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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    [Nog A Bug] Non-Exsisting Account

    There is only one account for that e-mail address.
  2. WhiteFang

    Playing Nem 3 On Windows 8

    Did you try the new updater to see if the alt-tab gets fixed?
  3. WhiteFang

    Not Sure That I Like "corrupted".

    Anything is possible. The new quest system is so dynamically developed that there is room to expand it in any direction. Currently it is already possible for us to make quests that reward fully working items of any type, including corrupted, bound or even manufactured or statted items. I've anticipated for this during development of the new quest system. The checking for which item is being used to kill is also something that can be easily expanded, as we have certain quest conditions, we can simply add a new condition to require a specific item or item type while doing the quest. I'll keep the idea in mind.
  4. WhiteFang

    Not Sure That I Like "corrupted".

    Ssshhh stop steal my ideas! This is one of the reasons why we overhauled the quest system in the first place back in neme2, we wanted to diliver alternative quests than kill X mobs. Gathering body parts or other items as part of a quest is a good alternative, you'll need to kill more mobs to finish the quest, but the amount of mobs is unknown (due to RNG). It is also a good alternative for alchemy for example, where we could request people to collect multiple alchemy items and reward them with an alchemy item, e.g. collect ingredients for invi pot and complete the quest will give you an invi pot as reward. Ofc not to under-cut the alchemists here, we'd ask more ingredients to stimulate the training of alchemy. But essentially you can indeed expect this kind of collect quest showing up during beta phase 3.
  5. WhiteFang

    Not Sure That I Like "corrupted".

    Either way moha. As this is the beta I have the opportunity to randomly and especially drastically change things from A to B or visa versa. The reason I do it during the beta is simply because there is no harm that can be done. As there are a hand full of valueable players and two dozen of modest players, I value both their opinions and I like to see the feedback on this drastic change comming. The way feedback is structured recently it's going to the good way, it's not longer saying "I hate it", feedback is getting more and more to reasoning why it's bad and eventually what kind of change you DO want to see happening. To answer your questions directly, Farjat and I have taken notice of the feedback on the corrupted drops and have already decided it was a step into a path that would lead to the destruction of the server. So we'll be taking back a step and reversing the corrupted drops and instead increasing the primary drop rate a little bit. On top of that, we've also taken notice of the cry for more body parts, and their drop rate will also be adjusted along with the primary drop rate change in the upcomming update. The finalization of those drop rates will follow in beta phase 4 with more intense testing on the drops of specific mobs. It was also a suggestion in the past (neme2) to change the appearance of corrupted, limited and fragile items. One of the suggestions just recently was to change their coloring to be brighter or darker to be able to distinguish them from normal items. Yet we got 3 types of decaying items (corrupted, limited & fragile), but the amount of colors we got is limited, so I'll have to dive into coloring to see what I can do there. Maybe it shouldn't recolor the existing colors, but rather make 3 different overlay colors to be put on top of the current items when they got the chaacteristic of corrupted, limited or fragile. Kinda same way as the "golden" look from berserk overlays your character. Could be a green-ish look for corrupted, a gray-ish look for fragile and a redish-look for limited.
  6. WhiteFang

    The New Invulnerable Shield And Pullers.

    It's same setting for every map as Farjat mentioned. There is already a difference between "town to ML" aka Game Server Changing and "town to shop" aka Map Changing. A Game Server change gets 15 seconds as changing server is slower and takes more time as sockets are switched to a different ip and port. While map changing takes place in the same game server you get only 7 seconds of invulnerability. In reality you'll have a few seconds on each, as game server change is slower, you already lose a couple of seconds from doing so and you get about 7 seconds from changing game server in reality. I'm not sure if certain points or areas need less time on the invulnerability buff, I can't see a good reason why. @Moha: to answer your question on the box, the player switching from EF to town will get the safe buff if he was NOT hit within 10 seconds before teleporting, he'll possibly end up in a box at the town side, but can recall right away to safe himself. Unless he's the enemy, then recall cannot be done in the enemy's town, so he'll be screwed if it's a full box. Actually he has 2 choices, take on a shield and hope to survive, or try to bash himself out the second his invulnerability is over (or when he manually cancels it by surprise of the enemy).
  7. WhiteFang

    Auto Updater Updated 30/07/2013

    I think the FPS is basically fixed by disabling hardware acelleration. The affinity (now set automatically by the auto updater) can possibly fix the alt-tab problem cor3a reported earlier on windows 8. I'm not sure if it fixed any of these two or not as I don't have a windows 8 at all.
  8. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Login Error

