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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Custom Music Folder

    F12 -> Music: OFF -> ALT + TAB -> Open Music Player (VLC or something) -> Player Music -> ??? -> Full Hero
  2. WhiteFang

    Cannot Download Client

    Good to hear ! :) have fun playing ;)
  3. WhiteFang

    Cannot Download Client

    Download auto updater, NOT auto updater setup. Place it in your nemesis folder (or make a new folder) and run the exe
  4. WhiteFang

    What Really Happen To Elvine Town ?

    I'm on it, debugging right now... just wait till i find some solution. I have possibly found the issue, i'm shutting down all servers to apply a quick-fix for this. It'll take about 5~15 minutes to apply this and boot the servers again. Quick-Fix has been applied, servers are up and running again.
  5. WhiteFang

    What Really Happen To Elvine Town ?

    I'm on it, debugging right now... just wait till i find some solution. I have possibly found the issue, i'm shutting down all servers to apply a quick-fix for this. It'll take about 5~15 minutes to apply this and boot the servers again.
  6. WhiteFang

    What Really Happen To Elvine Town ?

    I'm on it, debugging right now... just wait till i find some solution.
  7. WhiteFang

    [event] Trick Or Treat !? -- Extended --

    Yes, they'll be back in December as drops. You can also expect the Candies (Red, Blue, Green) which heal you (HP, MP, SP) to return as drops from any monster in Icebound.
  8. WhiteFang

    [event] Trick Or Treat !? -- Extended --

    As the event has passed by last weekend, I'd like to congratulate the 36 players who have succeeded in completing the Trick or Treat!? Quest. This results in 36 unique Halloween Hat's in the game with 1 of them Statted (given to the first completer of the quest, Gynizer). --- As we're yet only 2 weeks away from december, you can expect some Chrismas Feaver starting already in December... Snow, Candy, Light Bulbs, Tree Decorations, and much more is about to come !
  9. WhiteFang

    Translations Needed !

    Dutch Version Corrections: Plaats de Autoupdater... Heb je problemen met updaten, installeer dan de Full Installer Setup, of bezoek het forum! Download de Full Installer Setup en voer deze uit en start de snelkoppeling op je bureaublad. Veilingshuis -->> This occurs in multiple sentences, it must be replaced everywhere. Verdien geld door ... ... op te waarderen en zo kun je items kopen van andere spelers ... Geld dat je verdient via de verkoop kan je laten uitbetalen naar je PayPal Account! ... topic in ons forum. No need to reward me with items in-game lol :D
  10. WhiteFang

    What Really Happen To Elvine Town ?

    *some hours later* I woke up, found debug, see the bug, fix the bug, put server up again ^_^ There we go, one bug less, more stable for the future !
  11. WhiteFang

