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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Remove Safe For Raiders

    Ofcrouse I got good ideas lol :P The idea I put if fully structured and worked out, it only need implementation :) As the new update (v5.40) is comming close and we're doing final tests on pieces of code, you can expect this to be comming soon too.
  2. WhiteFang

    Remove Safe For Raiders

    You're right, perhaps should be something more like "can only cancel aura if you put it on yourself OR if a friendly player/monster put it on you", that way if enemy PFA you, you cannot cancel it.
  3. WhiteFang

    Remove Safe For Raiders

    There are plans to make changes to safe zones, the changes we planned are as next: 1. Safe zones will become 100% safe, they'll protect against both players and npc attacks. 2. Safe zones will no longer be zones, they will become a safe "aura" or safe "effect", once you switch map you get this safe aura (which functions as a safe zone and has a visual effect) which'll last for X amount of time (initially 10 seconds) and will automatically vanish once the time has passed. 3. Players with safe aura cannot deal any damage to any other player or npc. 4. Aura will be cancellable to jump right into the fight if desired. (There'll be icons indicating how long the aura will last at the right-top of the screen, there'll also be icons for other spells such as amp, pfm, zerk, pfa, para, etc... right clicking the icon would cancel that aura, this would work for any spells you put onto yourself such as safe zone aura, pfm, amp, gds, ds, pfa and zerk. Obviously you can't cancel paralyze, hold person, sleep, mim, etc...) 5. Aura will NOT appear when teleporting (or with a reduced time, 3 seconds for example) to another map if damage was taken within 10 seconds before teleporting. Those 2 changes bring a solutions to a couple of "problems" or "annoyances" that exist within the game: 1. Players camping spawn points or safe zones with (mass) summons. 2. Players stepping in and out safe zones to fire a single hit to tease the enemy but leaving the enemy unable to attempt to kill them causing. 3. No more shit talking about people being pussies and running to safe zone, or players who are in safe zone and bitch those who're outside it. It'll also bring a couple of other effects to the game: 1. Fights will be more spread out and no longer centered around or near safe zones 2. There's no longer a place/zone to run to, forcing more fights to occur. Tactics will be needed to escape fights.
  4. WhiteFang

    New Update Hbkor...just Reference!

    that's why I need the screenshots & videos :P
  5. WhiteFang

    New Update Hbkor...just Reference!

    can you video tape the spells, weapon & bow somehow to show us what they look like?
  6. WhiteFang

    Hi Guy's

    White likes this even more ! If you got any questions, just ask them !
  7. WhiteFang

    Elv D1 Ent...

    Maybe I should invent new maps, in which the towns are a mirror of eachother and everything is as-far from eachother as anything else... Each town has pro's and con's, I guess you'll have to learn to live with it... But if you rlly got a good suggestion for it... where would you put it?
  8. WhiteFang

    Angel Upgrade Levels

    Angels have a 70% success rate to be upgraded to the next level. Upon failure, or when having insufficient majestic points available, 1 majestic point will be discounted. Upgrade Levels & Costs: +0 -> +1 = 10 majestic points +1 -> +2 = 11 majestic points +2 -> +3 = 13 majestic points +3 -> +4 = 16 majestic points +4 -> +5 = 20 majestic points +5 -> +6 = 25 majestic points +6 -> +7 = 31 majestic points +7 -> +8 = 38 majestic points +8 -> +9 = 46 majestic points +9 -> +10 = 55 majestic points +10 -> +11 = 65 majestic points +11 -> +12 = 76 majestic points +12 -> +13 = 88 majestic points +13 -> +14 = 101 majestic points +14 -> +15 = 115 majestic points +15 -> +16 = 130 majestic points +16 -> +17 = 146 majestic points +17 -> +18 = 164 majestic points +18 -> +19 = 183 majestic points +19 -> +20 = 203 majestic points Total: 1536 majestic points
  9. WhiteFang

    Angel Upgrade Levels

    yes... that's true... if you got 200 dex already... or you could just make the angel +20 compensate for the loss in dex, like put 180 dex, +20 angel makes equal to 200 dex and then you got 20 stats to use again... in vit, or mag, or str or something...
  10. WhiteFang

    Angel Upgrade Levels

    dex angel +20 gives +40 DF and +20 hitting probability.
  11. WhiteFang

    Auction House

    @M4RS: auto-complete combobox added for you ;)
  12. WhiteFang

    Auction House

    Eventually we'll see donations buy-able using the nemesis balance, where they'll likely also be available in-game along with the Auction House. They'll never be merged (or donations moved to AH) as the AH is anonymous and you don't know the seller, plus if we do that, we need to re-fill the auction house every time with new items if one gets sold, and each item must be existing (created) already in-game to be placed inside the AH, that is a huge mess, so keeping it separated is the better solution. Yet if you do wish to purchase from the donation list already now, we can arrange it so it gets discounted from your account balance and the item added to your char. @M4rs: yeah i know what it is and how it works... casual combo boxes allow you to type the name of the item IF you type FAST enough each letter correctly after the other...
  13. WhiteFang

