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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Now Auto Update,,,,so...we Can Use New Map?

    we never Changed maps cuz of hacks or cheating in paks. We changed it to be different from others and cuz these maps look more fun.
  2. WhiteFang

    V5.40.0002 Patch Details

    roger that ! ;) Will be fixed when dungeon 4 reboots (or if entire server reboots)
  3. WhiteFang

    Cant Log In

    Create a ticket with detailed information of what you lost (items, eks, contribution points, majestics, ...) and we'll see what we can do as a compensation/refund.
  4. WhiteFang

    Cant Log In

    With the recent crash it was indeed lost, when the world server crashes, roll-backs can go up to serveral hours as it keeps a map of characters in the memory untill X amount of time after they logged out. Then it will save them to the DB. It keeps them in memory for quick-access (relogging etc)
  5. WhiteFang

    Auto Updater V1.1.0

    We've recently updated the auto updater to v1.1.0 Don't worry, the auto updater will update itself ! all you have to do is just run your updater, if a new version is released, it'll automatically be downloaded by the "old" version of the updater, it'll replace itself (by quickly launching a command prompt and executing a replace file command). Auto Updater v1.1.0 patch notes: - New: Option for Small Trees - New: Added about ~10 new skins (also in the options available) Some players (mainly singapore) are experiencing troubles with using the auto updater, where often their ISP is the main issue. Some of the ISPs use a global proxy for ALL their customers, when those customers browse the web, they always pass by this proxy. To avoid this, we've made some configuration changes to the "handshaking" so it uses a different port to communicate with the server. [edit] I'd also like to let you guys knows that we're working on an improved system that will allow you to switch character or account without the need of restarting the entire validation precedure again using the Nemesis Auto Updater. This would change would also affect people who're disconnecting (connection lost), once this improved system is available, you would be able to just login again after DC'ing without the need to restarting the entire validation precedure using the Nemesis Auto Updater.
  6. WhiteFang

    Cant Log In

    Logging out on regular basis to save data and not AFK for 24 hours will save your data.
  7. WhiteFang

    Cant Log In

  8. WhiteFang

    Auto Updater V1.1.0

    Fixed, the map is online again.
  9. Friday October 5 starting at 2:30PM we'll be upgrading the game servers to v5.40 This upgrade can take up 1 to 2 hours to perform the complete upgrade. The upgrade will include: - database upgrading to support the new Multi-Quest System, Web-Announced summon events and advanced logging system changes. - website upgrading to show the web-announced summon events and upgrade some additional management tools for GMs and Administrators. - system upgrade to support the Nemesis Auto Updater. The exact list of changes will be posted shortly after it has been applied as minor changes or bugfixes can still be pushed into the current set of upgrade components. Please note that this upgrade will require a new client to play, this client and all other required files will be provided trough the new nemesis auto updater that'll be introduced and activated during this upgrade. We'll post a dedicated topic on how to use the Auto Updater and what the possibilities and limitations of this auto updater brings.
  10. WhiteFang

    Scheduled Maintenance - Friday Oct 5, 2:30 Pm

    Some changes were made to the Auto Updater, please run yours again and check if your problem(s) still exist or not.
  11. WhiteFang

    Cant Log In

    Some changes were made to the Auto Updater, please run yours again and check if your problem(s) still exist or not.
  12. WhiteFang

    Event Schedule

    Monday Wakeup summon event: - Slimes to cyclops waves Tuesday Ettin Fest summon event: - 3 events, starting 5 minutes appart from eachother, all 3 having Ettin Waves Wednesday Mage summon event: - cyclops to frosts waves (physical attacks forbidden) Thursday Warrior summon event: - cyclops to frosts waves (magical attacks forbidden) Friday town bashing summon event: - Barlogs to TW waves Saturday Dragon summon event: - Wyvern to black dragon waves Sunday Kill em all summon event: - Slimes to black dragon waves I would suggest not schedule every of this events every day and at the same time. I'd rather do it 1 day appart (monday, NOT tuesday, wednesday, ...) and do a ration of 2 weeks with early times, mid times and late times rotating. e.g.: Week 1: - Monday 3 AM - Wednesday 11 AM (+8h) - Friday 7 PM (+8h) - Sunday 5 AM (+10h) Week 2: - Tuesday 1 PM (+8h) - Thursday 9 PM (+8h) - Saturday 7 AM (+10h) Week 3: - Monday 3 PM (+8h) - Wednesday 11 PM (+8h) - Friday 9 AM (+10h) - Sunday 5 PM (+8h) Week 4: - Tuesday 1 AM (+8h) - Thursday 11 AM (+10h) - Saturday 7 PM (+8h) Week 5: - Monday 3 AM (+8h) - Wednesday 1 PM (+10h) - Friday 9 PM (+8h) - Sunday 7 AM (+8h) Week 6: - Tuesday 5 PM (+10h) - Thursday 1 AM (+8h) - Saturday 9 AM (+8h) Week 7: - Monday 7 PM (+10h) - Wednesday 3 AM (+8h) - Friday 11 AM (+8h) - Sunday 10 PM (+10h) Week 8: - Tuesday 6 AM (+8h) - Thursday 2 PM (+8h) - Saturday 12 PM (+10h) Week 9: - Monday 8 AM (+8h) - Wednesday 4 PM (+8h) - Friday 2 AM (+10h) - Sunday 10 AM (+8h) Week 10: - Tuesday 6 PM (+8h) - Thursday 4 AM (+10h) - Saturday 12 AM (+8h) Week 11: - Monday 8 PM (+8h) - Wednesday 6 AM (+10h) - Friday 2 PM (+8h) - Sunday 10 PM (+8h) Week 12: - Tuesday 8 AM (+10h) - Thursday 4 PM (+8h) - Saturday 12 PM (+8h) ... etc ... A rotation of the clock hours would take 1 month to occur, a full rotation where the event occurs again (same day & hour) would take ALOT longer. This would make different event types available to all players aproximately within 1~2 weeks, times rotate so much and so fast that times get close to the play time of each player in each time zone. Everyone would get a chance to play each event at some point in time.
  13. WhiteFang

