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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Mac Os

    Wine is most commonly used... can also use VirtualBox or VMWare
  2. WhiteFang

    Randomness Of Drops

    it's possible to get 1 drop form A, 2 from B and x more from C, that possibility exists. Abaddon drops about 10 items, so it sure is possible that this situation occurs.
  3. WhiteFang

    Randomness Of Drops

    They don't have body parts, so they get 100% chance for 2nd drop, resulting in dice 1 not to make a difference (0 body parts + 1 = 1). The 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th side are never rolled. If it's a HC or TW, there is 1 dice rolled of 35k eyes (fake value), each range of values (1~2500, 2501~4000, ... 34999~35000) defined a specific drop, where the large ranges are covering the low level drops (ring of wizard etc) and the very small ranges cover the merien shield or xelima blade etc... (the rarer items). for abby, wyverns and dragons there is a completely different mechnism cuz they have multi-drops and not just one item. That mechanism works as following: 3 dices are rolled, they're called probability A, B and C. Each of these large mobs have items in the 3 categories, where C (third category) is shared and contains common items like zems, stones, gold, flameberge, ruby ring etc... category A (rarest items) and B (less rare items) are individual for each mob. If you're lucky enough you get an itme from category A, if less lucky it'll be B, if unlucky it'll be C, if not lucky at all, you'll get just gold. Nemesis has the restriction that only 1 item of category A can be dropped and 2 of category B, so if you rolled 2 with success 2 times dice A, you only get 1 item, the 2nd item will be from category B, unless you got already 2 items of category B, then it'll drop an item of category C.
  4. WhiteFang

    Randomness Of Drops

    you're welcome :) Just to clearify some more thing: If a server announce "rare drop rate x5" it is secondary drop rate, and it is only dice 2 that is devided by 5 (= increase -> from the example: 100 / 5 = 20 -> 1 chance in 20 is better than 1 chance in 100, drop rates are announced as multiplied by, but code-wise it is always devided by) If servers announce "drop rate x25" it mostly is primary drop rate, and only dice 1 and 2 are devided by 25 (= increase). Most servers never devide the monster or item drop rates themselfs, your chance increases but it's mostly a misleading value. Same on primary drop rate, there is an increase, but they don't increase the chance of getting a high statted rare, the chance to get 91% is still the same in most servers.
  5. WhiteFang

    V5.39 Patch September 2012

    We applied a second patch about 24h after the first one with next changes: - Fixed dupe bug and banned abusers of the bug. - Allowed opposite towns with same IP in BI.
  6. WhiteFang

    Randomness Of Drops

    Depending on the item (primary or secondary drop), about 3 to 5 dices are rolled, and you must be lucky every time to get the item. Let's take secondary drops (= rare drops) as an example (please note that ALL numbers I use in this example are just for the example, they're nowhere near the real values). Let's say a slime can drop a xelima rapier and SB as secondary drop, then to get it, you need to pass 5 dice rolls with success. 1st dice roll is easy: 1 dice of 2 eyes is rolled -> 2 eyes because there is 1 body part and 1 chance for secondary drop, so a dice is rolled to decide if you get a chance for body part or for rare item. Generally this dice can be determined easly: # of body parts +1. 2nd dice (if first was rolled for rare drop ofc !) -> Global Rarity: a dice with X eyes is rolled -> 100 eyes (fake value), this value can be altered by winning apocalypse (gain 9% bonus) and an additional 9% if killing in ML. You only have 1 chance to pass this dice, let's say you must roll value 50. So the dice is rolled (random number between 1 and 100 is generatred), if you roll 50, you can move on to step 3, otherwise you don't get anything. (permanently hidden value, never released in public) 3rd dice (if 2nd was rolled with success ofc !) -> Monster Rarity: a dice with X eyes is rolled -> 500 eyes (fake value), this value is monster specific and cannot be altered by anything, it's always the same, but different for each monster. You have only 1 chance, let's say value 100 must be rolled. So the dice is rolled (random number between 1 and 500 is generated), if you roll 100, you can move on to step 4, otherwise you don't get anything. (permanently hidden value, never released in public) 4th dice (if the 3rd was rolled with success ofc !) -> Item Chance: a dice of X eyes is rolled -> 2 eyes (for the example only XR and SB are dropped, so it's 2 items -> 2 eyes), this value is monster specific, it's always the same and cannot be altered by anything. Generally this value can be calculated too, it is always equal to the number of rare items a monster can drop. (in case of only 1 drop, this dice is a 100% success and can be removed in the final calculation of item drop rate as multiply by 1 keeps the same value) 5th dice (if 4th was rolled with success ofc !) -> Item Rarity: a dice with X eyes is rolled -> 200 eyes (fake value), this value is item AND monster specific and cannot be altered by anything, it's always the same, but different for each item on each monster (SB from nizie or SB from frost has different item rarity as nizie is harder to kill than frost). You have only 1 chance, let's say value 50 must be rolled. So the dice is rolled (random number between 1 and 200 is generated), if you roll 50, you finally get the item dropped on the floor, otherwise you don't get anything. (permanently hidden value, never released in public) To calcualte the item's total rarity, you must count these 4 values together in the next way: chance of value 1 * chance of value 2 * chance of value 3 * chance of value 5 As all of them only have 1 chance to pass, you can simply multiply the number of eyes: 2 * 100 * 500 * 2 * 200 = 40000000 (40 mil) So, in the end you can say your chance is 1 in 40 mil or a 0,0000025% drop chance for the getting specifically xelima rapier from a slime (as used in the example.) Usually the drop chance on average is 1 in 200k ~ 1 in 4 mil, depending on the item and monster ofc. Please note that this drop calculation does NOT apply to the next mobs: Tigerworm, Hellclaw, Wyvern, Fire Wyvern, all Dragons and Abaddon. For primary drop rates (applied to ALL monsters) a slightly different drop sequence is used, usually there are also 4 to 5 dices rolled before an actual item is dropped.
  7. WhiteFang