    Auction House

    You can put it up for 12 hours (the minimum auction period), that ain't so bad afterall... if you put it up right before you go to bed, you sleep for 8~10 hours, leaves 2~4 hours to cover up, you could either chill out for that time if you rlly need the GBH that much, or just go for majestics or something using your DK+15 sword (aka doing alternative things than PvP with your GBH for 2~4 more hours)... Selling complete chars/accounts is currently not part of the AH, and it isn't ready for such sales yet, what I'm trying to say is that the code currently doesn't support sales of entire accounts. We're still running the beta phase, which is going very well right now, the amount of indicents is very low right now. We've recently moved on to a semi-monitored AH phase in which admins only watch the AH periodically instead of 24/7. This is a very positive progress for now. There are some minor issues left to be changed and resolved due to PayPal Policies, once that runs smooth we can test these changes again in a 24/7 monitored environment to then move on again to a semi-monitored AH and in the end release it as fully automated without active monitoring and tracking of auctions and likely the enabling of selling rares and a higher sales cap up to 1000$. Once we're fully operational on automatic, we can start considering new additional features of this system such as implementation in-game aswell as the ability to sell ID-less items and eventually entire accounts.
  14. WhiteFang

    Marketplace Cant Make New Topic! :s

    You don't sell accounts lol.
  15. WhiteFang

    Auction House

    We can't like "duplicate" or "shadow" the item to sell it... What we could do is allow you to cancel auction IF nobody has bid on it yet (or straight bought the item), that way when you leave, you can put your item in the AH for let's say 12 hours or 24 hours, and when you return, and nobody has bid, you just cancel it, put it back in WH and play with it ... Yet that kinda screws up the reason why we got auction periods, the period is to force you not-using the item during the sales period. Being able to cancel it at any time makes the auction period useless as some (if not most) bidders for good items wait till the last hour/minutes before actually placing their bid, ensuring the bid price says as low as possible. Also, who would wanne sell his xelima raper (rapier) if they're actively using it in-game, pointless to put it up for sale and maybe lose it to someone who pays 250$ for it, it's not like you gonna find another xelima raper 5 minutes later at 200$ and make 50$ profit LOL ! You'd rather sell your junk or left-over items, if you had an MP 49 pieces and now upgraded it to MP 63%, you can put your old piece of equipment for sale. Or like if you found HP 56% berk, but already got HP 91% berk, you'd prolly wanne sell that nice berk you just found.
  16. WhiteFang

    Auction House

    it's because you don't know the correct item names... ? Xelina Necklace << no such item GN Powah Ring << no such item Merlien Shld << no such item Xelima raper << no such item Dusa Sword << no such item ... ... Never the less, good suggestion, i'll see what I can do.
  17. WhiteFang

    Marketplace Cant Make New Topic! :s

    in cash marketplace you can't (read sticky topic for reason)... normal market place should be able to.
  18. WhiteFang

    2 Suggestion!

    Well maybe can add some % more in drop of GCP scroll in procella / abby cuz need pass INF A OR B to stay there . and pliz for the love of god make a few events , its so boring play with the same sh1t talkers... or start punish him plox . maybe later on will add them to the drop list of mobs in procella (but only drop from those mobs if you kill them in procella or abby map, maybe also in infernia A and B). About the events, I've been holding summon events for the past week(s) once in a while during the week... you prolly never noticed cuz you play in another timezone.
  19. WhiteFang

    2 Suggestion!

    1. Another suggestion was made (by myself) in the suggestion forum to split skills in combat-related category and more "roll-playing" category, where combat would allow up to 700% skills and roll-playing up to 300 or 400% skills, combines that brings 1000-1100% skills max. 2. An update is in preparation where we add alot of new possibilities and features to the quest system, along with this, a re-design of all quests for lvl 170+ will be made aswell as (later on) additional quests. The new features range from unique quests to chain quests to even extended GUILD quests !
  20. Also in Citi's account there are no items in the web WH. When you go to the web WH page it has 2 section, 1 section which shows the items currently inside the web WH and the 2nd section that shows the bank items of all chars on your account. In this second section you see a button labeled "Transfer", you need to click that button to move the item that's shown at the left side of the button to you web warehouse. Items located in the web WH have up to 4 smaller buttons labeled 1, 2, 3 and 4. those buttons are used to transfer items back to your characters warehouse where the number represents the character slot.
  21. it runs pure on web, nothing to do with flash player. can you tell me which is the name of the char on the account? I check the char cor3a and there arn't just any items in the Web WH stored, so logically none show up to sell in the AH either. You first need to store items from in-game bank trough the website in your web WH to then sell them in the AH.
  22. If you search the AH, you will NEVER find your own items. It would be stupid to bid or buyout your own dex angel+10 right... paying to yourself? lol! If you rlly rlly wanne see them in the AH, use another account to search the AH for them ;)
  23. WhiteFang