    The login error should occur far less (the one which tells you char is being saved). Also since 30/07 I changed auto updater to put affinity to 1 core only for helgame.exe, so try playing nemesis and check if you still lagg as much as you did before and update the topic here with your findings.
  9. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Day/night Cycle Is Screwed Up

    You're actually right, I verified again the day/night schedule vs an older source and it's indeed 20 minutes of darkness after XX:40, and 40 minutes of daylight. I'll add you to the list of bug finders.
  10. WhiteFang

    [Not A Bug] Bug Repair All In Blacksmith

    This has now been changed in nemesis 3 since last update.
  11. WhiteFang

    [Not A Bug] Bug In Auction House

    yes, that is normal. The my auctions show how much you've bid on the item. The search page already adds the minimum bid increment (which is 5%) already, so you directly see the minimum bid amount if you wish to bid for the item. So your bid of 3000$ is winning, if someone (could be you or anyone else) searches for that item, 5% is added so you know directly how much you need to pay, which is 3150$ in this case.
  12. The dialog is unfinished. I'm still working on implementing it.
  13. WhiteFang

    [Not A Bug] Bug In Auction House

    Can you provide a screenshot please?
  14. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Account Logged In

    I've checked the issue and resolved it.
  15. WhiteFang

    Not Sure That I Like "corrupted".

    It's now how corrupted works in nemesis. In nemesis the Abaddon has been giving items to his minions for decades. Since the rise of the dragons one Era ago items started to decay and became corrupted. They got corrupted to their core that they will vanish to dust after a certain date has passed. TL;DR: Corrupted items in nemesis are items that get deleted automatically at date X and time Y.
  16. WhiteFang

    Aution House Rares Added !

    added ;)
  17. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Normal Warehouse

    Indeed you're correct. There is a bug in this. I've added you to the bug finder list.
  18. WhiteFang

    Pits Per Level

    Now that we are a week into beta and already advanced to phase 2, the third phase lurks just behind the corner. With the third phase being Questing, I'd like to start gathering accurate information about pits and levels. I'd like to know which pits you've played and for how long (read: how many levels) you've stayed around. I'm mostly interested in level ranges as next: Level 60~80 Level 80~100 Level 100~120 Level 120~140 Level 140~160 Level 160~180 Which pits in which maps did you level up in, and which pits did you actually avoid and why did you avoid them (e.g. avoided trolls on lvl 60~80 because they're too strong)
  19. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Dupe Items Bug

    There is indeed a bug regarding load. Lugiore posted it earlier in a ticket, so crits to him.
  20. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Bug With Auction House

    Should be fixed now.
  21. WhiteFang

    Not Sure That I Like "corrupted".

    I like the feedback, keep it comming. Also I'd like some additional feedback about this: What if we introduce an item to extend the duration of the corruption. So if you get a 2 week item, and use this item on the drop you got, you can for example extend it for 1 week so it lasts 3 weeks. Use another of this extension item and it'll last 4 weeks... How would you feel about this?
  22. How do you suggest on doing this? Is it possible for corrupted drops to look all black? Or all green... How to determine if it's an ancient or sharp corrupted?
  23. WhiteFang

    Playing Nem 3 On Windows 8

    to check 32/64 bit, click start, right click "my computer", click properties. There you get info on operating system and near the center of the overview you'll see a line saying "32-bit operating system" or "64-bit operating system" Usually you can also know when opening C:\ disk, if you got "Program Files (x86)" in there, then yo ugot 64-bit, otherwise you got 32.
  24. WhiteFang

    The New Invulnerable Shield And Pullers.

    It does, because of the way the buff is applied. When you are about to switch map (aka standing on the coordinate) or the final count for logout is notified to server, the server can still interact very quickly, and at the point (where is also de-initializes the character and removes targets, releases skills, abandons summons etc...) it applies the invulnerability buff if you meet the conditions to get one (aka not being hit in the past 10 seconds). So once you login, even if its boxes, you'll be invulnerable to start off with. So you're saved and can still recall if you desire, or run away... or do something else (like die to the enemy of stupidity xD)
  25. WhiteFang

    Character Slot 2?

    go to web wh -> put item in web wh -> click the "2" button after the item in the web wh -> item is now in char slot 2.