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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. When first installing the auto updater installer, it should automatically install .NET framework 4.0 for you if you don't have it yet.
  2. You should download the auto-updater. If you don't have an existing HB folder, place the auto updater inside the folder where you want your files to be and run it. it'll fully download the game files for you. If you already have a nemesis folder (or another HB folder) you can put it inside there (or first make a COPY if you don't want to lose the original) and then run it (this is faster cuz most files in nemesis are originals being used).
  3. The initial launch was good as it uncovered a number of essential bugs that we never would of found without you guys. With a clear mind I was able to solve the bug that kept occurring last night and caused the saving issue Farjat is talking about. I wasn't able to solve it last night, after 20h awake and serving 8h in the office already and another 10 hours of straight coding and preparing nemesis 3 beta. But now it should be resolved and the beta server is online again! You can keep an eye on the current events if servers go offline or cause troubles and ask it directly to the nemesis staff at http://www.twitch.tv/hbnemesis
  4. Download the auto updater INSTALLER from the nemesis website. Once that has been installed you should be able to run the auto updater and update your files to launch the client. For windows XP I also recommend: - Update to Service Pack 3 - Install .NET Framework 4.0 (should be included in the installer anyway) If still having troubles, feel free to post.
  5. @J-Power: I'm looking into the broadcast channel, we'll go for www.twitch.tv/hbnemesis so for now you can hang around there. I'm not in the channel right now, but I will join in around 12.00 server time. @evocator: the stability phase lasts 1 to 2 weeks, there'll be plenty of moments to interact and assist the staff around the game to get your attendance checkmark ;)
  6. Somewhere between 4 and 8 hours untill the Beta opens. In about 4 hours, maybe 4h30 i'll be commencing the last check-ups to ready up the beta. I expect some web pages and parts of the game to have some initial problems left which either need fixing or need to be disabled for the time-being (e.g. cash-in page of market place, e-mail change page, ...). For the game I think it's a matter of preparing the release beta files, which I'll also start doing around noon server-time. So I estimate the actual beta to go live for the public around 2 PM server time. (this is only an estimate though). But you're free to join in the forums around 12.00 and keep an eye on what's going on. Perhaps we should have some chat room available for everyone to join together and talk while we prepare the beta to go live ;) That way we can keep you guys up-to-date :D Perhaps we should get our live-broadcasting channel up again so we can actively stream the commencing of the beta, and there's also a chat room in there anyway ;)
  7. Just to clear up some confusion amongst some of the people who have tested the auto-updater INSTALLER: It's only the installation we're testing. The auto-updater will run but it'll downgrade itself to nemesis 2 auto updater and download the nemesis 2 files and if you launch the game, it'll attempt to connect to nemesis 2. Which has been closed last sunday... So it's very much normal that you cannot connect to the game. It's only the installation that matters in this test. Later today we'll be moving the secretly-hidden nemesis 3 website to the public location and redirect www.helbreathnemesis.com to the new nemesis 3 website. Shortly after that we will build the nemesis 3 auto updater, update the auto-updater configurations and put all nemesis 3 beta files into place. At that point you can run your nemesis 2 auto updater and it'll update itself to nemesis 3 auto updater and it'll download the latest files. The Nemesis 3 auto updater has some changes: - Support for Windows XP SP2 or earlier has been abandoned (we ONLY support Windows XP SP3 or higher !) - File validation procedure has been slightly reworked and now uses multi-core processing to speed it up. so having a dual, quad or even hexa core with (or without) hyper-threading will speed up the validation precedure as each core will be used for validation. (in the Nemesis 2 version it only used 1 core to process all of them sequantially.)
  8. WhiteFang

    Round Of Applause

    MaryJane, thanks for your support and words of appreciation. We try to stick as close to the original schedule as possible. Yet with the Beta launching in just a few hours away anything can still happen. Buy for now plans seem to go very much as scheduled. Tonight when I arrive home from the office I will dive directly into nemesis 3 and round off the final pages that are required to launch the beta just in time. During the beta you can expect things to go fast and updating comming on a rapid frequency this weekend. I've cleared my entire weekend to dedicate it completely to the beta launch and resolving the initial bugs and crashes that'll show up shortly after launch. Once the beta moves one to next week, I will be adding additional pages and update information on the web and forums to keep everyone up-to-date with what we're doing and where we are going.
  9. WhiteFang

    Problema Con ResoluciĆ³n.

