon completion. - New: Choice - 1 reward can be chosen by the player out of ALL choice reward types and is given to the player upon completion. - New: Rand Value - This reward is ALWAYS given upon completion, the player receives a minimum of 1 and a maximum of the set amount value times this reward (e.g. rand value gold 100k -> player can get 1~100k gold, it's random !). - New: Quest - This reward is ALWAYS given upon completion, no exceptions possible. This reward type adds the quest with the ID of RewardID to the current player's quest list. This reward type is used to make chain quests follow right after eachother WITHOUT the interfearance of an NPC that must be talked to in order to complete the original or receive the new quest. Quests without this reward type will require the player to visit the reward NPC. Quests who have 1 or multiple of this reward type will auto-complete themselfs giving the reward(s) to the player and starting the follow-up quest automatically. Quest reward sub-types (can be combined with almost any quest reward type): - Old: Items - Get a specific item as a reward - Old: Contribution Points - The original quests will ALL have a permanent contribution point reward to reward contri to players, probably later on specific quests won't have a perm contri reward. - Old: Item - The original quests always have 2 random reward types, one is Gold, the other is exp - Old: Experience - The original quests always have 2 random reward types, one is Gold, the other is exp - New: Majestic Points - Instead of giving a massive amount of exp to equalize 1 or multiple majestic points, this type was added to make the rewarding of majestics much easier. - New: Enemy Kill Points - Can be positive to reward, or negative to be taken away - New: Player Kill Points - Can be positive to reward, or negative to be taken away -------------------------------------------------------- I'd love to see nice quest ideas with conditions, objectives and reward. Eventually a storyline (in english !!) is also very welcome. If making a more story-based quest (or quest-line) feel free to add names of npcs who'd give out the quests and npc names where to complete quests, these can be completely invented npcs and/or names of npcs. If making new npcs, it's nice to add a description of their personality and how they'd look in-game. -------------- Current Quest Ideas to be considered by the Staff: *none*
  20. WhiteFang

    Suggest Your Quest Ideas !

    Yes, it is planned for larger parties, party member displaying on minimap aswell as HP/MP display at the side of the screen (can ofc choose to show full, show minimal or hide completly) It'll come... have patience ;)
  21. WhiteFang

    Wipe Server?

    No, and this is the final answer from the Nemesis Staff. Nemesis is still alive, there is a decent population of playing people. There's no reason to whipe, we make helbreath for our current community, not for a community that "might" "possibly" "sometime" "if they feel like" come (back) to Nemesis.
  22. WhiteFang

    Suggest Your Quest Ideas !

    I like this idea, yet need more coding to be able to implement this. the "Wanted" type quests are quests that get their objective dynamically created, you can't know the target before it is determined using specific target-conditions (top eker last week, top eker this month, top eker in nemesis, last eker of a guild member, ...). I'll add this "wanted" type quests to the TODO list for sure, you guys seem to be very interested to get this type of quests.
  23. WhiteFang

    Suggest Your Quest Ideas !

    As I said before: Quest Rewards types: - New: Choice - 1 reward can be chosen by the player out of ALL choice reward types and is given to the player upon completion. It's a POSSIBLE quest reward type, at this point all gold/xp quest rewards are random, but feel free invent me nice quests where you have a choice.
  24. WhiteFang

    Suggest Your Quest Ideas !

    I like this idea, I'd like to take it beyond and make it more challanging... Reward is degraded by time spent on completing, e.g. basic time is let's say 20 minutes for 10 liches in D3, instead of failing the questing when not completed in 20 minutes, the reward degrades over time, if you'd spend 40 minutes (double the time) you get half the reward for example. That makes it challanging to go questing and requiring you to do it fast. Anyway, I like your idea but I'd like to see actual quest ideas such as: (just an example !) Kill 20 Liches in D3 in 20 minutes, rewards are 40 contri (permanent), 300k xp (random) and 150k gold (random)
  25. WhiteFang

    Suggest Your Quest Ideas !

    That's already comming lol xD What I wanne hear is real ideas for quests like "kill 2k frosts in IB and earn *censored*ing 2 billion gold or 10k majestics" idk some ideas, i heard nice basics, but no really good structured idea. I do like the "EK-revenge" or "player-target" quests, you go CH and get a player assigned to kill, you kill him and get a reward.