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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Scheduled Maintance: Applying Version 5.41 Update.

    that's the XP bar, it shows your progress towards next level or next majestic.
  2. WhiteFang

    Scheduled Maintance: Applying Version 5.41 Update.

    1) Thisone should be resolved, please check again. 2) Thisone will be resolved on the next patch 3) When playing alone? with other people around? how is your ping? (/showping) 4) This can happen, due to the lack of testers, I was the only one who tested this stuff, so bugs can appear and servers can crash. Give it a couple days for things to settle, I fix bugs asap and a first patch will likely follow by the weekend already. P.S. Any lost items, xp, majestics, etc... will be refunded if you make a ticket for it and they're found lost in the log files
  3. WhiteFang

    Reset Is Not An Option?

    As I said, aprox the same. mine got improved a little bit, not much... but basically yeah, it's like we moved only 2 blocks from where we was before lol.... nothing major anyway :)
  4. WhiteFang

    Reset Is Not An Option?

    You cannot solve mass rares without harming anyone. That's just fact. It's indeed a hard life to join a game with alot of rares or powerfull items or sets... it happens to all games, take a look at WoW, GW 1, LOTRO, ... the masses there are running around with the top tier items, if you start today, you're far behind and have to fight your way to the top. The same thing happens in Helbreath, if you join today, you're going to have to fight your way to the top to get the better or best items to defend yourself against anything, PvE and PvP. What about a whipe/reset? yes, that removes the rares and sets, makes all equal again, but it will also make some people leave the game... but as said before, we ain't ready yet for the path of resetting. Other solutions, well it arn't solutions but more like compensations to make life easier for new people, are the addition of features related to rares, sets and gameplay. Features such as Item Cooldown (comming v5.41) which reduce the amount of times you can activate a rare item. Features like safe-zone buff (also comming v5.41) which reduce the amount of shit-talk and "unfair" situations and killing the enemy without benefit (using summons). Features like revamped civilian mode (comming v5.42 or later) which allow for safe-hunting, but comes with a penalty (diminishing returns for drops) Later this month we'll already see some changes in nemesis, I'm trying to push the limits to get the update of v5.41 ready by january 26th as that day we'll be moving the Nemesis server to another data center with increased memory and upgraded operating system which'll ensure us that sufficient memory is available and crashes due to heap space stop occuring as this is a major issue right now as every 2 or 3 days one or more HG's crash due memory problems which is caused by more complex code which consumes more memory from the machine then expected or anticipated. If it ain't ready in time, we'll move v5.40.009 there and upgrade to v5.40.010 without additional features, except for some minor features or visual corrections client-side. The change of server should in any case decrease lagg and could possible change the ping of some players, where for most it should be better ping. From the tests so far, the new hardware runs smooth with a 123 ping (new) vs 127 (current) in the command prompt, and an average of 165 ping in-game (measured by an AVERAGED /showping command over a period of 10 minutes which is equal to 75 pings)
  5. WhiteFang

    Mi Cuenta

    good, translate this back to him: make a new account, write a ticket with as much info as you have about your account problem. Wait for Farjat to reply the ticket.
  6. WhiteFang

    Safe Spot

    v5.41 is at our doorstep... to give you a sneak peak: The new buff icon (top right) and the visual safe-zone buff (red glow around char) SS from before buff icon development with only a safe-zone buff active (red glow around character) With the upcomming buff icons, you'll be able to CANCEL buffs by right-clicking the icon on-screen.
  7. WhiteFang

    [fixed] D2 Down

    fixed it
  8. WhiteFang

    Reset Is Not An Option?

