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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Buff Icons

    Vote in the poll and explain your choice in a reply, why you chose it and why you didn't pick the others. My choice goes to: - Buff icons for friendly magic effects (not for effects applied by the enemy such as Freeze, Poison, ...) Consumeable buffs are useful to quickly know how much time you got left, removing them will make it harder to see how much time is left for them. They don't add or change value to PvP as most of these consumeables are rather things like exp boost, gold boost, drop boost etc... I could also live with the "Buff icons for friendly magic effects except PFM, AMP, PFA, GDS and DS" option as that would keep the current buffs available and only removes those buffs related to PvP. - Friendly buffs except PFM, AMP, PFA, GDS and DS This was drawn from experience with Nemesis 2 buffs, where the cancelling of this type of protection buff makes PvP'ing and timing the enemy impossible as he could cancel it at any time without the enemy knowing it. I also think the cancelling of other buffs, such as invulnerability, berserk, invi, slates or consumeables should be allowed as it doesn't change much in PvP, it's rather a negative effect to cancel them early.
  2. WhiteFang

    When Will Get Start Hb Nemesis 3?

    To support lazyness: http://www.helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=33958entry388679
  3. WhiteFang

    Can We Get Some Info?

    For Heldenians and Crusades we'll introduce a new system of time tables to please everyone. If sufficient time is left during the beta i'll develop a new time system for them so a single heldenian or crusade can rotate in hours on the same day of the week. e.g. helds on sunday would be at 2 PM, add a rotation of 6 hours with the new system, and first week it would be 2 PM, the week after +6h at 8 PM, the week after +6h at 2 AM, the week after +6h at 8 AM. So after 4 weeks the schedule has fully rotated the clock in this case, with that rotation everyone should have atleast 2 chances to join in a crusade or heldenian. Another way of rotation would be rather fixed time stamps for a same day switching every other week, like we could schedule the held of wednesday at sunday also, and first week it would be 2 PM, second week would be 8.30 AM, third week back at 2 PM, etc etc... this way there's also rotation, but on a shorter schedule and fixed time stamps rather than an evenly spread difference. For max lvl & stats: those will be the same throughout the beta (180 with 200 stats) and will stay like that in release also. Exp and drop rates will be initially the same in the beta, but are to be fine-tuned during the beta. Certain drops will be decreased in rates as we'll see massive groups massively hunting them. There is one beta phase specifically made to adjust all those rates and settle them for release. Community input is important when given with the right explenation and reasoning.
  4. WhiteFang

    Can We Get Some Info?

    The calendar will stay as-is for the beta, along side with raid times. They'll be fine tuned during one of the Beta Phases.
  5. WhiteFang

    Can We Get Some Info?

    The high price is only to say that ppl don't get it for free. Those who play Nemesis in the first months will obviously get alot better statted permanent items. But those who join after 3 months or even later will have a gap of stats vs those who got in ezrlier, and those cash shop items of low % are meant for them so they have the option to buy in some armors to reduce the gap while they hunt their own better ones.
  6. WhiteFang

    Is There An Eta Yet?

    Won't be transparent, it'll be... wait a minute! you're trying to trick me to reveal the new color :o no way I'm gonna say what the new color is. or maybe a little hint... it'll be related to the 7th age: The Golden Era. About the web, it'll be released after 14th.
  7. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Donation Store

    During the Golden Era of Nemesis 3 there will be serveral items available in our donation store. Items available at launch: - Serveral consumeable items and contracts that help to serve and boost the player. - NO armor sets will be available - NO rare items will be available 1 month after launch: - Basic Stones, Majestics and GCP Scrolls to boost the player even more - NO armor sets will be available - NO rare items will be available 3 months after launch: - Ancient Slates to boost the player in playing the Apocalypse - Higher GCP Scrolls to boost guilds - Basic Corrupted armor sets (7 & 14%) - NO rare items will be available 6 months after launch: - Low Corrupted armor sets (21 & 28%) - NO rare items will be available 9 months after launch: - Corrupted armor sets (35% and higher) - Corrupted rares * Note that not many detailed on exact items, sets or rares is given, it will be determined on the state of the game if items become available and which items it'll be. ** Please note that anything listed here is subject to change at any given time without notification **
  8. WhiteFang

    Is There An Eta Yet?

    Stop spoiling rewards! Wait... did I say that out loud? DANGIT! Alright, it's true... there will be a NEW unique dye color for participating in the Beta (more details on how to earn this reward will follow next week!).
  9. WhiteFang

    Can We Get Some Info?