    V5.40.0002 Patch Details

    There is indeed a known bug related to contributing to your guild. We will refund your lost contribution points in GCP scrolls, please make a ticket with the account & char which you donated contri with to your guild so we can verify the amount in our logs. Guild member locations are only updated when they're moving to a different game server (elv -> ML, ML -> ares, etc...) not when moving maps on the same game server (shop -> town, town -> farm)
  14. WhiteFang

    How To: Install & Update The Nemesis Auto Update

    I've updated the Nemesis Auto Updater and added the option for Small Trees. I've also added about 10 more skins to be used.
  15. WhiteFang

    V5.40.0002 Patch Details

    this should be fixed now.
  16. WhiteFang

    Cant Log In

    Set your lan to use 1 fixed IP for your computer, instead of using randomly any of those 4 IPs you have.
  17. WhiteFang

    Scheduled Maintenance - Friday Oct 5, 2:30 Pm

    Try to "unblock" the application by doing the next steps: - Right click the NemesisAutoUpdater.exe - Left click "Properties" - Left click the "Unblock" button - Left click the "OK" button Properties window looks like this: (if the application is not unblocked)
  18. WhiteFang

    Cant Log In

    maybe your IP changes between validation of auto updater and the actual login with client. the auto updater validates your files, and then communicates with the website and server to tell them your files are legit, granting you one token to login. once auto updater received the token, it'll launch the client which'll use this token to login, so if your IP doesn't match the IP at which you requested the token, the client can't login because it cannot find the token for your IP, cuz your IP is different. Perhaps that is causing the issue?
  19. WhiteFang

    Cant Log In

    does you IP Address change when you connect to the game? or do you use some sort of proxy to browse the web, or a special setting in your router or something that makes it so you use different IPs when connecting to web or game?
  20. WhiteFang

    Where Is Teh Help Section? Anyway...

    You require .NET Framework 2.0, normally the updater should install this for you if using the Setup (not updater-only). to manually install .NET Framework 2.0, download & install from this site: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=16614
  21. WhiteFang

    Scheduled Maintenance - Friday Oct 5, 2:30 Pm

    Do you have multiple networks? (LAN + Wifi? or LAN + VPN or something similiar where you have 2 IP Addresses?)
  22. WhiteFang

    How To: Install & Update The Nemesis Auto Update

    A patch has been applied, check if your issues are fixed. If not please post them in this thread: http://www.helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=33705
  23. WhiteFang