    Game Data Diff Bug

    naked junno is right, just tested! this is the kind of feedbacks that make fixes! Indeed it does, we have found a possible solution for the issue which will forbid players from doing any more motions once the server transfer has been initiated. We'll soon be rebooting the servers to apply this fix.
  8. WhiteFang

    Game Data Diff Bug

    So changing direction once you're on the tp spot causes always 100% sure data.diff?
  9. WhiteFang

    Game Data Diff Bug

    There is currently no fix directly or in short-term available to this issue as the cause of it didn't get pinpointed yet as it occurs rather randomly. If someone has more info on how to repeat this issue every single time, please let us know so we can investigate this. We do have a fix for this once we have fully stablised the next version (v5.40) as it uses more synced client & server code.
  10. WhiteFang

    Auction House

    We have made some minor changes to the Auction House: - Cash-Out page has changed with a description of what to do to make a cash-out. Each cash-out must be validated by an administrator. - Search page now shows ALL items instead of top 50 items when clicking the Search button without search filters (nothing selected)
  11. WhiteFang

    Auction House

    We're proud to open the first and only Helbreath Auction House. Currently the Auction House is still running in BETA mode. Make sure to read the important notification when opening the Auction House. Once everything runs smooth, we will move on to the finale release. What IS the Nemesis Auction House? It is a place where you can buy and sell items for REAL MONEY (USD). Where is the Auction House? It is currently located at the nemesis website. In a later stage we will also provide the exact same service in-game ! http://www.helbreath...uctionhouse.php How does the Auction House work for sellers? You put an item from your in-game bank to your Web Warehouse trough the Nemesis Website. From there you can move on to the Auction House. Once there, you can Sell items when clicking the Sell tab and choosing the item from your Web Warehouse which you want to sell. You'll be given a form to input a Starting Bid Price and a Buyout Price (this one is optional). When placing the item for sale in the Auction House, other players can Bid (or buyout if you set the buyout price) on your item(s). How does the Auction House work for Buyers? You can lookup items in the Auction House by using the Search tab in the Auction House. Once you found the item you like, you can either Bid on it or directly Buy it (Buyout) if the seller allowed to Buyout. When Bidding on an item, the money will be directly removed from your Nemesis Balance. Once the Bidding Period is over, the highest Bidder will in the Auction and receive the item. If you don't like bidding and wait for the auction to be over, you can (if allowed) buy the item right away. When doing a buyout on an item, the money will be directly removed from your Nemesis Balance and you'll receive the item directly in your Web Warehouse. Please note that you CANNOT find your OWN items in the Auction House Search. How does the Bidding system actually work? Players can bid on items. Initially the seller sets a starting bid price. The first player will have to bid atleast the starting amount. Once the first bid is placed, that money is removed from the Bidders Nemesis Balance. If another player tops over the current bid, the originally bid amount will be returned to the Nemesis Balance of the first bidder while in the same time the higher bid is deducted from the new bidder's Nemesis Balance. Once the Auction Period has been passed, the player with the highest bid will win the Auction and receive the item in his/her Web Warehouse. How do I know what's going on in my Auction House? The History Tab tells you everything you need to know, what you did, when you did it and exactly how much was bid, bought, sold, out-bid, cashed in or out... Where do I see the items I am selling? Click the Auction Tab in the Auction House. There you can see which items are currently listed on the Auction House and how much time they got left. Where do I see which items I've bid on? Also in the Auction Tab, below your own Auctions you can see what you've been bidding on and if you're winning the Auction or not. How do I know if someone bid on my item? In the Auction Tab it will be shown if someone has bid on your item. Please Note that you will NOT see who bid on it, you will only see that there IS a bid or not. What happens if I bid on an Auction and someone else is