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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Auction House

    We have taken a couple of suggestion into account and applied some of them straight away ! What have we recently changed in the Auction House? - Auction Period: You can now CHOOSE from a fixed list for how long you want to put your item up. You can choose between 12h, 24h, 36h, 48h, 3 days or 1 week. Please be careful when selecting a longer period of time, your item will be LOCKED within the Auction House for the selected period ! - Auction Packets: You can now sell a bunch of items together as a packet. To do this, go to the Sell tab in the AH and right above your Web WH item list you have a "sell packet" button, click it to start building your packet. Select the items you wish to include in the packet, give it a PROPER NAME (choosing an inproper or misleading name for you packet is considered AH ABUSE (rule # 26 !) and may result in a ban, or a penalty fee to your balance), choose a Bid (and optionally buyout) price for your ENTIRE packet (all items TOGETHER) and select the period of time you wish to list this packet for. Packets can be recognised in the Search tab with the Bold-Itelic "P" in front of the packet name. Packet content is listed right below the Packet name, the item names are idented and written in italic text.
  2. WhiteFang


    True, usa & korea servers are official servers, nemesis is a private one... both of them got a company supporting them, nemesis doesn't and still we are the oldest private server still online. They only started "gaining" population 6 months ago, the first 1,5 years they wern't known or populated at all, therefore considered non-existing. I guess Legion has a dedicated 24/7 coder where his job is to code it 24/7 and live from the donations... Nemesis doesn't have a dedicated 24/7 coder, all the staff in nemesis is either in college or has a job that earns more than donations, which allows nemesis to go on without any donations, while a server like legion (now olympia) can't do that (and also all other popular servers). I never heard complaints when nemesis was young, yet this server is up for a week and people already bitch about balance and choose the side with most players (elvine), it's bad advertising if you got unbalance from the start as it is unlikely to restore itself. True, nor are things perfectly balanced over time, balance always swings from left to right (elv to ares) and will keep doing that, there'll never be a permanent equality between both towns, but keeping the swing/curve in the balancing is important, if it starts to die or is close to death or already dead, a server will die to it. Seeing olympia has troubles with this at the start already, i think it indeed won't last... nemesis is watching the town balance at this current moment very closely as it seems to start starving now, for the first time in 10 years ! By now possibly yes, my figures are slightly out-dated as I don't keep a close look to numbers every minute. It's still a breakup, it's still a change in owner/name which breaks with the old and a new starts. Why i think it won't last long? simple reason, no other server lasted with such popularity longer than 6 months and starve to death in the end. being around as a server isn't a highlight, being around gets you a name, it establishes value, it creates a brand of its own, that is what being around is all about... people always fall back to the known and established values in the market, you see it in real life every day all day long that people choose for the known and established products and services, they will for sure try something new, but in the end always end up back at the old, established and well known product as they know what they get there. If there's no server "booming", then people always return to nemesis, that is what "being around" has brought us, we are and established value in the market and will always be here. If you like another server better, you're free to go at any time...
  3. WhiteFang

    Strip Rate Of Blood X

    It has the same strip rate of battle axe.
  4. WhiteFang


    It's online again !
  5. WhiteFang

    Strip Rate Of Blood X

    the rare of blood axe is higher, i think it has same rate as battle axe (need to verify with src, but don't got it here where i am posting from now). i know for sure it is atleast higher than normal war axes.
  6. WhiteFang

    Hy All About Bd

    We plan to expand party size to a larger number, but such updates need to be tested and also take time to develop. It's not just simply changing a vlaue "8" to "9999999999999999" or something, it's more than that. There are multiple checks and packets that send just 8 pieces of info related to the party as there are 8 members, we'd have to adjust this behavior to use the "DEF_MAX_PARTYMEMBERS" value (which we will set to a higher number). We'd also have to expand the experience formula for party members so when 9, 10, 11, 12 or more ppl are in, they get more exp. We need to change the fixed switch to a real formula, now it's just fixed numbers for each count.
  7. WhiteFang

    Ma %

    yes, cape is part of "armor" MA. Actually EVERY item that has the stat saying "Magical Absorption +x%" is part of the "armor-ma" which is max 80%. In crazy cases (when made by admins), emmy ring CAN have stat MA+36% for example and that 36% would count towards the 80% MA for your set AND give another 20% from the emmy ring's effect itself !
  8. WhiteFang