    We don't like to mess up configs just for a 1 month beta which focuses more on stability than testing new features. during the weekends you can expect admins and gms to be very active for extensive periods of time (over 15h a day), that should cover nearly all time zones and give everyone a change to actively participate in the beta.
  10. WhiteFang

    Can We Get Some Info?

    @Armin: all help is welcome to test stability and other parts of the game during the Beta. More people and more testers is always good. It's not only benefit for us, but also for all the others playing. And you earn some shizzles too ;) @tomas: yes it'll be on Windows 8, but we're unsure if FPS will be as desired.
  11. WhiteFang

    Can We Get Some Info?

    Yes, but we'll also distribute items (admins will make them) to the people who've actively helping to test. Those who participate in a specific test will receive the items (likely from me) to be able to complete the test. If it's a test for success ratios, then i'll prive a ton of merien & xelima stones. If it's a test for Hell-Fire damage, i'll provide the manual to learn the spells. If it's a test on drop rate, i'll provide the monsters and power (aka power ring) to kill them. You won't find the rares or other items in the blacksmith or shop as we don't want to mess the configs (risk of forgetting to put them back to originals on launch). So we prefer making the items instantaniously when we need them.
  12. WhiteFang

    Can We Get Some Info?

    Time/ETA of Beta: Mid/End of July 2013 Time/ETA of Release: End of August 2013 Things to test in beta (not in order of testing): - Stability of the game servers (need to resolve all possible crashes from the past) - Server Rates: finetune all rates (drop rates, gold rates, exp rates, success rates, etc etc) and settings of the game - Quests: balance quests within the game for players to have sufficient contributions at all times and yet have some additional contri to spend for their guild - Market: test the market place of nemesis 3, a fully automated system to purchase items (Cash Shop) through the web and even sell items player-to-player (Auction House). Gifts: Consumeable items from the Cash Shop will be awarded upon release. Good Beta testers can earn over 500$ worth of items from the Cash Shop. Cash Shop: - There is a 100% guarentee there will be NO permanent rares and NO parmanent statted items for sale - Corrupted statted items won't be for sale until first 3 months after release, and then only the 7 and 14% ones will be available at HIGH prices - Corrupted rares won't be for sale until 9 months after release, and they'll be at VERY HIGH prices Anything else you need to know?
  13. WhiteFang

    Can We Get Some Info?

    what kind info do you want to know?
  14. WhiteFang

    Raiding And Ek'ing

    It died due to age, not due to updates. If it died cuz of updates, why didn't nemesis 2 die from the beginning with Dragonia... please explain? you can't, simply because the update didn't make it die. And once again, with these polls I only want to see the communities opinion, it doesn't mean that any change will come.
  15. WhiteFang

    No Gems!

    Originally this "2 hose mp 42 to mp49" was the initial idea I once talked about in the game. But your hose has also Endurance % on it... so if mixing MP 42 end 7% and MP 42 end 14% together... which stat is going to upgrade? MP? or end? that's why It's better to get some sort of gem. You'd extract a single stat (e.g. mp or end) to the gem, so only 1 stat is on the gem, the other would remain in the armor piece. You extract both mp stats to a gem, then upgrade the gem. as there is only 1 stat on those 2 gems, it'll be easy to determine which stat is requested for upgrade. on success you'd get the higher lvl gem which you can then use again and insert back into 1 of the 2 endurance hoses you got, you'll likely choose the end 14% ofc. this would leave the end 7% useless. you could either sell it, or keep it for another occasion where you remain with another end 7% item, extract both from the armor pieces, upgrade them to a 14% gem, and your story goes on like that. You'd have the 14% gem and if you extract the 14% from your MP49 piece, you can upgrade both 14% to a 21% gem and insert it again. It's all about recycling lower stats and upgrading them. It gives a good use to the lower statted pieces, they'll keep their value and could possibly become alot more expensive to obtain as certain low stats will be valued alot because people need them to upgrade their armor pieces.
  16. WhiteFang

    No Gems!

    I understand the concern of 91% sets etc, that's why such gem system should NOT be 100% success rate. It should have chance for failure. Same way as you upgrade from +1 to +2 or +3 ... you have a chance to fail and lose the item. Making a gem system which also has chance to lose the gem when upgrading it will make it balanced. How many +5 items was there in Nemesis 2? I've only got knowledge of 1 BBH+5, and +5 isn't even the max upgrade you can get. So in the end if a chance of failure is included, the gem system would be balanced and people who get "useless" +7% items can finally make them useful again by dismanteling them to use the stat-gems together and upgrade multiple +7% stats to a +14% or even higher. It would take decades for everyone to get +91%. Ofc there will be some people who take the bet and get their 91% item, same way as the guy with his BBH+5 took the bet for +5 his hammer.
  17. WhiteFang

    No Gems!

