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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Crusades

    I mentioned it above, the reason its been done like this is to draw the fight to ML because people stayed in the towns camping shops and recall pads and not fighting eachother in ML. They're ABUSING the crusade as you don't drop items upon death.
  2. WhiteFang

    Lagless & Nemesis Premium

    We're aware that a decent group of players are using "LagLess" (a proxy server to connect to Nemesis). We also know people pay for such services and have been considering setting this kind of service up ourselves. I hear you thinking right there, "why would the nemesis one be better than lagless itself?" It's not sure that it'll be better, but it should be in theory. "but why?" LagLess has serveral servers randomized around the world, you connect to one that's close to you, and this powerful server will then connect to nemesis. You'll have a fairly low ping to the lagless server, but we do not know how much ping the lagless has to nemesis itself. Nemesis server (the physical machine) is provided by a huge company that has serveral data centers over the world (alot is US, but also Singapore and Amsterdam). For Nemesis proxies we would hire a server in Singapore and Amsterdam. Most people who're using LagLess right now are close to Singapore or Amsterdam anyway. As those servers (nemesis game server and the 2 proxy servers) are part of a huge network, they can internally communicate over a backbone, which only has a couple ms of delay. So with the nemesis proxies you'd connect to 1 of the 2 nemesis proxies, which you'll have fairly low ping. And then nemesis proxies connect internally over this backbone to the main nemesis server. As we said before, we don't know how much ping this "random" LagLess server has to Nemesis Main Server, but they're not using an internal backbone to connect to nemesis. So nemesis proxies would be alot faster as an internal backbone has only delays of 5~10ms, rather than perhaps a couple 100~300ms that the lagless server could have to nemesis. As we're strongly considering the scenario from above, we would like to know your opinion if you're considering to purchase nemesis premium in the first place, and if you're using lagless, we'd like to know if you'd consider nemesis premium if nemesis would offer a similiar service as lagless to play nemesis. If there are sufficient votes to have nemesis proxies, and there are sufficient nemesis premium purchases from those people who voted to have it, then we will actually setup these proxies and allow all premium users to use them. (Non-Premium users would not be allowed to use them unless the amount of nemesis premium purchases skyrocket over 150 a month). To compare prices: - 3 months Lagless: 11.5$ (= 3,8$ for 1 month) - 3 months Nemesis Premium: 30$ (= 10$ for 1 month)
  3. WhiteFang

    Windows Mode Client

    The client needs some adjustments to get this done, it's not planned to be something comming up in the beta.
  4. WhiteFang

    Experince/lv Roll Back

    This is a beta, we don't compensate here... level again or get a hold of a GM for XP pots.
  5. WhiteFang

    White Dont Work This Weekend...

    Well... it's only about 10km from my door loooool :P Tickets are expensive, and I ain't there :( but you can watch LIVE! http://www.youtube.com/user/TomorrowlandChannel
  6. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Few Minor Bugs

    We were about to make the Garden party quest. 4 of us, with no party made whatsoever between anyone. We arrive to garden entrance and start making party. One goes peace, we ask, I join, 2nd one joins, 3rd has this problem. Of course party was not full, we were only 4, with no previous made parties. That's the most specific I can be. Was very weird indeed. Maybe something screws up on the requesting? because normally when a second person requests to join while the first isn't accepted yet (or denied), it should not override the dialog on the receiver of the request. It should tell the requester someone else is already requesting... or something like that... maybe could try to re-create the situation?
  7. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Crusades

    You're an elvine killing an aresden in aresden during crusade. killing an enemy in the enemy town during crusade give 0 EKs because we discourage raiding enemy town (and often camping recall pads, shop or other areas). With that setting we intend to focus battles around Middleland with only a small group of raiders taking down shields in enemy towns and the enemy defending the shields. That explains why you don't get an EK. The other issue with hovering the mouse over the structures, this is a bug I am confirming and will be resolved on next client update.
  8. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Few Minor Bugs

    Thank you for reporting/addressing these issues. 1. Confirmed the existance of this bug, before invulnerability buff was added poison was cured when switching game servers. And old piece of code causes this to happen client-side only. The intention is that the poison lasts over game servers, so the client side part will be resolved to stop removing the poison. 2. This was just a map restriction left over from some fun in D2. I got thatone fixed now 3. Would be great of you could narrow it down and pinpoint the issue. Parties that bug-out should resolve themselves once there is no more members in the party... Perhaps your friend was in party already and you tried to join, or visa versa... need more details in order to pinpoint a possible bug. 4. Confirmed the existance of this bug. The messages are indeed missing since the party interface was introduced. They'll be added again on the next global server reboot.
  9. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Guilds Warehouse

    I've checked the code, and officially confirm the existance of the bug. It'll be resolved on the next global server reboot. Reylu, can you pass me your account name please?
  10. WhiteFang

    [Not A Bug] Bug Repair All In Blacksmith

    Repair all did not repair items in bag in nemesis 2. It will repair items in bag in nemesis 3 once it becomes a premium feature.
  11. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Bug With Skill Booster+Invul?