    The Guild System Update

    Currently we know the Guild System or the way guilds work as described in "Guild Level 1". Simple and easy, just a master and members. The Nemesis Guild System will bring change in this ! This is a graphical representation of the guild system: In the new Guild System we introduce a new "currency" for guilds called "Guild Contribution Points" (GCP or Guild Contri). Each indevidual can collect Contribution points troughout the game by completing Quests. The past updates we have been improving the quests, added a quest list and additional quest types such as Party Quests. These contribution points earned indevidually troughout the quest system can be donated to your guild. For every contribution point you donate to your guild, your guild gains 1 GCP. These GCP can be used by the Guild Master to upgrade the guild's level or purache new abilities for the new guild ranks. Guild Level 1 Guild Upgrade: 50000 GCP Guild Member Limit: 10 Guild Member Limit Expandable: Unavailable Guild Warehouse: Unavailable Guild Warehouse Page Limit: 2 Guild Warehouse Page Expandable: 10000 GCP/Page Guild Warehouse Slot Limit: 5 Guild Warehouse Slot Expandable: Unavailable Guild Master Maximum Allocations: 1 Crusade Commading Abilities: Free Crusade Build Points Commading: Free Crusade Teleport Point Commanding: Free Siege Commanding Abilities: 10000 GCP Siege Flag Planting Ability: Free Accept New Members Ability: Free Special Chat Color: Unavailable (Always Available - Future Feature !) Choose Special Chat Color: Unavailable (Future Feature !) Can Change Guild Ranks? Yes Can be Changed? No Can Ban From Guild? Yes Can be Banned? No Guild Member Maximum Allocations: Unlimited Crusade Commading Abilities: Impossible Crusade Build Points Commading: Impossible Crusade Teleport Point Commanding: Impossible Siege Commanding Abilities: Impossible Siege Flag Planting Ability: Impossible Accept New Members Ability: Impossible Special Chat Color: Impossible (Future Feature !) Choose Special Chat Color: Impossible (Future Feature !) Can Change Guild Ranks? No Can be Changed? Yes Can Ban From Guild? No Can be Banned? Yes Guild Level 2 Guild Upgrade: 250000 GCP Guild Member Limit: 25 Guild Member Limit Expandable: Unavailable Guild Warehouse: 25000 GCP (1 page & 5 slots) Guild Warehouse Page Limit: 3 Guild Warehouse Page Expandable: 25000 GCP/Page Guild Warehouse Slot Limit: 10 Guild Warehouse Slot Expandable: 2500 GCP/Slot Guild Master Special Chat Color: 50000 GCP (Future Feature !) Guild Leader Maximum Allocations: 1 Crusade Commading Abilities: 25000 GCP Crusade Build Points Commading: 25000 GCP Crusade Teleport Point Commanding: 25000 GCP Siege Commanding Abilities: 25000 GCP Siege Flag Planting Ability: Unavailable Accept New Members Ability: 25000 GCP Special Chat Color: Unavailable (Always Available - Future Feature !) Choose Special Chat Color: Unavailable (Future Feature !) Can Change Guild Ranks? Yes Can be Changed? Yes Can Ban From Guild? Yes Can be Banned? Yes Guild Level 3 Guild Upgrade: 500000 GCP Guild Member Limit: 50 Guild Member Limit Expandable: Unavailable Guild Warehouse: 25000 GCP Guild Warehouse Page Limit: 5 Guild Warehouse Page Expandable: 50000 GCP/Page Guild Warehouse Slot Limit: 20 Guild Warehouse Slot Expandable: 5000 GCP/Slot Guild Master Choose Special Chat Color: 100000 GCP (Future Feature !) Guild Leader Siege Flag Planting Ability: 100000 GCP Special Chat Color: 100000 (Always Available - Future Feature !) Guild Commander Maximum Allocations: 1 Crusade Commading Abilities: 50000 GCP Crusade Build Points Commading: 50000 GCP Crusade Teleport Point Commanding: 50000 GCP Siege Commanding Abilities: 50000 GCP Siege Flag Planting Ability: Unavailable Accept New Members Ability: Impossible Special Chat Color: Unavailable (Only During Crusade & Heldenian - Future Feature !) Choose Special Chat Color: Unavailable (Future Feature !) Can Change Guild Ranks? No Can be Changed? Yes Can Ban From Guild? No Can be Banned? Yes Guild Veteran Maximum Allocations: Unlimited Crusade Commading Abilities: Impossible Crusade Build Points Commading: Impossible Crusade Teleport Point Commanding: Impossible Siege Commanding Abilities: Impossible Siege Flag Planting Ability: Impossible Accept New Members Ability: Impossible Special Chat Color: Impossible (Future Feature !) Choose Special Chat Color: Impossible (Future Feature !) Can Change Guild Ranks? No Can be Changed? Yes Can Ban From Guild? No Can be Banned? Yes Guild Level 4 Guild Upgrade: 1000000 GCP Guild Member Limit: 100 Guild Member Limit Expandable: Unavailable Guild Warehouse: 25000 GCP Guild Warehouse Page Limit: 7 Guild Warehouse Page Expandable: 100000 GCP/Page Guild Warehouse Slot Limit: 50 Guild Warehouse Slot Expandable: 10000 GCP/Slot Guild Leader Choose Special Chat Color: 100000 GCP (Future Feature !) Guild Commander Siege Flag Planting Ability: 200000 GCP Guild Siege Commander Maximum Allocations: 1 Crusade Commading Abilities: Impossible Crusade Build Points Commading: Impossible Crusade Teleport Point Commanding: Impossible Siege Commanding Abilities: 100000 Siege Flag Planting Ability: Unavailable Accept New Members Ability: Impossible Special Chat Color: Unavailable (Only During Heldenian - Future Feature !) Choose Special Chat Color: Impossible (Future Feature !) Can Change Guild Ranks? No Can be Changed? Yes Can Ban From Guild? No Can be Banned? Yes Guild Crusade Commander Maximum Allocations: 1 Crusade Commading Abilities: 100000 GCP Crusade Build Points Commading: 100000 GCP Crusade Teleport Point Commanding: 100000 GCP Siege Commanding Abilities: Impossible Siege Flag Planting Ability: Impossible Accept New Members Ability: Impossible Special Chat Color: Unavailable (Only During Crusade - Future Feature !) Choose Special Chat Color: Impossible (Future Feature !) Can Change Guild Ranks? No Can be Changed? Yes Can Ban From Guild? No Can be Banned? Yes Guild Level 5 Guild Upgrade: Impossible Guild Member Limit: 200 Guild Member Limit Expandable: 1000 GCP/Member Slot (Max 1000 Slots) Guild Warehouse: 25000 GCP Guild Warehouse Page Limit: 10 Guild Warehouse Page Expandable: 200000 GCP/Page