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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Lagless & Nemesis Premium

    Nemesis to la2.laglessproxy.com: 33ms Nemesis to da1.laglessproxy.com: 1ms Nemesis to da2.laglessproxy.com: 1ms So yeah, if you have less than 210ms ping to any of these 3 laglessproxies you're better off using lagless as the singaporian proxy would be a detour. If you get less than 210ms ping to these 3 lagless, then you should also get less lagg directly to nemesis (can test by pinging helbreathnemesis.com), if you're below your ping to lagless + lagless to nemesis you should connect directly to nemesis. If you're far above, I recommend lagless in this case as softlayer has no servers near australia.
  2. WhiteFang

    No Damage.

    There is a possibility that there is a map restriction (Forbid PvP) on, this shouldn't be on for towns but maybe another admin played with it. Or an actual bug occured after a summon event that didn't return to the original map restrictions from before the event.
  3. WhiteFang

    [Not A Bug] Mining.

    Weapons skills have been speed-up to get people faster into the PvP'ing. That's a nemesis-only thing. All other skills (more PvM like) are harder to get and use the original formula.
  4. WhiteFang

    [Not A Bug] Mining.

    This has always been like that. Skills scale up massively in above 50%. This has been since HB korea v1.0
  5. WhiteFang

    [Not A Bug] Bug On Mission

    There are more quests for lvl 180. Additional quests for low lvl will be added in beta phase 3.
  6. WhiteFang

    [Not A Bug] Bug On Mission

    The crashing on accepting i'll have to verify, that's a potentional bug. Can you confirm if it only happens to that specific quest, or also occurs with other quests, and maybe also on other chars? Weeding the Garden is a Party Quest. You require to be in a party in order to gain progress. Without party you cannot complete this quest. Globally we currently have 4 type of quests: Normal (= solo), Party, Guild and Town. Depending on the quest type you require a specific setup to play (be in a party, or have a guild, etc...). We anticipate to add a 5th category on a later stage (after release) that would fit in with upcomming content during the Golden Era. This 5th category would be a global category where party, guild or town no longer matters.
  7. The poll was set up after we've locked down the files for the beta phase 1. Since we had a big amount of voters and some good opinions on the different aspects of the buff icons, we will adjust those buff icons in the direction the community desires them. During beta phase 1 we test stability. One of the primary goals is to keep as many game servers crash-free online. So far we've gone with only 1 game server crashing and about 72 hours online time. The most crucial part becomes after 96 to 120~144 hours as in Nemesis 2 it took about 96~120 hours for 2~4 game servers to crash. Once we approach the weekend we'll schedule a reboot. Along with this reboot we will be changing some configurations and some server-side code (such as pit respawn rate, etc...) for more global testing. One of these changes (either this or next week) will contain a change in the buff icons. We will remove the ability to cancel any protection buffs (pfm/amp/pfa/gds and ds) and the ability to see their buff icon on the top-right of the screen. Buff icons for consumables like boosters and the invulnerability buff (and some others like zerk, slates, etc) will stay around for convencience. We do anticipate to change the way both party interface and buff icons are drawn and how clicking on them behaves. Currently clicking them won't allow you to cast spells or "click through" them to walk/run. This behavior will be adjusted so you can click through them. As I mentioned, also the way they're drawn will be changed. We anticipate to bring smaller buff icons so they take up less space than the current ones.
  8. WhiteFang

    Phase 1

    We know which people are actively playing, logs from kills, eks, item pickups etc tell us alot of info too. There are these special occasions when I occur in-game and make an attendance event because I require a big group of testers to help test content. (such as CG in PL one). There will ofc be more of this kind events going on.
  9. WhiteFang

