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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. How do you suggest on doing this?
  2. WhiteFang

    Game Update 29/07/2013

    We've been fixing bugs and updated the game as next: - Fixed: Level-Up now appears on top of the Party Interface - Fixed: Repair-All no longer repair unrepairable item categories (like zems) - Fixed: Elvine Death toll didn't show up on-screen during heldenian. - Fixed: Korean Message when taking an Angel below lvl 180. - Fixed: Bug related to party movement info. - Updated: Activation items now require level 141 or higher to be equiped. (Changed as requested by the community - Majority of votes are to forbid rares OR activations in PL where the majority has chosen only to forbid Activations and allow rares)
  3. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Beta And Release Rewards

    If you can't wait for the grand opening... then join in the beta! more beta testers = find bugs faster = finish beta sooner! Already have and was enjoying exploring the new features. However, I really do not want to put the time in if its going to be erased... That's the exact reason why we're handing out rewards to people who do put effort into testing things and finding bugs.
  4. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Beta And Release Rewards

    If you can't wait for the grand opening... then join in the beta! more beta testers = find bugs faster = finish beta sooner!
  5. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Day/night Cycle Is Screwed Up

    It still cycles between day and night... It's likely the Dragons that are causing the shift of day and night time to be fully switched.
  6. WhiteFang

    Playing Nem 3 On Windows 8

    Did you try installing the Geforce Preview Driver for Windows 8.1? 64-Bit: http://www.geforce.c...s/results/64408 32-Bit: http://www.geforce.c...s/results/64407 Also, try changing the properties of helgame.exe and set compatibility to Windows 7 or Windows XP SP3. Try any of both to see if alt+tab fixes the issue? You can also try using windows + tab instead of alt + tab... does it still crashing using windows + tab?
  7. WhiteFang

    Playing Nem 3 On Windows 8

    You should not buy crap windows xD... You could install a virtual machine with windows XP to play helbreath... or downgrade to windows 7 or lower... It's directX causing the issue, if there is a way to force direct X to use a lower version for a single application or completely disable it, then there could be a chance that you get more than 30 FPS. maybe try this: http://help.aol.com/help/microsites/microsite.do?cmd=displayKC&docType=kc&externalId=15392
  8. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Guilds Warehouse

    ok thx! btw, this bug should be resolved now. Feel free to test again and use the guild wh to its full potentional.
  9. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Dupe Items Bug

    @lugiore: your reply on the ticket explains much better, and was earlier... i'll look into the bug later on today. @Alka: Lugiore's ticket explaining the exact same thing was earlier than your post... if it's a true bug, he gets the credit. First report, first reward! sshhh, Divine is in the server, maybe he abuse the bug to get his Medusa Sword back again! omfg! - oh wait, I fixed that and removed dusa from tickets looool
  10. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Dupe Items Bug

    No you didn't, you told me there is a bug when "buying an item and not having enough gold while bag is full" ... that isn't the same as there is a bug when "buying an item and your weight is overloaded". Anyway, I'll have to investigate this bug and see what's wrong. I think you do pay for the item though... would be strange if you don't pay for it.
  11. WhiteFang

    Bombs & Caltrops.

    Sounds like some sort of fun "mini-game" within helbreath where you can score points by making the bomb explode ...
  12. WhiteFang

    The New Invulnerable Shield And Pullers.

    The system should anticipate on pullers, when a player has taken damage within 10 seconds before logging out, disconnecting or changing map, he should NOT get the invulnerability buff. If it has been 11 seconds or longer, he WILL get the buff. So in this case it depends again on yourself, if you keep hitting the guy in the box, and he pulls, and you keep your box untill he relogs, you can still murder him as he won't have the invulnerability buff (as a punishment for his actions) and he'll die eventually... Besides the ability for this, it is logged in which way a player disconnects, by pull or by lagg. We can distinguish both of these types of disconnecting. To directly answer your question: yes we have anti-pulling in some sort of way, both detection and built-in punishment
  13. WhiteFang

