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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Stuck On Log In Screen!

    The server hosting company if performing a scheduled maintance, connection will be unstable. Date: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 (10/17/2012) Start Time: 05:01 AM UTC End Time: 01:01 PM UTC Services affected: Public and Private Network Connectivity Duration: 8 hours
  2. WhiteFang

    Roll Back

    We was updating to v5.40.005 which resolved one of the pain-in-the-*censored* bugs (relogging) we should see prolonged periods between updates now, we're settling for v5.40.005 for the next weeks and prepare for the next update around christmas ;)
  3. WhiteFang

    Roll Back

    World Server is acting very strange and unstable, if it crashes it causes a rollbacks which we cannot catch and/or restore later on. Only manual restoring is possible, so anyone who has lost XP, contri, majestics or items can freely report this in the ticket system and we'll refund the loss.
  4. WhiteFang

    I Still Show Shak Hands :(

    time quests got issue yes, will be fixed in v5.40.005
  5. WhiteFang

    I Still Show Shak Hands :(

    We will fix it, because I don't mind 1 player who's acting like that... not liking us to update fast and alot (because each update player count goes down to 0 and can't find people to kill 2 seconds after server is up again), yet complain about the numerous numbers of bugs. v5.40.005 will probably come tonight somewhere between 2~5 PM, it'll mainly contain some more bugfixes including a fix for DC'ing on reaching 0 SP.
  6. WhiteFang

    I Want All The Ppl Back!

    About the sucess of the update: It depends on how you look at it, from developers pov (point of view) it was fairly OK the update, it brought us (the staff, mainly developers) the ease of updating very fast without having to worry players missing files etc, auto updater brings all correct files to players. From a player pov, it feels kinda sucky, 4 new client versions in just 1 week of time feels very heavy. The lack of players around and in warehouse & shop makes it feel more empty. But the part the players mainly don't know (or arn't aware of) is that with auto updater, multi client becomes harder and will only be done/performed if REALLY needed, this is why there is more space and emptyness in the warehouse and shop. Every update takes time to restore original players, in this case it doesn't matter if we release 1 or 1 billion clients, it's only the auto updater what the people need to get installed & running, the rest comes by itself. About 20 bugs after update: Also true, there were alot of bugs initially, we addressed and resolved them very quickly, that's why 4 clients got release in just 1 week of time. Bugs are to be found and to be solved, with auto updater we can push fixed any time any moment without bothering players to (re-)download any (new) files from our website, auto updater keeps them updated. That there are still bugs can't be avoided, unless players would properly respond to my requests of testing. I've asked MANY times in game for victims or players to help me around testing things... I have to beg 2 to 3 times to even get a reply from players to help me out to test things and see if they're bugged. This update (v5.40.*spam*) was indeed poorly tested on everything outside the quest system. Thanks to Mao the entire Quest System has been tested fairly well, alot of thanks to him! Yet if I call others to help me out, nobody responds and if they do join, all they ask for is items items items like HF, beho necks, z wands, devastators to fool around in test server and don't even commit to testing. If nobody wants to help testing to make it smooth and bugless, then you CANNOT expect it to run smooth on release. P.S. As we're aware of the many bugs, we never rejected any refunding of lost majestics or EKs if they get reported lost in case of a server crash. About top 50 hits: Handshakes has nothing to do with this, each player has a unique IP and his IP is counted once every day as farjat mentioned. The auto updater is a reparated service besides the nemesis website, which does not link or connect in any way to hbtop50.com So the top 50 hits are completely legit hits from people who visited the nemesis website. About the 5 & 2 minute windows to (re)login: They're made on purpose to reduce the possibility of cheating. The possibility of cheating in the previous auto updater (pre v5.40.003) was fairly high, if one knew or figured the mechanics, he could cheat the updater and trick nemesis server in thinking he's using a legit client. Since v5.40.003 the procedure that should ensure the server you're having a legit client has been changed and improved, this improvement allows relogging without rerunning the auto updater. The 5 & 2 minute windows to (re)login are made to ensure the handshake is consumed within this time. If a handshake would last an unlimited amount of time, hackers/cheaters would benefit from this as they'd be able to just request 1 handshake and attempt 1 gazillion times over an unlimited period of time to hack/cheat their way in (which is TECHNICALLY possible, but PRACTICALLY impossible... the amount of time you'd spent cheating your way in is way higher than the amount of time it takes to get FH in a legit way without footstep or pak cheating. Never the less, the one who does cheat his way in basically DISERVES it to be in, I'd reward him a damn devastator for doing this, it's unlikely that'll ever occur with this new mechnism). I do have to note that in v5.50.003~4 there is an issue with relogging. The 5 minute window works fine, might need to up to to 6 or 7 minutes to allow the really slow PCs to shake hands and load files + login to game). The 2 minute window for reloggin faces an issue in these 2 versions, there is a known bug (to be resolved v5.40.005) which causes the handshake to become corrupted which'll result in a handshake failure message for the player who's relogging. I'm very sure once we hammer out the last bugs and issues and the servers run in a stable way, we'll see more people rejoining and continue playing as before.
  7. WhiteFang