    Lagless & Nemesis Premium

    toneeh, the 5~10ms I mention was rather a way of speaking. The actual pings over the backbone between Nemesis (hosted in Dallas, USA) are as next: Nemesis to Amsterdam: 120ms (steady) Nemesis to Singapore: 210ms (steady) If you wish to see how much delay you have to the potentional proxy: Amsterdam: speedtest.ams01.softlayer.com Singapore: speedtest.sng01.softlayer.com We know from previous tests that Nemesis has a ping of 200~250ms+ to Lagless servers. Nemesis to Singapore Lagless: 270ms Nemesis to Germany Lagless: 200ms I had both an EU and Asia player ping the lagless and potentional nemesis proxies, and I pinged from nemesis to their lagless. The difference in ping was as next: EU player: theoretically 80ms faster with nemesis than lagless (he had 200ms delay to lagless proxy, 120ms to nemesis proxy in amsterdam) Asia player: theoretically 250ms faster with nemesis than lagless (he had 270ms delay to lagless proxy, 70ms to nemesis proxy in singapore) If you like to know your speed and want me to make a comparison, provide me the following information: - IP Address of the Lagless Server - Your ping (in ms) to the Lagless Server - Your ping (in ms) to the chosen proxy (Amsterdam or Singapore)
  10. WhiteFang

    Starting Impressions

    The SP part for running hasn't been changed, the only thing we changed is the requirement for SP to talk in ANY chat, not just global chat. Chatting is fun and good, except when people abuse the chat and spam it like hell or use it to shit talk to eachother and breaking rules cuz they're insulting people. So more SP drain from talking shit is what we anticipated here. The gold drop rate is a current setup for a first feeling on our theoretically estimated rate that would fit in to make gold have a decent value. The fine-tuning of this rate will be done in beta phase 4. Also related to gold: In phase 3 we will be adding a huge number of quests to complete between level 1 and 180. Those quests will aid in Experience, Gold and possibly also other items. Spamming MM for training your skill has been in HB for ages, you're no longer used to it... If you're tired of slow skill, you can speed it up by using a Skill Booster. During the Beta you can ask a GM (nicely ofc!) for getting one such booster to try it out and see the effect of it. I've read before that mobs tend to act and run like usain bolt, but that should be a great minority of the mobs which use the "rampager" AI... Can you tell me if it occurs in all mobs, or just in a couple of them? And can you also test this on multiple mobs from a same pit? Sound muting I'll have to look into, it's never been changed.
  11. WhiteFang

    [Not A Bug] Mobs+Pits

    There should be 2 IG pits. Both locations are shown in the portal map info: http://helbreathnemesis.com/portal/index.php?action=map&id=30 If the 2nd one (left-top) isn't there, it's a config issue and you should report that. The mobs on crack, some of them indeed had some of that shit, i mean crack... it isn't impossible to weed them though... Since late Nemesis 2 we have 2 additional mob types that classify the same way as the "runner" and "1-hit runner" mobs. The first one is the "close combat magic", this mob (if it has magic spells) attempts to use them prior to using physical damage against you. This behavior is permanent for Twin-Mage but can also occur in any other type of mob. Usually mobs tend to use physical if they're close to you, and magic (if they got spells) when far from you. This behavior is also seen in TWs, when you're far they smack some magics, but once you get close, they'll smack you on the head with their fat arm-stump-hands. It's possible that they become "close combat magic" and always use magic on your *censored*. Ofc amp/pfm will protect you, but if the mob is class 3 intelligence, it'll switch to physical to beat your *censored*. The second one is the what you like to call "mob on crack" one, that behavior I like to call "rampage" mobs. They act twice as fast as usually, both in attacking you and running after you, but also running away from you (which occurs if the mob is below 20% HP). Both of this close combat magic and rampager types can occur combined with runner and 1-hit runners. So fighting such mobs can indeed become tricky.
  12. WhiteFang

    Phase 1

    Phase 1 has indeed some longer period as it's the stability phase where we try to find bugs etc. Likely we will commence phase 2 (marketing) and phase 3 (questing) throughout phase 1, where as we will perform tests (like the one with CG in PL) and ask people to do specific tasks. Each task is logged and attendances are written down if it was announced. It's very likely we'll add marking items and quests to the game and ask to test them specifically with an admin attending the test. All participants will then be marked as attending for that phase (2 or 3).
  13. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Booster Bug?