    IF, I repeat IF we are ready, again IF we are READY for a reset, to clearify once more, we are NOT YET ready for it, but IF it does occur that we are... Then there will never ever be permanent items again in the store, just services, consumeables and esthetical items (such as dyes). And events wouldn't hand out permanents either, your only way to get one will be hunting one, because events will hand out corrupted, limited, fragile, consumeables or esthetical items. On top of that all the store stuff like services and items etc will be fully automated so you don't need an admin anymore to buy it, or to receive it or even apply it (e-mail change, name change, ...) Basically you can say we'd change some stuff here and there to improve the overall well being of the server (such as automated services etc...) But for now, once again, we are NOT READY YET as Farjat said before.
  9. WhiteFang

    Reset Is Not An Option?

    Agreed fragile/corrupt items would have helped the situation. However the decision to begin selling rare items/misc services for money damaged the integrity of the server. The sales from that should have at least secured some of those costs in the future in my opinion. Your money is your business, but i dont think its fair (not that you care) to complain about those costs now. Especially when the first month of item selling would have been enough to cover those costs for at least a year+you can pocket some or spend on coding etc... On the other side, Staff has covered the cost of the server for many years, and i dont blame you for wanting to recoup some of those losses or at least help with future costs or even just take some money for yourself. But there are always consequences. It's always negative to sell permanent items in a game, specially one like helbreath where items make a big difference. We've set prices extreemly high, not expecting to have so many crazy and rich guys around willing to pay for the items, it was kind of unexpected. We anticipated to sell a few which would cover costs for a couple of months, but didn't expect people to actually buy items like hell fire manuals at 1k USD, knowing the "black market" or "player market" sells them at 40% of the price... yet people prefer to pay more for some reason, i guess trustability. Anyway, what we earned covered us indeed for some time, but money doesn't last, especially not when spent on expensive things like upgrading hardware, software etc to benefit the server. Yet we don't have any issues paying it ourselfs, well Farjat doesn't have an issue paying it himself, yet it is too easly forgotten that this server costs 250$ a month, with or without income, it will be payed by Farjat anyway. Fragiles, Corrupted, Limited, consumeables and estheatical items are a much more sustainable way to go, yet even the fragile, corrupted & limited items make a major difference for the game play as there WILL (I am certain of this considering we underestimated the amount of people who bought very expensive items already) be crazy & rich people who will buy themselfs "permanent" versions (buy the same limited/corrupted/fragile items every time it runs out in order to have it permanently).
  10. WhiteFang

    Reset Is Not An Option?

    I agree... and who's gonna pay up for the losses the people have suffered from, the ones who have all the good things now...
  11. WhiteFang

    Reset Is Not An Option?

    Yes we're arrogant and have alot of pride, as you say, we're here for 890 light years (about 1000 actually). If we would listen to our players and be the slaves of them, we'd be at nemesis 890 already by now, players asked a reset 3 years ago already... yet we didn't listen, we were, and are, arrogant, because we, the admins, have the life experience of a good helbreath server and know exactly how to run it, that's what makes us proud, proud to be the arrogant admins that deny a reset on player demand, proud that we only are in nemesis 2 and not yet nemesis 890. If you don't like our arrogance, our pride, then you're free to go any other server. We just know, for the past 10 years people have been comming and going, whenever any other server opens, they go, to take a look, yet always return to the trusted and well established helbreath environment, nemesis 2, the arrogant, yet proud server. If we'd be all that bad, then people wouldn't return. people like stability, a home to stay and play. that's exactly what nemesis offers, stability, we don't do crazy stuff like reset every year or vanish from the scene and restart with a different name, or change ownership and whipe all the stuffs, etc etc... we provide a stable and well established helbreath server. If you have some trust in nemesis and its admins, you'd know from long ago already that we have forseen anything and everything that is, or can be comming on our path. Everything in Nemesis has a reason why it's where and has a purpose to stear the server to the destiny we want it to go. Nemesis' admins have so many years of experience in the scene that they know exactly how to handle a server long-term, anything and everything is planned for the long-term. We have foreseen a situation like this many years ago, and have our own internal procedures and mechanics to handle this kind of sitations. Nemesis has seen many times low populations, many items low balance... Nemesis has everything, yet we're still here to play. We don't fear a reset, a reset is a matter of time, preparation and dedication. Without it, it will always end in a distaster. The server wasn't stable before last update, it hasn't been stable since I first touched it. that's reality. Yet in the initial years the admins were here in numbers to resolve the issue asap, yet with the years admin activity decreased to a point where support for a server crash takes between some minutes to some hours before it's notified and resolved. As Farjat mentioned before, resetting now is a bad idea, for the exact reason that there is insufficient acitivity from the admins to resolve situations like these. That's why we're anticipating and encouraging players to play more and test down the current nemesis 2 to the ground and far below it, all to flatten out the bugs and ensure we have the stable source from before which can handle 200+ people without problems. 1 crash every 3 days with 15 people quickly escaltes to 1 crash every 7 hours with 150 people online... where 200 or 250+ result in crashes every 2 to 3 hours. This is what would make us fail, this will make people go away and not return, because stability is what is needed.
  12. WhiteFang