Guild Warehouse Slot Limit: 1000 Guild Warehouse Slot Expandable: 20000 GCP/Slot Guild Siege Commander Choose Special Chat Color: 200000 GCP (Only During Heldenian - Future Feature !) Siege Flag Planting Ability: 400000 GCP Guild Crusade Commander Choose Special Chat Color: 200000 GCP (Only During Crusade - Future Feature !) Guild Siege Captain Maximum Allocations: 1 Crusade Commading Abilities: Impossible Crusade Build Points Commading: Impossible Crusade Teleport Point Commanding: Impossible Siege Commanding Abilities: 200000 GCP Siege Flag Planting Ability: Impossible Accept New Members Ability: Impossible Special Chat Color: Impossible (Future Feature !) Choose Special Chat Color: Impossible (Future Feature !) Can Change Guild Ranks? No Can be Changed? Yes Can Ban From Guild? No Can be Banned? Yes Guild Crusade Constructor Maximum Allocations: 1 Crusade Commading Abilities: Impossible Crusade Build Points Commading: 200000 GCP Crusade Teleport Point Commanding: Impossible Siege Commanding Abilities: 200000 GCP Siege Flag Planting Ability: Impossible Accept New Members Ability: Impossible Special Chat Color: Impossible (Future Feature !) Choose Special Chat Color: Impossible (Future Feature !) Can Change Guild Ranks? No Can be Changed? Yes Can Ban From Guild? No Can be Banned? Yes Guild Crusade Captain Maximum Allocations: 1 Crusade Commading Abilities: Impossible Crusade Build Point Commading: Impossible Crusade Teleport Point Commanding: 200000 GCP Siege Commanding Abilities: 200000 GCP Siege Flag Planting Ability: Impossible Accept New Members Ability: Impossible Special Chat Color: Impossible (Future Feature !) Choose Special Chat Color: Impossible (Future Feature !) Can Change Guild Ranks? No Can be Changed? Yes Can Ban From Guild? No Can be Banned? Yes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dictionary/Clearifications Where to get all this !? At the Guild Hall, talk with the Guild Hall Officer. How to see guild info? press CTRL + G Guild Costs At first guild costs seem to be insanly high, but they actually arn't. A guild does not exist out of 1 member, a guild is a group of members. For each cost it has been carefully measured that the donation of each guild member should be between 1k to 10k contribution points if the guild is fully occupied. Ofcrouse depending on the ability and the impact on the game-play of this ability, the cost is slightly higher (e.g. Heldenian Siege Flag Planting). Guild Upgrade: The cost that is required to be payed to advance to the next guild level. Every Cost that is set to 0 (zero) will be automatically granted for free. The member limit will automatically increase to the given upper limit, only at level 5 this upper limit can be exceeded if more slots are bought. After the guild has been upgraded in level, the previous abilities bought will still be available. Costs not indicated in the higher guild level will be equal to those of the lower guild level. Guild Level A guild's level indicated the power of a guild. The guild level can be increased by upgrading the guild. Once the guild reaches/purchases the next level, the guild automatically gets the new ranks available for use (thought certain abilities for these ranks still must be purchased !). Guild Ranks Guild Ranks have been introduced to the guild system to dedicate certain specific functions/abilities to more important people/players within the guild. Guild ranks basically form just a name for those who posses the rank, special abilities are available for each rank and must be pruchased before they can be used. Each rank basically explains it self, except for the "Guild Veteran". Guild Veteran rank is introduced to be assigned to those members that are trustworthy enough and/or long term guild members who earned to become a Veteran. Basically you don't want to share "the guild XR" to your newest members who you don't know (and probably don't trust yet !), therefore a Veteran rank is introduced to overcome this problem. A veteran has no other new or special abilities than the member rank has, except that the guild veterans can access 2 guild pages instead of 1 (more on pages later on in the topic). So basically "the guild XR" should be stored and shared with Veterans, as those are the core members of your guild who you'll trust "the guild XR" to. (or any other "guild" items.) Guild Warehouse: The cost that is required to be payed only once to unlock the guild warehouse, it does NOT have to be done every guild level. In contradiction to the member limit, guild slot and page limits will not automatically be granted, the limited indicated are upper limits and cannot be exceeded. Guild Warehouse Slots are counted as the total of items in the guild warehouse. Guild Warehouse Pages Every member can seer and put any item in any page as they desire if the limit of slots hasn't been reached yet. Only those who have the correct rank (or a higher one) can withdraw again from the page. e.g. A guild commander can deposit an item in the guild leader's page, but only the guild leader (and master as he's higher rank) can withdraw from this page. Exception: The graphical representation shows Crusade Captain, Crusade Constructor and Siege Captain equal in line, for bank pages rank are (from low to high): siege captain, crusade constructor, crusade captain Guild Warehouse & Security The guild warehouse is basically unsecured, a password cannot be set to lock it. Though there are other measures taken to make the guild warehouse safe. First of all we have, as previously stated, the guild pages that allow certain guild ranks to access them (or not). Therefore, assigning guild ranks should be done VERY carefully by the guild master and leader. On top of this rank-related pages, the guild warehouse also keeps track of who withdraw which or what item and when it happend. Up to 50 withdraw and 50 deposit logs are kept, both logs are separated and accessable by anyone in the guild. Withdrawing and depositing items from the guild warehouse is also written into the Nemesis Log Files to keep track of everything. Nemesis Log Files are ONLY available for Nemesis Game Masters thoughout