making a buyout on it? A Buyout will be seen as a highest bid, you will get your bid funded back to your Nemesis Balance and the player who makes the buyout will pay the buyout and receive the items right away in his Web Warehouse. What happens if nobody bid on my item and the Auction Period is over? The item is returned to your Web Warehouse after the bidding period is over and you've visited the Auction House again. What if I don't put a Buyout Price? Players will only be able to Bid on your item, they cannot straight buy it from the Auction House. The highest bidder will win the Auction and receive the item. (and the seller will receive his/her money) How long does an Auction last (Auction Period)? You can choose for how long your Auction will last, a fixed amount of periods can be chosen from when putting your item up for sale. What if I bid the same price as the Buyout price? You will straight buy the item as prices are the same. Where do my items go when I clicked Buyout or won a Bid? They're placed directly in your Web Warehouse. Does the seller have a choice to sell or not sell his Auction that has been Bid on? No, the seller does not have this choice. If someone bid on the item and the bidding period has passed by, this item will be automatically sold to the highest bidder. The seller cannot interfear on this, he does not have the choice to cancel the sale or refuse to sell it for the price that has been bid. e.g. if a player puts up xelima rapier for 10$ bid and 200$ buyout and another player bids just 10$ and the Auction Period has passed by, that player will automatically receive the Xelima Rapier and the seller will get 10$ minus fees in his balance. the seller cannot choose to refuse selling the item for 10$. TIP: if you don't want your xelima rapier to be sold at 10$, put a decent starting price in the first place. What and Why is there a Transfer Fee? The Transfer Fee is an amount of money that has to be "payed" to Nemesis for using the Auction House Services. Nemesis charges a fee as the Auction House provides a 100% safe trading mechanism for trading and selling items for REAL MONEY. Whenever the fee applies it is properly stated how much this fee will be. Who pays the Transfer Fee? The seller pays the fee. If a buyer buys the item for e.g. 40$ then he'll pay 40$. Once he pays (when clicking the buyout button) the transfer fee will be deducted from the amount (e.g. 1$ transfer fee) and the rest is funded to the seller's Nemesis Balance. (39$ in this example).
  12. WhiteFang

    Auction House Searching Problem

    We'll probably change this in the future in such way so you see up to 50 items a page and you can scroll trough multiple pages to just see all items. Right now it just shows 50 items, but you cannot go to a next page.
  13. WhiteFang

    1 Cool Event Reward Suggestion

    true, exactly as you're saying. With some recent brainstorming I've come across another idea which alters this idea i mentioned earlier a little bit. Instead of just slapping items together in somedialog choosing the stat, it would be much easier and more efficient and player-friendly to use some kind of salvage system. You would salvage your low level items (with low stats) using some sort of "salvage kit". There would be serveral different types of salvage kits, some with low chance for primary stat, some with high chance. some with low chance on secondary stat, some with high and some with low/high chance on upgrade "stat". ofc combination kits would occur also (e.g. 20% primary, 60% secondary, 30% upgrade, ...) the better kits would drop from mobs, others would be available in the blacksmith or something... wile writing this, i got another idea (lol), instead of kits, would use skills (manu) to extract the stats off an item, you'd need some sort of extraction potion (made trough alchemy, using fishing & farming ingredients) which can be of different levels (=success rates of extracting primary/secondary/upgrade stat)... As you extract stats either way, you'd receive some kind of "stat gem", those gems (e.g. ?Stat? Gem HP Recovery 21%) can then be used again to attempt a combine of an existing item with the gem to upgrade your existing item to a higher stat (same sort of way as it would work in the previous idea of putting 2 items together), only now you can't choose, you already made the choice by choosing which gem you're using to upgrade. Then we can hand out this salvage kits or extraction potions to the players as event rewards and/or drops, we can then also hand out the statted gems as event rewards and/or drops.
  14. WhiteFang