    Reset Is Not An Option?

    they're all legit, it's 32 by the way... but that doesn't mean it's justified to have 32 in the game !
  13. WhiteFang

    Skill Progress Bar

    This suggestion is scheduled for v5.41 Preview of how it'll look: Shown in the SS I hover over my Magic skill, when doing so, it shows me the progress in values (32/065) which means I casted 32 magic spells and required 65 to have casted in total in order to get to the next level. 32/65 is about 50% there, so the bar fills up about 50%.
  14. WhiteFang

    Reset Is Not An Option?

    Let me reply with a quote: Farjat is correct right there. We need to stablize the servers first... but without population this is very hard... Crazy idea/suggestion (don't take me seriously on this one !): Get all your friends to return to nemesis, play the damn server like there is no tomorrow and crash it 24/7 giving us a hell of a job to fix the remaining issues, once that's done, i'll reset the server for your effort lol xD (once again, don't take this serious, it's an outrageous idea, but would be cool if it actually happend that a bunch of people return (100+) to test down the current nemesis to the ground and then ask for a reset)
  15. WhiteFang

    Reset Is Not An Option?

    Depends on the way you pull... yes, there are multiple ways to pull: 1. physical pull: unplug the cable 2. software pull: disable the network card 3. process pull: kill the HelGame.exe pull 4. invalid pull: a casual DC seen as a pull In all cases except for 3, the reconnect will kick in right away. In case 3 it can't cuz the HelGame.exe is closed. But in all other cases the reconnect kicks in right away, but only will immidiately reconnect the player in case 4 as it was only a casual DC. in cases 1 and 2 it will keep counting to reconnect untill internet connection is returned, which in both cases depend on the puller when he/she plugs back in the cord or enables his network card again. Yet there are 2 ways the reconnecting is aborted: manually pressing the ESC button after 1000 milliseconds have passed since reconnect (unlikely to occur in a casual DC unless the player has extreem lagg) or when internet connection was lost for 3 minutes or longer because then the auto updater token becomes invalid and the entire client must be restarted in order to login again.
  16. WhiteFang

    Reset Is Not An Option?