the Log Checker ! Just as item theft of items or warehouse items is not allowed, item theft within the guild warehouse will be treated equally. Please note that for example "i've put my XR in page X, now one of my members took it from the guild warehouse and won't give it back" will NOT be considered theft ! You've put the XR there yourself, so it's your own mistake. In cases like this, you did not understand the Guild System well enough to use it. Guild Hall (Future Feature !) Guild Hall is a future update scheduled to be released shortly after or together with Virtualized Maps. The Guild Hall will be a personal map for the guild to hang out, only members of that guild (and Game Masters) can enter the Guild Hall. In this Guild Hall parties can be made and special Activities and other stuff can be performed inside the Guild Hall. There are plans for guild-related events and rewards/rewarding systems where a specific guild gets something special (Automated Guild v Guild Fights & more). Guild Activities (Future Feature ! - Unsure if this will be implemented) For an amount of GCP the guild master (or leader) can initiate/purchase an activity. Acitivities Include: - MR Event - Summon Event (Minors only, no major monsters) - More to be invented ;) Crusade Commanding Abilities Commading abilities are as we know it to Summon the monsters during Crusades. This ability must be bought only once, NOT every crusade or guild level. If the ability is not bought/unlocked, it cannot be used. Crusade Build Point Commanding During Crusade the Build Point can be commanded (set/changed) by those who have this ability. This ability must be bought only once, NOT every crusade or guild level. If the ability is not bought/unlocked, it cannot be used. Crusade Teleport Point Commanding During Crusade the Teleport Point can be commanded (set/changed) by those who have this ability. This ability must be bought only once, NOT every crusade or guild level. If the ability is not bought/unlocked, it cannot be used. Heldenian Siege Commander Currently the Siege Commanding Ability has no special function yet. There are plans to change some parts of the Heldenian Siege to give this ability a good function/purpose. This ability must be bought only once, NOT every heldenian or guild level. If the ability is not bought/unlocked, it cannot be used. Heldenian Siege Flag Planter During Heldenian Siege those with this ability bought/unlocked will be able to plant their nation's flag to win the Heldenian. This ability must be bought only once, NOT every heldenian or guild level. If the ability is not bought/unlocked, it cannot be used. Accept New Member Ability The ability to accept or deny members to join the guild when a guild admission ticket is given to them. This ability must be bought only once, NOT every guild level. If the ability is not bought/unlocked, it cannot be used. Special Chat Color (Future Feature !) The special chat color will only be available within the guild chat, talking in global (red), nation (blue), local (white), whisper (purple) or party (yellow) the special chat color will not be applied. The purpose of the special chat colors is to indicate those within the guild that have more powers/abilities/leadership/authority. Certain special chat colors will only be available during Heldenian Siege or Crusade. This ability must be bought only once, NOT every guild level. If the ability is not bought/unlocked, it cannot be used. Choose Special Chat Color (Future Feature !) Those who have the special chat color available always (even outside Heldenian and Crusade - Guild Leader & Master) are able to change their specific color if this ability is bought/unlocked. This ability must be bought only once, NOT every guild level. If the ability is not bought/unlocked, it cannot be used. Please note that any features, prices or information in this thread related to the Guild System is subject to change at any time without warning or announcement at the nemesis website, forum or game. Spanish Translation Actualmente conocen el Sistema de Guild o la manera en como trabajan como esta descripto en Guild Level 1. Simple, master y miembros. El nuevo Sistema de Guilds de Nemesis incluira esto: Este es un grafico del sistema. Con este nuevo sistema implementamos una nueva "moneda" llamada "Guild Contribution Points" (GCP). Cada persona puede juntar Contribution a traves de las quest. En los updates pasados estuvimos, agregando mas tipos de quest, una lista, y las party quest. Estos puntos de Contribution que cada uno hace por su cuenta, pueden ser donados al guild. Cada punto de Contribution que dones, sera 1 (uno) GCP. Estos GCP pueden ser usados por el GM para mejorar el nivel del guild o para comprar nuevas funciones para los distintos rangos del guild. Guild Level 1 Guild Upgrade:50.000 GCP Guild Member Limit:10 Guild Member Limit (expansivle): No disponible Guild WH: No disponible Guild WH Page Limit:2 Guild WH Page Limit (expansivle): 10.000 GCP/Page Guild WG Slot Limit:5 Guild Warehouse Slot (expansivle):No Disponible Guild Master Distribucion maxima: 1 Funciones de Crusadas: Gratis Funciones de Contrucciones de Crusadas: Gratis Funciones de TPs de Crusadas: Gratis Funciones de Heldenian (Siege): 10.000 GCP Plantar Bandera en Held:Gratis Aceptacion de nuevos miembros:Gratis Color especial para chat: No Disponible (update futuro) Elegir color especial para chat: No Disponible (update futuro) Puede cambiar rangos?: Si Puede ser cambiado?:No Puede banear?:Si puede ser baneado?:No Guild Member Distribucion maxima: Ilimitada Funciones de Crusadas: Imposible Funciones de Contrucciones de Crusadas: Imposible Funciones de TPs de Crusadas: Imposible Funciones de Heldenian (Siege): Imposible Plantar Bandera en Held:Imposible Aceptacion de nuevos miembros:Imposible Color especial para chat: Imposible (update futuro) Elegir color especial para chat: Imposible (update futuro) Puede cambiar rangos?: No Puede ser cambiado?:Si Puede banear?:No puede ser baneado?:Si Guild Level 2 Guild Upgrade:250.000 GCP Guild Member Limit:25 Guild Member Limit (expansivle): No disponible Guild WH: 25.000 GCP (1 pagina y 5 slots) Guild