    Auction House Searching Problem

    What kind of search did you do ? if you did like no options and just click search, it shows top 50 items ordered by longest lasting date. if you chose some options, it shows all according to chosen options.
  15. WhiteFang

    1 Cool Event Reward Suggestion

    Wouldn't be possible, you'd not be able to put them together as their stats ain't equal. Or, as this is just an idea it can still be expanded, maybe you should be able to slap them together, but your successrate to get the 35% piece would be lower. Let's say combining 2xMP28 together has like 70% success rate, combining the 21 and 28 piece to get a 35 piece would lower the success rate to like 60% or something... putting an MP28 and MP7 piece together would lower success rate to like 10% or something... just making examples here, but you get the idea...
  16. WhiteFang

    Auction House

    We got some awesome news ! since the opening of the Auction House (about 1,5 months ago), we have recently processed the 1000ths auction ! The system runs very stable for now, with more than 1000 auctions processed and with over 2100 USD of items already sold I think the AH is ready for the next stage.
  17. WhiteFang

    1 Cool Event Reward Suggestion

    You did understand it wrong, 4x mp21% would give only 1 mp35%, 4x MP21 will result in 2x MP28, 2xMP28 will result in 1xMP35.
  18. WhiteFang

    1 Cool Event Reward Suggestion

    Well, what I wrote for now is just an idea for it, and I kinda like the idea (I thought about it on-the-fly while writing it down lol)... We'd first put it in trial trough events only ofcrouse, later on those items could possibly be added to the drop-pool of monsters, but their rarity would be extreemly rare as it ensures the upgrade succeeds, especially those that upgrade stats should be extreemly rare to find. I also like the idea of adding this kind of items as rewards of quests in the new quest system. As we're talking about stat transmutation, these stones bring in just an easy way to do it, find a stone, use a stone & all done... While I like the idea of working for better items and a better item and gold sink should be made, especially an item sink to make lower items less obsolete. From that point of view, I was rather prefering some kind of item where you slap items together to upgrade item. To go into a little bit more detail I was thinking something in these terms: If you got let's say 2 HP7% berks, you can slap them both together to make 1 HP 14% berk, if you find a secondary hp 14%, you can make it an HP 21% berk, and so on... ofcrouse there would be a random success rate on doing so. I think I kinda explained this kind of stat progressing before where you put 2 of the same kind items together to make 1 item of 1 grade higher. Yet the transmutation stones would grant you a 100% success of doing this ofcrouse, but considering both ideas, the stones should be extreemly rare obviously as there is a 100% success rate. About the manu stuff, wouldn't rlly need a special manu stone... you would just be limited and not be able to upgrade your normal item any higher than +7 using a blanco stone or using a specific +8 stone... and if you do find or get a +8, +9 or +10 stone, you can just use it for manu'ed items only as upgrading your +7 would just fail, same way as when you'd try this with xelima stones, trying to upgrade a +7 weapon to +8 would just instantly fail and say "this item cannot be upgraded".
  19. WhiteFang

    1 Cool Event Reward Suggestion

    That's why people like us go to school... to learn math.
  20. WhiteFang

    Omg...all Map Down...lol [fixed]

    Apocalypse should re-open itself after a server reboot.
  21. WhiteFang

    1 Cool Event Reward Suggestion

    If it would be a blanco safe upgrade transmutant stone, it would allow from any +x to upgrade, +4 to +5, +5 to +6, +8 to +10, +14 to +15 (max limit), ... It it would be a statted safe upgrade transmutant stone, e.g. Safe Upgrade Transmutant Stone +5, you could ONLY use it for an item to be upgraded from +4 to +5. It would NOT work for items +3 to +4, +5 to +6 or any other +x, only for +4 to +5 as it is specifically statted.
  22. WhiteFang