    I Still Show Shak Hands :(

    We're aware of an issue with the handshaker relogging. But as you don't like to have updates very often... I will delay this update to fix this issue, just because you don't like to have updates very often. Decide what you want before speaking up and complaining. Either you can alot updates very fast that fix & change things very fast so you have smoother game player, or you don't want that at all and then you shut your mouth and don't complain that we update slow or we don't fix bugs very fast.
  8. WhiteFang

    V5.40.004 Patch Details

    We've recently updated to v5.40.004, this are the details: New Features: - Manuals can now be Corrupted or Limited without permanently adding the spell. (Manual must be in the Inventory for the spell to be active) - Quest Reward 'Random Amount' can also be used for non-items (Experience, Contribution Points, etc). - Added Apocalypse Quest Chain + other quests (total 15 new quests) Bug fixes: - Quest Reward 'Random Amount' displayed incorrectly. - Quest Condition 'Side' and 'Not Side' didn't work properly. - Quest Item Depletion upon Completion. - Character & Guild Saving Concurrency issues.
  9. WhiteFang

    I Still Show Shak Hands :(

    probably monday or tuesday. (somewhere between 2~5 PM)
  10. WhiteFang

    I Still Show Shak Hands :(

    We're aware, will be fixed v5.40.005
  11. Steps to take (ONLY NEEDS TO BE DONE ONCE): 1. Run the auto updater to get the latest files. 2. Close the client again after auto updater launched it. (= you got up-to-date files) 3. Copy your nemesis folder (= 1st folder) (name it something like "nemesis 2" or idk, what ever... = 2nd folder). Steps to take (Repeat every time you want to multi client) 1. Run the auto updater in your 1st folder. 2. Login once the client launches and select your character and get into the game. 3. Switch back to windows 4. Run the auto updater in your 2nd folder. 5. Login once the client launches and select your character and get into the game. 6. Tadaaaaaa you're now in-game with 2 chars ;) - multi client !
  12. WhiteFang

    V5.40.0002 Patch Details

    Yes, this happens if the auto updater needs to update itself.
  13. WhiteFang

    V5.40.0002 Patch Details

    Today we've applied a patch to v5.40, this are the patch details: Fixed Features: This list is what WAS bugged, those bugs are now FIXED. - Shut-Down Dialog did not appear when server shut-down is initiated. - Stun-Ratios were off the charts causing strange damage patterns. - Twin-Mage casting animation looked like physical attacking animation. - Critical Charge from monsters was not displayed correctly. - Critical Charge from other players was not displayed and heard correctly. - Display bug in Party Member list, only the first member was showing up in the list. - Sorcerer attempting to sell Fury of Thor spells. - No drops or zem depletion when being killed. - Missing "Critical!" text when damage is higher than 128. - Missing "!" when dealing the death-strike. - No SP draining when running. - Incorrect /monstercount display text. - Missing Giant Cray-fish Pit in Dungeon Lv2. - Incorrect teleport locations from RH, SW & town dungeons to town. If you find any more issues/problems or incorrect things on v5.40.0002, please put them in a reply at this thread.
  14. WhiteFang

