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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Is There An Eta Yet?

    There are serveral bigger conceptual ideas regarding unlock stuff including: - area unlock (temporary & permanent unlocks) - Additional recall pads to unlock through a quest chain i like how you are or already thought about that, im sure you had a group debate about what things could be added :D. here is 1 idea after a hardcore quest , maybe for event: unlock a shop with some cool items, but since they are so cool, they will dissapear in 15-20 days. and the quest apart from being hard, could only be done every ... 2-3 months? (its just a random idea, so, just read it) I have schedules and plans for certain features to be added in the future, near future and far future. An order which is dedicated to bring and draw certain aspects and attention to Nemesis. A Well thought plan for nemesis 3 was made up some time ago already.
  2. WhiteFang

    Useful Suggetstions

    Certain features we already have, such as party members on mini-map. Other features are planned and some more features we don't consider useful to have at launch time.
  3. WhiteFang

    Is There An Eta Yet?

    There are serveral bigger conceptual ideas regarding unlock stuff including: - area unlock (temporary & permanent unlocks) - Additional recall pads to unlock through a quest chain
  4. WhiteFang

    Is There An Eta Yet?

    At launch there won't be new mobs available yet. But during the The Golden Era (which is 7th episode/age in the Helbreath Nemesis storyline) we will see serveral new NPCs comming around who'll offer quests all around the world of helbreath. Along side the new NPCs we'll also see the introduction of a new Boss-Like monster. When this boss-like monster is introduced we'll see the introduction of atleast 6 new smaller mobs that can be solo'ed or duo'ed easly and perhaps on a later stage, 1 or 2 additional mobs can possibly be added along side these 6 new ones that'll come along. So during the Golden Era you can expect atleast 7 new monsters to fight and a couple new NPCs for quests and other purposes (yet to be revealed ;)). Possible (uncinformed yet) we'll see even more mobs introduced, but no actual plan or schedule is made for other mobs besides the 7 that are actually planned and scheduled to come to the world of Helbreath during the Golden Era. :o new things :D, i cant wait to see what kind of story the team did . also, im sure that the new quests will bring all kind of new and fresh rewards ! (also i hope they will not be " kill 5762 slimes on X map ") The 4th episode/age brought us the Heldenian, we've all known that age (only the story was missing on the storyline page). Later on the 5th age developed and brought us Dragonia, there was no real story for that age published as it was still ongoing. Now that the Age has passed by, stroies are made and revealed already (see the other topic I made regarding story line). A story for the 7th age, The Golden Era, is already partially developed, that's why I am able to reveal the introduction of the new mobs in that age ;) The story of The Golden Era will be revealed along side with the new website, yet the story will expand further during the age and contains information on what's going to come in this age. Not only additional quests will be added, but also new types of quests will be brought to the world where the first new quest type(s) will introduced along side with the boss-like mob and its 6 new creatures. Initially we'll see many kill X mobs in Y map, but those are going to be replaced over time with more story elements. About rewards, if you mean fresh by different kind of rewards, I can assure you that the new quest types will bring different kind of rewards, not always physical ones you can hold or put in your bag but rather rewards in the form of additional content and/or areas that become available. If you expect more reward diversity as in exp/gold/items, I can say that we'll give the player the option to choose their reward themselves. They can pick exp if they like or take the gold or even an item instead.
  5. WhiteFang

    Is There An Eta Yet?

    At launch there won't be new mobs available yet. But during the The Golden Era (which is 7th episode/age in the Helbreath Nemesis storyline) we will see serveral new NPCs comming around who'll offer quests all around the world of helbreath. Along side the new NPCs we'll also see the introduction of a new Boss-Like monster. When this boss-like monster is introduced we'll see the introduction of atleast 6 new smaller mobs that can be solo'ed or duo'ed easly and perhaps on a later stage, 1 or 2 additional mobs can possibly be added along side these 6 new ones that'll come along. So during the Golden Era you can expect atleast 7 new monsters to fight and a couple new NPCs for quests and other purposes (yet to be revealed ;)). Possible (uncinformed yet) we'll see even more mobs introduced, but no actual plan or schedule is made for other mobs besides the 7 that are actually planned and scheduled to come to the world of Helbreath during the Golden Era.
  6. WhiteFang

    Is There An Eta Yet?