    If you have an NVidia Graphics Card you can force it to run in 640x480 mode, but it can possibly make a *censored*ing annoying noise that'll get you a headache after 5 minutes of playing (this what happens with my card atleast lol). It's also possible to resolve these borders with some other settings in your monitor itself, like aspect ratio and how full-screen is scaled. The latter is rather adjusted in the NVidia control panel. I'm not sure, but I think the ATI control panel doesn't offer this option as it's far more limited. A third solution we'll see later during the beta is the increased screen resolution. Helbreath is getting fairly old and most graphics cards no longer support 640x480. So I've took (already month ago) some measures to counter this (mainly because of the *censored*ing annoying noise on my card) and expanded the resolution of HB to 800x600. Yet the view-area remains 640x480 and we need to make something to "cover up" the area outside 640x480 with some sort of "fog-of-war" to make it more realistic and easier to recognize the 640x480 bounding box of the game-area.
  10. WhiteFang

    Official Time Schedule

    Yes, get a hold of the Nemesis 2 auto-updater and already run it to ensure you have the latest Nemesis 2 game files. If you already got that, wait until beta registrations are opened, shortly after that we will update the auto-updater (yes, the auto updater can update itself :D) and the configuration of the auto updater so you can directly download nemesis 3 game files. We're in the Alpha phase now, and I recompile the client every few minutes to test dialogs and game messages all the time. So we can't actually give you a client that'll get you set for Nemesis 3 Beta as there is no "final" version of the client yet. Also during the Beta we'll be pushing alot of updates, but don't worry, you require the auto-updater to run anyway, and it'll retrieve the latest game files. From time to time a GM or Admin will announce in-game to relog to ensure people get the latest game files from the auto-updater.
  11. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Beta And Release Rewards

    @MGD: These other private servers you play for 6 months cuz then they run out of funds or support from admins/gms... Even if nemesis runs out of funds, we ensure it'll stay online because we'll pay for it ourselves. Nemesis has been here for MORE than a decade, I doubt it'll be gone any time soon.
  12. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Beta And Release Rewards

    We could ofc remove premium again and add rares back in cash shop... it's what you desire ofc... There are numerous other features that you have for free: - Guild System (guilds up to lvl 5 and multiple new ranks) - Automated Summon Events (free to join in the summon event which scales to the amount of participants) - Enforced PvP rules during events (Map Restrictions - no more cheating, all is fair play once the rules are set) - Dragonia map, a fully free accessible map. - Dynamic Portals: portals taking you around the world of helbreath, especially through the harsh lands of Dragonia - Effect Zones: Dragons are harsh and guard their terretory and attempt to kill you from a far far distance with stunning visual map effects. - Advanced Quest System: new types of quests, quest chains, unique event quests, repeatable quests, etc etc... all for free! - Virtual Maps: A single map with the ability to have multiple instances, (in the future) you'd be able to hire an arena all for yourself, available for non-premium players for a small price in Gold/Contri/other currency - Twins! 2 brand new npcs you can fight with their own unique drop pool of items, available all for free in Middleland, Dragonia and Dungeon Lv4. - Hell-Fire, Fury-of-Thor and Sleep, free spells available to anyone who manages to obtain the manual! - (future) The Golden Era expansion: new creatures will await you to be slain! - (future) PvP tournament system (free tournaments available for you to play) - (future) Capture the Flag Event/Mini-game - (future) In-game Auction House - (future) Friend list - (future) Fully worked out soccer event/mini-game - (future) PM System with C.O.D. item sending ability. This list is way longer than what you get for premium. The amount of content available for free on-top of the original helbreath is gigantic, yet people tend to forget what they received for free. Nemesis 3 won't turn into P2P, we'll keep developing numerous features for free like the ones mentioned above.
  13. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Beta And Release Rewards