    Ma %

    yes, shields are part of the 80% armor.
  9. WhiteFang


    6 months ago a new server names "hb legion" opened... there mass players 300+ also... 6 months laters hb legion DIED... Let's talk again in another 6 months.... hb olympia will be dead too... I heard already that over there is even MORE town unbalance than within nemesis, and they just started... Nemesis is the ONLY server that has been here for over a DECADE (that's 10 damn years) now. Nemesis has only 1 "reset" or "whipe" as you like to call it (nemesis 1 to nemesis 2, which was mearly a reset for code-reasons rather than owner change which occurs every 6 months to other hb's). Nemesis never changed owner. Nemesis will be here in 6 months... and the next 6 months... and the next... and the next... and the next... and the next... and the next... and the next... and the next... and the next... and the next... and the next... and the next... it'll be here in 2030 also... so there is hope for those who have been banned :P Servers come... servers go... but nemesis will survive (as long as you buy something -- Just kidding -> ref. Diablo 3, Merchant in Act 3 and Act 4)... (HB Legion, HB World, HB Lux, HB Poland, HB Europe, HB LMDL, HB Tiger, HB LOTR, ... I can name 100ths of servers that died or changed owner within 6 months of being online) P.S. Buying or not doesn't make a difference, with or without donations nemesis will stay. It does make a diff in other servers, most of them are greedy and only want money and don't care to put mass rares in their game (ref. HB World, HB Legion, HB Banana) Back to the topic subject again: With recent town changes occuring I personally feel more and more the pressure of moving 1 elvine guild to aresden to balance aresden in timezones. Don't get me wrong, towns are in BALANCE if you don't consider town zones. The amount of active players in elv & ares is aprox equal (sufficient to have a balance in numbers), yet the only problem that remains is the timezone difference. When elv is AFK, all aresden is online... when ares is AFK, all elvine is online... and that is the issue... As we see now, some aresdens have been changing town to elvine, and elvine has notified doing so. this change creates more space in aresden to move an entire guild to aresden. Yet this is just my opinion, and I am not the "entire staff" on my own, therefore it is just my opinion... only if the entire staff agrees on moving an elvine guild to aresden we will do so. [edit] @von: we arn't money hungry, those aresdens just donated for it. We just do the town change as they have chosen for it. If you read my explenation right above, you'd know that both towns are in balance and that there is no reason to refuse it. The only "issue" is the out-of-sync timezones, where as i said before, towns are turning completely opposite against eachother in timezones. Another solution would be to move also one aresden guild to elvine, this would balance out all timeszones... but as I said before, I am not the only one who makes the decision, we are an entire staff to rule about this matter.
  10. WhiteFang

    Ma %

    no, emmy ring is NOT considered armor. Nor are elemental/protection necklaces considered armor for a specific element. You can simply "add up" the %'s of the armors, magin emerald, ring and necklace. Let me explain very easy with an example: Armor: 80% MA (= max) Ring: emmy (20% MA) Magin Emerald: 10% MA (100% completion) IE Necklace (50% water/ice MA) Let's say a mage casts a blizzard spell and you would get hitted for 100 if you didn't have MA. As you have MA, this will happen: 80% (armor) of 100 = 80 -> 100 - 80 = 20 damage 10% (magin) of 20 = 2 -> 20 - 2 = 18 damage 20% (ring) of 18 = 3,6 (= 3) -> 18 - 3 = 15 damage 50% (neck) of 15 = 7,5 (= 7) -> 15 - 7 = 8 damage As a result of all sets together, you'd be hit -8pts only. As you see in the example, you just don't simply count %'s together (which would be 80 + 10 + 20 + 50 = 160%).
  11. WhiteFang

    Ma %

    as said.
  12. WhiteFang

    Wanted Players And Rewards

    oh ok. i understand now. sorry for the misunderstanding earlier. u really wouldnt want me to name a whole load of talkers and your so called ball-less players from elv.. and i can tell u that by pressing ctrl+g u can already see a whole load. *coughs coughs coughs* The real way to get a list of all shit-talkers is this way: SELECT cCharName FROM CHARACTER_T WHERE iAdminLevel=0 anyway, on-topic again: I do like the idea of some kind of "wanted" person, we have been having some idea to put them in the quest system. Some kind of revenge quest where you get double the EK if you kill the player that has last killed you (1 EK from killing him, 1 EK as quest reward) or some other kind of reward such as contribution points. The other idea is some kind of "global" wanted player, a random target that is currently online in the enemy's town (and not being AFK), the quest would change on-the-fly as players log out or if you fail to kill the target player within a given time. One more idea is to make the player with the most consecutive EKs become the wanted player instead of the random player of the previous idea.
  13. WhiteFang

    Auction House

    Now I completely understand it. Yet I do not like that system. If you don't want your roam sold for 80~120 USD, then put starting bid price at 120 USD and buyout at 140 USD. If you think 120 USD is too high for the item, you can put it in the AH again the next day at a lower price like 110 USD and see if it gets sold or not... and keep dropping till it sells if you just wanne get rid of it and sell the item.
  14. WhiteFang