    There is no exact date on when Nemesis 3 will arrive. I can say that before the actual launch we'll have a Nemesis 3 beta which'll have a number of phases to go through ranging from stablize the server, fine-tune all rates (such as drop rate, exp rate, gold rate, etc...), extended questing, and more... In certain phases we will whipe characters for clean start or put specific things into the inventory or put all chars on a specific level for testing etc etc... many harsh and abrupt changes will occur in the Beta to be able to test all aspects of the game that require validation. At the moment of posting this reply we are working on getting the nemesis 3 website ready for the Beta. A New Era comes with a New Design ;)
  7. WhiteFang

    Player's Opinion: Nemesis 3 And Buffs

    If you manage to trap a guy in a box while he's running away from you (by pushing him to the wall, "fly" him against it and quickly block his path with your team), that is pr0 game play. Havn't seen that happening alot... Or even fully boxing the guy (cuz you got 8 ppl) in the middle of the field or trapping him by blocking off a bridge or narrow passage. That is nice gameplay right there, very pr0 and I love to see those situations. It's the other type of box where you square a spawn point and trap the guy who could never ever, ever, ever possibly know if there is a box or not. That type of boxing is the type we don't like around, because there is no way to anticipate it. While the first type of boxing, you could of seen it comming and could of anticipated, yet you failed to do so and got trapped (and likely died). Anyway, in another topic I've set up a voting to poll the community's opinion on the topic, take your vote and provide some explenation of your choice. The community's opinion is important, but it's only important enough to make a change if sufficient reasoning and constructive criticism is supplied. Without that, the opnion won't be heard.
  8. WhiteFang

    Player's Opinion: Nemesis 3 And Buffs

    In Nemesis 2 this was possible yes. For nemesis 3 Beta will not be possible.
  9. WhiteFang

    Player's Opinion: Nemesis 3 And Buffs

    That's your choice to return or not. As said before, we're leaving buffs in for the Beta and will disable the cancelling of your own PFM/AMP/PFA/GDS/DS.
  10. WhiteFang

    Player's Opinion: Nemesis 3 And Buffs

    white already said 1 min ast the end of the post. i have 1 doubt about the invul... if you hit someone does it dissapear? The time for invul buff is 7 seconds upon teleporting within the same game server (e.g. shop to town map) and 15 seconds upon teleporting to another game server (e.g. town to ML). While invulnerable you don't take any damage, but can't deal any damage either. So can't abuse buff to kill someone. It doesn't, if you got hit right before (10 secs max) porting to another map, you'll not get this invulnerability buff. So you don't get buffed and you don't get to recall either... so map borders are not safe-zoned anymore and are no longer an obstacle to move on. It brings options to put a trap on one side of the map border, and lure/push people into it... obviously people will learn fast and avoid moving maps ^_^
  11. WhiteFang

    Player's Opinion: Nemesis 3 And Buffs

    Invulnerability buff is a buff received when you teleport. This buff protects you from any kind of damage (PvP and PvE). The buff can be cancelled at any time by the owner, once it runs out you can't get it back. Switching maps while the buff still is on doesn't reset the buff time. This buff was introduced because we removed all safe-zones. The removal has the purpose to stop people from "safe-zone camping" and shit talking like "safe-runner" etc. Because teleport involves loading new data, this buff was introduced to protect you instead of the safe-zone that used to do it before. But you can't run back to the safe-zone because there is no "zone", only a 1 time buff that doesn't return unless you teleport somewhere.
  12. WhiteFang