    Premium Tickets are accessible to anyone. If you play a high amount of time you'll gather up a bunch of items along your path to glory and victory. These items can be sold in the Auction House (which can be used by anyone). Selling items there will top-up your Nemesis Balance, and you can directly spend the earned "money" from there in the Cash Shop, and thus you can purchase premium tickets. In Nemesis 2 we used to fund the server from the money earned by selling the rares in the cash shop. A good income there, but this has proven to be a bad option, even with insane prices we asked for them, it still has proven very bad and was disliked by the majority of the people. We've taken that advice and removed them from the cash shop for Nemesis 3. Instead we added premium tickets and consumable items which'll allow us to fund the server. During Nemesis 2 we've seen a upgrades of the server machine's hardware to a faster processor, more ram, faster connection speed, anti-ddos measures, OS upgrade, database engine upgrade, etc etc... all this kind of protection and upgrades don't come for free.
  14. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Beta And Release Rewards

    Certain features from Nemesis 2 will be limited within Nemesis 3. To gain access to those feature you require "Premium Time". To add premium time to your account you must obtain a premium ticket. There are multiple ways to obtain such ticket, most common and fastest way is by purchasing them in the cash shop. Other ways of obtaining them are through Events (held by the staff) or Quests (often unique quests related to special events in the real world - such as x-mas, halloween, easter, etc etc... - but also from one-time quests on new big content releases). During the Nemesis 3 Beta's first phase we'll mainly test stability, during that phase we'll slowly lock away features for Premium players. Later on in the second phase we'll see the Marketing aspect of the game and funds will be given to ALL accounts to purchase items in the cash shop and the auction house. Including these Premium Tickets which'll come in 3 time periods: 1 day, 1 week or 1 month where the most expensive will be 1 month at the price of 10$. To ensure I don't scare people here, any features from the original helbreath will always be there for free. We won't lock features away that give advantages or disadvantages in the game. To give you an idea of what kind of features will be premium only: - Warehouse Tabs (the 1 to 10 bank tabs you got from nemesis 2) - Repair All (the repair option in blacksmith and shop) - Party members on mini-map (the yellow dots added in late Nemesis 2) - (near future) Guild members on mini-map (the green dots that'll be added in the future and can be disabled in-game) - (near future) Choose recall pad - choose one of the available recall pads and always recall to that pad when using the recall spell. - (future) Premium Quests - (future) Premium Guild Upgrades (e.g. Chat Colors) - (future) Guild Banners - A banner or flag displaying your guild, the banner/flag gives a specific bonus to those who get near it - bonus will stay upon leaving the "bonus radius" - bonuses include exp boost, gold boost, drop boost, gather boost, etc etc...) - (far future) Premium PvP Tournaments (there WILL be free-tournaments also!) - (far future) Guild Emblems - The ability to design and colorize a guild emblem, either by using pre-defined symbols/icons and combining Backgrounds, icons/symbols together and colorizing them. - ... any other kind of awesome feature to have ...
  15. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Beta And Release Rewards

    ALL will be 100% wiped. incluiding accounts. Correct that to ALL except accounts. As you earn rewards with your account, they will stay between Beta and Live/Release. Characters will be deleted (including all items, bank items, web items, etc etc,...)
  16. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Beta And Release Rewards

    Not sure... but black capes could of been obtained in Nemesis 2 already... It's the Gold Trim that makes this dye very special ! Golden capes are always a very beloved item to have, and the Golden Dye even more. Combining both black and gold together and keeping it unique and hard to obtain makes this color very very much beloved by many players, yet only the most dedicated ones will obtain it ;)
  17. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Beta And Release Rewards