WH Page Limit:3 Guild WH Page Limit (expansivle): 25.000 GCP/Page Guild WG Slot Limit: 10 Guild Warehouse Slot (expansivle):2500 GCP/slot Guild Master Colo especial para chat: 50.000 gcp (update futuro) Guild Leader Distribucion maxima: 1 Funciones de Crusadas: 25.000 GCP Funciones de Contrucciones de Crusadas:25.000 GCP Funciones de TPs de Crusadas:25.000 GCP Funciones de Heldenian (Siege):25.000 GCP Plantar Bandera en Held: No Disponible Aceptacion de nuevos miembros:25.000 GCP Color especial para chat: No Disponible (update futuro) Elegir color especial para chat: No Disponible (update futuro) Puede cambiar rangos?: Si Puede ser cambiado?:Si Puede banear?:Si puede ser baneado?:Si Guild Level 3 Guild Upgrade:500.000 GCP Guild Member Limit:50 Guild Member Limit (expansivle): No disponible Guild WH: 25.000 GCP Guild WH Page Limit:5 Guild WH Page Limit (expansivle): 50.000 GCP/Page Guild WG Slot Limit: 20 Guild Warehouse Slot (expansivle):5000 GCP/slot Guild Master Colo especial para chat: 100.000 gcp (update futuro) Guild Leader Plantar Bandera en Held: 100.000GCP (update futuro) Colo especial para chat: 100.000 gcp (update futuro) Guild Commander Distribucion maxima: 1 Funciones de Crusadas: 50.000 GCP Funciones de Contrucciones de Crusadas:50.000 GCP Funciones de TPs de Crusadas:50.000 GCP Funciones de Heldenian (Siege):50.000 GCP Plantar Bandera en Held: No Disponible Aceptacion de nuevos miembros: Imposible Color especial para chat: No Disponible (update futuro - Solo durante crusadas y held.) Elegir color especial para chat: No Disponible (update futuro) Puede cambiar rangos?: No Puede ser cambiado?:Si Puede banear?:No puede ser baneado?:Si Guild Veteran Distribucion maxima: Ilimitado Funciones de Crusadas: Imposible Funciones de Contrucciones de Crusadas:Imposible Funciones de TPs de Crusadas:Imposible Funciones de Heldenian (Siege):Imposible Plantar Bandera en Held: Imposible Aceptacion de nuevos miembros: Imposible Color especial para chat: Imposible (update futuro - Solo durante crusadas y held.) Elegir color especial para chat: Imposible (update futuro) Puede cambiar rangos?: No Puede ser cambiado?:Si Puede banear?:No puede ser baneado?:Si Guild Level 4 Guild Upgrade:1.000.000 GCP Guild Member Limit:100 Guild Member Limit (expansivle): No disponible Guild WH: 25.000 GCP Guild WH Page Limit:7 Guild WH Page Limit (expansivle): 100.000 GCP/Page Guild WG Slot Limit: 50 Guild Warehouse Slot (expansivle):10.000 GCP/slot Guild Leader Colo especial para chat: 100.000 gcp (update futuro) Guild Commander Plantar Bandera en Held: 200.000GCP (update futuro) Guild Siege Commander Distribucion maxima: 1 Funciones de Crusadas: Imposible Funciones de Contrucciones de Crusadas:Imposible Funciones de TPs de Crusadas:Imposible Funciones de Heldenian (Siege):100.000 GCP Plantar Bandera en Held: No Disponible Aceptacion de nuevos miembros: Imposible Color especial para chat: Imposible (update futuro - Solo durante crusadas y held.) Elegir color especial para chat: Imposible (update futuro) Puede cambiar rangos?: No Puede ser cambiado?:Si Puede banear?:No puede ser baneado?:Si Guild Crusade Commander Distribucion maxima: 1 Funciones de Crusadas: 100.000 GCP Funciones de Contrucciones de Crusadas:100.000 GCP Funciones de TPs de Crusadas:100.000 GCP Funciones de Heldenian (Siege):Imposbile Plantar Bandera en Held: No Disponible Aceptacion de nuevos miembros: Imposible Color especial para chat: Imposible (update futuro - Solo durante crusadas y held.) Elegir color especial para chat: Imposible (update futuro) Puede cambiar rangos?: No Puede ser cambiado?:Si Puede banear?:No puede ser baneado?:Si Guild Level 5 Guild Upgrade:Imposible Guild Member Limit:200 Guild Member Limit (expansivle):1.000 GCP/Member Slot (Max 1000 slots) Guild WH: 25.000 GCP Guild WH Page Limit:10 Guild WH Page Limit (expansivle): 200.000 GCP/Page Guild WG Slot Limit: 1000 Guild Warehouse Slot (expansivle):20.000 GCP/slot Guild Siege Commander Elegir color especial para chat: 200.000 CGP (solo durante held - update futuro) Plantar Bandera en Held:400.000 CGP Guild Crusade Commander Elegir color especial para chat: 200.000 CGP (solo durante crusade - update futuro) Guild Siege Captain Distribucion maxima: 1 Funciones de Crusadas: Imposible Funciones de Contrucciones de Crusadas:Imposible Funciones de TPs de Crusadas:Imposible Funciones de Heldenian (Siege):200.000 CGP Plantar Bandera en Held: No Disponible Aceptacion de nuevos miembros: Imposible Color especial para chat: Imposible (update futuro) Elegir color especial para chat: Imposible (update futuro) Puede cambiar rangos?: No Puede ser cambiado?:Si Puede banear?:No puede ser baneado?:Si Guild Crusade Constructor Distribucion maxima: 1 Funciones de Crusadas: Imposible Funciones de Contrucciones de Crusadas:200.000 CGP Funciones de TPs de Crusadas:Imposible Funciones de Heldenian (Siege):200.000 CGP Plantar Bandera en Held: No Disponible Aceptacion de nuevos miembros: Imposible Color especial para chat: Imposible (update futuro) Elegir color especial para chat: Imposible (update futuro) Puede cambiar rangos?: No Puede ser cambiado?:Si Puede banear?:No puede ser baneado?:Si Guild Crusade Captain Distribucion maxima: 1 Funciones de Crusadas: Imposible Funciones de Contrucciones de Crusadas:Imposible Funciones de TPs de Crusadas:200.000 CGP Funciones de Heldenian (Siege):200.000 CGP Plantar Bandera en Held: No Disponible Aceptacion de nuevos miembros: Imposible Color especial para chat: Imposible (update futuro) Elegir color especial para chat: Imposible (update futuro) Puede cambiar rangos?: No Puede ser cambiado?:Si Puede banear?:No puede ser baneado?:Si --------------------------------------------- Diccionario / Aclaraciones Donde se consigue todo esto?! En el Guild Hall. How to see guild info? Apretando CTRL+G Costos del Guild Al principio parecen demasiados altos, pero no lo son en realidad. Un guild no se vale de 1 solo miembro, pero de un grupo. Por cada costo fue cuidadosamente calculado que cada miembro deberia aportar entre 1.000 y 10.000 puntos de contribution si el guild esta activo. Por supuesto, dependiendo de la habilidad y el impacto de