    Scheduled Maintenance - Friday Oct 5, 2:30 Pm

    A patch has been applied, check if your issues are fixed. If not please post them in this thread: http://www.helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=33705
  24. This spring the BIG Guild vs Guild PvP Tournament will take place ! 5 players of each guild will fight 5 other players of another guild. The event will work as tournament, 2 guilds are matched up against eachother, they fight eachother (if too few guilds register, we'll make 2 fights, so 2 wins are needed to progress to the next round), the winning team will progress to the next round. This matching keeps going untill only 1 guild remains as the BIG winner ! Tournament example: To win a pvp match, your team must kill the other team. If all the team members of the enemy guild have died, your team WINS the fight (even if not all of your own members are alive). When 4 guild teams remain, the normal schedule of fighting will change, the 4 guilds will all fight eachother 2 times (or 3) to determine the winning team. When a guild wins 2 times against the same opposite team, it scores a point. If after 2 matches, both teams won once, a 3rd fight will take place to determine the winner. The guild with the most points will win the tournament, 2nd will be the guild with 2nd most wins, and so on. 12 fights will take place, each the the 6 fights below will occur TWICE (or 3 times if there was is a draw after 2 fights) Fight 1: Guild 1 vs Guild 2 (1st fight - same time as fight 6) Fight 2: Guild 1 vs Guild 3 (1st fight - same time as fight 5) Fight 3: Guild 1 vs Guild 4 (1st fight - same time as fight 4) Fight 4: Guild 2 vs Guild 3 (1st fight - same time as fight 3) Fight 5: Guild 2 vs Guild 4 (1st fight - same time as fight 2) Fight 6: Guild 3 vs Guild 4 (1st fight - same time as fight 1) Each match will take place with next map restrictions: - Activations forbidden - Invisibility forbidden - AMP forbidden - GDS forbidden - Mim, Illusion Movement, Illusion, Mass Illusion, Confusion, Mass Confusion and Confuse Lanauge forbidden - Summon Creature forbidden - Summon Potions forbidden - Pretend Corpse forbidden - Slates forbidden Each fight will take place in the Arena map. Event Rewards are as next: 1st place: - 1 MILLION Guild Contribution Points for the entire team. - 1 activation item (no Sword of Medusa*) which for the entire team. - 1 Corrupted non-activation item which lasts 31 days for each team member (NOT for bench members). - 1 Dye of choice for each team member. 2nd place: - 750k Guild Contribution Points for the entire team. - 1 Corrupted activation item (no Sword of Medusa*) which lasts 21 days for the entire team. - 1 Corrupted non-activation item which lasts 14 days for each team member (NOT for bench members). 3rd place: - 500k Guild Contribution Points for the entire team. - 1 Corrupted activation item (no Sword of Medusa*) which lasts 14 days for the entire team. - 1 Corrupted non-activation item which lasts 7 day for each team member (NOT for bench members). * If 2 of the 3 winners want a dusa sword, and each are from a different TOWN, they're allowed to choose the dusa sword if splitting the time. if team 1 choose dusa, it must be corrupted and 31 days will be used as their lasting time and must match the dusa requirements. e.g. Team 1 & 2 choose dusa, 31 days + 21 days = 52 days / 2 = 26 -> each team can have dusa for 26 days. e.g. Team 1 & 3 choose dusa, 31 days + 14 days = 45 days / 2 = 22 -> each team can have dusa for 22 days. e.g. Team 2 & 3 choose dusa, 14 days + 21 days = 35 days / 2 = 17 -> each team can have dusa for 17 days. Guild Registrations are open RIGHT NOW up and untill Sunday March 31st. Any posts made AFTER that date will NOT be included in the event, their registration is considered TOO LATE. To register your guild, make a reply on this topic with next info: For the "Online Time" field, fill in the SERVER TIME at which your ENTIRE team is available (between which hours: e.g. 6:00 AM -> 4 PM), we'll take this "online time" in account when assigning the day and hour of the fight. All fights will take place during Spring, each fight will be scheduled so it fits perfectly for both guilds to fight eachother. Changing guild members is NOT possible without a VERY VERY good reason and explicit confirmation and approval of the changing. The team leader is ALWAYS required to be present for fighting, he/she must participate in the fight. If 1 or more members are not online at the given time of the fight, the bench members have a chance to replace a member of their team. If the team can't be completed to 5 members using bench members, the fight will continue as scheduled with less members for that team, members who're late will NOT be able to enter after the scheduled start time of the fight. For the next fight the original team members will be called to fight. Bench members are only called when the team is missing members at the start of a fight. If an entire team doesn't show up, the other team has auto-victory and moves on to the