    Good Pvm Builds

    angel+20 = +20 def and +10% hitting prob right? md100% = +20% hitting prob right? errr.... im abit lost MD 100% = +20 hitting prob DEX angel+20 = +20 hitting prob and +20 DF
  24. WhiteFang

    Good Pvm Builds

    I'd suggest a moderate Magin Diamond (somewhere around 70 or 80%) as a starter, later on use a dex angel+20 once you got sufficient majestics to make such angel (requires of 1000 majestic points), angel+20 is equal to magin diamond 100% purity in hitting probability ways, the angel is slightly better as it also adds +20 defense which the magin diamond doesn't. Angel +20 or magin diamond 100% are equally hard to make. a dex angel+10 is comparable to a magin diamond 50%. Perhaps a decent or high-HP ancient or sharp flameberge could work out too as long as you don't have DK+15 I would rather recommend this. I've seen HP 63% and hgiher flames up for sale in the Auction House at 1.5$~5$ in price only. Also, for liche hunting I'd suggest going d3 as most liches spawn there. using a DK-sword build or a BBH build would work fine there. For demons I suggest d4, but be carefull as Barlogs also roam around there. Barlogs are aprox equally strong to demons, but don't get caught in a 2+ group of demons and/or barlogs as that can be deadly. I would suggest a shield and powerfull war axe (ancient with HP or sharp with HP is my perference as they add more damage and hitting probability, but those are hard to find. any of the others (psn, crit or right) would be fine too if they got high HP). As a shield I'd suggest tower shield +2 or +3 atleast, or a high HP shield to heal up (atleast iron or blonde, no wood or targe) with atleast 56% HP rec. To do better demon hunting, hunt in a group of 2 or 3 people, then you can easly use DK sword or a BBH to fight them. A group setup of 2 warriors and 1 mage is recommended for ease of zerking and amping/pfming. 3 warriors can work too but is more of a hastle to zerk & pfm). I've seen war axes with HP around the Auction House aswell for just 1.50$ each.
  25. WhiteFang


    Brilliant idea! never really thought of this myself ! Salvage items back to bars/ores, this allows perspective... you could salvage junk rather than mine your ores... you could salvage your manu'ed items from training to gain back some ores and use them again to menu even more... on top of that, using ores & bars to repair armors is also a very nice idea, this would allow on-the-field repairing of items. but, will you drop one of your skills to take manufacturing instead as a skill? Even if you decide to drop one skill, you'd still need space to carry ores (which stack) and bars (which do NOT stack !) to be able to repair... For PvE this would be good, you could pause for a moment to repair items. For PvP this is likely impossible to use, you can't just stand there repairing armors, your enemy will kill you, you need to keep on moving around to avoid death. This reading of your topic and writing of this reply brought up a new idea... the 700% skill limit is seen much as a limitation in developing more PvE skills, people rather create a second character just for these skills, yet with the idea of bringing skills more onto-the-field (as in using manu to repair items) this limitation becomes more important. Why not split the skills into 2 groups of skills, a combat-related group with a limitation of 700% max and a roll-playing related group with a limitation of 400% (or no limitation at all) ? Combat Related skills would be: Magic, Magic-Resist, Hand Attack, Short Sword, Long Sword, Fencing, Archery, Hammer, Shield, Pretend-Corpse, Poison Resist, Staff Attack and Axe Attack. Roll-Playing skills would be: Mining, Fishing, Alchemy, Farming, Manufacturing and Taming. Making such split wouldn't harm I think. People would still be limited with the 700% and are still forced to make a choice in their combat related skills. Yet they would be more free to develop other skills on their main char. None of the roll-playing skills really "hurt" the PvP system if they're trainable along with the main skills, having 7 combat skill and 100% mining or 0% mining won't make a different in PvP or PvE, you're just able to mine rocks on your main char, which is probably better & more geared than your "mining-char" would ever be. The only possible skill that could start to hurt in large groups is the Taming skill, yet we'd like to see more people with that skills as it affects combat in a positive way. When main chars start to have taming high enough, they can tame the summons made at recall pads or safe zones troughout the game when they're getting boxed or attacked by them, a one-man entering such sitation now becomes a 6-man army (1 player and 5 summons, which were "captured" from the enemy anyway !), or we'd see smaller groups of 2/3 people who're outnumbered in IB run to TWs to go and get some help from a tamed TW to make the fight equal again... Making the split would also bring other positive effects to the game such as people using more alchemy to make the Super potions for healing instead of buying shop pots... we'd see more people using the summoning potions to defend or attack... we'll see more manufactured items appear such as manu'ed BBH or manu'ed axes and (in the future) manu'ed DK sets...