    The bug is new, as only boosters create new items. Other pots you chug and they're gone. But cuz booster makes new pot, it bugs when full bag. You got 50/50, eat booster and got no space to accept activated booster. In theory you would have space cuz the item you chug will be gone. So to fix, i first delete the item you're chugging before actually adding the new item to your bag. This way it can't occur anymore.
  14. WhiteFang


    Your DC's are rather related to other issues like the running I talked about. I need to investigate this some more to know for sure and know what the solution for the issue is.
  15. WhiteFang

    [Not A Bug] Was In Shop Buying Pots

    can you screenshot or memorize the exact message shown and post it here please for further investigation? Also like to know whenever it occurs again, when it actually happend (aprox server time, map name, char name and what you were doing or trying to do)
  16. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Booster Bug?

    There is indeed a bug related to boosters, when you chug one with a full bag, it bugs out in your bag and you don't get the boosters activated. To resolve it: relog, clear 1 inventory space and use booster again. This bug will be fixed upon next full server reboot (no ETA for this yet) * I deny the existance of this bug as I've discovered it myself before it was posted.
  17. WhiteFang

    Gm Inutiles

    Yeah, shit happens if you act like a dick to a GM... It is a BETA, but we still have RULES in there. One of the rules is to respect the nemesis staff. Asking like a dickhead for items, demanding them from GMs is a bad way to get started off from your side. Knowing that most GMs can't even make items, only Administrators can do so. And I'd recommend shutting your pie-hole and go to class for some lessons of proper english and asking something in a decent, non-demanding way. You're not king of nemesis. Anyway, your 15 minutes are diserved, and while you're at it, read through our rules ( http://nemesis3.helb...s.com/rules.php ) once again because posting shit in here is also against the rules... you're lucky i'm not banning you to 2030 already. ** Disclaimer: I only act like a dick against people who do the exact same to me. If you're acting nice and neat to me, i'll settle down and have a conversation with you. Clearly this guy above doesn't know how to act properly.
  18. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Party Bug

    Thank you for reporting this bug AmonAmarth. I've taken notice and was able to reprocude and resolve the bug. Hereby I officially confirm the bugs existance which makes you eligible to choose one of the boosters as an additional reward upon release. * Please note that currently we are in phase 1, you can choose only from Drop Booster. If you want any other booster, please make sure you attend the correct phase in order to be eligible for that booster as a reward.
  19. WhiteFang

    Rules For Reconnect

    This. Besides, we have the ability to track down people who pull and who got REAL disconnect. Our logs tell us everything.
  20. WhiteFang


    @Umad: Closest proxy we can setup in EU is Amsterdam. From there we can again use the internal network to speed up connection. @Evocator: It won't be 0 lagg, because there will be some ms to the singapore server and some ms to the game server (over internal network), so i guess it'll be around 100ms total... which'll be better than the 24083108210483ms you got now lol
  21. WhiteFang


    these "random" bumps occur when you run out of SP. Because you're on auto-run you keep on running forever, but once you get to 0 SP you can't run anymore and bump back. This is because your SP value is mismatching the server. I'll take a look into it if I can smoothen it out.
  22. WhiteFang


    You can use a proxy (such as Lagless) to play... We're considering setting up a proxy server in singapore ourserlves and use the internal network to offer better speed...
  23. WhiteFang

    [Not A Bug] Problem With Clicking

    @nemesis website -> Game Info -> Maps -> Search your map ... or here is for example ML: http://nemesis3.helbreathnemesis.com/portal/index.php?action=map&id=12
  24. WhiteFang

    [Not A Bug] Problem With Clicking

    You can see all pits on the nemesis website, study a little bit and learn them by heart so you know where to go next time. Changing stats can be done faster, hold CTRL to put +10 stats atonce.
  25. @evocator: you should check your mail to activate your account. If no mail is there, check spam folder. if still not there, do a lost password on the website to receive a new mail. Yes, the interface still shows Dragonia, we didn't update that yet.