dicha habilidad en el juego, el costo va a ser mayor (por ejemplo, plantar bandera) Guild Upgrade:Es el costo que se necesita para subir de nivel. Cada costo que este seteado a 0 (cero), sera dado gratis automaticamente. El limite de miembros aumentara automaticamente al limtie mayor. Solo en el nivel 5 este limite puede ser excedido mediante la compra de slots. Despues que un guild incrementa de nivel, las funciones adquiridas con anterioridad siguen vigentes. Los costos que no se aclararon en los niveles mayores de guild, seran los mismos que en los niveles menores. Guild Level El nivel del guild indica el poder del mismo. El nivel puede ser aumentado mejorando el guild. Una vez que el guild compra/alcanza el proximo nivel, automaticante cuenta con los rangos para ser usados (aunque algunas funciones para esos rangos deben ser compradas!!) Guild Ranks Los rangos fueron introducidos al sistema para adjudicarles ciertas habilidades/funciones especificas a personas con mayor peso/relevancia dentro del guild. Los rangos basicamente dan un nombre a aquellos que los posean. Estos rangos cuentan con funciones particulares que deben ser compradas antes de ser usadas. Cada rango es descripto de antemano por su titulo, a excpecion del rango Veteran. Este rango (Veteran) es creado para ser asignado a aquellas personas que han estado en el guild por un periodo largo y que tambien son fuertemente confiables. Basicamente, vos no queres compartir la XR del guild con los miembros mas nuevos a los que casi no conoces (y de los cual no confias aun). Por eso, este rango es creado para solucionar este problema. El Veteran no tiene ninguna funcion mayor que un miembro comun, salvo que puede acceder a 2 paginas del Guild WH en vez de 1 sola. Entonces, el XR del guild puede ser guardado al alcance del Veteran, pero no del miembro regular. Guild Warehouse El costo que requiere se paga solo UNA vez para destrabarlo. No tiene que ser pagado en cada nivel. El contrario que los miembros, los slots y paginas no seran dadas automaticamente. El limite indicado es el superior y no puede ser excedido. Los slots son contados como el total de items en el guild WH. Guild WH pages Todos los miembros puede ver y poner los items en la pagina que quiera si el limite de slots no fue alcanzado aun. Solo aquellos que tenga el rango correcto (o rango mas alto) puede retirar el item de la pagina. Ejemplo: Un Guild Commander puede depositar un item en la pagina del Guild Leader, pero solo el Guild Leader (y GM, al ser un rango mayor) puede retirar el item. Exepcion: El grafico muestra Crusade Captain, Crusade Constructor y Siege Captain en la misma linea. El orden de rango para las paginas del WH seria: (de menor a mayor) Siege Captain, Crusade Contructor, Crusade Captain Guild WH & Seguridad El Guild WH es basicamente inseguro. Un password no puede ser puesto para asegurarlo. De todos modos, hay otras medidas para hacerlo seguro. En primer lugar tenemos como ya dijimos, las paginas y los rangos para acceder a ellas. Es por eso que a la hora de asignar los rangos, debemos ser SUMAMENTE cuidadosos! Ademas de este sistema de rangos, el Guild WH deja huella de quien retiro que o cual item y cuando paso. Hasta 50 retiro y 50 depositos quedan grabados en Logs. Ambos logs estan separados y pueden ser vistos por cualquier persona del guild. Todo esto se graba tambien en los Logs del Server para tener un seguimiento de todo. Estos logs del server solo puede ser vistos por los GMS! Tal y como el robo de items no esta permitido, el robo de items dentro del guild sera tratado de la misma forma. Pero tengan en cuenta que si pusiste la XR en la pagina X (10) y un miembro comun la saco y no la devuelve no sera considerado robo!. Dado que VOS pusiste ese item ahi y pasa a ser TU error. Guild Hall (a futuro) Guild Hall es un updat futuro planeado para relizarce poco despues o junto a los Virtualized Maps. El Guild Hall sera un mapa persona para que el guild use, solo miembros de ese guild y GMS pueden acceder a ese mapa. En este Guild Hall se podran hacer partys y actividade especiales. Estos son planes para eventos y sistema de premios en relacion con Guilds. (Guild vs Guild automatico y mas) Guild Activities (update futuro - no se va a implementar 100%) Por una suma de GCP el GM (o leader) puede comprar actividades como: - MR event - Summon Event (Bichos chicos, nada grande) - Otros por inventar Funciones de Crusada Estas incluye summonear durante la crusada. Esta habilidad se compra UNA vez solamente. Si no se compra, no se puede usar. Funciones de Contrucciones de Crusadas Permite establecer el punto de construccion durante la sade. Esta habilidad se compra UNA vez solamente. Si no se compra, no se puede usar. Funciones de TPs en Crusadas Permite fijar los TPs durante la sade. Esta habilidad se compra UNA vez solamente. Si no se compra, no se puede usar. Funciones de Heldenian Todavia no tiene una funcion especial. Hay planes para cambiar algunas cosas de la Held para darle una funcion a este rango. Esta habilidad se compra UNA vez solamente. Si no se compra, no se puede usar. Plantar bandera en Held Permite plantar bandera en la heldenian Esta habilidad se compra UNA vez solamente. Si no se compra, no se puede usar. Aceptacion de nuevos miembros Permite aceptar o denegar el acceso a nuevos miembros al guild Esta habilidad se compra UNA vez solamente. Si no se compra, no se puede usar. Color especial del chat Este color estara disponible unicamente dentro del guild chat. Es para determinar quien dentro del guild tiene mas poder/funciones/autoridad. Algunos colores solo estaran disponibles para la Held o Sade. Esta habilidad se compra UNA vez solamente. Si no se compra, no se puede usar. Elegir color especial del chat Aquellos que tengan un color especial del chat todo el tiempo (aun fuera de la Held o Sade - Guild Master/Leader) tendran la opcion de elegir el color que quieran al comprar esta funcion. Esta habilidad se compra UNA vez solamente. Si no se compra, no se puede usar. Tengan en cuenta que cualquier informacion esta sujeta a cambios sin previo aviso! Spanish translation by AmonAmarth. ~ Jing[GM]
  12. WhiteFang

