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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Scheduled Maintenance - Friday Oct 5, 2:30 Pm

    Are you using "lagless"?
  2. WhiteFang

    How To: Install & Update The Nemesis Auto Update

    No. The list of.bug fixes are things that was. BUgged and is now fixed. I wrote down what was bugged. But it is no longer.
  3. WhiteFang

    [Event] Spring Guild Vs Guild Pvp Tournament !

    no. 1 item of 31 days for each team member.
  4. WhiteFang

    Scheduled Maintenance - Friday Oct 5, 2:30 Pm

    Failed to shake hands can happen when having bad net, or when using laggless (I got a solution for this though !). The rings/necks issue, just by using Xelima stone on them. We will take away the +1 from those items, it doesn't do anything at all lol... xD
  5. WhiteFang

    How To: Multi-client With Auto Updater

    I've uploaded a new Auto Updater Setup which should install the .NET framework for you, I fixed/changed the pre-prequisite so it should be installed now. Let me know if it worked or not.
  6. WhiteFang

    Scheduled Maintenance - Friday Oct 5, 2:30 Pm

    Rampage AI: Attacks with twice the speed, normally mobs attack you at a specific ratio, when the AI of the mob is "rampage", this speed will be twice as fast. it's rampaging and trying to kill you very fast. Magic AI: Whenever a mob is close to it'll use magic over physical as long as it has mana. Normal AIs use physical perior to magical when they're right next to you. this Magic AI reverses this and will use magic rather than physical if it can.
  7. WhiteFang

    How To: Multi-client With Auto Updater

    You need to install the .NET Framework 2.0 (or higher) you should use the auto updater setup (which'll install this for you): http://www.helbreathnemesis.com/downloads/NemesisAutoUpdaterSetup.exe
  8. Hi there nemesis players! You have prolly already heard that the new quest system is about to be released. we anticipate to add a lot of quests for you to complete within the first few days and weeks of the release. so why not start early already? what kind of quests do you want to see in nemesis? Go crazy, almost anything is possible in the new system!
  9. WhiteFang

    Scheduled Maintenance - Friday Oct 5, 2:30 Pm

    Farjat basically covered the "sound edit" part, as he said, the updater has multiple functions, including the enforcing of non-edited sounds (and other paks or files ofc !) Related to PA armor, there is/was never a plan in changing this, PA armor will stay as-is and will function in a non-stacking but side-by-side way. Your lowest piece determines your minimum amount of PA. As for PA capes, this plan or idea would devaluate capes ALOT, meaning they won't be so special/good anymore. Activating the PA on capes would make capes part of the "hit-point" sequence (same as helm, berk, plate and legs), when adding an item to the hit-point sequence, it'll also have a chance to break. meaning capes will need repairs also, and with their 300 endurance, they'll break fairly fast. Perhaps we should make it in such way that we activate them but also increase cape's endurance to like 3000 or something, although that would be kinda high I think as they're "wool/linnen" and not "iron/steel" (like armors), so they should break alot faster, maybe around 1000 endurance would be a better values as Caps, Hats & Robes are around the same endurance values. ... More discussion/talking is needed about this I think. But for now, no changes to PA armors or PA capes in this update. The full list of changes will be posted later on today as we're getting near the update time.
  10. WhiteFang

    Scheduled Maintenance - Friday Oct 5, 2:30 Pm

    Big Items will be available trough options of the auto updater. We also have about 5~10 skins available for use, including the well known Tebb Blue Skin (the one often seen in my Screenshots) and even the very old-school "wood" skin. The no trees, I don't have the "no trees" pak, i'm looking for it to be able to add it to the updater, but currently it's not included. But we're ofc planning to add it once I have the pak.
  11. WhiteFang

    [Event] Spring Guild Vs Guild Pvp Tournament !

    sorry! corrected it ;)
  12. WhiteFang

    [Event] Spring Guild Vs Guild Pvp Tournament !