    Can you expand on this and explain some more what exactly you don't like about the gem system? Is it the new stats and abilities and way to use this system that bother you? Is it the 100% success ratio on it that bothers? What you think on the idea of having the ability to take stats from current armor pieces and get them into gems, use these gems together to upgrade (increase) the % of the stat, and then put them back in the armor piece (or even in another armor piece) ?
  18. WhiteFang

    Raiding And Ek'ing

    @Svafnir: Thanks for your opinion, a well written opinion explaining concerns on the main idea. Do you perhaps have any other suggestions or ideas to make pvp more fun and fluent as I don't really see any constructive counter ideas but only see good reasons why not to implement this idea. On a side note I also like to add that the DR system I proposed in my initial idea would be player-based and a zone would be "hot" for a single player individually and not for "everyone". Making if for everyone will indeed cause the abuse of the system where people will put 5 chars on purpose in a pit to die to make it "safe", but on the individual basis this abuse becomes harder, they can do it for one enemy, but maybe 10 min later a new enemy arrives... and another 5 min later a raiding team of 3 arrives... who knows, you can't cover them all so the abuse becomes so intensive to get it done that it's no longer worth the effort. And that would remove the abuse in the first place. Same way as we do with EK laming, we have a well defined detection system that avoiding the system needs more effort than actually making a real EK. Secondly, on the big fights, in your example you'll only lose 1 EK and not 2 if the fight happens in the SAME 20x20 area where you got the first 3 EKs. But yet again, we are very much aware that certain maps cause bigger fights, maps such as ML, IB, Apocalypse are maps for the biggest fights. As I mentioned in another of my replies, it's still up for discussion which maps would get this DR system. Mostly towns would require them more to reduce the so called "scorp hero". Making a WW hero in ML or Ogre Hero would require more effort (distance to run) so ML would not really benefit from such system, it would rather suffer from it. I also like to mention as some people don't seem to realize this, but some of these topics made by me I ideas and they've never been confirmed to be added to the game, not in the way the initial idea is described, or the adjusted idea formed over discussion throughout the topic. I am aware that certain ideas "tamper" (a lot) with the game play and are (very) controversial, yet I just like to hear your opinion and know how the community thinks on the idea.
  19. WhiteFang

    Is There An Eta Yet?

    Items and EKs will be removed when transitioning from Beta to Live. BUT !!! there is a big but! (I like big butts and I cannot lie!) No, serious again! But, the beta will be separated into different phases, each with the purpose to test and fine-tune specific aspects of the game (e.g. stability, drop rate, raid times, quests, etc etc...). Each phase that you attend will earn you a specific reward. So if you're there and actively helping the Staff by testing and playing the specific contents for that beta phase, you'll get rewarded. We will keep track of your earned rewards and you'll receive them once we go Live. On top of that, if you're an active Beta tester and manage to find a bug and document properly to us how to reproduce it, we'll give you an additional reward! And to make this even more interesting, all those rewards will be stacking, so you'll be able to obtain multiple rewards for participating in the Beta. Also, participating the ENTIRE Beta from start to end and attending (= actively helping the staff by testing and playing the specific content) ALL Beta phases will earn you additional rewards for your effort. The rewards will be of decent value (worth 5$+ per beta phase) and come in handy in the first weeks to even months of play. The current plan is to have between 4 and 10 Beta Phases, which'll earn you up to 50$ worth of items and if you attend them all, an additional 25$ worth of items will be tossed on top! Finding a bug will earn a decent reward too, it'll be around 6$ worth of items for EACH bug you can find (and document properly!) More and exact details on each phase and its rewards will be released soon. ** Please Note that any of the above mentioned rewards or values are subject to change at any time without notification or clarification.
  20. WhiteFang

    Raiding And Ek'ing

    Plus yksi! Please use English (or Spanish) as they're the main langs applied to most topics :excl: Thanks :lol: If the first post is English, the entire thread is to be discussed in English. If you don't speak english, translate.google.com is your best friend, add BOTH Spanish and English (translation) in the reply to make things easy. If the first post is Spanish, the thread can be discussed in both English and Spanish. Prefer to also have English translation for Spanish replies. Topics concerning the Staff or a specific staff member who doesn't speak Spanish should be addressed in English so that the staff member(s) can read and understand it. also, if using Spanish, don't use slangs. Use standard spanish words so google translate can easly put them in English. Spanish topics that I can't understand or translate using google translate are useless to me. Even if your opinion is justified and your cocerns are (very) important, if I can't understand it, it's useless.
  21. WhiteFang

    New Design On Stuff

    If I have some easy way to draw/pull/generate a 3D Model based on the current sprite angles, then adjusting it in an easy-to-use 3D application, then I would be able to make some nice looking armor pieces and add them to the game.
  22. WhiteFang

    Is There An Eta Yet?