    True, nemesis 2 web temporarly shows if someone is online or not. so if Farjat or me are playing you can see it. It's Alpha testing phase to set things right for the opening of the Beta ;) While in Alpha the old neme 2 site will stay on but it'll indicate server is offline, which is true for nemesis 2. Meanwhile nemesis 3 alpha is online, but inaccesible for public.
  18. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Beta And Release Rewards

    True, I live in EU, and mainly am online between 8 PM and midnight during week days, and after 2PM during the weekend... so yeah, those times translate correctly ^_^
  19. WhiteFang

    Make Sp/pr Items Useful

    @Svafnir: it's all or nothing. If you got 500% or higher, you get 100% resistance against para. If it's 499% or lower, you get 0% resistance. @SP affecting speed: Perhaps Magicians cast speed AND warriors weapon swing speed could be affected by Stamina? 75% or less: 90% speed 50% or less: 70% speed 25% or less: 50% speed 15% or less: 25% speed just an idea...
  20. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Beta And Release Rewards

    so ...8pm - 20:00 and 2pm - 14:00 at gmt+2? great i think i can be at every test :P It's server time... and server time is GMT-6
  21. WhiteFang

    Make Sp/pr Items Useful

    A pr set going over 500% gets your 100% paralyze protection. For the SP set, SP doesn't have anything to do with freeze... if SP should do something, it should be earth related, such as reduce earth damage or reduce AB % or something similiar. I'm in favour of making SP more useful with a big preference of doing something decent with Stamina itself, make it more important in battles.
  22. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Beta And Release Rewards

    Most active beta testing will take place after noon (12.00 - 12 PM) server time on week days, or after 6.00 - 6 AM server time on weekends. During the week the active beta testing phases will last between 3 and 5 hours. During the weekend they'll last between 8 and 12 hours.
  23. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Beta And Release Rewards

    Yes indeed... 1 unique dye per account. I only expect the most dedicated players to end up with the dye in the first place. They will have earned it, and after earning it we will never give out this dye color, not even through the cash shop. Same goes for other unique events that occur, such as Halloween Hat, Santa Cape, etc... these items will see their return some day in Nemesis 3, possibly event with a re-vamped quest related to it (depending on my spare time lol :P).
  24. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Beta And Release Rewards

    A single beta phase can only be "attended" once. I'm the head developer and only I know what must be tested. So likely i'll be the only one who gathers people for testing and marks accounts as "attended" for a specific phase... Your 2 or 3 account creation is now drawn invalid ^_^ Even if I distribute orders to other GMs to do some specific testing, we'll find your duplicate accounts. By e-mail... by IP address... by mac address... by handshake... we'll find them and elimitate the duplicates before rewarding items :)
  25. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Beta And Release Rewards

    All exact descriptions of what these boosters do and how you use them will be both in-game and available in the cash-shop. To give you a sneak-peak related to boosters: Boosters are items that help you in your progress towards building up your character. Boosters make you get more Gold, more Experience, etc, etc... Each booster is obtained in a non-active state, that means they can be traded and no time on them is ticking. Once you double-click the booster, you activate it! Once activated time starts ticking. Each booster lasts for 1 hour. Active boosters can also be traded, yet to keep things clear the name of an active boosters states that it's Limited and Activated. On top of that, the item's description will tell you exactly how long the booster will last. To give some details on for example the Experience Booster, it's a booster that gives +50% Experience. So if you would not have a booster, and you kill a mob and get 100 EXP from killing it, you'd get 150 EXP when the booster is active. All you have to do is double-click the booster to activate it and keep it in your bag while playing. As boosters are partially based on the Limited item system, you can also FREEZE the booster time by logging out or putting the booster in your warehouse. Details about the other boosters will be revealed once we open up the Nemesis 3 website with a brand new market place.