    This event has been discontinued and stopped due to mismatching time schedules, teams don't want to be flexible and come at times stamps outside of their given schedule. As 4 teams remain, I have decided to reward EACH remaining team the following price: - 500k Guild Contribution Points (given to the team leader) - 1 Corrupted non-activation item which lasts 31 days for each team member (including bench members) - 10 Million Experience for each team member (including bench members) 4 remaining teams are: Hwarang Team 1, Argenlandia Team 1, High HB Team 1 and Enemy Kill Team 1. I'd like each of the team & bench members to contact me in the forum or in-game with the item of their choice, I will then create it and give it to the player right away, or if not online place it in their web warehouse. ----- A Next Guild PvP Event will be hosted once the Tournament System is ready, this system will fully automate everything related to huge-scale events like these and it'll be easier for teams to match up as there are only 2 schedules to take in account (Team 1 and Team 2) instead of 3 (Team 1, Team 2 and the hosting GM).
  13. As you've recently noted, we have implemented some code against spies. This code isn't perfect yet, so I want to discuss with the community on ideas how to prevent spies, or atleast give them a hard time to spy on the opposite town. Yet I do not want to prevent people from logging into opposite town to just play along with them. The current system works this way: You cannot login to a char of opposite side in the same map. I'd like to discuss what can be improved and more how to improve it. Let me start off by giving some global ideas about spieing and how to prevent it or make it harder to occur... - Prevent players from logging into opposite town chars at all. Once chosen, stay on that side. -->> I don't like this one, I don't like to limit people into their choice of town. - Prevent players from logging into opposite town chars if they recently (< 5 minutes ago) logged out of an opposite town char. -->> I like this idea, yet it just lengthens the time needed to go spy, but doesn't really prevent it. - Prevent players from logging into the opposite town chars at the same time. -->> This is aprox what we currently have been using. - Any kind of other solution ??? Currently I've come up with the next idea: - Prevent opposite towns from logging in at same time using same IP address, regardless of server. - Prevent opposite towns from logging in at same IP address if they change to a char of opposite town within 5 minutes of time. So after 5 minutes waiting, the player can login to the char which is from the opposite town.
  14. WhiteFang

    Fps Is Restricted?

    Everyone runs below 300 FPS because there is no "angel bug" in nemesis. Most angels are bugged in most, if not all servers. Nemesis has over come the problem and fixed the issue with angels causing FPS boosts for some people and FPS drops for others.
  15. WhiteFang

    Rain Time

    How would they affect them? It's not like fire spells leave fire on the ground... xD
  16. WhiteFang

    A Few Ideas I'd Like To Share Plx0rz.

    It'll come, v5.41 (Estimate Release Date: November 2012) still waiting you on the server! you said 1 time i gonna raid with you !!! :P The day will come... if I find some time to play lol xD Anyway, you can expect weapon cool down very soon though, if all goes to plan, we'll see this feature already mid to end of october ;) And if I work hard tonight, we get v5.40 this weekend ;) GoGoGoGoGO White! :D There's 3 things left to do: 1. Increase contri of crafting attempts (this is easy, done in 2 seconds, still need to decide proper value though) 2. Finish the quest-management part (this is the hardest and longest thing to finish, should only take me 2 or 3 more hours to do this) 3. Add in the tutorial quest-chain for new players and a couple basic quests (forsts, ettins, ...) to kick start the new quest system. (this is the last part, which requires the management part to be finished for easy-usage, should only take about 1 to 2 hours to complete as most quests are already written down or the concept is very clear already) Once those 3 are done, from which eventually 2 can be skipped if we add quests on hand into quest configuration database, but that'll still take 2 to 5 hours to be completed, we can actually release v5.40 after such a long time :D
  17. WhiteFang

    A Few Ideas I'd Like To Share Plx0rz.

    It'll come, v5.41 (Estimate Release Date: November 2012) still waiting you on the server! you said 1 time i gonna raid with you !!! :P The day will come... if I find some time to play lol xD Anyway, you can expect weapon cool down very soon though, if all goes to plan, we'll see this feature already mid to end of october ;) And if I work hard tonight, we get v5.40 this weekend ;)
  18. WhiteFang

    A Few Ideas I'd Like To Share Plx0rz.