    Beta will be in phases, last phase is finalize phase which'll last some days to a week aprox. Once that phase starts, you should get your computer done :P Or if you wanne be sure of the ride, get one right now before the beta so you can experience HB at its best ;) P.S. Get a Windows 7 !!! not Windows 8 or 8.1 - we didn't officially test nemesis on Windows 8 yet, but we received info that hardware excelleration (that's included and can't be turned off) screw up FPS in helbreath. If this is fixable in an easy way, we will fix it. But I doubt an easy fix exists.
  23. WhiteFang

    Raiding And Ek'ing

    @aengis: Good points, an opinion I value. Constructive and informative all the way and even brining up new ideas or suggestions in the opinion. I do like to answer some of your questions and like to hear your idea/opnion again taking my reply in account. 1. The limitation on rares/activations we had in mind is a level limit (require level 141+ to equip). It is a limitation applied to individual items and can be applied to only the rarest or the rare and keep certain lower rares available (such as ring of wizard, ring of ogre, etc...). Which ones we'll banish from PL is kinda still up for discussion though, yet I think RoA and RoX shouldn't be allowed, but a RoO or RoDr should be fine in PL. 2. The reason to separate is to take away the easy-eking, or making the easy-eks less valueable (by making this ratio of 0.6/0.8 or what ever it is - still up for dicussion on this). To reduce confusion the system would be made in such way that you don't get EKs below level 141, instead you get a quest assigned at level 1 (auto-assign) with the objective to kill enemies, on each kill your quest count goes up. In the end you can choose a reward. Something like that will remove/reduce the confusion on it. There are still things to think about if such thing would come on how to actually implement it, but this is one of the ideas. About your other option, The point is not that the set is too powerful (for just PL it actually is slightly too good though to be honest), it's more about the fact that you get a full hero set having full power with not much effort (killing a new player in PL is easier than a fellow lvl 180 in ML). 3. Where the limitation applies isn't much discussed yet, I think mainly towns would be the primary place to have them to reduce the amount of "scorp heroes". Other maps ouside of town are kind of up for discussion too, not sure if it should be applied to ML or IB... but i'm sure dungeon lvl 2 needs it for the crayfish pit atleast... Also the amount of cooldown on a "hot area" isn't decided, in my opinion I'm only pitting example numbers and estimates that look acceptable in the first place, but obviously it needs more fine tuning and tweaking to get to the right value. Your explenation of how you'd see the system makes sense to me (sorta), but I think that will make it too complex to determine if you'll get an EK or not in a specific area... Keeping the rules simple makes it easy for everyone to understand :)
  24. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Buff Icons

    @Svafnir: That's an opinion I value, it reasons the choice to not have buff icons for PFM, AMP, PFA or other PvP related skills. Your opinion makes sense, it builds on good examples and clearifies exactly why such buff icons could possibly harm the way PvP is played in Helbreath. I still like to hear from those people who have chosen to have no buff icons at all, not even for consumeables (which arn't even PvP related)
  25. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Buff Icons

    Can anyone who voted "no buff icons at all" please expand on their choice as of why you would not want to have the buff icons for consumeables to show up? Considering a possible reply would be that the icons are too big, we'll be adding smaller icons and the option to change size as desired. To explain a little bit abou the consumeables from our end, the consumeables such as "increased experience booster" have a 1 hour time on them. Once used the boost of experience lasts for 1 hour. The remaining time can be shown in 2 different places: 1. The item's description (which we won't remove at all) - this takes some effort to see, open bag, find booster, hold-down mouse on booster to see item description. 2. The buff icons - When the booster is first used, a buff of 1 hour is added to your list of buffs and shows up along the list of other buffs at the top-right of the screen. This way you don't have to do the time consuming action of the first way to know the time remaining, you simply look at the top right corner and know how long your booster has left. I can clearly understand that having PFM/AMP or other PvP related buff icons sort of move away or change the way PvP is played, yet I don't see how the time remaining on your experience booster would interfear on PvP at all. It is even unrelated to PvP, it's a PvE part as PvP isn't that rewarding for Experience. It would be great if someone could expand their idea why this consumeable-buff icons would be a "bad" thing to have.