    Player's Opinion: Nemesis 3 And Buffs

    Good, I love to ruin your game play simply because I dislike people who whine over the fact that they can't get their hero set the easy way anymore. You're welcome, and cya in 2030 ^_^ Have a nice life.
  13. WhiteFang

    Player's Opinion: Nemesis 3 And Buffs

    I know more of the ways to play and how game mechanics work than you do my friend, that's why I am the head developer of nemesis, and not you. I was only referring to scorp hero and shop camping as additional issues regarding PvP. Making a box/trap and rape the guy who spawns in there requires ZERO skill, it only requires 8 people to make that box/trap. That is why I am also referring to scorp hero & shop camping, both of them require ZERO skill, you just sit all day in the same location waiting for goldies to show up and have them as easy-target. The point is that you're not putting ANY effort into getting your hero set, everyone can camp, everyone can sit in scorps, everyone can make a box... so taking away those mechanics, only the hard way of obtaining EKs remains, and you're ALL complaining about this because you can't get your "easy hero set" anymore. Grow some balls and work for your hero set. P.S. I sound very rude in the post, but i'm just trying to point out that getting a hero set is too damn easy right now and must be harder to get.
  14. WhiteFang

    Player's Opinion: Nemesis 3 And Buffs

    Opposite. If u box a safe old way only summons can kill enemy. If u box now. wait invulnerability to go and u have a boxed ek Agree on that, boxing can still be done but takes more effort. People who get scorps hero or camp shop for eks or camp safe zones... that is retarded, that's not EK'ing... that's just very lame to get your EKs together... We want people to put EFFORT into getting their hero set, to EARN their set, not the lame their sets.
  15. WhiteFang

    Player's Opinion: Nemesis 3 And Buffs

    We are not removing the buffs. We are fixing some of them yes. We agreed to leave the counters but to remove the ability to cancel them. Correction: remove the ability to cancel PFA, PFM, AMP, GD and GDS. You can still cancel all other buffs such as berserk, invulnerability and other upcomming buffs unrelated to fights.
  16. WhiteFang

    Medussa Sword

    The point of activation is to give you an advantage against your oponent, you gain a special ability for a short period of time to attempt and overwhealm your enemy and kill him. Item Cooldown prevents the item being passed on in a group of raiders and used right away. That is not what the ability is intended for. The passing of activation items makes them over powered, a group having one will always be victorious this way, and that's not what the activation items are meant for, they're meant to give a temporary advantage, not to give you this advantage 10 times by passing it on within the group. Item Cooldown isn't item binding, you can still pass on the item as you desire. Only its special ability can't be used unless the item is cooled down since its last activation. You clearly do not seem to understand the system, which likely indicates that you havn't played nemesis 2 with this system or didn't clearly understand the system at all. I would suggest to first read and learn about the system before criticing it.
  17. WhiteFang

    Medussa Sword

    1: Time between activations is character bound (20 minutes) but will also be item-bound (= item cooldown). The former we're not going to change, an activation every 20 minutes on your character is ok I think. The latter one is something still to be decided, I think it is currently set for 15 minutes, although I think it can be set to 20 or even 30 minutes. An exact value is to be pinned down during the Beta. 2: The time it is active is fine I think, all activation items got the same duration of activation, they'll be restricted individually by their item-cooldown already. 3: Paralyze/hold-person/sleep are indeed partially PR-related (dusa neck), Perhaps this should rather be expanded into resisting the effect rather than changing its duration. More PR should giver higher chance to resist these spells where the ultimate 500% (= dusa neck) resists you for 100% sure. But I also think this shouldn't apply for the sword's effect, even the medusa neck can't resist the paralyze from the sword. 4: This is your way of escape, invisibility slows down the activation user and provides a way to escape and survive the all powerful sword of medusa. Activation items arn't meant to be used solo but are meant for group play, atleast for the offensive ones (IE, dusa, xelima) while the defensive ones are meant for solo play (merien plate/shield). As the sword is already so powerful, we have to limit it in activation time by item-cooldown, just because it is so powerful. Forbidding invisibility while paralyzed by the dusa sword will make the sword OP again, while we aim to balance the sword out and think with the current measures (item-cooldown) we're going to achieve the balance of the sword, I think it's a bad idea to forbid this. 5: The Sword of Medusa will drop from its carriers as it did in the past: Snakes and Zombies. They carry the sword with them as they're poisonous mobs by nature. We'll consider adding it to the Abaddon, Poison Dragon and Black Dragon, but will make it extreemly low rate to find as those big mobs have a 100% secondary drop rate.
  18. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 2 Support Closed.