    Various updates that should be able to draw back the crowd, but is yet to happen. I'm talking about updates such as beginner/noob quests which kinda guide the new people through nemesis content from lvl 1 in the beginners zone to level 180+ with their first DK set, first angel. Additional quests, from Guards, Blacksmith, WH keeper etc which draw the player to specific pits with specific goals, this way they encounter the mobs, need to fight them, learn to collect and watch for drops aswell as learn their location in specific maps. Holiday quests are also an attempt to draw people back, handing out unique items only obtainable through these holiday events with every holiday a new item to be collected. These quests are indeed fairly long and large to complete, but sufficient time is foreseen to do so. the huge amount of things that need to be done for the holiday quests keep the player going and keeps them in-game Auto-Reconnect which keeps crowd in the game, if you AFK or are just fighting and a DC occurs, you're reconnect right away, this simply ensures you can keep on playing. Often people exit the game when they disconnect (out of frustration), now the game auto-reconnects them, so only a hard-logout (count down from 10 to 0) makes them logout. This ensures players are less tempted to leave the game. Various other upcomming long-promised features that should increase the overall satisfaction of the players. Features such as the party system upgrade that'll show party members on the mini-map, including an interface that shows the party member's their HP, MP, SP, level, and XP progress. Also the larger party size should encourage players to join in again and construct larger hunts. we'll increase the limit to 16 party members, but we can go higher if the need of it is there. The skill progression bar should also make it easier for the new and old players to see progress of their skill, how much they have to do before they get to the next % in their skill. Buff Icons shown in the corner of the screen, they show which buffs (bonuses) you have on you (amp/pfa/pfm/gds/invi/zerk/ds/etc...) aswell as their remaining time before they run out. Also this benefits both new and old players, where it's more for the new because the old know how to time themselfs, the new guys are often used to having buff icons with timings on their screen, so we just bring this to them to make life easy. Safe-zone changes and item activation cooldowns are the 2 other features that are upcomming in v5.41, both should benefit PvP and reduce the amount of crap-talk that is going on in the game and the amount of whining about unfair usage of summon-creature in a safe-zone area. the item cooldown basically makes it so passing on activation items is less over-powered. Often now groups of 3 to 4 people can go and raid using a single activation item, passing it on and on to activate time after time, only using the activation item without using their brains to scare, disturb and possible kill their enemy in a mindless way. with the cooldown on the item, the group is forced to think about targets, strategies and are required to fight on a fair-foot with their enemies as their activation items are on cooldown, yet have the advantage if they can stall the fight long enough, they can activate their power item once again to possibly gain the advantage and win the fight. This also benefits the new players as the amount of times they die by activation reduced because if they get activated on, and manage to escape & survive, they won't be activated on by the same group for the next X minutes as the item is on cooldown. Most of the upcomming features have been long promised and repeated many times in the suggestion forums by the community, so I've found the time to develop them and they are about to be ready. Only some minor graphical parts remain to be completed, graphical parts to allow a better experience and different choices in interface displaying (location of the party info on the screen and the amount of info shown etc...). This sorta concludes the present and short-future of things we did or have (almost) ready to release, alot of the recent updates are all made for the benefit of the new players, yet also keeping an eye on the existing ones to bring them some nice things aswell. In a longer-term future we have the PvP Tournament System, this is a grand feature that should draw back the crowd or a big part of it atleast to nemesis again, it's a unique feature that'll be so huge and offer unlimited possibilities regarding tournaments. I'm talking about tournaments like we had a year ago (PvP String Tournament) but with alot better support and a GM-independancy where the server is the judge and makes no mistakes and cannot be doubted or abscent due to time-limitations. All will depend on the players and their team.
  17. WhiteFang

    Reset Is Not An Option?

    when then? Tick, Tack... The mouse ran up the clack (read as clock), time has swallowed it whole, with tail and oll (read as all) ! Only then we'll be ready. (when time has swallowed it whole, with tail and all - a reference to nemesis and its population) Our side is not a remark. If we reset with server like this unstable will get crashes on first day already.. True, a server crashing or being offline for a single minute the first week is doomed to fail, every crash is remembered by the 200 players as a failure... and many will leave if it takes hours to fix them. Just recently (less than 12h ago) we had a crash in aresden, luckily with the recent change in setup of our debugger, we were able to determine the cause and resolve the issue within 5 minutes. This is one was a fairly easy one, but I encounter the same crashes as I did the past weekend, the heap space crashes, then I am clueless on how to solve them... heap space means memory issues, leaks, bad pointers. They're very very very hard to resolve as the source of the original memory problem occurs seconds? minutes? or even hours before the actual crash occurs. Even with this kind of setup, where we can easly look into the values of the crash and the debugger pointing us the location of crash, we ain't stable enough to reset and would cause a disaster as Farjat mentions.
  18. WhiteFang

    Tratar De Sumar Gente O Reset No Hay Otra

    Tick, Tack... The mouse ran up the clack (read as clock), time has swallowed it whole, with tail and oll (read as all) ! Only then we'll be ready. (when time has swallowed it whole, with tail and all - a reference to nemesis and its population)
  19. WhiteFang

    [fixed] Aresden Down?