next round. If the team leader if NOT present, the other team has auto-victory (unless their team leader isn't present either, in such case BOTH teams are disqualified and removed for the next round). All Team members must be in the same guild. Please note that your guild must be level 2 or higher to participate ! * A visual tournament overview will be added after registration is finished * -------------------------------------------------- List of Registered Guilds (& Characters): -------------------------------------------------- GvG Tournament Round 1 Schedule: GvG Tournament Round 1 Result: Enemy Kill Team 2 vs Hawarang Team 1 winner: Hawarang Team 1 -> Proceeds to Round 2 Inner Sanctum Team 1 vs Argenlandia Team 1 Winner: Argenlandia Team 1 -> Proceeds to round 2 High HB Team 2 vs Inner Sanctum Team 2 Winner: High HB Team 2 -> Fights Enemy Kill Team 1 Enemy Kill Team 1 vs High HB Team 2 Winner: Enemy Kill Team 1 -> Fights Inner Sanctum Team 2 High HB Team 1 vs Enemy Kill Team 3 Winner: High HB Team 1 -> Proceeds to round 2 Enemy Kill Team 1 vs Inner Sanctum Team 2 Winner: Enemy Kill Team 1 (Auto-Victory) -> Proceeds to round 2 GvG Tournament Round 2 Schedule: GvG Tournament Round 2 Result: High HB Team 1 vs Enemy Kill Team 1 winner: High HB Team 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This event has been discontinued and stopped due to mismatching time schedules, teams don't want to be flexible and come at times stamps outside of their given schedule. As 4 teams remain, I have decided to reward EACH remaining team the following price: - 500k Guild Contribution Points (given to the team leader) - 1 Corrupted non-activation item which lasts 31 days for each team member (including bench members) - 10 Million Experience for each team member (including bench members) 4 remaining teams are: Hwarang Team 1, Argenlandia Team 1, High HB Team 1 and Enemy Kill Team 1. I'd like each of the team & bench members to contact me in the forum or in-game with the item of their choice, I will then create it and give it to the player right away, or if not online place it in their web warehouse. -------------- Remaining Team Members & their chose items: Mindys: Corrupted Necklace Of Xelima (Expires at 19/11/2012 13:00 - Given at 19/10/2012 13:00) Dol+i: Corrupted Necklace Of Xelima (Expires at 19/11/2012 13:00 - Given at 19/10/2012 13:00) HanNa: Corrupted The Devastator (Expires at 20/11/2012 16:00 - Given at 20/10/2012 16:00) PinkLady: Corrupted Necklace Of Xelima (Expires at 20/11/2012 16:00 - Given at 20/10/2012 16:00) GooS: Corrupted Cancellation Manual (Expires at 19/11/2012 13:00 - Given at 19/10/2012 13:00) Aman: Corrupted Hell Fire Manual (Expires at 19/11/2012 13:05 - Given at 19/10/2012 13:05) Mr-Popo: Corrupted Necklace Of Beholder (Expires at 19/11/2012 13:05 - Given at 19/10/2012 13:05) GumihO: Corrupted Cancellation Manual (Expires at 17/11/2012 13:15 - Given at 16/10/2012 13:15) Dark[D]: Corrupted Hell Fire Manual (Expires at 20/11/2012 17:35 - Given at 20/10/2012 17:35) Kelly: Corrupted Ring Of The Abaddon (Expires at 13/11/2012 16:20 - Given at 13/10/2012 16:20) W@rsit@: Corrupted Hell Fire Manual (Expires at 13/11/2012 16:25 - Given at 13/10/2012 16:25) AliBaBa: Corrupted Cancellation Manual (Expires at 01/01/2013 16:10 - Given at 30/11/2012 16:10) toneeh: Corrupted Hell Fire Manual (Expires at 01/01/2013 16:05 - Given at 30/11/2012 16:05) DuniKa: Corrupted Hell Fire Manual (Expires at 17/11/2012 13:25 - Given at 16/10/2012 13:25) Gamny: Corrupted Hell Fire Manual (Expires at 16/11/2012 12:20 - Given at 16/10/2012 12:20) Miml: Corrupted Cancellation Manual (Expires at 16/11/2012 12:10 - Given at 16/10/2012 12:10) BlooR: Corrupted Necklace Of Xelima (Expires at 13/11/2012 20:05 - Given at 13/10/2012 20:05) FunnyGirl: Corrupted Kloness Axe (Expires at 13/11/2012 16:15 - Given at 13/10/2012 16:15) Alright: Corrupted Hell Fire Manual (Expires at 16/11/2012 12:40 - Given at 16/10/2012 12:40) ElemntO: Corrupted Cancellation Manual (Expires at 17/11/2012 13:00 - Given at 16/10/2012 13:00) Saitam: Corrupted Necklace Of Xelima (Expires at 13/11/2012 16:15 - Given at 13/10/2012 16:15) Lightgreen: Corrupted Hell Fire Manual (Expires at 17/11/2012 13:00 - Given at 16/10/2012 13:00) JJang2: Corrupted Cancellation Manual (Expires at 17/11/2012 12:55 - Given at 16/10/2012 12:55) woonjin:Corrupted Necklace Of Xelima (Expires at 17/11/2012 13:05 - Given at 16/10/2012 13:05) Hello: Corrupted Sleep Manual (Expires at 19/11/2012 12:50 - Given at 19/10/2012 12:50) UBS: Corrupted Hell Fire Manual (Expires at 19/11/2012 12:45 - Given at 19/10/2012 12:45) Bubblgegum~: Corrupted Hell Fire Manual (Expires at 17/11/2012 12:55 - Given at 16/10/2012 12:55) KissingYou: Corrupted Hell Fire Manual (Expires at 19/11/2012 12:40 - Given at 19/10/2012 12:40)
  25. WhiteFang

    Cant Log In

    Are you dnning the auto updater in administrator mode? manybe your.firewall or anti virus blocks it? did you lift the download anti-trust blocking? (Right click -> properties -> unblock at right bottom)