    You'll get that chance in the Beta ;) will be medusa sword in the beta ? and in neme3? We'll see the return of the medusa sword as the activation cooldown has been put into place. Obviously it'll made extreemly rare and have a high cooldown value. We'll hand out a couple dusa swords in the Beta to measure a good cooldown value. Btw, if you got questions like this on nemesis 3 or the Beta, you can just ask them in the nemesis 3 forum.
  19. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 2 Support Closed.

    You'll get that chance in the Beta ;)
  20. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 2 Support Closed.

    Keep your patience a little bit longer, I know many are anxious to register for Nemesis 3... But we arn't going to "just" open the registrations, we're still making some plans for opening of the Beta in the first place and the opening of the Release... You can expect some special "things" to occur or be attached to the registration. (e.g. special bonus items if registering for beta, or starters kit when you start playing the first week, or bonus items when you participate for over 100 hours in the beta, etc etc... we're still planning it though, nothing is final yet)
  21. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Donation Store

    Not that specific, but there will be a consumeable that lasts also for 1 hour and gives you an increased primary and secondary drop rate chance. (Primary increase is an increase in the chance to get armors or weapons; secondary is an increased chance for the global drop chance, not the monster or item specific drop chance) Besides that consumeable, there are 2~4 others that people will like alot, all lasting for 1 hour and giving boosts that are very useful, especially in the beginning of a fresh start.
  22. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Donation Store

    There will be similiar sort of consumeable items available, one of them will be an item that makes you train twice as fast for 1 hour long. So you drink it, and train any skill you like and get double the credit for what you do. If it be sword skills, archery, magic, alchemy or manufacturing... it doesn't matter, your actions will count double :)
  23. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Donation Store

    We'll be doing this kind of minor changes also, making the hero cape part of the hero set is one of the minor changes that'll occur. Also the +1 hero cape will add a very small bonus on its own too, that's to make it worth the effort in upgrading it.
  24. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Donation Store

    To get the permanent versions... Buying corrupted means they'll disapear at some point in time and you need to pay again to buy new ones... they'll be expensive to get in order to discourage purchasing them in the first place. It'll be far easier to farm them.
  25. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis 3 Storyline