    V5.40.0002 Patch Details

    Then you're probably missing .NET Framework 2.0
  15. WhiteFang

    [fixed] Cant Log

    This should be fixed now.
  16. Friday October 12th 2012 somewhere between 2~5PM Server Time we'll be performing a scheduled update. v5.40.003 will be released, patch notes: Fix: Some NPC Drops did not appear in the logs. Change: Client now allows Relogging again after improved Auto Updater Security. Fix: Cityhall Officer Teleportation Dialog. Fix: Guild Member Location Display in the Guild Dialog. Fix: Guild Contributing didn't correctly contribute to the Guild. Fix: Guild Secession Ticket giving to Guild Hall Officer. Fix: Int & Mag angels could be unequiped while required to equip other items. Fix: Some Deplete logs were logged incorrectly. Fix: Incorrect Strip Rate displayed in axe descriptions. Fix: 1-handed axes did not strip shields. Fix: Party Quests could be progressed with only 1 member in the party. Fix: Summoned or Tamed monsters counted towards quest completion. Fix: Guild Contributing didn't add the contribution points to the guild. Fix: Item that was given to a player with full bag (or npc that could not accept it) became un-usable untill relogging. Fix: Serveral map teleport locations, level limits and missing pits. Fix: Missing Trade Dialog Background for the majority of the available Skins.
  17. WhiteFang

    I Still Show Shak Hands :(

    There is a window of 5 minutes to login first attempt (after updater starts) There is a window of 2 minutes to relog on all other attempts (when logging out & loggin into other/same acc/char)
  18. WhiteFang

    Scheduled Maintance, Friday Oct 12th 2012

    The patch has been applied.
  19. WhiteFang

    Scheduled Maintance, Friday Oct 12th 2012

    Scheduled Maintance is delayed due to unexpected issues. Estimated time for maintance: 7 PM
  20. WhiteFang

    Scheduled Maintance, Friday Oct 12th 2012

    Barlog wings as cape??? you like that? I can make that :P
  21. WhiteFang

    Scheduled Maintance, Friday Oct 12th 2012

    It's hidden untill the date & time is close to scheduled date & time because some of the fixed are fixed for abusable bugs that would give you an overhealming benefit over other players. Mainly I can say this frequently reported bugs will be fixed: - Guild Contri Donating bug - CH Teleporting Dialog Bug - Dungeon Lv4 Missing Barlog & wrong Dragonia Teleport - Angel Equiping/Unquiping bug (could still unequip MAG and DEX angels if they're required for other items you got equiped) - Quest related issues (<< can't tell what exactly in detail because here is the exploitable part with high benefits) - Guild Member Location Display bug - Other minor bugs or improvements
  22. WhiteFang

    Now Auto Update,,,,so...we Can Use New Map?

    It works fine, I already tested it. If need assistance how to do rule etc, I can assist by using skype to chat and Team Viewer to remote control the computer which needs setting set.
  23. WhiteFang

    Now Auto Update,,,,so...we Can Use New Map?

    Distances in the "new" town maps isn't really equal either. We do could move around a couple buildings in the current maps to make a twist to the game play. Feel free to make some suggestions, which building move to where etc... (or dungeon entrance can also me moved) You can use laggless. In your proxy program (prolly this is like WideCap or FreeCap or something similiar) you need to add a new rule. Instead of adding an application like "HelGame.exe" add a web address to it. Add " *.helbreathnemesis.com " as a rule, and put it to go trough socksv5 also. This way the auto updater can properly make use of laggless. This was tested and works correctly, I've made sure all this kept working as I know alot of players are using LaggLess services to get better ping to play.
  24. WhiteFang

    Gcp (guild Contribution Point)

    There is a known bug related to donating GCP. Make a ticket with the chars that have lost contri, state the date and amount of lost contri.
  25. WhiteFang

    I Want All The Ppl Back!

    Did you make a ticket for lost items? if not, make damn ticket ! (and wait in line to get served :P)