    Raiding And Ek'ing

    I'd like to see the communities opinion on raiding. We have some ideas to tweak raiding and EKing a little bit, but we'd like to hear your voice and like to know what you think about the idea. Our main idea is to separate PL from the normal raiding. Both in Hero sets and in weapon & armor availability. According to us the removal of rares and activation items will benefit the raiding in PL, making PL-raiders more viable and more fun to play as no rares or activation items would be involved in the EK'ing. This would strongly encourage the usage of statted items and even manufactured items (think about manu'ed knight armors etc). Secondly we also think an EK in PL isn't as hard as an EK on lvl 180. You're just level 140 and beating up the low levels who have slim to no gear or spells at all to defend themselves. This is why we think that an EK in PL isn't as valueable as an EK at 180. So we have the idea to introduce a special hero set for PL raiders, which would be half stats and abilities of the normal hero set. You'd raid PL and get a PL raider set very easy as you're whacking the "noobs" into the ground. To connect PL again to higher level when you've spent your career as a raider owning the shit out of people in PL, we think that with some additional EKs (real EKs) the PL hero set should be upgradable to a normal hero set. This could be done piece by piece. For this idea a specific ratio of PL-EK to normal EK should be determined, I think a good ratio would be 75%. Where if a piece of normal hero would cost 100 EK, but you got the PL version, you'd pay 75% (= 75 EKs in this example) to upgrade your hero set to the better version. I strongly believe this would encourage raiding in PL, keeping people in PL because they love the 140 max lvl, yet allowing those who wish to grow to 180 to take their well earned PL eks and hero pieces outside of PL and get them upgraded to a stronger version to fight their opponents in the high level maps (ML, IB, Apocalypse, ToH, Dungeon, ...). As a third part of raiding we have the idea that the hero set isn't worth that much effort if people keep going to the same scorpion pit and camp there 24/7 to obtain their set solidly by sitting there waiting for new players to pop up for training and slaughter them right there in the middle of the pit. We think that killing those new people in their training places is part of the game, and makes it an easy-ek, but sitting there an entire day and getting 100ths of EKs from the new people passing by isn't actually putting any effort into getting your set. You didn't really "work" for it, you've just sit there wasting time and killing them while avoiding to face your opponents of your own level in the open field of Middleland, Icebound or the Dungeons. Therefore we think a Deminishing Return (DR) system would be suiteable to put into place. This DR system would function in such way that when you kill an opponent the area (20x20) you killed him in gets marked as "hot", meaning you made an EK there very recently. For every other player you kill in the same area its gets hotter and hotter and hotter. Once it gets 5 kills hot, it becomes overheated and your 6th (and all subsequent kills) won't earn you an EK. This will force the player to search for a "cool" area (change pits, change maps, etc...) and wait untill his favorite place is cooled down again. For every kill made the are gets hotter and would require a specific amount of time (to be determined) to cooldown, for example it could take 24 hours for it to drop 1 "hot" mark, so it would take a full 5 days for the place to become cooled down again and allowing you to get 5 fresh EKs in that area. This DR system would encourage people spreading to multiple pits and seek other areas to fight eachother. This would also give the new players the time and effort to train in the pit, knowing that if they get killed a couple times that the raider will leave at some point if the area gets too hot for him (aka doesn't earn him any more EKs) As with all other topics, polls and suggestion: your vote is important, but your opinion that clearifies and justifies your vote is valued even more.
  14. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Beta Phase 2