    The Guild System Update

    Buy the Crusade Commanding abilities, this will allow the rank you purchase it for (guild commander) to use summons during the crusade total war.
  13. WhiteFang

    Handshake Failed.

    Setting to 80 *censored*s it for all malaysian players, they got auto-proxy on port 80 by their ISP... that's why we changed port. For some others this port is blocked (public networks, cyber cafe, library, university, ...), so I'll have to work on a different solution to define multiple ports to shake hands, keeping both 80 and the currently used port for shaking hands, this way all players can play properly :D But for this I need some time to make it.
  14. WhiteFang

    [event] Trick Or Treat !? -- Extended --

    Please note that the Extended Halloween Event is only to benefit for those who have accept the Parry or MC-Gaffin Quest between the normal Halloween Event Period. Players who didn't take these quest(s) cannot take them during the Extended Halloween Event Period. The extension should give sufficient time to all players who have accepted the quest to actually complete the quest and still be rewarded with the price. Also note that after november 11th (starting nov 12 at 00:00) mobs will NO LONGER drop pumpkins, if you do NOT have 1000 pumpkins and all the objectives in the quest dialog marked as completed, you will NOT be able to find any more pumpkins. The additional Zombies in the dungeons will remain there untill the next reboot (after nov 11) occurs, therefore the completion of the zombie kill objectives can still be accomplished even after november 11th. I'd also like to give you a heads-up for the upcomming Holiday Event (Christmas), we'll be having a similiar quest-event during that period. The event(s) for Christmas will run between December 19th 2012 and January 9th 2013. We have some very special additions planned for that event period including some new Items and NPCs.
  15. WhiteFang