    Auction House

    I like your suggestions and I also want to give some feedback on them: 1. a 50% fee and a 1 USD fee makes it more complicated then it already is with the 1 USD & 15% fee we got now. Besides complication, we also don't like to deal with minor/small amounts of money as that doesn't cover fees from paypal these small amounts, that's why we got minimum cash-in & cash-out values set to ensure the value is worth transfering. Keeping your 4th suggestion in mind, this issue can be easly resolved where as people can combine multiple smaller items into bigger "packs". 2. I've seen a 48h auction house in another game, there they reduced it to 36 hours where as I think 24 hours is enough. a longer auction time would only make sense if cancelling the auction would be added too, but we're not sure yet if this is a good or bad idea. 3. I don't understand this suggestion at all, please clearify more and add some example(s) in it as I think the suggestion might be worth it. 4. I've been thinking about that too, adding the ability to build an "auction pack" in the AH upon selling your items. you put together different items into a "pack" or "packet" and sell the packet as a whole on the auction house with a bid (and buyout) price for the packet as a whole, you buy the entire packet or you buy nothing. Although that might also not be wanted, if a player likes just a single item of the packet, it should perhaps be allowed to buy them as a single also. Maybe a combination of packet & single buying would be great in such way that you can build a packet and as a seller choose to allow buying a single item out of the packet or not allowing this. To give an example: "MP set 350% packet", Bid 100$, buyout 200$... let's say we got chain, berk, hose and shield in it... 30$ bid a piece and 60$ buyout a piece. -> people can either buy the packet as a whole paying 100$ in bid or 200$ in buyout, or buy a single piece at 30$ bid or 60$ buyout. as you see, packet is cheaper than indevidual pieces, which is also a nice thing to have as you prolly prefer selling it as a whole rather than separated. buy if someone do desires 1 or 2 items from your packet, he/she can still buy it. If you wonder about the bidding process of such combined packets, I'd make it simple, bids on packets gets priority over bids on single items. As for buyout there is still some kinda issue, where as someone buys a single piece out of the packet, there would (in this example) remaing 3 pieces, but how will you price them? it's not simple math of packet price - (minus) single piece price (as our piece price is higher than the theoretical average per piece (which is 25$ on bid, 50$ on buyout))... cancelling the entire packet would be one option, but you wanne sell the 3 remaining pieces also, and it takes more effort to put again the packet of 3 or the 3 indevidually remaining pieces after someone bought just a single piece out of your packet. Perhaps some additional 2 values for each item should be added it which is something like "packet bid/buyout price reduction if this piece is bought" so if someone buys the MP 70% chain, you can make total packet price reduce by a higher/different value than when someone bought the MP 35% hauberk... This would give a solution to the issue of someone buying a single piece out of the packet as each piece has a "packet" price. The simplest would be not to allow different single-piece prices in a packet, that way if you count single prices together, it's always equal to packet prices... but I think people will prefer to differ the price of single pieces that adding up prices of single pieces is more expensive than buying the packet as a whole. As you see, there's alot of possibilities in this 4th suggestion, i've been thinking about it but havn't come to a proper solution yet...
  15. WhiteFang

    Auction House

    The Auction House is already online for BETA testing right now. While in BETA, an Administrator will monitor ALL transactions LIVE (he just sits and watches everything VERY closely with his finger at the button which shuts the AH immidiately).
  16. WhiteFang

    Elv Map Offline?

    it should be online now.
  17. WhiteFang

    Skill Progress Bar

    Dang it man I was seriously waiting all day for the forums to come back up to post this suggestion lol. Ah well. Anyways, here is my mock up of what I was thinking, just an idea. It's simple and accessible without crowding the UI Obviously the numbers are completely made up* Well, the top 1 shows it the best, but it would be from complete left to complete right so the text would be written on top of the bar.
  18. WhiteFang

    Skill Progress Bar

    I like the idea. Maybe we can color the line of the skill in the skill manu with a background color, no color = 0% towards next lvl, fully colors = 99% towards next lvl (as 100% would mean next lvl). Half way would then be 50% towards next lvl. i like that !
  19. WhiteFang

    Strength Bonus

    hitting probability is determined using dexterity. so getting 200 dex is good for hitting prob :)
  20. WhiteFang

    Strength Bonus

    No, your statement is right cor3a. There is no maximum (capped) amount of damage you can deal, there is just the maximum capacity of your weapon. More str automatically results in more damage. So a flameberge used at 200 str, or at 130 makes a difference, the 200 str player will potentionally hit higher damage values than the 130 str player as the 200 str player has 70 str more than the 130 str player.
  21. WhiteFang

    Gold Reward For Completing Quest.

    go farm gold, make quests and you can repair your items easy. or go kill wyverns for gold pockets. or go collect trash in the maps and sell it to shop. just stop crying in forums for nothing, the time you've spent crying in the topic you could of made 10 million gold already. Even reading my reply already wasted another 2 minutes of your time of which you could of made 100k.
  22. WhiteFang

    Gold Reward For Completing Quest.

    We've adjust quest rewards towards the gold drop rate from mobs. We also did the same for TP costs of the additional tps you get from winning crusade or heldenian.
  23. WhiteFang

    Some Info On Little Updates During Weekend

    Your 20 mil gold before the whipe is worth your 100k gold you got as a replacement to start off. The value of gold before was zero, nobody would even trade items for gold at all as it had no value at all. Now gold is clean, it has a value because you'll need it to get around and pay the bills.
  24. WhiteFang

    Some Info On Little Updates During Weekend

    You cna get for example Xelima Necklace, or Merien Necklace. Search the forums, somewhere is a list by Jaapy or me with items which CANNOT be get, all others CAN be obtained.
  25. WhiteFang

    Some Info On Little Updates During Weekend

    We're aware that elvine is currently going on-and-offline very fast, we're monitoring the game server and addressing the issue that occurs. Elvine can jump on-and-offline a couple more times for the next hour. I will notify you guys here once it's stablized