    It'll come, v5.41 (Estimate Release Date: November 2012)
  19. If you live in argentina... yeah kinda... cuz your own government screws you LOL... If you live OUTSIDE argentina, still can use the Auction House. Nothing will change for that at this point. Eventually we can start a new nemesis paypal account with new information and locate it (= set country) outside argentina.
  20. WhiteFang

    A Few Ideas I'd Like To Share Plx0rz.

    Civ for max level will just bring everyone civ 24/7 hunting garden, DV, SW like a mad man. Don't forget DV & SW contain mobs that drop good items (i'm talking about Ettins that drop good rares). People would refrain from PvP'ing and sit as a civ 24/7 in hunting maps for better gear without the need of being careful when hunting, never need to watch their back... I could agree on it if being a civ would decrease drop rate by 20 or 30%, making it more appealing to hunt as a combatant. civ mode is more safe but would come at a price... True, PvP is very paced and different from PvE, you need to react fast and instantanious. Even a PvP-tutorial-NPC can't teach you that. Often PvP isn't a 1v1 fight, it's a many vs less fight to which the new players would still die, even with a PvP training NPC. Rewarding players for training new players and teaching them is a good idea. Try to expand the idea by formulating this more in a quest-style way for both the new player and the old player with objectives that the new and/or old player have to complete in order to be successfull teaching for the new player, yet rewarding for both of them. (stupid idea for quest like: new player must amp/pfm himself. - old player must amp/pfm new player. - new player must amp/pfm old player. - ... kinda objective stuff like this but perhaps more complicated and multi-objective quests in a teaching way.) The hurting of nemesis pop for such things is nemesis' old player's own fault... most players are selfish, not willing to help the new guys and cry 24/7 that there is nobody to kill or play along with cuz the new guys ain't staying. aka it's their own fault.
  21. WhiteFang

    A Few Ideas I'd Like To Share Plx0rz.

    Civilian mode is nearly used as new players out level max civil mode really fast in the barracks. Even inside there it has no use at all. further more I can only agree that we need to support new players some more. That's one of the reasons why we are adopting to a new quest system in October. This system will allow us to make serveral quests that guide New players trough their journey from the beginners zone untill their dk set and even shortly after explaining them about majestics, angels and upgrading their dk weapons. the other Idea of Trainers sounds fun, but normal ppl can be that too, they just need to hook up with.the new guys. Those ppl don't need to be having some kind of trainer status, that's not needed and brings nothing good to the game. the npcs acting like players is possible, but making an ai for that is kinda hard, it would be a lot of code for something that'll be used by only an extreemly small % of the players. Aka waste of time.
  22. WhiteFang

    Discussion: Anti-spy Measurements

    Never ! Hunter2, NEVER I SAY ! have some respect and honour for Hunter, he's one of our finest event GMs we got! As Farjat[GM] always tells me: a good player doesn't make a good GM.
  23. WhiteFang

    V5.39 Patch September 2012

    We have applied a new minor patch, it contains the next changes: - Fix: Data Difference bug on teleport -> You can no longer perform any motions when the teleport has been initiates - Change: (as you can no longer move while on TP spot) You can no longer be hit by players or npcs once the teleport to another game server is initiated - Fix: Apocalypse schedule has been set to open 1 minute later, this should resolve the issue of apocalypse closing on wednesday instead of thursday - Change: Anti-Spy measurement: 2 characters of opposite towns cannot be logged in at the same time in the same GameServer.
  24. WhiteFang

    V5.39 Patch September 2012

    the SB fix is in such way that the INT angel cannot be unequiped (it should force-re-equip normally)
  25. WhiteFang

    V5.39 Patch September 2012

    Today an additional patch was applied: - Fixed a bug where the wrong player was kicked on anti-spy system. - Fixed a bug where int angels could be unequiped when the int of the angel was required to equip a Storm Bringer.