    [event] Trick Or Treat !? -- Extended --

    Due to recent events we've decided to extend the halloween event up and untill November 11th 2012. As the extending required a server reboot, we've taken the opportunity to fine tune some parts related to quests. Due to the very short notice of this, the correction is rather theoretical and could still be that the visual bug isn't fixed yet, if my theory is correct, the visual counts of quests should be fixed now.
  16. WhiteFang


    Create a new account and make a ticket with all details you have regarding the acc you wish to recover. If can't make new acc, write PM to FARJAT in the forums.
  17. WhiteFang

    [event] Trick Or Treat !? -- Extended --

    It's not "STILL" bugged if it was never reported... this is the first thing I hear about it... make a bug report ticket and post what you found. There is only a visual display issue, it's not a blocking issue to complete the quest, so we arn't considering it as a "bug" just a faulty display. If you'd start the quest from scratch, complete the objectives in the order you get them. Also, don't combine the Trick or Treat!? (Perry) quest with the All you can Pumpkin (MC-Gaffin) quest as completing the Gaffin one will discount 100 pumpkins and remove them VISUALLY for your Perry quest. if you ensure you complete objectives in visual order and maintain the correct amount of pumpkins in your bag, then the quest will be visuall correct at all times. If you deviate from this, the quest will be visually messed up, but all counting still works correctly and you can complete the quest, it's only alot harder because you don't visually see your progress.
  18. WhiteFang

    [event] Trick Or Treat !? -- Extended --

    nope, no stats, no additions on top of it. Just the fancy hat. It's an item just for the looks, cosmetical items... not made to fight or be used in combat. We're considering to extend the event, we'll post more information once we made a decision on this.
  19. WhiteFang

    What Is Going On?

    I would love to tell u its stable. But its not yet. The server still crashing without leaving clues why. Plus from sunday we started to get Ddosed again. Plus dealing with account recoverys. True, it's getting all together... which is a pain, but we'll manage it anyway. We're working every day to make it more stable and figure out why the sudden instability occurs, yet if you refrein from playing because it's unstable, you'll decrease the chance of a next crash, which'll ultimately result into nobody player cuz they fear crashing, yet leaving us (actually me) clueless on why it crashes, because nobody is playing, nobody is making it crash, and without crashes, we (actually me) don't get clues why it's unstable or why it's crashing... TL;DR: Keep on playing, we recover your losses if you report them, more playing = faster stability.
  20. Make a new acc and make a ticket using that acc and mention all details you know/have about your account, Farjat will handle it from there.
  21. WhiteFang

    [event] Trick Or Treat !? -- Extended --

    We're aware that the server has been crashing a couple of times (and we're trying to resolve this), I've never denied the return/refund of lost items if this loss was caused by a server crash.
  22. WhiteFang

    Safe Spot

    It currently functions this way, but that's not how it's meant to work. If it would be, why arn't there safe zones near pits to go chill and protect from enemies? why only ar border of maps next to the teleporting spots? Simple answer, safe zones are made to allow those players who are connecting to that map to be safe from any harm while their graphics are loading. Back ages ago on windows 95, it took time to load the helbreath graphics and render the map, computers back then wern't so powerful and instant as today (regarding to loading helbreath). That's why safe zones were made, to protect those who are loading their game. Yet over the years people start to abuse safe zones, they camp it, or spawn mass mobs so it's no longer considered safe. With these years computers started getting better and better, faster and faster, resulting in the fact that loading is alot faster and safe zones arn't actually really needed anymore for this purpose. That's why Nemesis is working on a new system regarding safe zones, I've explain this a couple of times before. We're changing safe zones to a safe "buff", where as a player would load into a new map, he's receive the buff for about 10~15 seconds (exact time is not yet determined, needs testing). This buff would be protect the player from any harm, both PvP and PvE. The player is then completely safe to load all data required to start playing in the new map (map data, graphics, rendering, ...). After the buff is gone the player is no longer safe and can be killed by PvP or PvE. Along with this buff there would be an anti-buff too, where as if the player took damage less than 10 seconds before he changes map, he would be like anti-buffed, with this anti-buff active, the player wouldn't be able to receive the "safe zone buff" upon switching maps. This is to keep PvP ongoing, and those who can chase and hit their target, won't be stopped by a map border. Both the safe buff and anti-safe buff are scheduled for v5.41
  23. make sure to check your junk mail box.
  24. WhiteFang

    [event] Trick Or Treat !? -- Extended --

    Congratz to Gynizer, World's First Player with Halloween Hat ! As a reward for his major effort to complete the event so fast, he was rewarded with a Strong 7% Halloween Hat MP 7%. Congratz once more !
  25. WhiteFang

    [fixed] Server Down

    fixed it.