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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    [event] Trick Or Treat !? -- Extended --

    The visual could should change again, if not, then this is a bug. Normally upon relogging it should be fixed then, or probably also gets fixed upon dropping any other item or picking any fresh npc drop. I'll look into the display issue later on today once I get home from the office lol :D
  2. WhiteFang

    [event] Trick Or Treat !? -- Extended --

    the quest itself keeps your count of how many you found. Each objective works on its own, if you meet the objective requirement (type, item, map And coord range) the count goes up. If your.count is equal to the requires count, the objective is completed. you can store the required items in wh, or drop them again, but you will lose visual count. What you no longer have in your bag no longer counts. As you need to "give" the items to the quest NPC, you obviously need them int your bag to be able to do so. So putting them in you wh will decrease the visual count you see, but once you take them put again, you'll see your actual count again (if you took an equal or higher amount out of your wh ofc)
  3. WhiteFang

    [event] Trick Or Treat !? -- Extended --

    Halloween Pumpkin... what is does? Nothing... Perry and MC-Gaffin collect them so they can create Halloween Hats out of these Pumpkins using a special Alchemy recipe which only they know. It's also a nice collectable item (just as the Halloween Hat is one) as those pumpkins won't return after the event period has finished.
  4. WhiteFang

    [event] Trick Or Treat !? -- Extended --

    It is tradeable and cam be transfered to other accounts. It can also be dropped if you die without zem.
  5. WhiteFang

    Fund Raising.

  6. WhiteFang

    [fixed] Server Down

    yeah sure, it was creating & dismissing guilds that caused problems.
  7. WhiteFang

    [fixed] Server Down

    Yes, we've taken the quick opportunity to also fix a minor bug that remained but was bothering mainly newcommers.
  8. WhiteFang

    [event] Trick Or Treat !? -- Extended --

    Go Peace mode and talk to take the quest.
  9. WhiteFang

    [event] Trick Or Treat !? -- Extended --

    Not as a pit, but they spawn randomly... enjoy yourself :D No, Halloween Pumpkins are special pumpkins dropped by ANY monster in ANY map (reandom chance to be dropped ofcrouse), they're NOT the regular pumpkins you farm.
  10. WhiteFang

    [event] Trick Or Treat !? -- Extended --

    Starting from today, the Halloween Event ! Make sure to checkout Perry and MC-Gaffin during this 2 week event, and don't forget to make some time for one of the 4 summon events on Halloween Day itself (October 31st)
  11. WhiteFang

    Rares In Same Area

    You complain too many rares (cuz you didn't win one in the event)... If we don't give rares (aka no events with rare prices) you complain that there is not enough events with rare items... you complain if you're not complaining... Anyway, said short, you always speaking against yourself in any case. As svafnir is saying, the items will be gone in ~3 weeks (between 16~20 november they're disapearing). About training, there is numerous places you can go and train your character (to earn majestics), ofc the better/faster training places are more dangerous, but there are many places to train: - Garden - DV/SW - Tower of Hell 1 - Tower of Hell 2 - 3 Cyclops pits in D2 - 1 Crayfish pit in D2 - 2 IG pits in IB - 2 Frost pits in IB - 3 Dark-Elf pits in Tower of Hell 3 - 2 Ogre Pits in ML - 2 WW Pits in ML - 1 Troll Pit in ML - 2 Cyclops Pits in ML - 1 Giant-Frog Pit in ML - ML River Side (Always 3 Ettins, loads of other random mobs) Still need more locations to go training? I think Helbreath offers sufficient places to go and train troughout, you'd probably have to move often to avoid PvP.
  12. WhiteFang

    Fund Raising.

    i am typing it wrong from 10 years ago already. will not learn it. For this same reason next things in HB are also wrong: hellbound = hellhound orge = ogre gagoyle = gargoyle devastor = devastator bastad sword = bastard sword excliber = exclibur mithral = mithril melone = melon tommato = tomato lighting blade = lightning blade acient tablet = ancient tablet helbreath = hellbreath << not sure if the missing L was intended or not anyway lol xD To go back ON topic: We also sell dye colors, what's in the donation store is available, but we have many many more colors. write a support ticket if interested in another color.
  13. WhiteFang

    Roll Back

    If it's checked, uncheck it and try again. If it's unchecked, check it and try again.
  14. WhiteFang

    Roll Back

    I've replaced the pak file in the nemesis updater folder, can you try again?
  15. WhiteFang

    Roll Back

    It's tree1-small.pak or trees1-small.pak ???
  16. WhiteFang

    Roll Back

    I've changed the updater config again, please check if it works now? Yes this work now, but i get another error check SS http://imageshack.us...6456/treesp.jpg in the options, click "small trees" checkbox, and click it again to uncheck it (if you don't like small tree), then click OK, then click start game.
  17. WhiteFang

    Patch Details V5.40.006

    v5.40.006 Patch Details New Features - Halloween Event (Starts October 24th 2012, Ends November 7th 2012) Fixed Features This list is what WAS bugged, those bugs are now FIXED. - Elvine & Aresden maps had some bumping spots. - Ice-Golems didn't properly attack their target. - Giving Corrupted Manuals didn't properly remove the spell gained from the Manual. - Crusade Commanders could not see Mana Stones or Base colors. - Relogging fix didn't get fixed properly last version. (Acc was removed from Acc list before refresh took place)
  18. WhiteFang

    Roll Back

    I've changed the updater config again, please check if it works now?
  19. WhiteFang

    Roll Back

    Did you run the auto updater as administrator?
  20. WhiteFang

    Changing Characters.

    It should be fixed in v5.40.005, we've changed some code related to the relog procedure.
  21. WhiteFang

    Roll Back

    Did you do what farjat said? (delete all files in folder and run updater again?) yes i make it. Canyou make a SS of the exact error please?
  22. WhiteFang

    Roll Back

    Did you do what farjat said? (delete all files in folder and run updater again?)
  23. WhiteFang

    V5.40.005 Patch Details

    Here are the patch details, it's not much or a large list anymore, meaning we're about to finished/are finished fixing bugs ;) - Relogging didn't refresh correct time causing handshake mismatches. - False-Positive SP "Hack" detect. - Black Dragon's Dynamic Portal didn't change spawn position. - Resurrection wand didn't enable Resurrection Spell. - Party Member bug: Leaving & rejoining GameServer caused incorrect Party Member Count.
  24. WhiteFang

    V5.40.005 Patch Details

    There's a scheduled maintance for the server in the data center: Date: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 (10/17/2012) Start Time: 05:01 AM UTC End Time: 01:01 PM UTC Services affected: Public and Private Network Connectivity Duration: 8 hours =================================================== As a part of our annual maintenance to improve network performance and stability, Network Engineers will be performing firmware upgrades during a scheduled maintenance window on the following devices: mbr01.dal07 bcr01.dal07 fcr01.dal07 mbr01.hou02 bcr01.hou02 bcr02.hou02 fcr01.hou02 fcr02.hou02 Although these devices are redundant systems, the nature of this firmware upgrade will cause a loss of network connectivity to both the public and private networks respectively. While the maintenance window is set for 8 hours, we expect the actual impact to be no more 15 minutes per device. =================================================== If you have any problems after this time frame with regard to connectivity, or if you have any questions regarding the maintenance at any point, please open a new ticket in the customer portal referencing this ticket. This ticket is not being tracked by personnel and will be only used to update status of this maintenance. We appreciate your patience during this work and welcome any feedback. Thank you, Network Engineering