    Episode 1-4: Perfect Dark, Resurrection of Abaddon, The Crusade, The apocalypse http://helbreathneme...h-storyline.php Episode 5: Heldenian A grandson of an elder, who traveled to find ancient prophecy to make Abaddon sleep, accomplished his mission by using the power of ancient prophecy after the bloody war. After Abaddon fell asleep, the two nations, Elvine and Aresden, finally seem to be resting in peace, much like warm spring after a cold winter. Both nations became more developed and economically in better condition through hard work of their citizens, those with power were drinking and singing without taking care of their people since there was no more war between the nations. Time has passed by and... Those citizens of both Elvine and Aresden who were sick and tired of murders and thefts left their nation, in searching for the new world. The princess of Elvine, Helien felt the responsibility of her people also left Elvine as she reproached her father. When Helien arrived on the west side of the Middle Land, she found an unrevealed castle, afterwards known as The Hidden Castle (Heldenian). The princess Helien tried to establish a new village around the castle for those people who left Elvine. However when the proprietor of Elvine knew about Helien and the hidden castle, he sent out his troops in capture the castle for Elvine. In the same time, Aresden also received the news that Elvine sent out their troops to the hidden castle that Aresden also sent out their troops urgently to the Middle land. Elvine and Aresden faced each other on the west side of the Middle Land. They forgot about the peace and once again, the long war is started upon avarices of both nations. Episode 6 - Dragonia For decades the two nations have been murdering eachother during the Crusade Total War and fighting over the Heldenian Castle. To relieve themselfs from the never ending war the strongest of the Nation have been hunting down Demons for many years in the Dungeon's 4th level. The Demons have called upon their God, The Abaddon, for more reinforcements to protect the Central Portal in the Dungeon. The Abaddon has answered their calls by summoning Barlogs to assist the Demons in their task to protect the Portal from opening. For many years the Demons and Barlogs were able to prevent the opening of the portal until the Arc Mages of the two Nations combined their powers and discovered the most powerful Fire Spell in Helbreath, the Hell-Fire spell! With all the power from the spell the Arc Mages managed to defeat the Demons and Barlogs who guard the Portal. As they have fallen, the Arc Mages initiated the Dragon's Ritual to open the Central Portal in the Dungeon's 4th level. With success they've opened the Portal leading to the distant land of the Dragons, they called it Dragonia. In the distant land of the Dragons, where the Dragons are masters of their land, many death have fallen in order to slay and tame the Dragons. The Nations have faced the power of the Ice and Fire Wyvern in the past in order to make The Abaddon fall asleep again, yet the power of the true Dragons in their natural habitat is what is feared by both Nations. Only the strongest and largest groups of brave Warriors and Magicians have managed to conquer their lands and slay the Dragons to gain Wealth and Power. Some of the Dragon's power was captured by the Nation's oldest and greatest advisors. Gandalf learned to put the Lightning Dragon's magic, Fury-Of-Thor, into a manual. He has mastered the Poison Dragon's venomous poison and learned the magical ability to master the new way of Poisoning enemies. Gail has managed to extract the magic of the Illusion Dragon and embed it into one of his Angelic Pendants, this resulted into an Angelic Pendant of Lucidity which protects against Illusion Spells. Rumours have spread saying that the powerful Earth Dragon has a Protection and Elemental Necklace against his own kind, yet those Earth Protection Necklaces and Earth Elemental Necklaces have never been seen or found before from the Earth Dragon. It is said that the Black Dragon, who is the Dragon of Dragons, carries all of such powers and is by far the hardest and most challanging Dragon to be defeated in Dragonia. Since the opening of the Dragonia Portal in the Dungeon, Items have been getting Corrupted, becomming Limited and even getting very Fragile to use, the Dragon's Corruption spreads further and further throughout the world of Helbreath. The legendary Blacksmith Tom has learned the Dragon's way of Corruption, Limited and Fragile item manufacturing. With his skill he has been handing out these items he has found and learned to manufacture to the Nation's greatest Warriors to determine how much power of the original untouched item remains. His skill was quickly noticed by Gandalf, as he learned the way of Corruption, Limited and Fragile items, he has managed craft the most powerfull Corrupted, Limited and Fragile spellbooks in Helbreath. With the portal to the Dragon's land wide open, the Abaddon is putting more effort into protecting the other ancient sactuaries, in order to do so he has summoned the Twins upon the two Nations to blend in with the population. Yet his powers of summoning are very limited, this has caused the Twins to be imperfect, they emit corrupted smoke. These brave Twins have been seen roaming around the Middlelands, Dungeon's 4th level and Dragonia. Are you the next Warrior or Magician who has the courage to face one another in the Crusade Total War or face his worst enemy in the Battle Field or at the Heldenian Castle? Can you take on the Dragons and tame them? Episode 7 - The Golden Era TBA