    Thanks to notify, I've found the game server of aresden in crashed state, it pointed out to a bug location. I fixed it immidiately and rebooted all game servers with the patch applied to all of them. Server is online again now :)
  20. WhiteFang

    Reset Is Not An Option?

    1) You feel like that it's done, but do the active people think the same? 2) True, it's what we work at every day and we have something that is close to what we want in terms of stability 3) Good players don't make good GMs. It takes about 2 years or longer for a GM to get settled and know every aspect of nemesis, we see that now happening once again with Alka GM, he's a real player GM, he knows some stuff, but not all about it. It'll take years for him to be trained in the way we handle things and learn every detail of nemesis and how our systems work. 4) Skill bar: check (v5.41), enable/disable auto reconnect: check (v5.41), make use of hero cape + no rares in donation store: will happen if we ever reset. the rares entered to support the crazy people, the rares will be gone from store if we ever start fresh. and the hero cape will be PART of the hero set (= be required to have full functionality of hero set !)... I can tell even more: - weapon activation cooldown: check (v5.41) [this introduces Sword of Medusa into the game again after this system has been evaluated !] - extended party system: check (v5.41) - Safe-Zones removed & replaced by a safe-zone "buff": check (v5.41) - Buff Icons & timers on-screen: check (v5.41) [AMP/PFM/PFA/GDS/DS/... but NOT mim/para/inhib/... cuz they are de-buffs] 5) Not just Farjat, it's entire staff that needs to support it, if one is against, it won't work (unless the one staff member adjusts and accepts, or is kicked out, but that's not our goal to kick out staff members if not for a good reason) I'll tell you even more onto point 4, all what I mentioned is about v5.41 is very close to be finished, it's like 80% done and i hope to finish it off by the end of the weekend somewhere, at which point I can open the test server again and pick some randoms in-game to help me test it all :D
  21. WhiteFang

    Reset Is Not An Option?

    Sure would be cool, would be like the early days of nemesis 2... the first year I was GM... I had my hands full supporting the community and being a GM that I even ended up stopping to play as a player ! just to support the community as a GM. And that's actually where I still am... left-off as a player, being a GM permanently to develop new features for the community. Obviously there are requirements for this, they're as next (in most important order): 1. Have no more or insufficient population playing. 2. Have a fully stablised source or the means to stablise it within minutes after a crash in DEBUG (which allows us to view source & fix the issue). 3. Have an active staff to support the next Nemesis. 4. Have sufficient new features for the next Nemesis. 5. Have the current staff convinced a reset is necassary. At this point in time, I can tell you we only meet half-way of point 2, we have a fully deployed debugging mechanism that allows us to fix any crashes occuring, but not yet within minutes but within hours after the crash. All other points are not even close to be completed.
  22. WhiteFang

    Borning To Play...

    if ya want, i'll join in and play for ho... ;) *wink* *wink* ;)
  23. WhiteFang

    Borning To Play...

    We already have that, you just don't realize it yet... it's called lucky prize tickets... Spend your damn money !
  24. WhiteFang

    Guards Quest

    We're aware of that. We're currently monitoring the change of towns and will observe the importance of pits and their locations to determine a good place for the orcs and skeletons to live.
  25. WhiteFang

    Handshake Failed.

    Event with the first one closed? if so, try to go options and change the server to mirror 1 or original (depending which one you use) and try again, if fails again, set option back and try once more. if still fails, reply here :D