    Perhaps you were logged out on a spawn point of a mining rock?
  12. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Login Error

    The DC is mainly caused by running. For some odd reason half of the packets are lost, and that causes the server to think you're running too fast, and running too fast is punished with a DC.
  13. WhiteFang

    Shortcut Keys The F's

    We will not add more hotkeys for item switching/spell casting as this changes the way PvP works in the same way that buff icons change the way PvP works. Choosing the correct items as hotkeys is part of "PvP Skills" just the same way as timing your own PFM/AMP is part of "PvP Skills".
  14. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Guilds Warehouse

    I've indeed notices also that there seems to be a problem with bank pages for the guild warehouse. I will have to investigate the matter to determine if it's an actual bug and eventually confirm its existance.
  15. WhiteFang

    5V5 Guild Battles

    We have plans in that direction yet, but on a much bigger scale. It's the system I like to call "PvP Tournament System". One of the possible options or utilizations of the system would indeed be 5v5 guild matches, which can be held every day and be tied to a ranking system (Glicko 2 based). Many things will be possible in this system, yet it's something still ahead of us as we're now focussing on stability before making new massive features like thisone.
  16. WhiteFang

    Lagless & Nemesis Premium

    True, but if 30$ feeds you for a month, you can't afford a computer and internet connection either. 30$ is indeed a big price diff vs lagless, yet lagless doesn't give you any premium features to use, while with the premium ticket you get those premium features and on top of that (if sufficient subscribers and sufficient interest in the nemesis proxies) you get a faster proxy than lagless. Mainly this idea is targetted to those people who use lagless anyway, and would go premium in nemesis... It would be a double pay of 30$ for premium and 11,5$ for lagless... would be a 43,5$ for 3 months of playing, while we offer a faster proxy and premium for only 30$. That way you could drop your lagless subscription and use the nemesis proxy ;) @Moha: The nemesis proxy isn't a VPN.
  17. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Login Error

    Alka is correct. Not logging an account within 5 minutes of opening the client causes this handshake error. Not relogging (when logging out and in again) an account within 2 minutes also causes this handshake error. The only good way to fix it, is just run auto updater again and connect to the game to play. I am still investigating the sudden DC's, it's yet very strange that half of the packets is getting lost, even when doing a normal ping in windows.
  18. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Crusades

    Can you give me the time stamp of the EKs? (you can easly find that in the Recent EK page on the web) With "scrolling over" you mean moving your move over the energy shield causes a crash?
  19. WhiteFang


    It's an encrypted exe that AVG can't scan, it's safe, you can just allow it in your AVG. If you want I can supply an anti-virus scan report to prove it's a safe exe.
  20. WhiteFang

    What City Are You Joining?

    I will pick GM town in this era... nah, i'll probably stick to elvine like I always did, blue is more in favour of me :) Not joining the Beta... you don't know what you're missing... a Black with Gold Trimmed Dye to use on any dyeable item :o besides the dye (worth 200$+) you're also missing over 50$ worth of boosters and premium tickets :o
  21. WhiteFang

    [Not A Bug] Mining.

    If you're in-game, try to get a hold of me, i'll pass you some Gathering Boosters which'll increase your success rate on mining and other various "gathering" skills.
  22. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Login Error

    the login error will keep occuring, simply because your char is being saved at the moment you're trying to login again. The saving operation and loading operation should not occur at the same moment, because then you might load old data from DB before your newer one was saved. I am investigating why some people keep disconnecting more frequently, it seems to be that some people keep losing packets while being connected to nemesis, which causes people to run too fast or too slow.
  23. WhiteFang

    No Damage.

    maybe you run 2 events on the same map, and the second event finished after the first finished? Ohhhh! yup, i ran 2, but don't remember if they were like really close together at timestamp, did 2 events and when one finished i started the second one in like 2 mins Each summon event remembers the map restrictions from before it starts. So the first one remembers pvp is on, then second starts while first is still on, thatone will remember pvp is off (because the first one put it off). Once the first finishes, it'll put pvp on again (restore restriction), but once the second finishes, it'll turn it off again (also restore)... that's how it can possibly occur. On-topic: i've fixed restriction in aresden.
  24. WhiteFang

    No Damage.

    maybe you run 2 events on the same map, and the second event finished after the first finished?
  25. WhiteFang

    Lagless & Nemesis Premium

    so add +33 from la2 to nemesis, makes 213ms, you win 37ms of ping... if that's worth your money to use lagless, you should go ahead :) Nemesis can't offer you any faster using the proxies.