    As mentioned before, we will be holding multiple beta phases atonce. You can earn attendance for any phase that's currently active. Beta Phase 2 will commence now. Each account has been given 10k funds on their account balance. To attend beta phase 2 you must perform actions throughout the market place (use cash shop and/or auction house).
  15. Making SB drop every 100 frost you kill will bring 100ths of SB in a matter of days to the game... you got rewarded for your effort hunting frost, but your SB is worth 5 gold on the market because there is more supply than demand. I'm giving an extreme example here, but that's the only way to show my point. Increasing drop rate to the point where you get a drop from every kill will make the server die before it even opened up. To make a server stay for years on ends like Nemesis has been doing for over 10 years now, you can't make droprate insanely high. It's solidly because there are other servers who actually do that, and they last maybe 1~6 months before closing because there is no people playing because everyone got a merien shield with xelima rapier and a sb to use along with their GBH and prolly got a deva and dusa sword in their bank sitting to rot away... all with HP 91% sets and MP 91% sets for their mages with Z-wand and K-Wand to switch when needed. People are too spoiled with drops due to these high rate servers, and they expect the same on low rate servers.
  16. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Upgrading (Xstones)

    It was a lucky upgrade then, I'm sure of that.
  17. WhiteFang

    Suggestions Regarding Marketplace Items

    1. They're removed because we don't want people to skip to level 180 right away. Many maps, areas, pits etc need to be tested and packed with people. Skipping right to lvl 180 using xp pots will remove the ability to test low lvl areas. 2. the upgrading chances didn't change at all since nemesis 2... not lower, not highered... nemesis has safe +1, we're aware that other have safe +3, but we don't want SB+3 or tower shield+3, that's ridiculous to have. 3. I'm looking into adding the option to transfer multiple items atonce from web wh to a single character.
  18. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Beta Phase 2

    If you meant the item icons in cash shop, yeah some of them are indeed missing. I'm working on getting them in asap.
  19. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Upgrading (Xstones)

    The rates did not change since nemesis 2... neither did safe upgrade, it's always been +1 safe, after that chance to lose the item.
  20. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Beta Phase 2

    @evocator: 1. It's not a picture in front of the item, it's the color showing up. 2. Maybe a good idea to transfer multiple to a single char. I should look into this 3. When you logout from game there is a 2-minute time spawn you have to relog. otherwise the game will draw your handshake invalid. long-logouts can be abused to tamper with pak files. to avoid this, a very short time window is given to relog. We have plans to make the market available in-game, but this won't be comming in the beta. 4. it's already there, if you go to the page and don't choose any options and just click search, it'll show the 50 most recent items. @evocator & Agustin: 5. You can't find your own auctions in the search panel, as it would be retarded to bid on your own auctions (or even do a buyout on them). You can follow-up your own auctions in the "my auctions" page.
  21. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Elvine Maps Down?

    Server is up and running again.
  22. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Beta Phase 2

    Initially all accounts are marked as "online". You must fully log in to the game with a character, then logout again in order to access the market.
  23. WhiteFang

    [Not A Bug] Mobs+Pits

    yes... look it up at: http://helbreathnemesis.com/commands.php
  24. WhiteFang

    Game Update 27/07/2013

    Today I've updates and fixed a couple of bugs. Feel free to verify if they're fixed. We've also made a couple of changes. Here is a list of fixed & changes: - Fixed Poison Bug - Fixed Guild WH bug - Fixed Safe-Mode mana cost - Fixed MS20 mana cost rounding - Fixed Party member mini map dots - Fixed missing joined & withdrew messages for party - Fixed long npc name client crashing - Fixed global chat for GMs (they can now read both town & global chats regardless of their own town or the game server they're on) - Increased noob dungeon crayfish & ogre pit - Adjusted respawn rate of mobs in all game servers, pits can hold more people now killing mobs. - Removed protection buff icons (pfm/amp/pfa/gds/ds) - Changed boosters so only 1 booster of the SAME TYPE can be active atonce (e.g. only 1 XP booster active. You can still activate 1 XP and 1 drop at same time) - Repair All has been extended to the entire bag, all items in your bag will repair now - Guild System Rework: Guilds now load based on guild ID instead of Guild Name (which caused some issues) - this is also to allow future guild name changing ;) Global Attendance Event to test multiple of these fixes will start around 8 AM Server Time !
  25. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] F2 F3 Reset

    It can happen when helbreath is not allowed to access your registery. Your settings are saved in the registery. You should right click helgame.exe and see if there is an "unblock" button and perhaps mark is to run as administrator... give it a try and let me know the results.