    1 Cool Event Reward Suggestion

    It's a nice and fun reward, I can agree on that. Back when hunter was giving out those, I tried so damn hard to get one, unfortunately I couldn't win one cuz I didn't have enough people assisting me to win the event (it was a scavenger event). Anyway, as this is a suggestion forum, I like to "translate" the suggestion of this "safe upgrade" into a new, more advanced suggestion with more details, more accurate information. I was thinking to make some new items, some kind of "transmutant stone" which has different functionalities: - Safe Upgrade: +x to +y (e.g. +3 to +4) - Primary Stat Upgrade: +x% to +y% (Strong +7% to Strong +14%) - Secondary Stat Upgrade: +x% to +y% (HP Rec +14% to HP Rec +21%) - Primary Stat Transmutation: x to y (Strong to Light) - Secondary Stat Transmutation: x to y (HP Rec to MP Rec) You could get a screen the same way as the upgrade screen with xelima/merien/majestic points, you put your item in there and a second square to put the stone you like to use on the item. Then you click upgrade and the stone is applied to the item. With the Transmutation stone you would get an additional option to go trough the possible stats and choose which stat it'll become. The stones can come in 2 ways, a blanco (non statted) stone, or a statted stone, if it's blanco you would use it for any upgrade/stat, if it's statted, e.g. Safe Upgrade Transmutant Stone +4, you would only be able to use it to go from +3 to +4 in this example. Some more examples of statted stones: - Primary Stat Upgrade Light +20% (can use to go from +16 to +20) - Secondary Stat Transmutation MP Recovery +21% (can use to change any items second stat to MP Recovery +21%) - Primary Stat Transmutation Strong (can use to change any items primary stat to Strong, the % of Strong doesn't matter on the original item, it'll be maintained from the original item) *Note: For transmutations from a 7% stat to a 3% stat (HP rec to MA for example), the transmutation would keep the "level" of the stat, a 21% is level 3 stat, in MA this would result in MA 15%. To get back to the original idea, we can use these stones as event rewards for players to use.
  23. WhiteFang

    Banned Chars

    no, BI doesn't make any EKs so there are no logs of that. Doing the same outside of BI (or arena/fightzones) will result in an EK of the same-ip, but will not grant you an EK. It do lists you on the suspicious part where all chars involved are being monitored more closely as you're somehow using 2 clients and/or 2 computers to kill yourself to (intentionally?) try gaining more eks.
  24. WhiteFang

    Why Abaddon Doesn't Have Body?

    Episode 4 is the Heldenian. Episode 5 was never made, but for nemesis episode 5 is the Dragon episode with the Dragonia map.
  25. WhiteFang

    Elv D1 Ent...

    No , No they dont they have cripts and tombs generally, castles have dungeons Let's make crypts and tombs, with skeletons and zombies... who have more power (10x the power they got now) and mark them as "Veteran" or "Commander" to show that they're stronger... then you complete the crypt with a party and in the end you kill a boss skeleton or zombie which spawns a chest once you've defeated it, the chest contains special items ! (aka dungeon instances) And let's also make castles, siege castles perhaps? maybe like a new kind of major "event" like apocalypse/crusade/heldenian where 2 castles are placed randomly on a map opposite of eachother, the castles are linked by a dungeon to go trough, or just run accross the map on top at the castle level. You can build siege weapons on top of the castles and use them to fire at your opponent, you build tower to defend the castle etc, summon mobs also and need to take the flag at the other castle's top floor and bring it to your own castle, if you succeed your nation will win the battle and be victorious and gain a number of rewards. (aka capture the flag) Or we could also make multiple castles, towers, keeps and outposts to be defended by the players, you need to capture the enemy's towers and keeps etc. each of these buildings will have npcs guarding them by default, assisted by other players. There would be one "boss" npc which is the "owner" of the place, you need to defeat him/her to capture the point. Capturing the point will gain you score, the more of these buildings you can control, the more points you gain. The battle would last for ever and scores would be reset every week for example. more places controlled gains more points, where points can be seen as experience, you have some kind of level-up bar, for each "level" you gain, you also gain a specific bonus (more damage, more defense, more pa, more ma, more mr, higher drop rate, etc etc...) so controlling more points gains "levels" faster giving more, better and cooler bonuses.